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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 28272fd38198ba0⋯.jpg (109.6 KB, 720x652, 180:163, nazbol_btfo_by_the_cajun_2.jpg)

File: db08d9dfa6c1fd0⋯.jpg (66.51 KB, 976x549, 16:9, nazbol_btfo_by_the_cajun_1.jpg)

a6616b  No.247423

The great Nazbol hope humiliated by a southern Louisiana Cajun fighter. Basically how does it feel to get btfo by the waterboy? You still got Nick Fuentes.


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a6616b  No.247424

File: 529839acd61e905⋯.png (392.84 KB, 1919x935, 1919:935, neptune_bolshevik_0.PNG)

File: 1ec7939c88491b2⋯.png (20.67 KB, 466x244, 233:122, neptune_bolshevik_1.PNG)

>inb4 johnny neptune kvetches in defeat

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6039a6  No.247427

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6039a6  No.247428

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fucking JEWS

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6039a6  No.247429

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6039a6  No.247430

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I bent my leg too

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6039a6  No.247431

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Avengers Endgame was almost as cool as playing a videogame until 5:04 AM this morning

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6039a6  No.247432

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6039a6  No.247433

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0b840b  No.247435


Cajuns are white.

I think you mean creole, but I don't give a damn about a slide thread made by a kike.

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6039a6  No.247436

File: 497fb5b2f70a304⋯.jpg (7.4 KB, 300x217, 300:217, url_4_.jpg)

Brendan O'Brien is an old friend of mine from when I was 15…. I used to jam with him and the Georgia Satellites when they were the house band at Hedgens, where I was the 15 year old doorman..

long story……

He's a super polite guy….

Brendan ended up being the driving force and producer of the band TRAIN…..

he got hired to re-engineer Elvis's music for Cirque du Soleil

He re-engineered all of these Elvis songs in a studio off Faulkner avenue in Atlanta (right next door to one of my favorite underground rave clubs called The Ruins back in the 90s)

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6039a6  No.247437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6039a6  No.247438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brendan's remix of King Creole is BADASS

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6039a6  No.247439

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and Brandon gave a really organic LIVE ROCK SOUND to Burnin' Love

lol @ Brendan getting paid to do this, and he even got to play all the guitar sections

Fucking cool as fuck

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6039a6  No.247440

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The Cirque du Soleil show was called VIVA ELVIS

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6039a6  No.247441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do me a favor. Crank up your speakers on this song….

If you can tell me you don't like this song, there's something seriously wrong with you

I don't give a fuck about your political Outlook

I'm talking about BEING COOL……….

If this song doesn't do something for you, then you are a very misguided young man

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6039a6  No.247442


that's BOHANNON playing the drums

and he wrote the song

you need to smoke weed, dude

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6039a6  No.247443

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BOHANNON was the inspiration for GENIUS OF LOVE

The song by the Tom Tom Club

Tina Weymouth's side project

from The Talking Heads

You can hear several references to Disco Stomp in this song, and they even repeat bohannon's name in the lyrics…..

Actually it turns out bohannon was a really really cool smart weird guy, very cool actually, even though fate rolled Snake Eyes for him, and he happened to be born black….

But that didn't stop him from being really really audacious, and at a very young age became quite determined to devote his life to music…

His background story is actually kind of interesting

And it all started with making his own drum set out of common household items, and ended up with him hobnobbing and producing some of the biggest names in music.

He had a very strange phenotype. He was a strange creepy looking dude, really strange and really unique, but also quite talented and smart andCOOL

the COOL thing is the most important achievement you'll ever reach, because if you're not cool nobody gives a fuck about you or your fucking opinions

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6039a6  No.247444


do you even like The Talking Heads ?….

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6039a6  No.247445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q :what about WEEN?

. do you know anything about WEEN ?

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6039a6  No.247446

File: 714b444e518602e⋯.jpg (61.34 KB, 550x458, 275:229, 3bde548fb76e9bc5079534b546….jpg)


be honest with me, man…….

You're a heavy metal listener aren't you?

You've always liked heavy metal music, haven't you?

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6039a6  No.247447


dude………. If you're not already familiar with


then you don't know what you're

you're missing. they're amazing

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6039a6  No.247448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WEEN are the best band nobodys ever heard

hard to explain, kinda

(they've made it all so confusing)

Intentionally confusing and

Inside out

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6039a6  No.247450

File: 965bd47a5ab381d⋯.png (452.39 KB, 648x364, 162:91, f37fc905_f272_4e7b_b684_f8….PNG)


you're not a stupid man…. you're smart….

and women LOVE smart…..

But not when smart is attached to a douchebag

Not when you're a total fucking douchebag…

I guarantee we could get you a badass intelligent funny girlfriend with perfect fucking tits

But you're going to have to stop being such a fucking LOSER….. You're actually going to have to try to be COOL….

And I know that's hard for you….


The first thing you're going to need to do is delete all of your music, videos and images from your computer, download all of WEENS music, never play another video game again, start smoking weed, and shut the fuck up….

I'm serious about the shutting up….

Nothing that ever comes out of your mouth would interest a female, not even the most desperate female….

So from now on you're just going to shut the fuck up

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6039a6  No.247451


How do you like 'em ?…….

Big and droopy and full of loose lard?

or tiny and attentive, with a slight

'upward tilt' of the nipples ?

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6039a6  No.247453


make it simple for me…..

Just post the last 3 porns you watched last night

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6039a6  No.247454

I'm 99% sure you're a BIG TITTY man

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6039a6  No.247456

File: e56568eba0b7e45⋯.jpg (44.25 KB, 450x305, 90:61, 54bd3b899b62754de64a00950c….jpg)

Gian Lorenzo Bernini


allow me to explain, Himmler….

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6039a6  No.247457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini


a child without an eye…..

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6039a6  No.247458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You're going to study the life and vast volume of work by BERNINI….. and I promise you're going to attract a HOT AS FUCK, brilliant woman…

you see……. I promise…..

No more lonely nights playing videogames, dude

I'm gonna help you

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6039a6  No.247459


not hitler…… BERNINI……..

say it with me, lil himmler….


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6039a6  No.247460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tomorrow, you're going to learn how to DANCE

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6039a6  No.247461


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6039a6  No.247463


and I'm NOT joking about dancing…..

dancing is the human animal's mating call, where they demonstrate HOW THEY FUCK…..

if you can't dance, you can't fuck well

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6039a6  No.247464


It's not about "prescribed dance moves"

(the same way you imageboard guys parrot catchphrases and behaviors)


your body "becomes the missing musical instrument"

and you show women HOW YOU WOULD FUCK THEM…. with rhythm and confidence, or

with an awkward uncomfortable gimp

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6b1a65  No.247465


man you just made it in under the wire…70 million kike posts later that fagbot is still freaking out.

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6039a6  No.247466

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No cool woman gravitates to an uptight douchebucket

you need to LOOSEN UP,FAGGOT

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6039a6  No.247468


I'm talking to YOU, mr. sexual failureboy


I'm here to help you get laid finally, HOMOSEXUAL GUY

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6039a6  No.247469





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6039a6  No.247470


Today is your lucky day. YIPPEEEE!!

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6039a6  No.247473


today I am volunteering my time to finally teach you what your father didn't care enough to teach you :


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6039a6  No.247482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


okay, this will keep you occupied

I've got some phone calls I need to make

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b435fa  No.247528

File: 9b6b0f6db284475⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 660x510, 22:17, 1f542217bf619157ad7e8b47e0….jpg)


It's seems to be some kind of castrated Bo Diddly.

As for "being cool" I lived in the 60's and the 70's and frankly I've known a zillion tards that devoted their lives to the religion of "being kewl" and man did they ever suck shit.

We're in the shitty situation we're in to day because everyone just wanted to "be cool"

William Burroughs and Alan Ginsberg and Neal Cassidy basically invented all that "kewl" shit and what sub human pieces of drug addicted homosexual garbage they were.

You have to go back

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a6616b  No.247550

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b435fa  No.247593

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Fuck Steely Dan glorifying heroin use. We are white men here.

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75c602  No.247860


> bohannon

wait..they weren't singing about the radio talk-show host?

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75c602  No.247862


> You've always liked heavy metal music, haven't you?

Only Christian heavy metal: not the degenerate homo-erotic stuff

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