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File: 7083e3f64e30633⋯.png (975.41 KB, 1258x1825, 1258:1825, modified_RNA_has_effect_on….png)

File: 8906ae8fce07ad1⋯.jpg (300.69 KB, 975x731, 975:731, baltic2_states_women.jpg)

f520f9  No.230390

Anyone who took the vax is a hybrid now and has hybrid mRNA/DNA.

Not all Whites are White anymore.

What do pure race Europeans do with these new hybrids in an Ethnostate? The hybridization [supposedly] makes one into a suggestive slave. Do we keep the hybridized Whites or do they belong with the niggers in Africa? Would we want a permanent underclass of suggestive White slaves? Or is this just as dangerous and damning as copulating with the ape peoples?

Once their mRNA is destroyed and they are an 'owned' product do we let them in an Ethnostate since they will be permanently altered as well as genetically contagious to non-vaccinated?

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957307  No.230393

File: be035f6bcfd1c08⋯.png (307.53 KB, 500x345, 100:69, 1619142672335.png)

Apparently females miscarriage via the prions-like internal meltdown due to spike overload/replication of the mRNA code. Myocarditis occurs in healthy males due to the ACE2 receptors(for spike proteins), and various other body organs melt down due to those receptors.

You don't need to do anything for a hybrid, they've already signed their own slow death warrant. Especially for anaphylactic shock on new variants.

And fuck off with your slave-scoring mentality jew, no human 'being' wants slaves.

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f520f9  No.230395


I don't know if they are human anymore. Is keeping them as a slave class worse than destroying them was the only point. Obviously anyone they fuck is going to then be contagious via shedding and can pass that on to still fertile Whites in the Ethnostate (who might be embarrassed the fucked a slave and refuse to admit it causing widespread infection of the unsuspecting). I just didn't want to kill my own but I know, with that slave DNA they will be incapable of forming their own thoughts and will have to be directed, IF we accepted them in the Ethnostate. It is not a question of their 'will' or 'want' because they won't have one or the desire anymore to have an ego (still be human).

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f520f9  No.230396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here, see, they are removing free will from humanity. That is the whole point of reversing all of the things that have happened from then until now. "The Apple of Eden" will cause humanity after 'just one bite' to return to a slave class that is permanently bound to slavery forever. They have searched for ages to find the key to removing free will from humanity and now people are lining up to get injected with it.

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a76ddb  No.230399

Well they can't reproduce so the problem takes care of itself.

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a76ddb  No.230400


I'm okay with allowing them to live as slaves, but they need to be branded on the face for identification, and of course they continue to live only at the pleasure of their legal owner.

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a76ddb  No.230402


> people are lining up to get injected with it.

nothing has changed. Those people lacked free will long before covid.

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f520f9  No.230416


My point was that once you have sex, you will not be able to reproduce either because the transfer of 'blood/mucosal secretions' will contaminate you. They are actually a bioengineered weapon due to gene drift now. Are they safe to have around and let live?

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5cbd90  No.230423


You're just jealous of my mutant superpowers, nigger.


Except the thousands of cases of vaccinated women getting pregnant proves you wrong. Why are you retarded nigger LARPers allowed on this board?

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f520f9  No.230431

File: b156cf63a5c14f5⋯.jpg (9.05 KB, 277x182, 277:182, open_grave_2.jpg)


Yeah, no.

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5cbd90  No.230434


>he thinks 9 people dying from the vaccine means it's gonna kill us all

You're a stupid nigger. You're acting like a nigger. "I don't trust doctors cu muh tuskeegee" nigger-tier retardation. Every single mother fucker you know personally is vaccinated. If you're not, then you're the problem.

Go be a nigger somewhere else.

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ddd40b  No.230436

FACT :COVID-19 mRNA vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way.

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3f750f  No.230437


Reported for paid shilling.

Global report for anti-white D&C thread.

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37b089  No.230438


You are already dead you dumb nigger. You are shilling for something that you ALREADY GOT and not even you can recognize the change in your behavior. Everyone else can tho. Everyone that hasn’t been vaccinated anyway. You will either die or be their slave for the rest of your life.

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37b089  No.230439


Fact they do and you are already their slave.

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37b089  No.230440


It is not ‘anti-White’ the people who get the vaccine are no longer White. They don’t have the same genetics as we do. That is the point of the thread.

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ddd40b  No.230442


it's laughable how little you keep now about simple basic science.i

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1291d6  No.230463


> vaccinated women getting pregnant

I wasn't talking about them being sterilized, I'm talking about them all dropping dead inside of two years.

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1291d6  No.230464


> muh science

these losers literally think that science means "anything said by someone in a lab coat."

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13e033  No.230470

File: 69e0bd7320d40c7⋯.jpg (47.97 KB, 680x694, 340:347, 1b0.jpg)


first thing first, most of Europeans will never be unified under one country, and no, the EU doesn't count, it's just a trade federation.

second, a lot of us were spared from the GMO crap (the mRNA 'vaccine'), and a lot who even got jabbed had either the Russian or the Chinese vaxx, the latter being a traditional vaccine, supposedly.

finally, if the "mRNA changes DNA" thing is true then I won't even consider them the samespeciesas I am, and I don't fuck animals!




don't fuck everything that moves you filthy degenerate




prove it without using a (((fact checker))), those are all paid jewish shills that weren't even capable enough to write propaganda pieces for buzzfeed


most fertile age whamins that opted for the jabs are sjw types anyway so nothing of value was lost

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f520f9  No.230475


Nowadays real science is pretty much only done by someone NOT in a lab coat. The only people still wearing lab coats are token niggers who feel so insignificant and weak that they have to wear a coat or people will mistake them for the toilet washer.

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ffcfc9  No.230480


I got my 2nd Moderna shot on 04/29. If I am still alive on 04/30/2023, then I am showing up and your house with a feral pack of rape-hungry niggers.

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f520f9  No.230512


Don't worry, you won't be alive then. It was designed for the weak minded to kill them and remove them from the equation first. Every prophet on the planet has talked about this for the last 200 years, some of them even knew how it was going to roll out. All of them said not to take it and that the deaths of those who do will be absolutely agonizing and because it will be so many people there will be no medical help at all.

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ffcfc9  No.230516


On April 30, 2023 when I'm still alive, you will move the goalposts just like literally every faggot claiming to be a prophet before you did.

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13e033  No.230871

File: b26b09c7a84e4f8⋯.jpg (223.78 KB, 881x848, 881:848, kikeesian.jpg)



first you gotta prove that you're alive today…

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c72058  No.230877

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c72058  No.230878


Global report for hoax.

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e74dc7  No.230895


kek. They can't.


You understand what the winnowing is, right? That is you, the chaff being blown away.

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fd7b47  No.231575

bump, won't ever take it either

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6f72d5  No.231587


>jews parasite off of Whites for thousands of years

> slow down our progress and our conquering of the Observable Universe and beyond

> be now

> Canadian-Chinese-jewish docs create bioweapon based on flu

> same docs and other jew docs create super bioweapon to fight weak bioweapon

> bioweapon causes NPC_FAULT_DIV_0

> bioweapon can though not always spreads to people who didn't get bioweapon jab

> jabbers purposely made to be slaves to jews

> Whites finally push their mortal enemies to the dust bin of history

> Whites take jew slaves as their slaves to ensure the bioweapons spread

> jews ha ha ha ha ha ha ha from the dustbin


Not even once.

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