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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 3518cd74f5d19c2⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 800x450, 16:9, suicide.jpg)

e277ce  No.226601

How to kill oneself quick and painless?

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24cc63  No.226663

File: e4e8ddcf58956ab⋯.png (179.41 KB, 303x311, 303:311, e4e8ddcf58956ab062343bebef….png)

You'd think people lacking fear of death could find a better way to spend it.

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f869e2  No.226722


when you came to 8kun, "living" ended for you.

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f57b8f  No.226728


>How to kill oneself quick and painless?

Just wait.

It's not possible for your life to last more than another 80 years or so, probably much less.

That's really not long in the scheme of things

I'm 40 years old - over half way there!

Everybody lives a short, human life. There is really no need to hasten something that is already racing towards you.

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6c0ddb  No.226736



If people are bored they should change their life. There are millions of experiences on this planet that just might kill you, go live rough until you find one that does. While you are 'really living' and challenged you may find that death is not 'as attractive' as you thought it once was.

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3d6f06  No.226738

Don't just kill yourself; kill a whole bunch of people that have caused you misery at the same time (niggers, spicks, Kikes, faggots, etc). Bullets from the ZOG-bots will take you out pretty quick, and if they don't, just shoot yourself at that point.

Better yet, devote your life to fighting the ZOG. Take out a few niggers under the cover of darkness, and when you realize what kind of power you have to fight the ZOG, you will have a different outlook on life.

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aecca7  No.226759

Believe it or not, a sleeper hold. I got put out one time and it was not a big deal. You dont run out of air or suffocate, you go limp way before it becomes an issue. I could have easily have died in that moment and would never have known.

Alternatively, a sedative you dont wake up from but that could go wrong and you could chimp out like george floyd did, suffering.

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6c0ddb  No.226761


Can you put yourself in a sleeper hold?

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f6ce74  No.226781


It's 2021. How the fuck do people still not know about this place?

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6c0ddb  No.226791


I am going to go with Isaac Kappy on this one:


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f6ce74  No.226793


I'm not a murderer, but I know about ogrish. I'm not a nigger, but I know about worldstar. There are just some sites so ubiquitous that not knowing about it is like not knowing that the sky is blue and water is wet.


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6c0ddb  No.226799


Wat? When did the sky turn blue?

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6c0ddb  No.226801



ugh gross.

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9571ae  No.226810

helium. But seriously, if you're gonna do it, make it count.

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128323  No.226819


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96d05d  No.226843


Since you're a jew, I hope you die a painful excruciating death, you degenerale evil kike faggot.

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aecca7  No.226848


Im sure you could figure it out. David Carradine got close. Line the inside of the belt with a padding/buffer where your carotids would be. One of those back brace things might work, you just pump it up like 90s hightops.

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ca7502  No.227779

Become a kike puppet

Instant death of the soul

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4520b0  No.230387


Safest way (if you don't have a fun) is to jump off a tall building (5 story minimum). Try and land head first. Good luck!

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cb2955  No.230389

I need you to live, damn you. Live!

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2e347e  No.234475




you don't. you call the suicide hotline and they will give you resources.



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300d13  No.234482

Op is zioshit. No one in their right mind wouldn't make those responsible pay.

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184392  No.235026

File: 2813fffdf5d5d29⋯.jpg (52.82 KB, 426x597, 142:199, MV5BN2Y1MGJkMmEtNjZmZi00MD….jpg)

File: 247f381023880d3⋯.jpg (120.39 KB, 850x564, 425:282, 5d07adf960332a315a1e243313….jpg)

File: afad06a1d6ed0e6⋯.jpg (70.36 KB, 670x900, 67:90, 1621845704916.jpg)



Yes. Be sure and don't get revenge. Lol.

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6b5475  No.236256


Most likely this. 20 feet you will break something. At 100 feet, you will most likely die so long as the ground you land on is solid. Don't land on dirt cause it could soften the impact. You could also set yourself on fire before you fail as a sort of fail safe method

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5b1d56  No.240714


inert gas asphyxiation


>nitrogen gas cylinder

>large plastic bag (suicide bag)

>tube to connect to the nitrogen gas cylinder

>tube for temporary breathing while filling your suicide bag with nitrogen gas

>rubber band to seal your suicide bag


>properly ensure there are no holes in your suicide bag (e.g. by pulling it down over your head from a bit above it so it fills with air on the way down and sealing it quickly, doesn't need to be entire filled with air at this point, just full enough so that you can squeeze it and make sure no air is escaping)

>place the bag over your head and seal it with the rubber band, but keep your breathing tube inside the seal (so the bag won't be fully sealed at this point), and make sure you can comfortably breathe through it

>empty the bag from air as much as you possibly can while continuing to breathe the outside air through the breathing tube

>now insert the tube from the nitrogen gas cylinder inside the seal as well (at this point you will have both the cylinder tube and your breathing tube inside the seal, preventing you from sealing it completely, but you should still be able to fill up the bag without too much nitrogen gas escaping), and fill the bag up with as much nitrogen gas as possible, still while breathing through the breathing tube

>when the bag is as full as possible with nitrogen gas, remove the nitrogen gas cylinder tube, breathe out as much air as you can from your lungs through the breathing tube, and then remove the breathing tube too, which should result in the rubber band sealing the bag completely

>if you've followed the above steps successfully, your lungs should now be as empty as possible of air, and you should have a completely sealed large plastic bag full of nitrogen gas on your head

>breathe the nitrogen gas as you normally would breathe air, which won't be a problem, since the uncomfortable feeling associated with suffocation is due to the hypercapnic response, i.e. a buildup of too much carbon dioxide

>you won't feel any discomfort, and within less than a minute you will lose consciousness, which will be the end of the conscious experience you call your life, shortly thereafter your brain cells will die, so-called brain death, which in turn means the irreversible death of your biological organism

>you are now dead, and if you did everything correctly, it was quick and painless

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182cf8  No.240715

File: 094758679466018⋯.jpg (107.31 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 1.jpg)

Killing yourself won't solve your problems. In fact, it will only make things worse for you. To get out, here's what you need:

The Four Final Truths

1. Suffering is an innate characteristic of existence.

2. Craving is the root cause of suffering.

3. Ending suffering can be attained by ending craving.

4. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.



卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐

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5b1d56  No.240717


if suffering arose in the first place, then there's no guarantee it won't arise again, so I've never understood why Buddhism is supposed to ultimately solve anything

>finally manages to end craving and end suffering

>experiencing the bliss of nirvana, fuck yeah

>starts craving and suffering again

>well shit

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182cf8  No.240751


Sure, you can say all you want about Nibbana, but only the enlightened know. Maybe, you're right, but The Buddha said "come and see for youself". That's the only way.

Having practiced the Aryan path and reach some attainment along the path(I know I'm not supposed to say, but this is anonymous, who's going to believe me anyway?), let me just say, I have extreme fucking confidence in Mein Fuhrer, Lord Buddha.

If you really want to take out The Zionists, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who develop psychic powers along the path (like mind reading). You can use those against them, they might have their own 'psykers' anyway.

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d43e9b  No.240795


I would NOT recommend suicide unless you know your life is already extremely fucked, for example, you were to be facing 10+ years in prison….. then get a .40 or 10mm and that would do the job just fine or you could go out 'death by cop' rambo when they come for you, use something like 7.62mm or 5.56mm with 50 round drums until you get your ass killed. That said, suicide should only be used in the worst case scenarios, like you literally face subjugation by the State, then and only then it'd be worth it.

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be9954  No.240942

File: bb5a8db42b6f834⋯.png (101.15 KB, 502x771, 502:771, suicide_statistics_methods.png)

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be9954  No.240943

File: de575fbdd8ca2b4⋯.jpg (234.65 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, pepe_drunk.jpg)


>implying "living" ever started

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be9954  No.240944

File: 40ba85c39316a42⋯.png (595.9 KB, 994x989, 994:989, glowfag.png)


>you don't. you call the suicide hotline and they will give you resources.


Sounds like a good way to be involuntarily committed to a mental institution. If you're American, say goodbye to your Second Amendment rights forever.

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be9954  No.240946

File: 230f3c840adb621⋯.png (181.04 KB, 1108x1009, 1108:1009, no_death.png)


>if suffering arose in the first place, then there's no guarantee it won't arise again

Pic related

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706677  No.240948


Buddhism = lies

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6eeef5  No.241184

i like how we are hypnotizing the glowies into depression top kek

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dceb9f  No.241218



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690621  No.241630

Best way is to tell the press you have information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of Hillary Clinton.

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9cb83e  No.249712



I know a guy who killed himself. He went to hell but came back. (near death experience) He was pretty horrified.>>226601

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