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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 2909dcf10151212⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, chain.mp4)

2e6d47  No.245848

>God curse all of you

>You're an abomination

This rhetoric is so familiar where have I heard it before..

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109a45  No.245852

File: 158e1b6fe0cae30⋯.gif (11.3 KB, 112x112, 1:1, pepe_applause.gif)

hahahaha those aren't chains…those are rosaries…he's whipping bolshevik jews for the Virgin Mary ahahah.

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2e6d47  No.245860

File: 0e7b6d238999f14⋯.jpg (60.07 KB, 399x485, 399:485, hail_mary.JPG)



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b8bc35  No.245864


I'm going to be honest with you guys about this regardless almost everyone here is a "white nationalist", I have a Mexican-American friend. This guy is one of the most "based" guys I know and can talk to about SHTF to even political issues. Many here don't know this but lots of Mexicans are pro-family and a lot of them are hardcore Christians. Many hate niggers as much as the rest of us do too. If there is one thing a lot of Mexicans are not it's brainwashed indoctrinated SJWs. Many of them are very hard workers, they bust their asses every day to provide shelter and food for their families and loved ones, very religious and humble. Many are pro-capitalist too, they know damn well communism does not work, nor does the bullshit leftists are calling "socialism" either.

It is only a matter of time when these commies realize that many of these Mexicans will not put up with their Bolshevik deceit when push comes to shove, and many will even side with us if the subverts ever go too far.

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855a2f  No.245870

File: 5008df193138004⋯.jpg (115.69 KB, 988x1024, 247:256, mexicans_ruin_texas_74.jpg)

File: aec55700918d38f⋯.png (35.43 KB, 856x612, 214:153, dumb_mexicans.png)

File: c7844b1106588e5⋯.jpg (84.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mexican_mutt_realizes_they….jpg)

File: 17260967620c515⋯.png (70.64 KB, 598x457, 598:457, mexicans_are_incels_285528….png)

File: 135135de5af8e30⋯.mp4 (8.28 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mexican_beaner_gets_beat_A….mp4)


Na he just a reformed cholo and he is part black.


>Largest shitskin group damaging the USA

>Invading White States and Poisoning them with cheap drugs

>mexicans go out of their way to live around White People and then fuck it up, race mix

>Turns areas to shit faster than any nigger could while spreading a crude copy culture

>la raza azteca faggots abundant

>muh Christians do cartel videos and gangs

>road rage on families with babies in the car

>drunk drivers go to White neighborhoods and hit run White children on bikes

>Say they want to be like White People than do the exact opposite

>Spree shooters

>high rate of mental illness and narcissism

No mexicans are the largest physical enemy of American White People they bring more chaos than any other shitskins I lived around. The mexicans are all literal criminal mutt shitskins despite what they say they will make every excuse in the book why they are not niggers but then do worst than niggers and are nigger gang worshipers. The amerimutt meme is based solely on mexicans.

Letting beaners into any White Nationalist group is completely backwards and guaranteed to be a losing game already when you ally with invaders. All the mexicans want to do is just wanna fuck White women then complain how its not mexican enough in a

Pro-White group.

t. lived around beaners

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2e6d47  No.245872


>Largest shitskin group damaging the USA

You mean Jews?

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1bff12  No.245879


I can't stop laughing! This is the best!

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1bff12  No.245880


He really does look like a jew.

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2e6d47  No.245891


>hooked nose

>refrigerator body

>"why are you persecuting me?" expression

He does indeed.

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855a2f  No.245920

File: ddd66ec669353b9⋯.jpg (295.18 KB, 813x750, 271:250, fuck_mexico_852.jpg)

File: 4ad0382cfa8243f⋯.jpg (74.53 KB, 991x766, 991:766, violent_crime_non_whites_b….jpg)

File: 89300c77a8ef5c8⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1024x640, 8:5, american_mexican_409261.png)


Yes jews are the most mentally and spiritually damaging but, all the physical damage is by beaners. How do you plan on getting millions of shitskins already here tied in with a never ending flood, what are you preserving against jews when half the USA right now is mexican or another mestizo shitskin not a blackpill a reality. Also mexicans are the least European out of any of the mutts they are more black on average than European.

Physically, niggers have not caused nearly as much havoc as beaner mexicans have in the USA. Not just recently but for the past 150 years. The beaners did raids on American farms all the time while the others overpopulated American farmlands as illegals. Enough to be paid in the Southwest by the federal government per mexican scalp/head. Hearst and much of the prior American leadership personally sought the destruction of mexicans in the USA for good reason.

The most valuable land in the USA "California" was given to beaners by Reagan a communist and kike ally. (((They))) started the cartels around the same time.

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2e6d47  No.245925


Good points. They have to go back unironically this time.

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436b87  No.245927


sorry yid/china, alliances are forming

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2e6d47  No.245932


China got exposed as a paper dragon recently.


Their beltroad initiative is a scam. The world is turning against Israel, China, and Russia.

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e6cde9  No.246028


>The most valuable land in the USA "California" was given to beaners by Reagan a communist and kike ally. (((They))) started the cartels around the same time.

Thanks for this; Reagan in his youth was a far left FDR New Deal supporter and the head of the Screen Actors Guild, a labor union basically. Something happened to him that precipitated two epochal events in his life

1. Divorce from Jane Wyman

2. A sudden shift to the right.

He was by all accounts photographed sucking dick through an FBI or Mafia secret camera. They blackmailed him.

Thereafter he was simply a dead man, married to a gang bang slut pig for the Rat Pack that he detested and mouthing whatever shit he was told to say.

He was a disaster. At least Carter wanted to rectify the parlous state of the national budget in the aftermath of the ruinous Vietnam War. The idiots would have none of it and elected to simply run up the credit cards to the max instead. That's what they called "morning in America". They should have called it "Mourning for America".

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e6cde9  No.246029


>He really does look like a jew.

But how did he manage to get her brassiere off her that he's holding in his hand?

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436b87  No.246034


Thanks. Hard to find real news, these days.

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1bff12  No.246161


filched it on the backswing.

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6d4978  No.246180


< Muh pershunal anecdote!

< Got that based beaner friend thats totally not imaginary!

< They are christian, pro-famulee n sheeit

< Muh communism, muh sosaleesm!

> White nationalism what?



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1054e8  No.246389

I wish the whole Irish Mafia had as much Balls as that one lone Mexican Cartel member.

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75bc58  No.246459


No shit, the fake numbers coming out of the communist dictatorship over the last SEVENTY FUCKING YEARS were proven to be a hoax? Who would have ever thought? Oh, right, every single fucking economist who has ever lived, that's who. What a goddamn surprise.

Imagine actually believing what the chinks said. Holy shit, are you even alive.

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c630dc  No.246462


>are you even alive?

Good question, anon! Are we? Let me tell you a little secret, when you control the printing press (or your kike masters control it) 'making something workable' (like an economy) is irrelevant. It doesn't have to work anymore.

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95739b  No.246530


Sure are a lot of cameras there, too bad they all shut down at at 00:15 sec.

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917956  No.246816

File: b4f96fc9bc28098⋯.webm (2.92 MB, 720x486, 40:27, 1616887815022.webm)

File: 379693b90fa5c9a⋯.webm (2.95 MB, 720x480, 3:2, 1611631857491.webm)

File: 47290671baf9243⋯.jpg (80.01 KB, 995x751, 995:751, 1623716604196.jpg)

File: 0477bae73b7e09d⋯.png (885.49 KB, 828x852, 69:71, 1623478493133.png)

File: b2b46acd099ed7f⋯.jpg (3.66 KB, 124x125, 124:125, 1622679903093s.jpg)


Hes based and 5ft tall pilled.

>i support his efforts.

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b8f684  No.248910

File: 08e9534f5ce811f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 640x640, 1:1, carvin.png)


kek, son of a preacher man in action. lucky those pantyfart cocksuckers and cuntlickers aren't in good old Mexico, they'd get the Mexican shave, with a chainsaw to the calabaza.

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127221  No.248940

File: 1d76ebfade6522d⋯.jpg (98.89 KB, 1005x1280, 201:256, chinese_tweet_revolution.jpg)

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