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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: f01c2acdc59c4e7⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 2320x3088, 145:193, asian_feet_5.jpg)

720437  No.228117[Last 50 Posts]

mom and pop landlords are being bled dry, fucking awesome. Maybe they shouldnt have been such assholes and charged such high rent? The average normal person hates cops, and hates landlords. Cops are about to get fucked when the next riots start, i read that a shitload of cops quit after the Derek Chauvin trial



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945d4e  No.228127


>Gook fetish

>Fuck cops

>Fuck people richer than me

Everyone knows you're a degenerate.

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911953  No.228128


It is envious.

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2129ae  No.228131

File: 74d58e05133cc93⋯.jpg (23.79 KB, 598x574, 299:287, 677.jpg)


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911953  No.228134

File: 49d0d685bb56055⋯.jpg (4.63 KB, 225x225, 1:1, wacky_sex_toy_of_the_weak.jpg)


About that, that foot is attached to a person that is basically mongoloid. I mean if you want to jack to something, at least make sure it is a White foot.

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058566  No.228138


>Pro commie bullshit

This board is infested with commie loving faggots.

Also that that zipperhead looks like a fucking man, but that's because you all look the same.

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bf0e3f  No.228153

File: 485a4efa7c2eb3e⋯.png (406.49 KB, 1322x877, 1322:877, nick.png)


well, this is what conservatives seem to support

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818452  No.228159


Landlords should be told to get a job. Owning a thing and making people pay to use that thing iisn't a job.

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818452  No.228160


That's because this is a Communist board. You're just too stupid to realize it.

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b19722  No.228161

File: 920c11fc362bad1⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 831x1024, 831:1024, 1242623753566755647771.jpg)




Remember kids, Sigmund Freud said that feet remind people of dicks. And if a jew is calling you gay for anything besides you hating gays, he's definitely fucking right. Why the hell do you think so many fags have a foot fetish?

anyways jannies, get this shit off my board. Clean it up!

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818452  No.228163


There are no jannies, this is not 4chan, and this is not your board.

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301e68  No.228175


>This board is infested with commie loving faggots.

It's not. It's just the 20-30 people who post here aren't operating under any delusions that rich people are their friends. Conservatives have made their own bed when it comes to WN hostility.

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d55d76  No.228188



Fuck off left scum. Parasites like you ought to just KYS. Seriously, why not just buy your own house?


> Maybe they shouldnt have been such assholes and charged such high rent?

This is how I know OP is a massively retarded faggot. He cannot conceptualize that housing costs money. A lot of fucking money. It's not mom and pop landlord that has driven up housing costs. Maybe you spent a little time lurking you'd know exactly who did.

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301e68  No.228192


No one is listening to you anymore, conservative.

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d55d76  No.228196


You do realize this is being done solely to crush mom and pop landlords, so the kikefinancial houses can swoop in and buy up all these properties dirt cheap?

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301e68  No.228204


Mom and pop landlords aren't going to do you a solid because you're White.

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0c56a3  No.228212


Still can't touch my money, commie.

I have lots of it, and it will never dry out.

And I use some of it to pay to have your kind killed.

What are you gonna do about it, commie? NOTHING.

You have no power.

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bf0e3f  No.228221


Close. That was Thomas Jefferson. But George Washington did marry a rich divorcee and never had any children of his own, yet raised the children from his wife's first marriage. So he was somewhat odd in that way, given that he had the potential to have children of his own and chose not to.

But I chose him because he is well known, and even though the meme is not that well made, I wanted to ensure that people reading it would understand the general message of it without needing to think very hard.

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a0bcec  No.228225

>four generations of manual labor

>finally pay off mortgage

>family leaves to son in will

>son goes to college and sublets house in order to afford the property taxes

>msnpc: fuck landlords goys

>forced to sell house for a fraction of its value to some kike

>racism defeated

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911953  No.228228


Well anon they aren't going to stop stealing from you so you have a choice coming soon.

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8336c9  No.228229

File: 383ad7c69c1ba94⋯.png (3.98 KB, 256x256, 1:1, f9c170a2d4b85499bdf7fag.png)


so now we know why (((you))) like feet!


so basically, he was a cuck


nor will kike-owned pod districts where you'll own nothing and "be happy" or else. go eat some bugs somewhere else chinese anon.

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301e68  No.228230


>nor will kike-owned pod districts where you'll own nothing and "be happy" or else. go eat some bugs somewhere else chinese anon.

the broader point is that people with money had their chance to stick up for White Americans and they chose not to every time. they shouldn't expect anything but a cold shoulder from WN.

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c264df  No.228246

Just wanted to let everyone know how fucking gay this is.

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c264df  No.228247


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c264df  No.228248


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2129ae  No.228255




>bumps three times

That's not how you sage, faggot.

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720437  No.228259


white women have ugly, ugly feets

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720437  No.228260


once again. FUCK small scale landlords. FUCK small businesses. Both are being CRUSHED by the lockdowns. This is good. Once only big corporations remain, we WILL get UBI. It's scumfuck small businesses who are holding back progress.

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714ca1  No.228275


yellow, flat nose, thick lipped, black nipple NIGGERS FROM OUTER SPACE

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714ca1  No.228279


Asians are just like niggers, because you can't tell the difference between their men & their women.

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714ca1  No.228285


Sigmund Freud had some serious issues, so he projected, and suggested that the entire human race shared his particular creepy repressed feelings…

Feet DO NOT "remind anybody of penises"

everything reminded Freud of penises…

e v e r y t h i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

and the entire "you can determine the size of a guy's dick by the size of their hands" axiom is untrue… The size of a man's genitals cannot be determined by their hands or feet…

It's THE NOSE that indicates the size of a man's penis…..

sorry, but that's a fact….

It's not just about "size", either.. the nose indicates the shape of the genitals as well…

I can always correctly predict what a woman's vulva and labia look like by THE WOMANSNOSE

so….. now that you understand phenotypes better


fetishes havenothingto do with sex

fetishes are aboutunresolved psychological issues

Like control and authority issues,

due to a lifetime of feeling a lack of control or authority


they are the part of the body that is the farthest removed part from sexual organs, both literally and metaphorically

people with "foot fetishes" are ASEXUAL

and they're also UNORIGINAL

because in the "grab bag of predictable pre-packaged behaviors", foot 'fetishes' are THE MOST PREDICTABLE OF THEM ALL….

contrived….. totally fake…

people behaving a certain way becausethey THINK that's the way people are supposed to behave

foot fetishes are just like ALL 'fetishes'

they're distraction techniques

designed to distract

from the fact

that those people


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714ca1  No.228286

people who like sex HAVE SEX

not drinking champagne out of a stiletto

not getting spanked

not "being an authoritarian"

not "being subservient"

not wearing black rubber clothes

not fixating on feet

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714ca1  No.228287

fetishists (posers) would like to make you think they are "connoisseurs" and "aficionados", who have a "superior elite sexuality" that 'normal people are too inexperienced to comprehend'…

lol hahaha

nope… that's all part of their distraction bullshit


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714ca1  No.228288


so, you're completely wrong about the landlord situation, because you don't understand tenant law.

The landlord's will collect most of the money, because the debt will follow the delinquent tenants, preventing them from ever getting approved anywhere else that was even halfway decent… It has nothing to do with landlords "charging high rent". You're talking about a moratorium on evictions, no matter how high or low the rent might be…

and it's NOT the people who could afford high rent who are defaulting on payments during the temporary moratorium (which is coming to an end very soon)

it's the LOW RENT TENANTS who are seizing the opportunity to make an excuse and not pay rent.

But that's okay… Because the landlords and property managers will simply put a lien on the tenants, and it will follow them for the rest of their lives…

They will either pay their back rent, or struggle to find someplace else who will accept them with the bad mark on their rental history.

You just have a problem with authority figures

HOWEVER: you're halfway right about cops

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714ca1  No.228289

File: 866e801db9d1163⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2320x3088, 145:193, PicsArt_04_30_09_34_11.jpg)


but even more importantly, you're a faggot

with SHITTY predictable tastes

not joking

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714ca1  No.228290

the only thing that truly stands out

about your post

was the term "MOM AND POP LANDLORDS"

Everybody's heard of "mom and pop stores"

That's an age-old terminology….

But I've never heard of MOM & POP LANDLORDS

…….. That's new……..

and I'm curious why you brought the term

MOM AND POP into it

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714ca1  No.228291


sure, cops are STUPID AS SHIT….

Police Departments won't hire anybody with an IQ over 100… they're idiots… of course

But I detect a series of resentments in your content…

you apparently hold a grudge against authority figures, and you fall back on infantile familiarities.

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714ca1  No.228292


you peeked out from under your security blanket, to revel in the "anguish of MOTHER and 'pop' landlords"….

but they're not in anguish. they can bear the temporary burden.

cops quitting after Chauvin?

not enough to matter

just like tenants

they'll quickly be replaced

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720437  No.228551

File: eb271de2cffb171⋯.png (434.29 KB, 694x693, 694:693, Diva_Feetsies.png)


>they can bear the temporary burden

uh, that's not what they are saying. Most of these landlords havent been paid rent in over 10 months, and are soon to be foreclosed on.

Secondly, what kind of pathetic incel loser actually white-knights for the police and landlords, as you did in your post?

You need to literally have sex, incel. Maybe once you stop being a frustrated incel virgin loser, you will stop supporting fascism.

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830fd4  No.230382


Yeah, fuck those Mom & Pop landlords! Let the Poors live in the gutter with the niggers & druggies. I would never own rental property- because renters are usually such scum.

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1ee285  No.230414

File: 12704d9a4882bd6⋯.jpg (56.15 KB, 1300x975, 4:3, 41962964_unusual_studio_sh….jpg)


They do not. White feet are the most beautiful of all.

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1dbca4  No.232212

File: aa2f4985e0c7374⋯.jpg (194 KB, 900x993, 300:331, JIDF.jpg)


Jannies dont clean up cuck chan, thats why im here. 4cucks is remnants of another time.

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f75143  No.242510

What the government is doing to the land lords is wicked.

What some landlords to do some renters is wicked.

All the evil being done isn't for cause.

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065dc7  No.242539


OK….. but big companies like Blackrock will just buy it all up then, and you'll still be stuck with paying future bills, unless taxpayers have to subsidize your rent fees too.

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7bc73a  No.242551

fuck renters

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27aad1  No.242614

More Korean girl feet pls

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a219a6  No.242637

I asked for more Korean girl feet like over an hour ago. And theres no new Korean qt feet. You people disappoint me.

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7f6634  No.244188


Yep! And as predicted, once they consolidated their power and wealth through abusive draconian policies and bankrupting average landlords to gobble up properties…. THIS HAPPENS:


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a329fc  No.244189


Renters and average landlords are both fucked now, and the fat cat bolshevik banksters keep gobbling up everything they can for themselves.

I'd say fuck renting altogether, true, but a lot of people will no longer have any choice but to rent in the future, and there will be price gouging! As it was said "you will own nothing, and you will like it." Warnings gone ignored and there will be consequences.

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88930a  No.244252

Corporations are the new landlords.

They will own the neighborhoods.

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e6ff20  No.248919


Means mommy and pops urgently need their basement now, so you gotta piss off for good? Finally?

Well… move to Cummiefornia, land of the sperm sucklers, where half of the population is living tha street life for realz. Earn street creds, show us what a hard boi you are, dweller.

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64f041  No.249010


Fuckin love Cummiefornia

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