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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2a5a5a  No.246041

This is a revealing story.


"Lawmakers accuse each other of endangering the country following government’s failure to pass Knesset motion renewing law barring Palestinian family reunification"

"The measure has historically been supported by right-wing parties as a necessary measure for Israeli security and to ensure the country maintains a Jewish majority. "

That's the purpose.


Family reunification was the Jewish trick snuck into the USA, EU and other predominately white immigration laws. That little clause is the reason whites are about to become a minority in their own countries.

Whites being the weeping willows that they are couldn't possibly be against family unification. It allow migrants to bring their entire family. It allows the media to report our immigration policy as for instance 15,000 immigrants under Trump to 125,000 under Biden. Reality is every year well over a million third worlders become US


Cliffs: Congratulations to Israel for standing up for families. :)

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2a5a5a  No.246045

The video above is about the daycare scam offered exclusively to new arrivals from the third world. It pays them to watch their own kids under the guise of a daycare business. It also incentives them to have more kids. It's so lucrative that Somalians routinely fly home with suitcases of money.

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debcf4  No.246087

File: 2c23f3bb3c82ef3⋯.png (128.72 KB, 354x504, 59:84, merchant_worried.png)

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