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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 35c002c4c9ad5cb⋯.png (623.3 KB, 640x800, 4:5, wl1pwgxfllf61.png)

c4c01f  No.232223

Q was a scam all along. Jim W is Q. It feels pretty fucked up that so many people believed in it when it was a fake scam all along

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bbc812  No.232224

Q is a Jewish trick designed to distract fledgling red-pilled individuals from the Truth of the Fuhrer

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bcf1af  No.232239

File: 5e33b6ca2bad963⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 1600x2033, 1600:2033, Qanon_Trust_Agents_2.jpg)

Q was a Trust operation meant to help Trump secure a second term. It failed and now Q fucked off for the most part. Because of failure future Trust operations are impossible, 8kun and 4chan have lost all credibility and therefore Zio-Bolshevik propaganda is useless, and the masses are shifting back into their right state of minds which require strong arguments instead of logical fallacies and blind-faith. Honestly the Qanon operation was one of the worst blows to Zio-Bolshevism so far and whichever group was responsible for such a massive blunder should be disciplined.

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