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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 295da8bd178bcb6⋯.jpg (245.52 KB, 853x831, 853:831, 388f77f144b956f791417c1f22….jpg)

e811d7  No.236464

Post your proposal for an ideal society.

Compare with the ideas of other anons.

Debate & discuss.

You can also criticize the way the ideas are presented (such as the quality and understandability of the writing)

Here's one to get the party started:


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84cb50  No.236468

File: 49f84f39f0e84e2⋯.jpg (37.28 KB, 283x354, 283:354, Screenshot_1.jpg)

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04e25e  No.236505

File: 9f169f63af3af6d⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 597x607, 597:607, 1_26.jpg)



wow @ you

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e811d7  No.236543

I'd like to see more threads like these.

We need to figure out what it is we stand for.

You can say "national socialism" but if you don't have an in-depth awareness of exactly what that entails, you aren't actually saying much of anything, it's actually a bad thing, bevause we are held to a higher standard by people who largely think of us with contempt, we need to be able to describe what our positions are on everything, and why we support the things we do, because there is more pressure on us to do that than any other political ideologies. Nationalists need to be able to articulate what they advocate, understand what it is that they support and why they support it, and be able to make the best case possible for their positions on any issue. The best first step is finding a set of laws and policies that most appeals to you, this not only makes you invested and bolsters your investment in your political positions, but it also allows you to educate your self on political design, learning about political policies and all the possible positions that have been supported in the past, and could be supported in the future, learning what effects policies normally have, both by themselves and in combination with other policies, figuring out what to expect, and what the historical precedents or experimental data are for any position on any issue.

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0c04e8  No.236556

Idea society. First off, no interent. Only information. Only information on things we already know about. No speculation or theories or religion. Second: no religion. The rules will be your morality..you will repress harmful desire. If you perform Sodomy, if your murder is unjust, you will be executed. There will be no rehabilitation. Government issued jobs. If you fucked up that you can't do anything to help you will be killed. Women do not have any power but they aren't to be abused either. Women are there to be pretty, to birth kids, and to clean. They don't get opinions or be a part of anything meaningful in society. No shit skins, but native americans and Indians can be allowed into the country so long as they follow the legal procedure. Video games will be allowed for adults only. And they will be mature and mostly PVP. Men need to relax after their jobs. Straight monarchy, but if a king is found to be corrupt he will be killed and a new family will take reigns. So long as that family abides by the original rules set in place. NO GAY RETARDS! no queers AT ALL! letting it fester behind closed doors is what causes it to spread. What people do behind close doors do matter. That's just obviously the most important aspects of my perfect society.

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50902e  No.236613

File: 6bbf2528b37e25f⋯.png (1.71 MB, 960x2000, 12:25, Summed_Up_in_One_Scene.png)

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932529  No.236615


OK get your glow on, goodie….

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456937  No.236622


We have to figure out who we are first, before we worry about what "our" political philosophy ought to be.

The first thing is to decide which of the 24 powers before the throne we want to be: https://vjmpublishing.nz/?p=26011

And then put all our energy behind that goal.

In my estimation, nationalist libertarian alternative centrism is the way forward.

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0b7423  No.236827


Care to tell me what the issue is with talking about political design on a board for politics?

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3b1842  No.236832


killing anyone that mimics the principles of Karl Marx, like dissolving gender roles and religion.

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3b1842  No.236833


you really think he understands English?

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ecdcac  No.237107


If he doesn't his handlers do

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e811d7  No.250509

We should do this in wiki format, there we could discuss and collaborate on what constitutes an ideal society.

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2c8600  No.250595

Three laws will solve 99% of current problems in at most one generation:

1. any infant genital mutilation is punishable by death

2. Sterilization (voluntary of course) a prerequisite to receiving any public assistance for more than six months in any five-year period;

3. All government employees and welfare recipients have voting privilege suspended for five years.

Three simple rules, easy to justify and easy to obey. Implement and enforce these as laws and watch everything get better fast.

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