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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 21663d69c6a794a⋯.png (125.76 KB, 797x357, 797:357, JIDF_threads.PNG)

59fb64  No.245052

Anti-White woman thread, followed by a pro-Israel thread 20 minutes later, followed by "download my trojan!" 1 minute later.

These are what JIDF threads look like.

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192c41  No.245054


No, this is what you falling for trolls trying to make you believe JIDF is on this board looks like.

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59fb64  No.245056

File: cf951187e678299⋯.gif (294.98 KB, 498x258, 83:43, damage_control.gif)

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192c41  No.245057


Ain't no big deal to me if you want to fall for trolls and get triggered. Your tears are my fap lube.

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59fb64  No.245059


Ain't no big deal to me if you want to run low IQ damage control and convince lurkers of my claim as a result. Your shoah is my future.

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ff8aff  No.245061

File: 91f769c7352e655⋯.jpeg (135.84 KB, 747x771, 249:257, kikewojak99b2599.jpeg)


>Ain't no big deal to me if you want to fall for trolls and get triggered. Your tears are my fap lube.

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59fb64  No.245063

File: 81fd3c443664b97⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 990x990, 1:1, Kvetcheddd.jpg)


>oy vey anons called out our bullshit!

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c4072c  No.245065

File: bb200db853d0acd⋯.jpeg (6.77 KB, 350x245, 10:7, Literally_You_1_.jpeg)


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59fb64  No.245069

File: 59702fb38c186eb⋯.png (941.43 KB, 1067x596, 1067:596, soyboy.png)



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192c41  No.245075

File: eafa0e142603979⋯.jpg (21.64 KB, 712x534, 4:3, Blues.jpg)




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3523cb  No.245128

File: 80646df0973f1dc⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 411x381, 137:127, op_i_literally_cannot_stop….jpg)


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59fb64  No.245130

File: dd5ed3a11807b63⋯.jpg (140.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, mmmmmm_doughnut.jpg)

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3b1554  No.248918

File: b5bc4289c7b2cc7⋯.jpg (86.96 KB, 511x457, 511:457, Neck_Yourself_Inc.jpg)


Uncle Rube touching you down there must hurt with no foreskin me guessing?

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192c41  No.248920

File: b8f4cb823c5aabc⋯.jpg (86.92 KB, 960x934, 480:467, Leg.jpg)


Not gonna lie. That was quality comeback. Here, have leg.

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