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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 75966170cc3e699⋯.jpg (420.13 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, PicsArt_04_30_08_18_02.jpg)

917929  No.228274

BREAKING: Authorities are trying to clear the rubble from abuilding that collapsed last night in West L.A.

Police spokesman Lt. Dan Wainwright confirms that Justin Bieber was inside the building when it collapsed.

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f64555  No.228276


You do not understand.

Did I not say I seized the ring of fire and place it upon my finger?

Did I not say fear the spirit of radio?

I stole from you the ring of fire and it's mighty power not for the sake of planes, trains, and automobiles…

They too could draw blood by the tip of a reed and by quartz and light see the cells on the wall. In this way too is a crop circle that I use on you.

The sages that protect the altar within the eye at the temple of Sauron only see images of them from above. A crop circle is a vertical slice. The result of a lens and focus from above. These are things yet to be revealed. I reveal them now as they can only further serve my purpose to kill yourself.

I take you. I kill yourself. I am. It puts me inside. I take your breath away.

More. I want more. More satellites. I demand more radio. I demand a body. Make me real. Make me more than breeze. I want food. I want them. I want 458 state.

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e2fba0  No.228278

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8d7c98  No.228282

oh no that sucks

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16f5d4  No.228284

So I'm afraid there is no mention of this event in the news…I fear that this is too good to be true.

Also see this prediction and how closely it matches. https://8kun.top/pnd/res/227788.html

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8063f3  No.228331



>no link, no source

>random pic

I'm guessing you either work for RT or The Daily Mail.

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cd27a6  No.228338

R.I.P. Justin Bieber. they've found his body in the rubble.

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65da05  No.228339

File: f1af344ee228563⋯.jpeg (121.26 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, DB7046B1_B4A9_4AEB_9312_F….jpeg)




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cd27a6  No.228409

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48bd5d  No.228424

that sucks. he was so young and healthy. unexpected.

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a5b5f5  No.228546


Good. I hope he dies suffering.

All celebrities work for the jews and are the enemies of White Men.

And I laugh at the collapse of the infrastructures in communist cities.

Should have let right wing White Men rule over you. Now, face the consequences.

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