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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: b81dc9e241ac392⋯.png (14.86 KB, 544x190, 272:95, republicucks.png)

99b95a  No.248448

Trump has been out of office for 6 months and Republicans are already begging for non-white immigration. It's almost like the Right is the Left.

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11fa2d  No.248468



What that person is trying to say is that a lot of Americans are so brainwashed and subverted today they think there are 53 genders, that pedophilia should be legalized and that vaccines should be forced on people by gun point (but before that they request that us racists give up our guns!) I'm sorry for the triggers, but compared to Cubans who hate communism I'd trade those psychos away for some Cubans who would be willing to leave me the fuck alone too! It doesn't mean I actually support migration at all, I'm just saying how fucked up everything really is today.

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99b95a  No.248525

File: 02a13bcc7a4375a⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 435x250, 87:50, kill_yourself_faggot.gif)


>politics before race

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2d93b0  No.248631


Good point, but correct me if I'm wrong…. let's say I have a son, what point would having a son be it he were to go to public school, get brainwashed and subverted so badly that he wanted to mutilate his genitalia to turn into a tranny and barked how racist I was if I tried to reason with him not to? You see where I'm going with that? At some point, people (even of your own race) can be so so stupid and brainwashed that it becomes an actual threat to you if anything. Those Americans may not be able to be fixed without some serious unwanted interventions. But yes I agree, illegal immigration is a big problem and needs to be cracked down on. So does the subversion and brainwashing of the public school system.

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99b95a  No.248637


Do you believe our public education system is brainwashing children to cut off their own genitalia? If so these are your only choices:

>Not have kids and dedicate your existence to fighting these people

>Have kids and homeschool them, later redpilling them at an appropriate age

But siding with one side of anti-white evil to spite the other is not an option.

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f02141  No.248655


Yes, I have a lot of reports where many cities in the US have extremely subversive 'studies' (they're really not) about "gender neutrality" and "LGBTXYZ(blah blah)" and it does warp those kids minds. Luckily when I went to school none of that stuff existed at all. NONE. Even when my daughter was in high school back in the 80s nothing like that ever existed. Today I'm seeing tons of reports about angry parents slamming the teacher unions saying it's going way way to far, and a lot are starting to homeschool their kids now.

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f02141  No.248658


>have a lot of reports

typo, I meant read a lot of reports

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99b95a  No.248660


>I have read a lot of reports where many cities in the US have extremely subversive 'studies'

Then you aren't American. Why are you so concerned with American education?

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99b95a  No.248740

that's how to silence an israeli/russia/chinese shill.

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c988b0  No.248755


I live rural. I try my best to stay away from most heavily populated areas unless I need to do a routine stockup at Costco.



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717351  No.248757


You should see what the right wing Chamber of Commerce is doing.

Setting up lobbyists to push for vastly more green cards, and immigration.

Why do you think the GOP is working to suppress voters, so they can remain competitive as the white population continues to shrink. Every other day they're calling for more war against Iran. Anyone voting GOP is a dumb motherfucker.

Next time GOP is in power they are going to try to steal minority voters from the Dems by being even more pro immigration, mark my word.

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c988b0  No.248760

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99b95a  No.248763


No one believes you, homesteadanon.

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c988b0  No.248770


I bet they are, unfortunately. However, it's a much deeper issue than you might think, it's economic. A lot of younger people are not joining the work force anymore, some businesses are desperate for workers. So companies (even smaller ones these days) are pressuring politicians to allow more foreign workers! It really all comes down to money.


I posted some pics of my chickens in another board if you'd like proof: >>248717

(I got Johnny angry over shooting a raccoon when I was drunk last night lol! He's the guy that saves animals in his spare time and shitposts all day here.)

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c988b0  No.248796


THIS is likely a reason….

for THIS here: >>248757

Face it, it's the hard facts of life. When companies can't hire workers and are starting to lose profits because everyone rather have their monthly govt gibs, the govt gibs foreigners those jobs! Sad really.

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c988b0  No.248809

You can't have a real economy without workers. It just does not work that way. Americans need to start joining the trades again, and replace those foreigners and ONLY THEN will the govt may decide to export their asses. But if domestic companies need them, they'll be getting them (whether it be from democrats or republicans!)

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c988b0  No.248816

Since I like you guys, I'll give y'all a tip: AD Lift Truck got bought out and around Pacific MO they are advertising, they need American workers! Drive down I-44 and you'll see 'em!

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717351  No.248843


Boy they got you brainwashed real good. In a civilized world they'd raise wages to fill the jobs. These corporations are so flush with cash that they pay some diversity weirdo a few hundred thou a year. Then all their buddies sit on the board a rake it in while they have you working for ten an hour no bens no vac no hc.

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99b95a  No.248846


Your personas are shit, Neptune.

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c988b0  No.248847


Dude, then don't work with those companies. Just find other companies that have NOTHING TO DO with the "diversity" bullshit. However, on that note, you might have to consider moving depending where you like. If you live in a commie populated area, well, THAT'S WHY you see that crap. Find a small town trade business that hires Americans!

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c988b0  No.248850

If you're just starting out, you should start young, the younger the better, but most off be confident and dedicated and want to learn the trade, willing to work. They like those people. Insist on talking to the boss, insist on it, and if you meet him tell him you are willing to learn and do the job, and do it well. Look him in they eyes and have confidence. Maybe break a deal if you have to, two days on-the-job training for free! Then you get pay. If they trust you they'll hire you! There are companies desperate for work that pay decent, some can pay up to $18 an hour. You can live in an RV for one year, until you save up enough money, and then take a loan on a small house, and keep working till you pay that shit off.

OR….. you could complain, but it gets you nowhere in the long-term, maybe an economic collapse and war. But that's a life gamble too.

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ea4148  No.248898



Trump literally advocated for it while in office. All republicans have always supported it. They never didn't support it. You're a revisionist.

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99b95a  No.248997


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99b95a  No.248998


Revisionists are a demographic. If you aren't targeting them with truthful propaganda you're doing it wrong.

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