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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: bfa27ce25a6e54d⋯.png (557.28 KB, 866x927, 866:927, jerubbaal_1.PNG)

File: cf848a25e4eab03⋯.png (3.55 KB, 621x83, 621:83, jerubbaal_2.PNG)

479204  No.247696

The inscription features the name "Jerubbaal," a Jewish leader from the Book of Judges, as well as dates from around 1,100 BCE.

“The name Jerubbaal is familiar from biblical tradition in the Book of Judges as an alternative name for the judge Gideon ben Yoash,” according to Prof. Yosef Garfinkel and archeologist Sa‘ar Ganor from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Gideon is first mentioned as combatting idolatry by breaking the altar to Baal and cutting down the Asherah pole," they explained. "In biblical tradition, he is then remembered as triumphing over the Midianites, who used to cross over the Jordan to plunder agricultural crops. According to the Bible, Gideon organized a small army of 300 soldiers and attacked the Midianites by night near Ma‘ayan Harod.”

Inscriptions from that period are extremely rare. The finding, which was deciphered by the epigraphic expert Christopher Rolston of George Washington University, marks the first time that the name Jerubbaal is mentioned outside the Bible.


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608b43  No.247715

File: 5fc77a76cf2f651⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 363x600, 121:200, 51U_lN0ZtbL_AC_UL600_SR363….jpg)

It's pretty comical to see how delusional the jews are about their history. The Egyptians left an immense epigraphy mainly as hieroglyphs as did the Babylonians and the Mesopotamians with their immense libraries of cuneform clay tablets. Curiously none of these immense historical records make any mention of any kingdom of the jews or David or Soloman. If such legendary characters really existed then at best they were minor satraps of the Phoenicians or insignificant brigands inhabiting the crossroads between the great empires.

According to Piero Rossi, the sole epigraphy left by the Israelites is a single stone recovered from a Jericho excavation the size of your little toe with three primitive parallel scratches carved into it.

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479204  No.247857


>Piero Rossi


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