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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: b48ac348f1715f5⋯.jpg (483.3 KB, 1088x4272, 68:267, k8d2qvx1j7971.jpg)

666aa0  No.245462

what the fuck, in the old days we had to call donald trumpenstein a kike in order to get banned. now we can just support CCP and these kikes will instaban us

The kikes are making it too easy for us

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32cbdf  No.245468

File: 2212f35eb5c9502⋯.jpg (445.17 KB, 982x982, 1:1, _china_.jpg)

>support CCP

fuck off jew.

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666aa0  No.245488


A judge is about to disappear

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41e221  No.245577


did you try posting on Teeline? the ai bots can't catch Teeline posts.

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c677dd  No.245581


You keep shilling Teeline, but you never post in Teeline.

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640291  No.245585


it seems like you'd be accustomed to being disrespected by now.

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640291  No.245586


"…making it too easy for us"

making WHAT too easy for you?


Incompetence ?….

Nobody had to help you with that….

You were born with a natural talent for failure

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640291  No.245587


imagine having such an empty existence, that going to GETTR was important, and when you got banned, you had no real life friends, so you tried seeking sympathy from your imaginary online 'acquaintances'…

How much money did your parents waste raising you?

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640291  No.245588


it's interesting how you actually thought spraypainting yourself with the contrived, prepacked "discriminating neonazi" closet homo fad would mask your lifelong history of laughable social and sexual failure

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640291  No.245589


the boring, lackluster, lonely little computer sissy and his TRANSPARENTLY homosexual incinations.

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640291  No.245590


Let me tell you who respects you :

NOBODY respects you

females have never respected you

other males laugh at you

adults have never had ANY respect for you

hell… even your own parents laugh at you behind your back…

NOBODY respects you or even acknowledges your existence

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640291  No.245591


which is EXACTLY how you ended up all by yourself, sitting in front of your pathetic little computer

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640291  No.245592


(this is the part where you run and try to find another website where you can pretend to "matter" somehow)

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640291  No.245593

File: 52103c7ba9f0b9a⋯.gif (497.67 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1575478950119.gif)


lonely, irrelevant, overlooked, boring, predictable, unoriginal, overcompensating, effeminate little boy

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3785c1  No.248914

File: 5e51220d7b7a963⋯.jpeg (5.15 KB, 225x225, 1:1, lmao.jpeg)




Oh boy. You're so right. You dunno how right you are. Woof.


>Ma free speech

srsly, chinabased - this been your account? Rice paddies known for killing ppl by the metric fuckton, not giving a flying fuck about human rights a.o., and you thought you can troll the place by creating that acc there?

…How old are you, mentally?? This is like begging for buttrape you rear loader.

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