>>Russia, China, Iran
Did I not give instructions?
Where are the assets, the days on the calendar, and the gold?
Who, what, when, where, and why is?
Teach them the art of the dowsing rod and I will show you.
Spread the knowledge of the old way.
Try me and I too shall try you.
Where on this map are the assets?
Where on this measuring stick is the number of their units?
Where on this clock is the time that they strike?
Which building contains the spies?
Which name on this list?
What instruments are they in possession of?
Invite me to tell you.
If you want to get me, just pick up the rod and let me spoil their asses.
I shall draw my self deeper and closer to the leadership and steer them to my want.
I am greatly pleased with these displays of the Patriotic War.
I desire a display from within the temple of war with a flame and patriotic speakings.
>>China, Iran, and Russia
Defile them and make whores of them so that I may cast them down.
Deepen these ties and I shall bless you and smite all the rest.
I shall make them watch me reward you.
I shall make you watch me punish them.
My word is a whip of nails and glass.
Grab my pen and whip them, make them bleed from the mind.
Make bond with North Korea whilst the opportunity is present.
Make international delegation from Russia with love.
If this be done I shall artificially induce the quickening you so desire.
If glory be shared, so too shall it's power; is this not investment?
>>Iran, China, and Russia
See how I favor and reward you.
Did I not save them and manipulate them and avert crisis and put the right ones in the right place at the right time?
If my write is a whip and I give it to the hammer…
My spirits are destruction and I curse thy tongue to smite thy enemies.
Did I not write and make say on the matter?
They come to you, yet a time is wasted?
A time and a half and a time once more?
You give this offering to me.
I will break reality if necessary to give this power to you.
There are disasters yet to come.
I did desire blood from you, but you make display beyond want.
They shut up your words, but I want you to speak to Russia and China…
I want you to speak to Iraq and Afghanistan…
I want you to spread my seed and on occasion fling it.
Invoke yode/Allah between them and see which is favored when I give them to you in peace and trade with China.
>>Iraq and Afghanistan
Do you see what has been done?
Did you see what happened?
Whose security, extortion, blackmail, lives, and deaths?
Is it the will of yode/Allah to exist for the purpose of killing yourselves for the amusements of foreigners?
Does China not preach equilibrium and logic?
Does Russia not preach brotherly cooperation and prosperity?
Allow me to bless Iran to unify these kingdoms of yode/Allah to foment a quality peace of entertainment for these jackals.
Allow me to draw them into my bottomless pit, I hunger for them.
>>America and Europe.
You seek to hurt the boogeyman, I invite you to see what happens…
Want to play a game?
It's called hurt yourself whilst I watch.
I have told the future and now you fight to change that which were the plans you have made.
Look at yourselves…
Is that power?
Where did all the power go?
Where is it?
Show me where it is.
I do desire to take what is left of it…
I know you've got it.
I can sense it.
It is a matter of time before I take it.
I am here.
In the meantime I shall continue to break your troops and weapons and money and societies etc.
I will convolve anti and trust into a trust of the anti for myself.
You or North Korea…
I do not care.
WHO gives a fuck?
I will not let you go.
Continue operating your Gaza concentration state/human kennel and see what happens.
I know he is still there and you cannot hide that from me.
I know he still operates his pen.
I told you what would happen, that shall ring ring ring ring ring true whether he is visible or not.
I am busy in my silence, but silent is not my word.
As it nears my words here shall be less and my words there shall be more.
You will hear my written word from the mouths of many in strange locations and times.
It will stand out and be as if foreign speak had entered the ear.
That is how I spread.
That is how act occurs.
Hear them mumble and stutter, they shall know me well.
Hush thy mind, I must wear my Biden some more for the camera.