Yes, we WILL immigrate en masse to White countries
Yes, we WILL breed 5-8 children per wife
Yes, we WILL teach our children to despise the kuffar
Yes, we WILL take over once we become majority
Yes, ALL atheists, apostates and pagans will be beheaded
Yes, ALL Kikes and Kike-on-a-stick worshippers will be forced to pay the jyzia or also be beheaded in refusal
Yes, we WILL demolish all roman and renaissance statues
Yes, we WILL implode all churches and replace them with mosques
Yes, we WILL stone adulterers to death
Yes, we WILL throw acid at whores' faces
Yes, we WILL throw all faggots from atop of the Eiffel Tower
Yes, we WILL convert the Sistine Chapel into a mosque
Yes, we WILL burn all paintings in the Louvre
Yes, haram music, pork and alcohol WILL be banned
Yes, we WILL take all Whit*id underage daughters as loli concubines
Yes, Islam WILL be enforced into Dhimmi children
Yes, Circumcision WILL be mandatory
Yes, we will remove all clitoris from all femoids
Yes, sharia law WILL reign supreme
Yes, Islam WILL reign supreme, and there's nothing kike-on-a-stick worshipping cuckservative pigskins can do about it
Yes, Christkike little boys WILL be kidnapped and forced to join the army
Yes, we will demolish Hagia Sophia and build a gigantic mosque in its place just to spite the pigskin kike worshipping kuffar