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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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fb7e4d  No.230755

The white ethnostate won't exist.

The black ethnostate won't exist.

What will form is loose "federations" of small communities built upon race with no leader. Cities will be left behind.

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805876  No.230805

NO………. no, it actually WON'T

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805876  No.230806

little insecure Chihuahuas like you have been barking this same bullshit for decades

because you feel powerless


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0ee79e  No.230807

Further Evidence Behind Covid Bioweapon Leaks As US Diplomatic Relations Explode Into Crisis


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546409  No.230837


The white ethnostate is already forming right before your eyes.

White Men are Gods.

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78a564  No.230872



>t. literal jews


>t. christcuck/crypto

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59d9d1  No.230876


You’re replying to the same person, dumb fuck.

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78a564  No.230882


everyone knows you're all one. Same shit. It's like calling a wall they or him. Doesn't matter

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59d9d1  No.230883


>everyone but me is the same person

You’re literally the same thing as the guy you’re quoting in the first post, dipshit. Fuck off already.

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80c2ba  No.230887

The White Ethnostate is already coming to fruition.

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6e5173  No.230894

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78a564  No.230913


If you're so upset about it why don't you kill yourself?

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eb7f95  No.230977



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4237a5  No.230986



No fucking way am I relocating to fucking Florida- I don't care if they outlaw jews and niggers

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84db3f  No.230999


If the current trends of people moving from urban to suburban and rural communities continues for another decade or so, yes you are likely correct, the cities will become third world slums, much like battered Detroit city, and you'll see more and more smaller towns popping up all around the country… 3,544 pop here… 2,456 pop over there, drive another 20 miles or so you see a small village with 979 pop. I've traveled a lot before and have seen small villages in America, there is a little tiny village not to far from Silex, MO with only around 50 pop, it has a little old store (looked closed down long ago) and a few homes here and there, nearby an old lumber mill. Still some people living there, but not many. You'll see this more and more in the future if the trends continue. Small towns, and villages, as well a lot more farm homes and of-course RV parks, mobile home parks and the "river rat" homes being built along rivers and lakes across America. If you think we have a lot of it today, just wait till hyperinflation hist and sparks the next economic collapse. Lots will die off, survivors will flee the denser areas, and America will become a reborn "Mayberry" all over again.

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83a8d0  No.231000


Florida is peak niggerjew. I'm convinced all the yammering about it is viral DeSantis zio-shilling.

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982643  No.231001


Yes, it will, and not the reason you think it will. You forgot this is not so much about demographic problems as much as it is economic issues, such as nationwide debt insolvency. It's a time bomb, and when America loses reserve currency status and we see hyperinflation kick in, it will collapse modern society as we know it. No more easy funny money. No more free gibs. You're on your fucking own, like it or not, survive it or not. That will be for 99.9% of people out there. Many will simply perish or die during mass unrest. The rest will look for places to flee. Small wars will break out over resources, etc. But in the end, break up will happen…. and there won't be major cities like there are today… there will be pockets of small communities scattered about… no leaders for a time being.

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a79ff1  No.231002


I don't mind Florida's politics, they are a "stand your ground" state. The problem with Florida is they are jam packed with people, everywhere you go there is people, plus the average harsh weather can suck for average homesteaders and preppers. I prefer to be inland and far away from the coasts (and high pop areas).

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9fb573  No.231121




There isn't enough food to feel the people who live there.

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9af886  No.231139


We know that current whitoids are discriminating against other whites. Spinning it up as something like this is a mistake. Some of us are victims and there won't be mercy to whitoids who behe like op.

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9af886  No.231140


>behe like op.

behave like op, who is ignoring the issue and hoping others won't notice him ignoring it.

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