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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: d919190d3be46f4⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1480x832, 185:104, taylor_hitler.jpg)

File: 9cf7532f9f8bbd5⋯.png (1.61 MB, 976x1048, 122:131, taylor_goddess.png)

b46846  No.225908[Last 50 Posts]

Before Taylor broke her politically silence 2016, she was widely considered to possibly be a propaganda pawn of white nationalism, aka Aryan Goddess.

SOURCE: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/05/27/479462825/taylor-swift-aryan-goddess

Now that she is an obvious full-on globo-homo anti-white race-traitor, who can replace her?

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af7eb3  No.225909

File: a6fa0bd8041a703⋯.png (19.55 KB, 767x232, 767:232, taylor_swift_why_jews_hate….PNG)

Israel hates TayTay.

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963195  No.225910


My advice would be to not idolize the women the jew puts in front of you, especially when you do not know them.

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90693e  No.225911


As a woman, my advice is to not idolize women at all. Women have a LONG WAY to go before they have climbed up out of the hell that they have found themselves in. They need to WORK before they are fit for respect.

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af7eb3  No.225912

File: d8b0215a78efc90⋯.gif (976.86 KB, 400x450, 8:9, hitler_tits_or_gtfo.gif)

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90693e  No.225913


lol not gonna fuck you anon.

saved that gif though.

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af7eb3  No.225914


story of my life

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90693e  No.225915

File: 81420110882d5c3⋯.gif (915.7 KB, 250x230, 25:23, hitler_smiling_gif.gif)


Even Hitler can't resist 'large track of land'…obviously…might have been his downfall.

Don't worry about it; remember /pol/ admonition; "Don't fuck crazy." kek

What I wouldn't give to know what they are laughing at.

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af7eb3  No.225916


i love you.

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90693e  No.225917


You are embarrassing me…stop before someone comes along and is mean to us (calls us fags or something lel).

[Secretly, even here at the end of this board I have really loved all of it, you too]

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af7eb3  No.225918

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af7eb3  No.225919


wait… u r a girl right?

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90693e  No.225920


Not a 'girl', woman. Yep, I have carefully cultivated anonymity and clung to it. But yes.

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af7eb3  No.225921


i don't know what this means so I'm just going to assume you're a grill.

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90693e  No.225922

Nobody ever believes me. Don't worry about it. It has taken me years to understand women's weakness #1 and then to admit it was true #2.

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90693e  No.225923


to me 'girl' means 'teen' or younger.

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af7eb3  No.225924


What's their weakness?

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af7eb3  No.225925


Oh. I just meant person of the female persuasion.

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f51173  No.225926

Taylor Swift is a jewess. Fuck off kikes.

Note for newfags. This is how jews shit up political boards with trash to distract lemmings from their crimes. The responses in these posts are from jews constantly bumping these posts.

Jews are evil. Here's a sample.

Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4

57.8 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews.wmv

0.2 GB


Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf

8.6 MB


Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf

11.4 MB


The Myth of the Good Jew.avi

15.3 MB



9∕11 Missing Links.mp4

1.27 GB


9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi

51.7 MB



Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

547.2 MB


Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf

4.5 MB



[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI

30.2 MB


Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4

73.2 MB


Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4

0.2 GB


Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf

1.3 MB


These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4

75.8 MB


10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust Scam.mp4

23.5 MB


256 References To 6,000,000 Jews Prior To The Nuremberg Trial Announcement.pdf

0.1 MB


Dr. E. R. Fields - Jews Behind Race Mixing (1970).pdf

1.3 MB


Pol Book Packs #1-#23



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af7eb3  No.225927

File: 5a35a9e957b7ae2⋯.png (363.04 KB, 733x866, 733:866, taytay_israel_3.PNG)


TayTay isn't a Jewess you retarded son of a bitch

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df3e6c  No.225929

File: 5ad5a3fa6f70d86⋯.jpg (115.11 KB, 960x720, 4:3, anti_feminist.jpg)

File: d281be2041e6ae1⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 455x768, 455:768, becoming_npc.jpg)


It's not the idolization of women, but rather the idolization of the act of succefully attaining a good white woman; which is not a bad thing. I agree with your point though about men falling victim to acquiescing flaws in women just because the bar is set so low nowadays, just being a virgin practically sets a woman up for worship.


What's the point of getting our boys here into a fuss by identifying as a woman. >>225916 , >>225919

–We're looking for women with at least half a brain to join our local NatSoc meetup and to help influence other women into developing a brain to create a source of good women for social gatherings. "Where the women go, the men will follow" as the proverb goes.

e-mail NatSocJersey@protonmail.com if you're really a woman.–

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90693e  No.225930


They are often parasitic on men and weak. They are hopelessly dependent on men (and other women) for approval. They are complicit in undermining their own culture. They are too agreeable. Weak morally. /pol/ has been the best thing (almost I ever experienced because it has allowed me to grow).

But 'growing' means that you have no place in this world.

I still wouldn't change it tho.

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af7eb3  No.225931

File: c06c6f1af9b7835⋯.jpg (537.6 KB, 1042x884, 521:442, Kushnershill_Merchant.jpg)


>we're looking for women to join our natsoc group

>here's my protonmail address

lol it's true jews have nazi girl fetish. amazing!


you wouldnt change the world?

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90693e  No.225932


>What's the point of getting our boys here into a fuss by identifying as a woman

It is the end of the board purple, sorry I beat you up so much, I thought you were a glowie. After that other Mexican FBI joker I was angry at all FEDS…what was his name…Rodriguez?

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90693e  No.225933


Oh I would change the world. I wouldn't change my experience on /pol/pnd/ even though I no longer fit into the world.

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90693e  No.225935

File: fcd2e32af523836⋯.jpeg (20.15 KB, 300x300, 1:1, michael_rod_facebook.jpeg)


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af7eb3  No.225936


What would you change about the world, anon?

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90693e  No.225938


Most everything. I am still an Ethnoglobalist (though I have renigged a little on that; II can see good in other races [a little tiny bit])…

too many things anon. There is so much wrong. Every thing from language to education to social structure. If you want to see why you shouldn't fuck crazy (lmao) I am the last 1/2 of the Tucker Carlson thread…the Anarcho-Homicidalist…yeah, that is me.

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af7eb3  No.225939


May I ask you a question then?

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90693e  No.225940


Sure, fire away

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af7eb3  No.225941


You said that you are an "ethnoglobalist." Consider of a moment a side of the box you haven't considered. When man can create a "universe" through the use of physics and other sciences, when his physical body is totally discarded as a useless thing, when his concept of "self" is Light, then the physical world will no longer be necessary; the Earth or globe becomes entirely irrelevant in man's mind, as do political systems. What use are your most current views?

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af7eb3  No.225942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Tucker Carlson thread…the Anarcho-Homicidalist

I am the one who opposed you in that thread, called Moarpheus, and I say this because you first had the decency to make claim. I know you.

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90693e  No.225943

File: 9dab0d18d63ec8d⋯.jpg (131.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bonsai_tree.jpg)


>What use are your most current views?

Well I hope to keep growing anon. I would never want to remain static. Whenever a door closes another one opens. I just thought if the board died, I would have to go somewhere else to learn something deeper. That is usually the way it works. I am always trying to improve myself. I guess that is what trauma is for. You don't become valuable (pic)

without many challenges and much struggle.

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90693e  No.225944


Oh I know you too. You are one of the main reasons why I made space for other nationalities though I still have conflict over it. We have had many an argument.

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af7eb3  No.225945

File: 977fd11da73db28⋯.jpg (180.94 KB, 1508x1520, 377:380, bonsai_gold.jpg)



I want you to think in a different way from everyone else. If they are thinking of today or to the next 100 years, you should think in terms of 1,000 years and more. Try and re-align your opinions based in what's right now (ethnocglobalist) to what's happening 1,000 years from now. Then you're more relaxed and pliable, and can be worked, I think. Otherwise you get stuck in a box, whether political or culture or having to do with time.

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90693e  No.225946


>you should think in terms of 1,000 years and more

That is about what I aim for and in my minds eye I can see it all working out. It is all so very very beautiful.

K so explain why you don't like anarcho-homicidalism. Most people just can't stand the name…they don't consider what it really means.

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90693e  No.225947

File: d691cf003c04a4e⋯.jpg (11.84 KB, 313x161, 313:161, the_fountain.jpg)

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13fcee  No.225948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Let me set the mood for you two with some music.



>asking permission to ask a question on an 8kun thread

Are you serious anon?

la cringe.

fortune favors the bold, and so do women


>purple, sorry I beat you up so much, I thought you were a glowie.

which "accuse everyone of being a glowie" anon are you? this board is 90% demoralization shills. don't be like them.

please tell me you're not that morpheus idiot

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af7eb3  No.225949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Che Guevara, who was instrumental in formatting the idea of Guerilla Warfare, taught that physical war can not succeed unless mental and emotion war were first victorious. Or that you can't win a physical war without first winning the hearts and minds of the "people." World War 1 is a case-study for this claim. So when you reach a certain level of public acceptance of your ideas then it really doesn't matter to me what you manifest as a result, whether mass public deportation or genocide, seeing as both options are then on the table. Though I have my own preferences, of course.

But if one should fail at this the result is, of course, the very same done to himself and his people.

This is a very serious game.

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90693e  No.225951


Come on now purple.

You should know better than anyone else that I am a holy terror. lol

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af7eb3  No.225952

File: d9d2a9fa553966f⋯.jpg (386.81 KB, 1125x1047, 375:349, moarpheus_purpleanon.jpg)


Piss off you nothing.

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90693e  No.225954


>This is a very serious game.

Yes. You are correct. I never really understood why people got so upset (think the pro-rape thread or the anti marriage thread). For me it was always about exploring things. I have not put adequate care into how this would effect others (fucking hell; story of my life). I just wanted to experiment and try everything out. Like throwing pasta at a wall and see what sticks, but the wall was inside my own mind.

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af7eb3  No.225955

File: 30472b17c3465a4⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 240x220, 12:11, mfw_its_serious.gif)


I only opposed you because your spaghetti was hitting other people's walls and you hadn't gone into thought about what it might produce. If you're not a Jew and are sincere then sincerely consider that this battle is not like anything any group has encountered or planned for, not the FEDs or Intelligence Community, in your country. Thought mine may have considered I dunno. What you did was bad and dangerous if you're sincere. The Enemy has accounted for different reactions and has planned for this or that reaction, with his $$$ and networks. It's a serious game faggot.

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90693e  No.225956


No purple…Moarpheus was kind to you compared to me.

I really apologize.

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90693e  No.225958

>What you did was bad and dangerous if you're sincere.

I don't really know what to think about this…give me a second

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90693e  No.225959

It used to really piss me off that the more waves I made the more they tried to silence me. I guess it just became a game…I don't know that I ever took it very seriously.

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af7eb3  No.225960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


just consider the "schizo" idea here >>225945

That's all there is to this. How far away are you capable of looking?



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90693e  No.225961

I used to think that people would be delighted to hear something new or something original. This has proved not to be the case. Not sure what is wrong with people.

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13fcee  No.225962

File: 4e65d07701da870⋯.png (905.63 KB, 750x746, 375:373, natsoc_tough_SS_they_ve_ta….png)

File: 6553e5df5a4669e⋯.png (731.47 KB, 821x984, 821:984, normy_subverted_neo_nazi.png)

File: 8765a8081634d35⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1324x1066, 662:533, original_natsoc_vs_neo_naz….jpg)

File: 0df9e3536f2eceb⋯.jpg (635.91 KB, 1726x1319, 1726:1319, natsoc_civil_war.jpg)


Is that you moarpheus? you're cringe anon? haha. when did you ever "destroy" me?

your website sucks

you hate jews. jew-derangement syndrome. that's all you stand for. playing right into the hands of natsoc subversion.

that's what this is all about.

This National Socialist Civil War thread is no joke: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/219660.html


>I really apologize.

well, gee, golly, aw, shucks. thanks.

Which side of the civil war are you one?

That's all that really matters.

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af7eb3  No.225963

Jews get rekt. Tell them the truth. The reject what you say. Never expected this.

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af7eb3  No.225964


>you hate jews. jew-derangement syndrome.

I don't feel hate, not even for Jews. Try again.

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90693e  No.225965


Please don't call me schizoid, BUT

>How far away are you capable of looking?

Fairly far. I haven't really kept up with it, though I use it all the time in day to day life to avoid trouble.

I would guess I am about 5-10 years ahead in time (sort of/hard to explain) than others.

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af7eb3  No.225966


if you can you look forward in time then what does ethno-anything matter? all of that changes. it only matters now because people are attacking it for future desires. but that's the only reason.

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90693e  No.225968


It is not that clear cut. I would say that I 'am forward' but not that I can 'look forward'. IDK I have never really thought about this stuff. And I am only talking with you, against my better judgement, because I have always really enjoyed you.

Lets switch topics.

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90693e  No.225969


>Which side of the civil war are you one?

My side.

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af7eb3  No.225972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alright. What should we talk about that's on your mind? I'm listening to this and not particularly thinking.

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90693e  No.225973


>This National Socialist Civil War thread is no joke: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/219660.html

I missed that one, must have been terrorizing somewhere else when that came up.

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90693e  No.225974


I was hoping you would lead with something, anything as long as it is not about me. Where have you been hanging out lately (besides here).

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90693e  No.225975


lol, I can't believe you like country music.

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af7eb3  No.225976


i don't lead. it shows submissiveness which makes the other party comfortable and passive 90% of the time ,and this makes me the bad guy to anyone looking. i don't lead. now post your bewbs.


one of ancestors actually played for the king of sweden…which was ironic,

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af7eb3  No.225979

File: ee5dd6d73caa43e⋯.jpg (74.69 KB, 729x534, 243:178, bernadotte_white_horse.jpg)

File: 06057294821612a⋯.png (62.99 KB, 1060x665, 212:133, Bernadotte_Black_Nobility.png)

File: 839c114c02e5b24⋯.jpg (250.3 KB, 1488x684, 124:57, moarpheus_banner.jpg)

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af7eb3  No.225980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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90693e  No.225981

oh god…its getting late.


>now post your bewbs.

night…good to see you are still fucking with people. lmao. I leave you in purples tender care.

>it shows submissiveness which makes the other party comfortable and passive 90% of the time

omg, get it, it worked…you have made me so comfortable and passive I am going to bed.

"Good Night Moarpheus and Purple faggot,. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.”

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af7eb3  No.225982

File: dc3e249bf962880⋯.gif (496.84 KB, 500x265, 100:53, goodnight_dragon.gif)

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13fcee  No.225983

File: af9b9c2dec89e73⋯.png (877.35 KB, 600x777, 200:259, ClipboardImage.png)


>i don't lead. it shows submissiveness. now post your bewbs.


nothing like the potentiallity of a woman being present to draw out la cringe anon's full power.

This is why we need to build a NatSoc woman's group. NatSoc men will reach full effort if they think there is possibility of impressing a group of women. hail hitler.

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90693e  No.225984


Kind of…it is from the Princess Bride. One of my favorite lines.

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af7eb3  No.225985

File: 9856dfdec13e78c⋯.png (631.02 KB, 980x711, 980:711, woman_in_purple_1.png)


It's literally irrelevant at this stage. What do you want? Congratulations? It's in order!

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af7eb3  No.225986


I haven't read the book. What's the line?

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90693e  No.225987


I don't think Moarpheus is trying to impress me as much as get me to 'go away' and wreak havoc elsewhere.

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90693e  No.225988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af7eb3  No.225989


We've agreed on most everything after conversation. What havoc are you really rekting?

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58f50c  No.225990


No one because that is retarded.

Or if you must, then at least a woman who is actually redpilled. Not some vaguely trump-favoring popstar. But, I really dislike the idea of "god" or "godess" being used to refer to mortal people. It just sounds like too much of an exaggeration.

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af7eb3  No.225991




it's nice to see a youngin' in this thread, stlil saging though

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90693e  No.225992



>>225955 (I forgot to check'em)

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58f50c  No.225993


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90693e  No.225994

Who is "The Enemy"?

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90693e  No.225995


SAGEBro is that you?

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af7eb3  No.225996


Your approach is shit. I told you it's shit and explained why. I didnt say that I disagree with your reasoning or goals only that the approach is shit. It's fucking shit. You work with me and maybe you find a way forward, you refuse and you find no way forward, for yourself or others And you know it.


That's a deep question you arent ready to ask until you ask who is YOUR enemy?

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90693e  No.225997


>You work with me and maybe you find a way forward

Hold on, what do you think my goal is here?

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58f50c  No.225998


Sorry, I am using terms that I thought might be understood, but there are better words for the same concepts.

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af7eb3  No.225999




Your goal is as irrelevant as mine, and we only have in common what is synchronistic.

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13fcee  No.226000


>I don't think Moarpheus is trying to impress me as much as get me to 'go away' and wreak havoc elsewhere.

it's called reverse psychology. "negging"

standard tactic

I understand why hitler didn't settle with a woman til the very end. they didn't recognize his power level before he was fuhrer but instead chased after retards. he couldn't forgive them until eva finally earned his respect by being faithful to the end. what a guy.

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af7eb3  No.226001

File: 67db5739ee33a26⋯.jpg (883.66 KB, 3635x2362, 3635:2362, purpleanon_maymay_compress….jpg)


No Nazbol revolution for you.

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90693e  No.226002

File: 076860c4e51df85⋯.gif (184.53 KB, 383x200, 383:200, burgundy_wheel_of_cheese.gif)

>>225999 :)

You have given me some things to think about. Thank you Moarpheus.

> you ask who is YOUR enemy?

I will think on that.

>>226000 I'm impressed

>they didn't recognize his power level before he was fuhrer but instead chased after retards.

I am not chasing after anyone. I am just exploring and trying to understand my own ideas and the world.

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90693e  No.226003

Night…4 reelz.

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af7eb3  No.226004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're a faggot. You are your own enemy. And mine too. Stop promoting violence. We are not there yet. Absolute fucking faggot.

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58f50c  No.226005


Just enough that it makes it into some newspaper so you see it, but not enough that it reaches mainstream audiences or actually makes any real influence.

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af7eb3  No.226007

File: 02fe7c2412baf53⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 528x640, 33:40, taytay_bustay.jpg)


Yes. This is how "Reasoned Bargaining" works. My reason is bargained for because TayTay. Nicely pointed out.

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af7eb3  No.226008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

See? It can be put into motion or disabled what you refuse to even acknowledge, lacquered and held up in your own bodies, as you are.

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d91fbf  No.226011

File: 16fa8c33a3ce737⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 1585725197953.jpg)

I could replace Tayler Swift with some nigger sheboon from Baltimore who has just a good a voice as her and tell her to sing about the same things and sing the same songs and you'd hate her just because she's a nigger and not even care about the message, pushing these jewish manufactured retards who are created just to make shekels

Taylor Swift is a retard, she doesn't care about white anything least of all white men and white culture and probably doesn't even know when the Civil War was fought

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af7eb3  No.226012

File: c86b5b287cfa732⋯.png (1.58 MB, 872x840, 109:105, taytay_perfect.PNG)


>I could replace Tayler Swift with some nigger sheboon from Baltimore

No you couldn't Jewish roastie. Get a stretch of rope and hang yourself.

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d91fbf  No.226014

File: bc68b98b7ac9c16⋯.jpg (92.85 KB, 700x962, 350:481, 1612326230324.jpg)


I literally could you dumb ape. You just beat off to her that's all, it's not about white anything with people like you

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58f50c  No.226058


Exactly, the jews are taking advantage of the natural attraction that white men have towards white women, and are using taylor swift to slowly make white men more liberal. They are using her to convey their messages. But, if a black woman did it, white men would not be as likely to change their views.

Taylor Swift's parents focused 100% on raising her to become a musician. This seems odd to me, and seems obvious that she was being used as a pawn. Whereas, if she had learnt music all her childhood, but then decided to become a musician on her own, that would be quite respectable. But the fact that her parents pushed her to become a musician from a young age makes me think that they were part of a plan. I think one of the reasons modern mainstream music is not as good, apart from being heavily nigger influenced, is the fact that people are essentially raised to make music, like Taylor Swift. It is similar to factory produced foods vs homemade or naturally produced foods. There is more of it, but it is of lower quality.

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26bb10  No.226094

File: 4cddc3bb6863419⋯.jpg (39.88 KB, 512x335, 512:335, islam_wahmen.jpg)


stop simping purple anon

all women are whores

no exceptions

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90693e  No.226095

File: 2471440adb73aab⋯.jpg (121.53 KB, 912x669, 304:223, german_battle_scene_war.jpg)


I am an uber faggot because I do love me some cock. Like serious…is there anything better? Nope, ok maybe freedom…but it is close…very close; with freedom only barely inching out in front.

I have thought about what you said and I can't do what you are asking, even for you. If I cannot speak freely, then my dreams for humanity are already utterly crushed and will never come true. If I am killed for speaking freely then I have lost nothing…I have indeed lived a FREE LIFE. And it indeed came down to a zero sum game. Anything less is to bend to totalitarianism and the very opposite of what I desire at the core of my person for humanity (the destruction of the jewish government system). If I bend now to demands to be silent then all of my dreams die with me. And what is the body, as you have so rightly pointed out?

Better to die than to go to your ancestors in shame.

As far as the National Socialists go, I would literally give up my life and all I love for Anarcho-Homicidalism. For humanity [meaning my own, of course] to be free is EVERYTHING, so much more than I am or could ever be. They can never reach their potential while being suppressed or enslaved.

I am sorry Moarpheus. There are definitely some things that are worth dying for and this is one of them…besides would you really want to live in a world that would murder a woman just for having some fun and trying to expand her mind and understand LIFE?

To take any other position would bring shame, not just on Hitler (who genuinely loved us Germans when no one else did) but also on my own ancestors for thousands of generations.

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90693e  No.226096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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90693e  No.226097


It is indeed part of our genetic imperative to seek the best genetics that we can fuck into our offspring. Doing anything less is dysgenic and totally destructive to HUMANITY.

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90693e  No.226103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You guys are going to get sick of this song long before I do.


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58f50c  No.226141


Its pretty pathetic when I can see you spamming your fake image on so many threads back to back.

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062f5b  No.226147

No, sorry, I don't worship Pedowood celebrities. I view them as low as politicians, which is pretty dirt low for human standards.

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062f5b  No.226152


I'd say, if you want a 'Godess', look for a gal like Peggy Lee….. oh wait, she died decades ago, too bad. Now she was a cute dame, had a lovely voice too! I also admired Skeeter Davis but then again who didn't?

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062f5b  No.226154


You sissy bitch, admit it, if I played "it's the end of the world" by Skeeter Davis, you'd cry too.

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74106e  No.226161

Now they weren't fags by any means, looked a little girly during the era of glam rock, but I'd say /pnd/ would like The Edgar Winter Group, I don't know why but that just seems like a rock group /pnd/ anons would be into. Half gay, half bad ass.

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58f50c  No.226169


I am absolutely positively 100% convinced that you are a faggot, and that you will kill yourself. >>226143

join the 41%.

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58f50c  No.226170


We are not gay. At the least most posters on /pnd/ are not. That is halfchan. They are actually gay over there on /pol/.

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7ad6c2  No.226174

File: bc5802fcaf7bcd4⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1143, 120:127, PicsArt_04_22_01_21_34.png)

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466398  No.226179


Here's my thought on video games and sports Johnny, do you agree with me? >>226175

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e19e1b  No.226196


Seriously, who actually listens to modern music, other than some obscure rock bands like Earthless? That's likely the only modern band I have listened to that I like, and they are nowhere near mainstream. Maybe Buckethead, he put some good stuff out before in the 80s and 90s, not all of it, some of it was trash. Same with Primus really. I dig some of it.

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565f2a  No.226199


Skeeter Davis is the gal! Not Taylor Swift. To me, Swift is already dead but Davis never died, she lives forever in your heart. Oh, like my main man: Slim Whitman, if Slim Whitman was a woman I would be such a FAGGOT!!!

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565f2a  No.226202


>The ropers theme song

I think I'd like to hear the 101 Orchestra play a rendition of that…. if it's even possible!!

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565f2a  No.226204


*101 Strings Orchestra, that is.

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e19e1b  No.226212


I'm confused, if Slim Whitman had a sex change I might just become a fag. This music was great, I like it as much as you dig Elvis (who was also very talented).

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04a59a  No.226214



Due to my speaker issue, I'll have to rip these from Youtube and listen to them over my music computer. (Yes, I have a separate offline laptop just for all my music, with a bad ass Bose speaker system hooked up!)

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90693e  No.226215

File: 4c6ed9cb9926049⋯.jpg (18.44 KB, 425x408, 25:24, slim_whitman_as_a_woman.jpg)


>Slim Whitman

Would make a fucking ugly woman, but to each their own.

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04a59a  No.226217


Where are the huge eyebrows and those massive sideburns? You'd need that for Slim.

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062f5b  No.226219


LOL. You know something, as much as I love Slim and his music, I was never too fond of the duo with his son. His son, no offense to Slim, sounded like a total sissy. I just never got into it, even though I still have some in my music collection, when it comes up in the random playlist, I often switch the tracks.

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062f5b  No.226222


None-the-less, not to say Slim's son wasn't talented, he was very talented, it's just the way he sang… sounded like some fem boy.

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04a59a  No.226223


His yodeling was great, but he did a lot of music without yodeling too. Twilla Lee for example, or Cool Water, North Wind, etc.

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25134e  No.226230

Who would make a good mascot for /pnd/…. I would have to say folks here might like Peggy Lee, she was an oldie but goodie. Even today I think a lot of the youth would like her singing. Then there is the woman (forgot her name) who sang 'praise the lord and pass the ammunition'… then again, maybe not, as that was often sang as a WWII propaganda song in America over the radio.

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25134e  No.226231

shit, I better go, my daughter is here and she's telling me to get off my butt and help her clean up, got to go

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90693e  No.226234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If we are going to vote like this…I vote for Allison Krauss. At least she knows and understands the real toll of the war of Northern Aggression.

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90693e  No.226236

File: c97e7adda04e39d⋯.jpg (19.55 KB, 425x408, 25:24, slim_whitman_as_a_woman.jpg)

My bad. Here is your madonna.

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90693e  No.226237



Not a man.

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90693e  No.226245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh…thank you for that worthless trivia.

My spirit animal is David Bowie, the one eyed man. He died on the same day that I was 'announced'. Go figure. Ironically I have never been a fan of his music.

Golden years is pretty good tho.

We had this same conversation on /pol/ two years ago almost [almost] verbatim. But since I 'live clean' he is now a tortured soul incapable of his usual degenerate behavior or defiling himself.


>so don't expect any special consideration on my part


Not degenerate…I wouldn't expect anything else.

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90693e  No.226247

File: a50323ed9e145eb⋯.jpg (5.87 KB, 286x176, 13:8, david_bowie_blackstar.jpg)

File: b1bac9a05b86ae0⋯.jpeg (44.33 KB, 724x504, 181:126, David_Bowie_Zoolander.jpeg)

File: 762064167e6b44f⋯.jpg (5.96 KB, 300x168, 25:14, david_bowie.jpg)

File: 5599a6b180768a8⋯.jpg (104.17 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 20160112_BOWIE_HP_slide_DM….jpg)

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d91fbf  No.226253


That's exactly my point, it's all just jerk off bait to people or something that's pleasant to put on the grocery store loudspeaker. I get she's hot and everyone wants to whack it to the thought of jizzing inside her tight snatch and having her raise 20 white babies but she's not that person in real life, there are other musicians who are though that nobody seems to care about

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3907e2  No.226444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well, it looks like the result of this thread being so derailed, is that we currently don't have any possibilities yet of the caliber to compete with what Taylor Swift was.


She is too young. She also looks like honey boo boo, I don't think universally pretty enough, as degenerate as that is to say.


Alison Goldfrapp is too old. 54. We're looking for a woman at least near the beginning of childbearing age.

Yeah, you've got to hand it to them; for recruiting and bringing up Taylor Swift to support their propaganda efforts.


I've got to admit, I'm still a bit attached to the pre-2016 Tay Tay.; and her beauty is still going strong.

We're going to need someone on the level of Helen of Troy, and capable of singing and managing a public personality, to dethrone her: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_of_Troy

Does anybody remember this Scholastic web chat she did? embed related: https://youtu.be/tFu76M5uNe4

Damn it, she had every white nationalist male day-dreaming of her helping raise his children.

We really need to up our game; they've definitely upped theirs.




Shaking off the Taylor Swift hypnotic effect is like trying to take your eyes off a feast when you're starving. You need to focus all your white rage and use the anger to motivate your spite to look away from her and drop your trance. Like John Nash in a Beautiful mind talking about how to recover he had to resist the temptation to indulge himself in his delusions. Or something like Medusa, that turns you to stone if you look directly at her, except Taylor Swift turns you to a blabbering "muh tay tay" moron.

Tay Tay is a pawn of the enemy. I'm sorry to break it to you. Let her go.

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90693e  No.226448




I know you will find someone. I pity the woman who betrays her own men in your service.

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b46846  No.226457

File: 1d56955ec9cac51⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 236x224, 59:56, lol_what_frustrated.gif)


>I know you will find someone. I pity the woman who betrays her own men in your service.

What are you talking about? I'm talking about finding someone to counter-balance Taylor Swift who is doing exactly what you said. A white celebrity singer girl that espouses white nationalist ideals, instead of globo-homo anti-white ideals. The common volk will think what they hear on the TV. It must be done


so-claimed fem-anon, What exactly is the problem you have with fighting back in the propaganda arena?

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90693e  No.226461


What I meant was that you will find a woman to enslave them in your jewish globohomo government system. Any woman worth her salt already knows that the entire (((government))) system is the trap.

What you are looking for is someone to lead men into a trap for their enslavement. All government is a jewish tool. All government ends in White enslavement. All people who are pro-government are the enemy of Whites.

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b10708  No.226528

File: 37833fb84d21f81⋯.jpg (177.43 KB, 1080x707, 1080:707, National_Socialism_Structu….jpg)


>All government is a trap/a jewish tool.

Oh, so you're an anarchist AND you deny National Socialism AND you have jew-derangment-syndrome. I get it. I'll focus on the first two; the JQ is a topic entirely to itself.

I’ve had this conversation before, so sorry if I sound blunt. Don’t let the human need to save face get in the way of updating your thinking. I don’t have the time to break it to you slowly in order to avoid offending the ego.


Without even debating anarchism with you, National Socialism __TRUMPS_ Anarchism.

Why? Because National Socialism says each nationality decides for themselves which social system is best for them.

If your sub-branch nation of the white race feels it's best for you to practice anarchy, then that's your fundamental right under national socialism.

I don't know which 1984 lie you get your NatSoc information from, but that's how it works. The beauty of NatSoc is that no matter how much 1984 subversion you push; true NatSoc is built into our nature, and can’t be stamped out.

Do you tell the family living across the street how to run their own household? No, that's not your family, you have no business. Everyone knows this by nature. Thus everyone understands real national socialism by nature.

I'm southwestern German nationality. Unless you were too, then I wouldn't debate a social system choice for your own people. If you were in my tribe, then I would challenge you and go through the process of a tribe managing its own affairs. Let's assume you are in my tribe.


Let's assume you are in my tribe. I would tell you that Anarchism contradicts itself because anarchy itself is a social system. A social system is just another word for government. Don't let the bad guys get you hyper focused on words to distract you because LANGUAGES HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED AND USED AS A WEAPON TO CONFUSE THE PEOPLE.

So how does an anarchist enforce a lack of government? If a few people want to set up a little social order for themselves, is that to be considered government and dismantled? How big does it have to get before you decide it qualifies as a government and thus enforce anarchy upon it? Even if you had a set rule about that, or a set group of people responsible for enforcing anarchy, then you'd be off in the realm of having a government, which contradicts the idea of anarchy.

Thus, anarchy is not possible. It is simply the primordial state of mankind, yet like trying to find the smallest particle in the universe, is not possible, because you can always find a smaller particle. Even the human body itself, the greatest model for the perfect _social system__, is only possible because there is a built in order/government which allows it to function. Being an anarchist is like wanting to return to single celled organisms.


But again, this talk is pointless because National Socialism is not a social system so much as it is a social system FOR social systems. The only thing that makes sense is the freedom for each of us to do what we want, which is exactly what anarchism claims to be, yet we are not separated as individuals the true separated is our nationality, and our family is the smallest unit of nationality, the base group of what is to be free. The Family nationality is free, not the individual. Go argue with your parents and aunts and uncles about their right to interfere in your life; or absurdly claim you are free and that your parents have no right to bother you.

National Socialism, religion aside, is the one idea of humanity that can save us all and make mankind truly free. You seem to have got that confused with Anarchism.

Now this is the part where you give me your particular version of anarchism so that I can deconstruct that as well.

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e4c15b  No.226539


I am not ‘Eve’ anon, I do care about my people and about my offspring. If you are looking to find someone who will support Jewish terrorism, murder and torture (aka ‘government’) you will find it, no doubt. You won’t find it in me though.

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6d5e4f  No.226744

File: 9862ecc6de23f1d⋯.png (703.17 KB, 686x510, 343:255, DO_YOU_EVEN_DEBATE.png)


Do you even debate? Or just repeat yourself.

If I have to say so, I don't support Jewish terrorism. What are you even talking about.

Defend anarchism, if you can. Or just repeat yourself again?

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90693e  No.226746

File: 0e53969e6d26c6c⋯.webm (684.85 KB, 320x240, 4:3, moot_raves.webm)


Have you (IDK WTF) missed all the arguments I have made on this board and things I have posted here supporting my argument? How many times do I have to say the same thing over and over and fucking over before you will be happy? If you only want to sit in one dark corner of the board on your own thread, how is that my fault that you don't know or understand the arguments I have already made?

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a549f8  No.226749

File: 626a4afda5862d6⋯.jpeg (12.74 KB, 255x249, 85:83, meme_cope.jpeg)


I'm sorry I didn't read all your romantic chatter with cringe anon moarpheus, nor every single stupid thread that is posted on this board.

But ok, I just did. Anarcho-Homicidalism? on a tucker thread? I searched, no tucker thread.

You force me to internet search: https://vjmpublishing.nz/?p=3423

Alright, so this is your version of Anarchism. I told you that was the next step. Since you're unwilling to lift a finger to voice your view, I suppose I have to do it for you. Tell me if I got it wrong:

Tenets of Anarcho-Homicidalism

1. Violence is the basis of self-defense.

incomplete. hidden White knights are everywhere. sometimes taking violence sparks others to come to the defense of the victim. Sometimes words are enough change hearts and minds. propaganda warfare. verbal warfare. debate. What rose Hitler to power? his words. Which was Cicero's weapon? I would say the ability to persuade the common folk is the greatest vehicle of self-defense, thus the point of this thread, and direct violence to a lesser extent, maybe equal. But this tenet just isn’t true.

2. You’re allowed to kill anyone trying to enslave you… The anarcho-homicidalist only strikes upwards; –only ever up the dominance hierarchy.

got it. pretty much eye for an eye. pretty standard. only striking upward, i get it, it will insure anarchy, so long as everybody obeys this ideal. but they won't. but if they did, sure.

3. Everyone must decide for themselves who they kill… The anarcho-homicidalist refuses to kill on command, thus no armies could ever be raised to attack anyone else

But do you forget that other groups of people will raise armies, and will attack you, and you will be enslaved if you don't have an army to defend yourself. this is not realistic. it sounds more like clever subversion designed by a foreign power to weaken their enemy. armies have evolved because no people survived who did not have one.

I have I earned some kind of effort post response? Cut me down, tell me where I’m wrong. I’m ready.

I like to hear other people's reasoning to sharpen my debate skills, add your power to my own, then afterward I’m more powerful in debate. but you give me nothing to work with.

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90693e  No.226750


>Alright, so this is your version of Anarchism.

No that is Vince's. He is a good man.

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caa21d  No.226751

File: 0b190ada7b91d48⋯.jpg (5.32 KB, 143x200, 143:200, download_5_.jpg)

Fucking faggot degenerate cuck, imagine being you and viewing a woman as a goddess. If your going to be a beta simp just sit down in a bathtub and slice 1 inch deep cuts into your wrists.

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a549f8  No.226753

File: ea83736d275026c⋯.png (24.2 KB, 744x1340, 186:335, trollin_fail.png)


well, then link me to your view, if you don't want to type it again. i dont see a description of anarchohomo on this thread either or you describing your view.–

at this point i have to assume you're trolling me.

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a549f8  No.226754


it's about mounting a propaganda defense via a celebrity. exactly what the enemy does against us. it's not about actually viewing a woman as a goddess; that's just poetic language.

damn it. i know im getting same-fagged here. whatever. i miss the old pol.

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90693e  No.226755

I don't know if you can see this but try here for one article, I posted recently, the cucks at Reddit banned all the Mods when I posted it:


I don't feel like being permanently banned again by Moarpheus, who honestly would like to stab me in the heart, (I know that is what you guys think love is) for simply POSTING something political/religious so I am not going to repost it.

My bad, that article is not technically, Vince's but rather Viktor's. Vince is still a good guy but Viktor was the one who started writing about Anarcho-Homicidalism.

He is no longer active on VJMP because he grew up and got a job (super secret job).

Anarcho-Homicidalism = unfortunate name…whatever.

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90693e  No.226757

Honestly it is not that good of an article. And of course it is missing Part 2.

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46ccc1  No.226758

File: 5b93850155c8b6a⋯.jpg (55.31 KB, 597x421, 597:421, natsoc_man_up.jpg)


cringe anon Moarpheus is the Mod of what? I need to know where not to go.

>Honestly it is not that good of an article.

is it that much trouble to just tell me your view, in your own words here? is anything i said wrong, tell me.

>have you missed all the arguments I have made on this board and things I have posted here supporting my argument?

yes i have. just copy and paste or link to it. i can't find it.

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90693e  No.226760

File: 9ce50fa8af6e588⋯.jpg (86.71 KB, 777x820, 777:820, banned_from_pnd_2021.jpg)


>cringe anon Moarpheus is the Mod of what?

IDK you two know each other better than I know either of you. Posted my happy little OP explaining everything here on 8kun/pnd/ and someone flipped their fucking wig and permanently banned me (I doubt they even read it).

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b46846  No.226769

File: 3683361a6cf7d46⋯.jpg (521.07 KB, 864x1296, 2:3, adolf_stepping_stone.jpg)


Well, you really are one of those trendy anarchist types eh. You seem entrenched in their ideology. Keep an open mind that they're wrong about it all.

That they might be funded by foreign interests like how Persia funded warring factions in Greece to weaken them. The American Anarchist trendy click will rise in power until they're close to victory, and then those same people who funded them at first will then fund their enemies.

National Socialism is the only answer.

And you seem incapable to defending your position. Maybe you really are a woman. Complete emotional reasoning that can't be overridden by logic. You can't reply logically because that's not how you arrived at your conclusions. Maybe send one of your talkative anarchist friends my way. I'd love to have a debate with one on my podcast. send them to info@secretagentwars.com if they're interested.

Probably an anarchist boyfriend started you off. too bad

Good luck with all that.

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90693e  No.226780



How totally fucking impudent!

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71f6de  No.226842

Look at these kikes shilling their stupidity here, nonstop. Taylor Swift is our Aryan Goddess, Trump is the Messiah, Putin is our Messiah yada, yada, yada. They're all KIKES.

Kill your fucking selves.

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90693e  No.226881

File: 78e6324be548df2⋯.jpg (96.94 KB, 700x539, 100:77, beholdtheman.jpg)


Go ask Vince if he will give you an interview then, I am sure he will. It won't be MY ANARCHISM which is actually the solution to the (you/jew) problem, but it will be what will allow you to continue as parasites on the planet since it advocates the continued slaughter of Europeans in a passive manner…like sheep, through NAP.

It is ironic that he hates the kike religions and yet promotes the very core principles that have allowed us to be slaughtered without mercy for thousands of years. So, he hates you, but at the same time, he wants you to continue to murder us…lol…he thinks that by shedding one TINY branch or weapon in your arsenal against humanity of your organization that the question of 'you/jew' will actually be resolved on the planet. He doesn't realize that as much as you 'shed your financial systems' like a snake sheds it skin, you also shed your religious systems at the drop of a hat when you have 'outgrown' them.

Vince is a good man but he doesn't really see you like I see you. He doesn't KNOW you, therefore he is the perfect candidate for your show. I will let him lead even more people into the depths of Hell because apparently that is what they enjoy or 'think they deserve', so that they are permissive and accepting of it.

Here is his OP…go ask him to give you a solution that fits you kikes like a glove…

>>221666 (checkmate)

I know what you assassins are looking for…Ecce Homo.

He will become what he hates…the very instrument of your control and subjugation of the planet.

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cf5cd4  No.226894


Sage and report all Barney LARP threads.

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93bb50  No.226902

File: 250f76ba50db206⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 400x643, 400:643, throw_out.gif)


Your grammar is terrible.

You respond to none of the points I made my last few posts, I have to assume because you can't.

Reading your post here is like like trying to listen to someone through a wall. I think I know what you're trying to say, but it's full of mumbles.

Your thoughts are disorganized and combined with your pride, you're indecipherable. Maybe even a derailment troll. Hopefully your Vince will have something more to offer, I'll try that thread.

But seriously. Clean up your grammar. You write like the ramblings of a drunk homeless person who is half talking to you and the other half talking to them self. But on your end I guess you feel like a success because you got to string together some mean words and throw them at me.


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6f903f  No.226904


that is just a ‘yew’ problem. I was able to get the point.

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1fbe28  No.226916


Sage and report all Barney LARP threads.

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32fbd8  No.227527

Let's get this thread back on topic

Here are some "Taylor Swift Alternatives" possibilities

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32fbd8  No.227528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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32fbd8  No.227529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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32fbd8  No.227530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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32fbd8  No.227531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>227527 (You)




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32fbd8  No.227532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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32fbd8  No.227533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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32fbd8  No.227534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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e99b51  No.227541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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e99b51  No.227542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








But let's be honest. Minus her new anti-white globo-homo shilling, none of these girls does it quite as good as "Tay Tay": >>225927

They've captured that "white girl essence" with her. We have to hand it to our enemy as a master stroke.

embed related: >>226444 : https://youtu.be/tFu76M5uNe4

How can you compete with that motherly feminine vibe reading/talking with school children? Her PR people are professionals and we should find out exactly who they are and learn what we can from them.

I fear to say Taylor Swift is an Ace High card in the hands of our enemy that we have to come to terms with and admit defeat, for now.

I fear to what ends they're going to use her public image for during the final years of her youth beauty bloom. They can do some real damage, and I'm certain they will. BRACE FOR IMPACT


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e99b51  No.227547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






While past her prime now and fully into motherhood, 20 year old Alizee definitely would have been able to mount a reasonable challenge to Swift. But, there will be another.


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8bb6a5  No.227610

File: 220bb96f7074f38⋯.png (165.33 KB, 940x493, 940:493, download.png)

>>226842 I know my friend, oh I know. This is what vermin pests do, nothing but a disgusting and destructive species. Me, you and all our brothers know the way and the truth, in the end we will triumph and the filthy invasive rodents will burn and suffer.

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f9d33d  No.227686

Haha…they are all so fake and gay.

Totally worthless in terms of anything other than a penis pocket.

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5aa218  No.233571


Idolatizing a jewish owned prostitute is white nationalism.


Hypocrisy is an insult and deserves no praise whatsoever. Everyone and their mother "supports" palestine but where is the action?

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