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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 667674367ee2ef8⋯.png (82.71 KB, 498x600, 83:100, 1622219575841.png)

2e7eab  No.245449

Yes, we WILL immigrate en masse to White countries

Yes, we WILL breed 5-8 children per wife

Yes, we WILL teach our children to despise the kuffar

Yes, we WILL take over once we become majority

Yes, ALL atheists, apostates and pagans will be beheaded

Yes, ALL Kikes and Kike-on-a-stick worshippers will be forced to pay the jyzia or also be beheaded in refusal

Yes, we WILL demolish all roman and renaissance statues

Yes, we WILL implode all churches and replace them with mosques

Yes, we WILL stone adulterers to death

Yes, we WILL throw acid at whores' faces

Yes, we WILL throw all faggots from atop of the Eiffel Tower

Yes, we WILL convert the Sistine Chapel into a mosque

Yes, we WILL burn all paintings in the Louvre

Yes, haram music, pork and alcohol WILL be banned

Yes, we WILL take all Whit*id underage daughters as loli concubines

Yes, Islam WILL be enforced into Dhimmi children

Yes, Circumcision WILL be mandatory

Yes, we will remove all clitoris from all femoids

Yes, sharia law WILL reign supreme

Yes, Islam WILL reign supreme, and there's nothing kike-on-a-stick worshipping cuckservative pigskins can do about it

Yes, Christkike little boys WILL be kidnapped and forced to join the army

Yes, we will demolish Hagia Sophia and build a gigantic mosque in its place just to spite the pigskin kike worshipping kuffar

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2e7eab  No.245450

File: a271a3244fa5319⋯.png (153.05 KB, 945x571, 945:571, 1625328138110.png)

Future European anthem:


Future Spanish flag:

pic related

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2e7eab  No.245451

File: 6cc58af49303cec⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 1019x640, 1019:640, raem4cqma2171.jpg)

Future Sweden flag

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2e7eab  No.245452

File: 139893732b7d4ae⋯.jpg (63.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

Future German flag

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2e7eab  No.245453

File: a995a4631a02c44⋯.png (126.23 KB, 908x680, 227:170, a99.png)


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f2fec5  No.245472


>Yes, we WILL demolish all roman and renaissance statues

>Yes, we WILL burn all paintings in the Louvre

Don't do these.

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c3e12b  No.245474

File: 4787082aab41c96⋯.jpg (3.98 MB, 1757x4000, 1757:4000, White_Sharia_Weev_BTFO_by_….jpg)

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2e7eab  No.245480

File: 5bc94c20e8a59f0⋯.jpg (199.23 KB, 780x438, 130:73, women_stoned.jpg)


This Alt-Right nazbol (we are talking about the DS, they are obviously nazbols) cucks are advocating for white Sharia because they know that we have women under control unlike Western degenerate groids

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2e7eab  No.245481

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c3e12b  No.245482

File: 022d8b561d3cac5⋯.png (240.89 KB, 572x655, 572:655, white_women_love_their_rac….png)


You live in a kosher fantasy-land in which you're winning. Please stay there. All the way to the gas chamber…just keep on winning <3

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2e7eab  No.245483

File: 2d127b2ec1aaa7c⋯.png (31.16 KB, 917x1027, 917:1027, 2d1.png)


>You live in a kosher fantasy-land in which you're winning. Please stay there. All the way to the gas chamber…just keep on winning <3

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ed6e0a  No.245484


foto video loli clips


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c3e12b  No.245485


The Jew exposes his nose.

Stay defeated.

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2e7eab  No.245486

File: 89db80419806d64⋯.jpeg (68.2 KB, 500x764, 125:191, 89d.jpeg)


>be European wh*toid

>think beating women is cringe

>also think that gays shouldn't be stoned

>call another people kikes

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c3e12b  No.245487


>be jew

>flood europe with mudshits and promote racemixing

>europeans dont racemix

oy vey!

>be jew

>flood america with mexishits

>europeans dont racemix

oy vey!

>be jew

>you literally have to racemix or your inbred DNA breaks down into a gelatinous pool genetic sludge

oy vey

keep on winning, Moshe.

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2e7eab  No.245489

File: 67ba23218f9515f⋯.jpg (99.46 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1615413641055.jpg)


Europoors always racemix kek

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c3e12b  No.245491


2% of Europeans are racemixing, Moshe. Despite the constant propaganda… 2%. How mad are you right now?

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2e7eab  No.245492

File: 2c44facb3215b77⋯.jpg (107.13 KB, 736x920, 4:5, 1586893859695.jpg)

File: 3aaff74380a33ea⋯.jpg (17.93 KB, 450x300, 3:2, 1585234495487.jpg)


I'm not a Jew, I'm a Salafi Muslim. And you are just dreaming, most of your women always go out with Mamadou

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2e7eab  No.245493

File: 7a9ff41c3faae8f⋯.jpg (48.54 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 1547718441803.jpg)

File: 732e892fe9fa1b3⋯.jpg (163.43 KB, 1031x1031, 1:1, 1585608051481.jpg)


White women love BBC

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c3e12b  No.245494

File: 3c80ada29494f34⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1593x967, 1593:967, jews_inbred.PNG)


>how do you do fellow muslims?

Let's put this into perspective..

>Be Jews

>Flood the West with non-Europeans

>Promote racemixing to encourage genocide

>Only 2% of Europeans racemix

>White Americans least likely to racemix


>The entire world turning against Jews because of their failed social experiment

>White tribalism is on the rise

>Anti-Israel sentiments are on the rise

>Anti-Bolshevik sentiments are on the rise

Where will you Jews go? If you can't slither into Nationalism or Internationalism where will you go? Do you think the Muslims will support you after what you've done to Palestinians?

And this is why you choose to live in a fantasy-land. Keep on winning, Moshe <3

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2e7eab  No.245495

File: 5960df794f8ffd7⋯.jpg (53.11 KB, 500x669, 500:669, 1599325003587.jpg)

File: 56f40db32d2a1f0⋯.jpg (60.03 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1599324200930.jpg)

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c3e12b  No.245496

File: 2511f8c91be0eed⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 490x591, 490:591, mein_sides.jpg)


>the jew resorts to spam

You spam imageboards, I spam the collective unconscious. ok moshe. enjoy your thread. stay defeated.

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2e7eab  No.245497


I thought you christkike kuffar we're pro-Israel

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2e7eab  No.245498

File: d4adf55155c9ac2⋯.jpg (407.37 KB, 1705x923, 1705:923, 1587898344049.jpg)


Anyway you should call me "Achmed" bc I'm a muslim, you onlu make yourself look pathetic

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03e3a3  No.245504

File: 54d36bbec2287f6⋯.jpeg (13.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_3_.jpeg)


>implying atheist have any morale obligation to turn the other cheek like some closeted faggot christ cuck

Come at me, mudslime

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d19007  No.245559

Joke's on you. If we lose, you lose.

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f59d9b  No.249464


Looks like some shitty rap song promo

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31acf3  No.256743


yes, you will burn in hell

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