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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 00ce17e4fc8c458⋯.jpeg (87.54 KB, 768x768, 1:1, E35FCE64_39EE_4273_AB96_2….jpeg)

b6741d  No.246676

What a fag

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879ffd  No.246686

That's an insult to fags.

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3fe023  No.246695

File: 7335255e58305e6⋯.png (784.73 KB, 640x547, 640:547, xz19o4fw24w31.png)


Fags are an insult to mankind

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879ffd  No.246698


So then what does that tell you about Putin's place on the totem pole?

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36f6a6  No.246700

redpill me on vlado

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879ffd  No.246716


He's a mincing little manlet who likes tranny cock. What more do you need?

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36f6a6  No.246773


> What more do you need than my unsupported opinion?

Unlike you I need facts

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