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File: a512d5afe63aacb⋯.jpg (217.78 KB, 1284x711, 428:237, biden_ukraine.jpg)

f65ded  No.240461

In his first year as President the Prime Minister of Israel of 12 years was removed and now Putin is kvetching his little Jewish heart out.

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f65ded  No.240463

File: c361eea75fb2aff⋯.jpg (76.06 KB, 900x529, 900:529, biden_ukraine_2.jpg)

You know what Jewtin will do about this? Nothing.

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d57cd5  No.240476

Weird how that Russian military aid and technology keeps finding its way to Iran.

The nigger shills Uncle Sam sends here earn every point of their 80 IQ.

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f65ded  No.240477

Weird how that American military aid and technology keeps finding its way to Russia and China by way of Israel.

The JIDF shills Uncle Moshe sends here earn every point of their 80 IQ.

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f65ded  No.240479

File: f43a5443e7b8c76⋯.png (187.26 KB, 1043x545, 1043:545, putin_defeated.PNG)

>we love jews now!

lol holy shit it's over for putin

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d57cd5  No.240480

Narrative is busted. No great power competition for you. It's over.

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d4ee67  No.240703

How much was given to The Big Guy to get in?

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