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File: 5e9c8487fcbaa8f⋯.jpg (449.23 KB, 811x1081, 811:1081, thierry_kroket.jpg)

bf2bd4  No.230685[Last 50 Posts]

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d6ad75  No.230707

At least post the article

Big faggot OP

08 May 2021

The clown pill: unexpected medicine for a sick society

By Anne Bomer

>In The Matrix, Neo was given the choice between the red pill and the blue pill. The red pill would teach him the unpleasant, terrifying but life-changing truth about the world. The blue pill would give him a comfortable life, without fear and without questions. Since then, the term red pill has enjoyed tremendous popularity in internet forums as a symbol of a willingness to challenge entrenched ideas and structures, mainly in Western culture, despite the painful consequences. As soon as someone has taken the red pill, he is rescued and activated to rescue others and change society. A red pill is not uniform; as there are many hard and painful truths about the world, there are many red pills. As soon as someone is increasingly rescued and reaches a point of no return, it is impossible for the activated person to function in society. Two new options appear: the black pill or the clown pill. I will illustrate this based on the behavior of an atom that absorbs energy. In the atom, electrons absorb energy, causing them to jump to shells further away from the nucleus.

>The most energetic electrons become unstable and enter the so-called excited state. This lasts for a few seconds, after which the electron withdraws back to its original stable ground state. However, it is also possible that an electron contains so much energy that it shoots completely out of the atom (this is the principle of electromagnetic radiation). Likewise, many an activated person, after a look over the edge, will be intoxicated by the excessive hopelessness with regard to his happiness in life and social future, and will withdraw in shock into the old structure. This is the black pill, the fatalistic belief that society is so broken and impotent that humanity is doomed to eternal neo-feudalism. Little is known to date about the emotional life of electrons, but it will not surprise me if it is ever discovered that these withdrawn specimens, just like blackpilled man, struggle with devastating defeat and deep depression. The electrons, on the other hand, flying out of the structure towards freedom symbolize the elated movement and function of the clown pill. It subscribes to the same truths about society as the black pill, but manages to sublimate the negative feelings it creates with humor. Yes, the world is broken, but the clown-pilled human can wear that and still make a party of it. He fully realizes that he lives in a clown world run by clowns, and that is precisely his liberation from it. Incidentally, nothing prevents the black-pill from taking the clown pill. The most common route to the clown pill is even via the black pill.

>The cover is rarely absolute; usually there is a transition period, in which someone has incorporated characteristics of both the black pill and the clown pill into his world view. The problem is that the clown pill is difficult to reach for many. The clown pill has its origins deep in the depths of the infamous 4chan forum, buried beneath mountains of mediocre memes. The older generations are not familiar enough in these regions to take in the correct information and the power of the clown pill remains untapped by them. This also applies to older millennials, who already call young people "boomers in their 30s". This essay solves the communication problem by presenting the information in a boomerproof format. A common fallacy about the clown pill is that it induces nihilism. It is said: the black pill is a tragedy, the clown pill is a comedy. While that is true as a starting point, the clown pill is of greater value. The clown pill is the flag under which the culture war is fought. That flag does not signify passivity or defeat towards surrounding clowns, but rather is a liberating symbol of tireless militancy. And it matters how that battle is fought. The clownish also has rules. The clown pill makes it possible to travel through our psychotic world as adventurers, without adopting its illusions and delusions. To survive in a strange environment like the clown world, one has to adapt. Without access to the clown pill, that adjustment will take place in the head. People start to think and live like a clown, defenseless against the insane ideas and structures that have been given too much power. Only once one has taken the clown pill can these be shaken off and uncorrupted freedom of thought and life is possible. But this one comes at a price. The clowns are the conformist clones, the lame crowd that the clown-pilled human laughs with compassion. As is known, behind the cheerfulness of a clown always hides sadness.

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d6ad75  No.230708


>Thus, clowns try to drag others along in their own unacceptable clowning, because "shared sorrow is half sorrow." If this is insufficiently successful, the clown has one more option: projection. For this he uses the word "wappie". He threatens the conviction to wappie, causing the naughty group to split into two camps: the people who are so afraid of being ostracized that they conform to clowning again, and the clown-pilled realists who are not afraid of being judged. but they are forced to exist as a lone wolf. Gawy Keyser described this inspiringly in his review "Why we find lone wolves so irresistible". I perverted his thoughts and words so that I can make my own point here. According to him, it is striking that the figure of the lone wolf is so strongly present as a hero in Western culture. We despise current lone wolves and associate them with extremists of various backgrounds (Breivik, Muslim extremists), but we admire Galileo Galilei, Spinoza and Oscar Wilde who were outcast while alive. The lone wolf in its appearance as a wappie is just a new incarnation of an old archetype in Western culture: the freethinker.

>Terms such as "far right", "racist", "sexist", "homophobic" and "Islamophobic" are also misused for condemnation to the extremist lone wolf. These obscure terms are often used for rescued people, where the happier "wappie" is mostly applied to clown-pilled people. Which brings us to the main difference between the red pill and the clown pill. There are countless red pills, and each one takes a unique selection. The clown pill is the overarching insight obtained from this selection. This insight is a meta-level higher than the red pill and states that each red pill exposes a different part of the clown world. This culminates in the joyful state where we see that each individual is viewing the same truth from their unique point of view, ending isolation and initiating cooperation. The clown pill is the alchemical transformation of the black pill. The ancient alchemists referred not only to the material but especially the spiritual aspect. A lead soul could become golden through the elixir of eternal life. Also lone wolf Jesus predicted that we would be granted eternal life. The clown pill is the elixir that humanity has been craving for millennia, with which it will heal and revitalize itself and its beautiful cultures.

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bf2bd4  No.230717

File: e98519298f37e2e⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 538x718, 269:359, 1504912336724.jpg)


This Anon is supremely based and I am a faggot in comparison with his effort!

I was babysitting 4cuck who of course ignored this epic article by a 6% parliament party!


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bf2bd4  No.230791

File: 6c83fd4e8d96432⋯.jpg (229.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1522398754439.jpg)


>By Anne Bomer

Notice how this is a joke name: an boomer.

Its pure memetics. What a kino party. Of course its attacked for every fart it lets.

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a38429  No.230793

File: 865e762a7d986b1⋯.jpg (353.93 KB, 809x1280, 809:1280, 20210509_141130.jpg)

LOL @ "US"

there is no "us"


lonely isolated introverts

nobody wants you

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bf2bd4  No.230794

File: c55600537ce58c7⋯.gif (454.99 KB, 620x566, 310:283, 1512512291800.gif)


>If the situation was hopeless, there would be no use for their propaganda

Even here. Your presence is necessary. Think about us when you attempt to sleep, demon!

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a38429  No.230795

File: 294e425da23bcd6⋯.jpg (236.92 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, PicsArt_05_09_03_12_17.jpg)

The Dutch LOVE bbc

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a38429  No.230796


think about ME when you gain another 10 pounds, Pepsi Boy

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bf2bd4  No.230799

File: 2ec130ca8ac1848⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 561x650, 561:650, 1512396164445.jpg)

File: 7bb1b60c6c42bad⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 536x489, 536:489, 1528019304926.jpg)

File: 2158b112229d0de⋯.jpg (80.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Your_ancestors.jpg)

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a38429  No.230800


was that supposed to "trigger me"?

……to hurt my feelings ?….


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a38429  No.230801



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a38429  No.230802

like I've been saying……..

youthreeguys are MYOPIC

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a38429  No.230803

narrow vision

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f185fb  No.230818

Good article. Everyone knows the jew fbi outsources its monitoring of this site to israel. What they dont know is israel outsources the outsource, back here to America. A diversity hire no doubt. The main troll here is some jew loving nigger probably named Shaniqua, making 1/10 what the US jews are paying israel. Havent you ever noticed how inferior the trolling is here? Its like a vacation

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2a50b9  No.230827

File: 846e32e6c51545f⋯.jpg (352.46 KB, 817x567, 817:567, 1525685442123.jpg)

File: c9accd851021d9c⋯.jpg (91.26 KB, 539x385, 7:5, 971_JewishSlave_Trade.jpg)

File: 70f11a95e0586f2⋯.jpg (117.01 KB, 771x1000, 771:1000, 1530737872801.jpg)


>Imagine being born a lower tier jew pleb and be ordered by your rabbi to post on a 1990s technology website because thats all youre good for.

He sucked your dick when he cut your foreskin off too.

Truly a pathetic life. Think about that tonight, jew anon. Think about what the jews have done to you as well.

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66dcb4  No.230836


It is always ok to kill jews.

There is no future for you.

We will kill you all.

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a38429  No.230841

File: 716e8d34e4750ad⋯.png (427.04 KB, 1080x1429, 1080:1429, PicsArt_05_09_05_10_14.png)


you can't even masturbate without getting winded, computer sissy fat slob

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a38429  No.230842


I'm guessing your wizchan days left you sans the exterior perspective required to realize how effeminate you seem whenever you type that.



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a38429  No.230843

File: 9061ea5164a052f⋯.jpg (220.36 KB, 1080x1708, 270:427, PicsArt_05_09_04_55_21.jpg)

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a38429  No.230844

I'm not larping or exaggerating



by one of his earlobes, and yank his BIG FAT SWOLLEN SEDENTARY ASS out of his stink computer chair, and have him begging me to please stop hitting him

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a38429  No.230845

becauseONLY A FAT WEAK INEPT SISSYwould ever type that particular larp faggotry

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a38429  No.230846

MARSHMALLOW SALLY has never been punched in the face….. never

and he'sNEVER punched another mannot even once

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a38429  No.230847

it's excruciatingly obvious that he's a weak overweight sissy

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a38429  No.230848


lol you're TRANSPARENTLY effeminate, Sally

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a38429  No.230849

File: 5f5d5aa59b5684f⋯.jpg (236.89 KB, 1080x1708, 270:427, PicsArt_05_09_05_23_14.jpg)

lol @ your weird infantile effeminate misinterpretation of "masculinity" or "intimidation"

sissy sally can't fight

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a38429  No.230851

you're like a mixture between a 10 year old boy and a 52 year old woman

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a38429  No.230852


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a38429  No.230853


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a38429  No.230854

I've spotted the sissy…….. ……….

and now, I'm turning his

imageboard experience

into the most unpleasant

it has EVER been before

and I'm going to do this EVERY GOD DAMN DAY

ask Killcen if I'm going to stop

trust me Sally this is going to last for several months at least

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a38429  No.230856


let's just be honest, Lardbucket "Wizard' Dicklust…

any teenage girl could beat you down

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a38429  No.230857

so there's no need for me to larp "tough guy"

any 14 year old girl could easily put you in the hospital, so it's no 'big feat' for me to larp about

like I said, I'd just grab one of your ears, and you would either comply, or have your stupid ear ripped off your big fat lazy face

you wouldn't fight back…..

trust me

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a38429  No.230858

but yeah…………….

feel free to ask Killcen how long I'm going to ruin your "imageboard time'….

several months AT LEAST…..



and I am not leaving

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a38429  No.230860

D I S C L A I M E R :

I don't dislike the othertwoguys in /pnd/

Marshmallow Sally is my target

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a38429  No.230862

and I canABSOLUTELY GUARANTEEMarshmallow Sally will leave….

I've done this hundreds and hundreds of times before, so you can bank on it… Sooner or later, he will leave…..

But I hope it takes him a while because I enjoy the face-to-face with him

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a38429  No.230863

I am super, super familiar with this process…..

He feigns indifference, blah blah blah

then he goes through the stages of grief

and he vacillates between angry lashing out, and running and hiding….

And after 3 or 4 months, he won't be able to take it anymore, and he'll leave

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a38429  No.230864

but its important that the othertwoguys in here know that this has nothing to do with them

Ive actually begun to admire them

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a38429  No.230865

but yeah…………………………………

this is Marshmallow Sally's Fault,

not the other guys

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a38429  No.230866

Dear Killcen,

why don't you tell Marshmallow Sally

how long this usually lasts

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a38429  No.230867

oops time to run!!

my wife made another badass veggie dinner

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a38429  No.230869

my wife says I forgot to mention that Marshmallow Sally will begin trying to

behave differently, try to act like he is

somebody else, and lurk a lot

she's absolutely correct

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a38429  No.230870

toodles, Sally…………….

I'll be back

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d6ad75  No.230896

Damn…one filter button and 32 'replies' disappear.


third pic is the reason why jews (but not Europeans) are forbidden to make a likeness to God.

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0cca74  No.230910

File: a839473425b6c98⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 370x511, 370:511, bc870633c112431bb59b2a7291….jpg)


There was another, even more in-depth article written about you guys

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bbb4f6  No.230929

File: 55b2939d64c7a31⋯.jpg (542.31 KB, 1018x2640, 509:1320, 20210510_002302.jpg)


I know its wonderful right? Happened to notice this

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bbb4f6  No.230930

File: aeb8311116d1719⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, epclHrw.jpg)

Also, jew god = robot devil?

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db1605  No.230941


lol @ you never hearing of homemade eggplant parmesan, grilled zucchini & salad before.

and you consider yourself to be 'genius'?

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db1605  No.230942

or were you just upset because you don't have a wife?

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db1605  No.230943

Maybe… Just maybe…. one of these decades, a woman will find you interesting?

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0512b5  No.230944


If it ate beef 24/7 I don't think anything is going to up its T

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0512b5  No.230945


For you


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5a4636  No.230974

File: 75aa4af1f884753⋯.png (169.05 KB, 648x666, 36:37, CIAnigger_217a.png)

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fb02d0  No.230978


Your first amusing post. Nice work.

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df08ac  No.231586

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