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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 9993520df8a6bad⋯.png (297.84 KB, 600x338, 300:169, The_Magnet_Challenge_Gets_….png)

363483  No.234296

CIA Agents Hit With Neurological Pulse Weaponry As The Magnet Challenge Gets Personal

My fellow Americans, it is with great displeasure to announce to you America is in the midst of World War III, and this war has only just begun, and from here on, you are going to see the nation dumbstruck and in shell shock before this war is even nearly half-way over. This new global warfare first became informational. From an information war, it escalated to economic sabotage, then kinetic proxy wars, followed by deliberate destabilization of nations, which coincided a series of geo-engineered disasters to further render nations vulnerable (some events went public and covered in local and state media, some were much more covert and never made the news), then a bio-warfare attack with the release of Covid-19 and the mRNA gene altering vaccine… but what was the last straw is that this new vaccine targeted God's divine creation, the human genome…. and by doing so a series of future events will follow that hollow out the world as all will shockingly witness the exposure of demons facing the wrath of God, and all hell will be unleashed as God wants humans to once again remember right from wrong, and to repent before it is too late. And only then will you be able to survive this wrath to come.

But what has not been detailed is a series of cyber-warfare events, as well as a series of advanced microwave attacks that have been targeting government officials, which were first reported from Cuba, then escalating around the globe, and as of recent has seen over 130 US diplomats and CIA agents targeted with advanced brain-damaging neurological pulse weaponry by unknown actors:


To which clues of this "unknown entity" are questionably China, as a significant retaliatory force the equivalent of 118.7 atomic bombs where nearly 1.5 million people live in nearby towns and cities was struck by an enormous violent earthquake:


To which has followed a large explosion near Cape Cod Air Force Station near Sagamore, Massachusetts where they deliver ICBM Early Warning Signals:


"If the continental United States were to be attacked, taking-out THIS PRECISE RADAR STATION would be a necessary first step for any adversary."

But to what is not making the headlines today, is a topic related to the Covid mRNA vaccines - recently covered in the previous intel report “Planned Economic Collapse In Works To Enforce Medical Police State Within A Digital Hellscape” - detailing and linking video footage of vaccinated people showing magnets being stuck to their skin right around where they were given the jab, to which Jim Stone questioned "if this is happening, then these vaccines were not disbursing, so what could that be?"

A question that needs to be asked, because if the United States were under an EMP attack, any electronic (even nano-tech) can fry in such a nuclear event, taking down anything that is dependent on that electronic in the process!

And if a nuclear strike were to hit America, many would still know how to survive off-grid, many are armed preppers and homesteaders after all…. but those who have chosen the Mark Of The Beast - as forewarned in the Holy Bible - would be the ones ultimately damned! And as this revelation unfolds, sees Americans starting to wake up and wonder why magnets are sticking to their skin after vaccination, which has now made clamor in the mainstream to take "The Magnet Challenge!"


A challenge that will not be taken by a long-time doomsday prepper who lives in rural Montana by the name of Steve Quayle, as Steve contends that America and Americans have no chance of survival without a major widespread revival and repentance to God: https://traffic.megaphone.fm/REP2201219239.mp3

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70eddf  No.234306


>magnet challenge

I love it when people are so completely anti-education that they don't even realize there's iron in blood or that blood rushes to a wound site or that iron is magnetic. This is literally what happens when you're terrified of education/academia: you become terminally retarded.

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300157  No.234315

OP is a dumb uneducated Christ fag

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6b8a11  No.234333

File: 41cf0bf0ed92d70⋯.webm (2.48 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Proof_Of_Microchipping_Va….webm)


The DeWalt Stud Detector is great for pranking vaxxholes with now everybody thinks they are microchipped.

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aaea90  No.234363

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)


Nuclear weapons never existed and never will. It is a hoax to control people.

The elites are losing. The elites are weak. The elites are afraid.

It is time to incite the masses to kill the elites.




All leftards and all jews will be killed.

There is no future for any of you.

Academia is a hoax. There is no education whatsoever. When you are "teaching" that lgbt abominations aren't mentally ill abominations, every single thing that you "teach" automatically becomes fake.

We know that you are agents trembling in fear trying to prevent people from taking action.

All federal agents will be killed.


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70eddf  No.234382


The eternal LARP

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4a6927  No.234385


Okay then Mr. Science.

Use the experimental method.

Take a T-pin or needle.

Stick in your arm where a nursey-poo might stick a vax.

Wait 24 hours.

Stick a magnet to it.

Try to get volunteers to do the same thing.

Record when it worked, when it didn't.

Post results here. I can assure you we will save them. You would not have worked for nothing. Enjoy the beach. Take a walk to the end of that lovely pier. Tie concrete cinder blocks to your ankles. Make sure you use very good knots.

Jump into the ocean.

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f3d528  No.234389

I can't think of anything worth saying right now.

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70eddf  No.234391


You are really retarded. How do you even know what an ocean is since you've clearly never read a single book, had a single original thought, or dressed yourself?

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027054  No.234397


we can't use steel after world war ii though

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19b8d2  No.234405


tbqh I have never had a wound that was magnetic and too see the bots in this thread arguing that this is 'ordinary' is seriously bizarre. They have mastered some serious gaslighting at this point if they can make people think that a owie is magnetic but something like your veins aren't. It would be lovely if I could simply stick magnets to any part of my body that had an artery or major vein running through it but that is just nuts. If this was even possible your brain, which uses up an extraordinary amount of calories and blood would set off every metal detector on the planet as well as everyone knowing exactly were to hide weapons on their body so they couldn't be detected. It is fucking nuts to even suggest the possibility that blood or a wound would be magnetic.

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f3d528  No.234423


thank your lucky stars aluminum foil isn't magetic, or you'd get a concussion every time you walked past a magnet.

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3e2237  No.234426

>gang-stalking glowniggers get hit by their own space lasers

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c582d0  No.234442

It's unfortunate a whack job started this thread because it's very serious.

There's claims US operatives are being cooked by microwaves or something. Ya know technology in every home.

They call it Havana syndrome and I can almost guarantee you Jews are behind it and they will blame it on Russia.

The fucking Jews are pulling all the stops in an attempt to get us into nuclear war w Russia and or China.

Their previous attempt was the claim that Russia put a bounty on the head of US soldiers in Iraq and Afghan. That would be a full blown declaration of war.

Andrea Mitchel on NBC News, one of the Jews most senior operatives handled the story. They brought on Colin Powell to ask him about it. She tried everything to get him to back the story but he didn't.

He shut her down, said it was bullshit and she wasn't happy about it.

Now onto the Havana Syndrome, they are saying operatives are being zapped around Washington DC.

*Only one country could get away with that.

*Only one country is known to assassinate/poison/sicken critics

*Only one country was stone cold busted setting up "mysterious devices" all over DC at the exact same time.

Here's the thread about these mysterious devices and you can read the comments, people are puzzled why they're called mysterious devices. Everyone assumes it to intercept cell phone calls but no proof is offered.


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c582d0  No.234444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just in case you're wondering who is and has been killing US Soldiers in Iraq.

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442687  No.234457

Magnet challenge was just a lame normie troll attempt. Op is a normie. Let me break it down for you since youre here though.

Its not real. Yet.

>be globohomo

>manufacture trends/crisis

>see some rando faggot with 2 followers do a magnet hoax

>promote it to every single person whose had the vaccine

>NPCs emulate the behavior and attempt to reproduce it

>seeing it clearly is a joke, decide to join in on the prank

>discredit antivaxers and the idea of vaccines containing microchips/electronics

>wait a few weeks

>start putting microchips/electronics in the vaccines

>public is already primed from previously manufactured trend to think its just a joke

>use globohomo tech platforms to silence anyone who actually discovers its true

>use globohomo media apparatus to remind people that the trend you manufactured earlier was just a hoax

>even antivaxers have become soured of the notion that vaccines contain microchips

>sets everyone back x amount of time, before discovering the truth, and by then the damage is done

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e35a6c  No.234517




Next time I get a scar from working outside, seriously I will try doing that anon. I'm not saying it's real or not…. I have no idea …. plus I admit I dropped out of high school back in the day…. so NO, I am NOT a educated fag. I'll seriously try this next time I get a wound, or a cut while working outside. Next time I'm working on cutting wired fence for my garden I'll make sure to keep a magnet handy and test it out.

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f12a28  No.248775

How assravaged can we make him? Let's try to get him to delete page 24!

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39a583  No.252347


There ain't enough iron in your blood to hold up the weight of the magnet moron. Jesus Christ! I don't even buy the magnet thing, but I'm just saying if it were true, it's not from the microscopic iron in your blood

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