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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 68bacb208354529⋯.jpg (427.62 KB, 1282x1896, 641:948, Trump_Russia_1.jpg)

50bea6  No.248550

Huh. All the ecelebs turning out to be pro-Russian Bolshevik Jews kinda makes sense now..

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50bea6  No.248671

kike mod doesnt bump this thread xD

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500e6f  No.248676

Only page 25 gets bumped. Not knowing this is proof you're a newfag who needs to lurk 2 years before posting.>>248671

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50bea6  No.248677

File: 2511f8c91be0eed⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 490x591, 490:591, mein_sides.jpg)


>before posting.>>248671

delete your post and try again telling me im a newfag. dumb kike mod.

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50bea6  No.248734

anti-slide bump

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50bea6  No.248792

File: a6c072c16836ae5⋯.jpg (140.52 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, bump_2.jpg)

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50bea6  No.248797

File: ac2f76a9ff4dcbb⋯.jpg (87.82 KB, 1186x650, 593:325, _red_ice_nazbol_shills.JPG)

Every single Alt-Right eceleb turned out to be a pro-Israel, pro-Bolshevism Jew. I'm sure that's just a coincidence and Israel, along with Russia and others, totally aren't working together to genocide white people.

I'll post a few examples of these strange coincidence..

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50bea6  No.248802

File: d2ffb45c0de14c5⋯.png (2.89 MB, 3976x1912, 497:239, Anglin_Nazbol.png)

File: e23b5b7f8f66134⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 791x2829, 791:2829, bannon_nazbol.jpg)

File: 2631cdaa2121ba7⋯.png (562.2 KB, 479x1043, 479:1043, lauren_southern_nazbol.png)

File: 613499dcdd2b50d⋯.jpg (311.66 KB, 1600x1063, 1600:1063, weev_commie_kike.jpg)

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50bea6  No.248810

File: e4b277958d953f7⋯.jpg (41.05 KB, 802x397, 802:397, richard_spencer_nazbol.JPG)

File: d59ba148294c625⋯.png (599.9 KB, 549x543, 183:181, _nick_fuentes_.png)

File: d366b7a9edc41e8⋯.png (436.09 KB, 578x722, 289:361, ann_zionist.PNG)

File: 2ee8a09dbe60b5b⋯.jpg (85.49 KB, 875x744, 875:744, Allie_Zionist_1.JPG)

File: 2a31903942d4536⋯.jpg (152.15 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Faith_Goldy_Zionist_9.jpg)

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50bea6  No.248818

File: 80ddfd49a59a056⋯.jpg (144.65 KB, 926x847, 926:847, elon_musk_zionist_4.JPG)

File: 4f422022a16d24b⋯.png (181.97 KB, 1175x765, 235:153, trs_nazbol_1.PNG)

File: 83f29f649250e94⋯.jpg (125.75 KB, 1270x887, 1270:887, trump_nazbol_plant.JPG)

It's almost like Zio-Bolsheviks had a plan and an agreement with others to conquer the West as painlessly as possible, hence MindWar. But it failed. Now they face the very real threat of total annihilation. Word War 4 is their last remaining move. And I gotta tell ya… I can't wait.

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50bea6  No.248893


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50bea6  No.248996


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e07440  No.249032


See my thread on South Africa. I would like to wait but I don't think it is going to work out the way I want. I would love it if God vaporized my enemies…but alas, it doesn't look good.

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50bea6  No.249033


>muh ye of little faith shilling

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e07440  No.249035


Faith is fine. I am pragmatic. If God vaporized the jews then there would still be 85% of the planet (blacks and asians) who hate and want to kill Whites.

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50bea6  No.249036


Without Jews 85% of the planet (blacks and asians) wouldn't hate whites.

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14f4c0  No.249040

This is just more obfuscation to pretend Trump was controlled by anyone other than the Likudniks/Chabad.

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f2873c  No.249045


> 4th pic

> 3/3 very large mouths

> 2/3 wavy hair

Lemme guess all (((non-goyim)))

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f2873c  No.249046


> blacks hating Whites

> with or without jews?

I live in the south.

I even grew up in (and live in now) a county that is 38% black (yup, it didn't even vote for Reagan in the day).

I can assure you…at least from my life experiences…blacks are MORE likely to understand the jew than whites local around here. I hear 'read protocols of the elders of zion' far more from blacks than whites. I don't think that means anything beyond those facts-on-the-ground and I'd love to know if that's true with blacks say in the large cities or in the (sigh I hate calling it that) Rust Belt.

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50bea6  No.249047

File: e7222ab9d14769f⋯.png (125.38 KB, 1289x859, 1289:859, _Stalin_Soviet_Russia_.PNG)


This is just more obfuscation to pretend the Bolsheviks aren't Likudniks/Chabad kikes.


I grew up partly in South Carolina and partly in Las Vegas. In the South blacks had adopted white culture, even speaking mannerisms. Never had a problem with southern blacks. But city niggers? They're the problem.


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