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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 6f2df36c83114aa⋯.jpg (30.62 KB, 720x776, 90:97, smooth.jpg)

6f2f2e  No.232792


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30bc8b  No.232795

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0f60ed  No.232815


>>Russia and intelligence

Do not be afraid my child. I shall not punish you for lying before me by silence.

Do not shy away from me. Manifest destiny.

To deny me at the UN to avoid the truth is ok. I will continue to real. I will continue to walk with you in darkness and cold. I shall elevate you my child to the pedestal of supreme wealth.

Do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear but myself. You must learn my child that if I eat them and tear them away from you, they probably weren't really your friends nor were they good.

I do as I wish, but I must continue to raise you well. Take care my seed for I am with you always. And inside of you. And between you. And around you. And over you. And watching you. And feeling you. And grabbing you. And penetrating you. And guiding you. And moving you. And altering you. And causing you. And filtering you. And changing you.


I said people/seed. That doesn't mean I will keep, spare, protect, nor change your government and or destroy those in charge.

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4d7ae5  No.232864


>I do as I wish, but I must continue to raise you well. Take care my seed for I am with you always. And inside of you. And between you. And around you. And over you. And watching you. And feeling you. And grabbing you. And penetrating you. And guiding you. And moving you. And altering you. And causing you. And filtering you. And changing you.

>my child


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4d7ae5  No.232865

File: 4771ea3ecdbc987⋯.gif (169.93 KB, 480x368, 30:23, peanut_butter_jelly_time.gif)

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ff0395  No.232900


when my wife gets out of the shower, I'm going to let her read your creepy faggot post….

then I'm going to type what she says about you

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ff0395  No.232901


I realize that you have never had a woman tell you her honest opinion about you (obviously)

so today is gonna be a Big First for you

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ff0395  No.232909


oh well, she just said "gay"…. just that one word

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ff0395  No.232910


I was hoping she'd give a more detailed answer

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ff0395  No.232911


but don't worry… when she's done blow drying her hair, I'll tell her that this is a running 'character' you've developed, and I'll get her to read the post more thoroughly, and I'll have do psychoanalyze your big fat lazy ass.

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ff0395  No.232912


and I'll have HER* psychoanalyze your big fat lazy ass.

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ff0395  No.232913


but yeah, women can ALWAYS spot a Homosexual from a mile away

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0395a5  No.248651

Page 25 has the smoothest food!

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7018b6  No.248653

File: 02c4888b0d0fe8c⋯.png (29.19 KB, 1667x166, 1667:166, mod_bumps.PNG)

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b6d238  No.249013


Why would you be married? Thats a waste. Thats the external world, the arbitrary world, the matrix. Its not official. Are you retarded?

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4f763f  No.249060

Considering the Jannies let all kinds of faggots run wild here, especially that one retard who thought people were going to be him thousands of dollars on a forum run by the FBI, I think posting smooth food is A OK.

Janny are you Ok, are you OK Janny.

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