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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 0df9e3536f2eceb⋯.jpg (635.91 KB, 1726x1319, 1726:1319, National_Socialist_Civil_W….jpg)

510d2e  No.219660[Last 50 Posts]

Within National Socialism, there is a civil war between those who believe good jews exist and those who don't. One side seeks to protect good jews for the sake of general morality, while the other side seeks to destroy them and anyone who stands in their way. Who is right?


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e9e019  No.219662

File: 5bf9a981cd8e781⋯.png (739.02 KB, 1650x884, 825:442, weev_rundown.png)

National Socialism is a kike controlled carrot on a stick.

All the best Nazis are Jews.

And there are no good Jews.

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e0a649  No.219669


What is this psyop bullshit? The only “civil war” within genuine nazi circles is o9a vs solar myth.

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95db12  No.219692


National Socialism is the only system that truly scares the jews, which is why they try so hard to subvert and neutralize it.

But you are correct about there being no good jews, and Bodhi is definitely a jew.

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bb3298  No.219702

I'm on team good jews exist.

No good jews people are from what NatSoc originally was: the freedom for people to associate with their own kind.

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bb3298  No.219703



No good jews people are SUBVERTED from what NatSoc originally was: the freedom for people to associate with their own kind.

I'm on team good jews exist.

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d92b5c  No.219711

File: bb31105f8535ecd⋯.jpg (186.58 KB, 786x1024, 393:512, Goebbels.jpg)


Gas yourself, Bodhi.

Here's what Goebbels had to say about your "good jews".:

>Every Jew is our enemy in this historic struggle, regardless of whether he vegetates in a Polish ghetto or carries on his parasitic existence in Berlin or Hamburg or blows the trumpets of war in New York or Washington. All Jews by virtue of their birth and their race are part of an international conspiracy against National Socialist Germany. They want its defeat and annihilation, and do all in their power to bring it about. That they can do nothing inside the Reich is hardly a sign of their loyalty, rather of the appropriate measures we took against them.

>There are no distinctions between Jews. Each Jew is a sworn enemy of the German people. If he does not make his hostility plain, it is only from cowardice and slyness, not because he loves us.

And Himmler:

>And then along they all come, all the 80 million upright Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. [mockingly] They say: all the others are swine, but here is a first-class Jew.

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2311b9  No.219727


Goebbels and HImmler were wrong. Cope.

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0d1aa7  No.219768


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e0a649  No.219770


No good kikes

Also since when did you become this retarted bodhi

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004a88  No.219851

File: 6553e5df5a4669e⋯.png (731.47 KB, 821x984, 821:984, normy_subverted_neo_nazi.png)




Who is Bodhi again?



>Goebbels and HImmler were wrong. Cope.

This. And also history is wrong. Who in their right mind is trusting quotes attributed to National Socialists after 75 years of relentless spreading of false lies about National Socialists. History is written by the victors. pic related.


>there being no good jews


>only good jews are jews who hate all or want to kill all jews.


>No good kikes

At this rate, you might want to consider mirroring the attack strategy of bad jews by dressing up as jews and joining jewish message boards and relentless pushing Talmud jewish supremacy and hatred of al Germans and "no good Germans" as publically as possible. That would be a quick method of making jews look bad and gain sympathy for NatSoc. But most of you won't do that because you already are jews employeeing this same tactic against us by making sure this board wreeks of your vileness. You are not one of us, the volk will catch on to this tactic, like this guy here >>219727 .

Seig Hail, you fake nazi neckbeards. They probably pay you in prostitutes to keep you motivated I'm sure. God sees all. Scum.


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7013ac  No.219870

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8fb677  No.219879


The quote from Dr. Goebbels comes from "The jews are Guilty", an article published in his newspaper, Das Reich.

It isn't some "secret memo" cooked up in the '90s, but something that was in the hands of some 500 thousand Germans - the circulation of the paper in 1940. It's real.

I know you have your brainlet take that even Mein Kampf has been manipulated - aside from the kosher translations, of course - despite the fact that there are still original copies available, as well as, albeit to lesser extent now, people who read it when it was new, and even NSDAP officials who spoke out. Somebody would have noticed.

I know it seems like ancient history to us now, but it really isn't. For example, Leon Degrelle died in 1994, and was writing for Willis Carto - until Mark Weber killed the IHR. That's just one example.

You aren't as smart as you think you are, Bodhi.

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11451c  No.219903

File: e3377a464daeba0⋯.jpg (62.23 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_history_is_a_set_of_….jpg)


>something that was in the hands of some 500 thousand Germans - the circulation of the paper in 1940. It's real.

Oh where did you get your hands on that precious bit of truth you're so confident in? From the internet 5 years ago? From the PUBLIC LIBRARY!? GASP!! A book you read from some NatSoc memoir published by book publisher thriving in this post WW2 Weimar Republic 2.0 ? After the enemy of NatSoc won the war and collected all the chips to run a totalitarian state for the next 75 years?

Like searching for a pot of gold in a toilet latrine, but my my, you found it against all odds?

You underestimate the ability for such a totalitarian state in a low tech era to fabricate realistic backstories for all your "evidence".

You actually think if they were to fabricate history they wouldn't try to make it realistic in order for people like you to swallow the pill easier?

>Leon Degrelle died in 1994

Yeah so was Albert Speer. You think they both weren't carefully made an arrangement of?

The sad truth is that all history passed the point of living memory is now in the fog. Maybe you could have argued your point better in the 80's, but now that time is passed and even the 80's is in the fog as modern technology allows them to mass propagate false versions of events incrementally until they are complete false-hoods. How can you be so obtuse?

Oh yeah, Goebbles published a newspaper in the 40s. The victors wouldn't change it gradually until nobody was left to remember it clearly and the power of the enormous media propagation swallowed whole anyone who tried to stand up to that beast before they decided to go quiet.

At the very least you must agree that my possibility is plausible and not entirely unlikely. Haven't you ever heard the quote from napoleon? History is a set of lies agreed upon. Wake up.

Is it so hard to believe… that you've lied to?

WW2 history is gone. Let go of it. It is midst. All you have is educated guesses. Are you seriously going to use that gues to swallow 70% of their main narrative and believe in the one thing they use most to attack Hitler's legacy: that they hated every single jew before they met them and desired to kill them all? Which other slanders do you believe? Pitiful.

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8fb677  No.219906


Degrelle wasn't "made ab arrangement of", and the fact that you would even suggest that shows your naivety. Read into his history, and how the forces of international jewry had tried to kidnap him. The destruction of his "Hitler Century" series was surely at least one motivation for the Mossad/CIA linked Andrew Allen's destruction of the IHR.

>Maybe you could have argued your point better in the 80's

And there were historical revisionist/pro-Hitler publications in America even then. The IHR was originally founded in '78.

Carto's sphere also included people like H. Keith Thompson, who helped smuggle Nazi money out of occupied Germany. It would have made it into his publications. What you're suggesting just isn't possible.

You don't know what you're talking about, and you're probably at least a little schizophrenic.

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f23cb8  No.219939


Obvious attempt at divide and conquer. Go back to bunkerchan, retard.

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ddb24d  No.225971

File: 3e5b1c55e6571a8⋯.jpeg (55.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, do_not_lose_faith.jpeg)

bumping this thread, because it really is the heart of issue.

get backed into a corner of having to defend good jews exist all the time is annoying; but if their frontal assault is accusing natsoc of "no good jews exist" as a means to make us look dishonorable that we would hurt a good jew; then i have no choice.

even if 99/100 jews are bad; our honor stands firm. we do not hurt good people, and always investigate first to insure we never do. this is what makes a race supreme.

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e664f3  No.225978

File: c7a0a48774bc02b⋯.png (629.54 KB, 993x1206, 331:402, Anglin_JIDF_shill.png)

hey guys im here for the national socialist revolution

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ddb24d  No.226009

File: f8341200acd8796⋯.png (427.09 KB, 697x762, 697:762, you_cannot_understand.png)


Are you implying you're a good jew?

my local meetup is actively seeking good jews to aid them in forming a jewish national socialist meetup. after which to support each other in acheiving the supreme ideals of national socialism for all peoples.

even if you're not in our local area, there are still a lot of things that can be worked on.

to discuss further, please send an email to: natsocjersey@protonmail.com

this is not a troll. but that's just a calculated risk you have to come to terms with.

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7b59a3  No.226013

File: 94b58c8ca7129a5⋯.png (34.93 KB, 1079x506, 1079:506, jewnatsoc.png)


also, see this thread if you're confused about what is jewish national socialism, and why we would want to aid in its formation: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/207591.html

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3e9110  No.226015


I'm glad I grew out of this cringey nazi shit

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89348e  No.226018


> implying that protecting some good jews is moral.

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6a707d  No.226022

File: 448de2e682dfa53⋯.jpg (154.39 KB, 1024x728, 128:91, 1619052410089.jpg)

Ive known a few jews, nonpracticing. Definitely not rubbing their hands together and shit trying to bring down western civilization.

I dont think they need to be eradicated, i think their religion needs to be. A compromise.

I view their zionist buddies, the ones who gladly sell out their country on the jews behalf even worse. The problem with jews is where they go one, they go all. If you attack one, you attack them all. Hitler mentions this directly in fact.

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e19af5  No.226028


< (((First post)))

Always report.

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f14c3b  No.226037


>o9a vs solar myth

Explain pls.

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3dd33b  No.226062

It is Explained here




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f14c3b  No.226079

Are Freemasons jews?

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06ad3a  No.229114

Yellow team

Blue team are made by kikes

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06ad3a  No.229122


NatSoc is the opposite of imperialism. If you wanted to be disgusting imperialists, might as well be a kike puppet.

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719729  No.229123


It's been awhile since I've hung around 8kun, after 8chan was killed…idk the magic seemed to disperse into the general population. I miss the before times. I miss lurking. With so few posters now, I've decided to become more vocal on this board. I know many posters call Purp a namefag…but tbqh that fag is growing on me. I will say that my preference has always been to judge a man on his character instead of his ethnicity. Its just hard not to see that most kikes are hand rubbing degenerates and most niggers are beasts. That said…it's "most" and not all. But it could be greater European admixture that makes some of them tolerable - which brings us back firmly into "no good kikes/nigger" territory.

Thanks for the threads, Purp - you fucking namefag.

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759204  No.229136


Fuck off samefagging purplefag who is also larping as oldfag.

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028dbd  No.229175


NatSoc isn't about destroying people. You can fuck off with that idea.

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849b74  No.229189


Glad to see the Sagefags are still around

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95511e  No.229191

File: 61486d3d2cdd3e8⋯.jpg (82.92 KB, 600x800, 3:4, soyjack_1.jpg)


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759204  No.229193


We have a dedicated sagefag whosages and reports paid jewish shill spam threads. I'm not that guy though.

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b0123c  No.229195


We already live in a communist dictatorship. None of the shit that has happened in the last year would have ever been possible in a Republic. There is no need for a 'civil war' anymore for they came in and took over without a shot fired. Revolutionary war, yes, there might be a need for that.

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06ad3a  No.229205


None of that shit which happened in the 244-year old history of the US could have happened if the US was a republic

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719729  No.229226


agreed, this country is full Weimar-tier and there is nothing left to do besides prepare as best we can for the collapse. I love my people, but I could not give a shit if America ceases to be.

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719729  No.229228


/Ourguys/ must have even less to do with our days since lockdowns began.

I mean, I'm busy as hell growing crops and dealing with my sons- so you won't see me being a dedicated anything, around here. But I love you faggots, all the same.

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06ad3a  No.229259


You sold your soul to the Jew the moment you stepped foot on another continent

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eb59b6  No.229990

File: 577b6a77177569f⋯.jpg (77.52 KB, 588x744, 49:62, hitler_jews_you_say.jpg)


>Thanks for the threads, Purp - you fucking namefag.

What's up. Thanks for the appreciation sentiment.

this thread is the crux of the matter for national socialism to make its next advancement. we must declare war on the "all jews are bad crowd". they are the enemy of highest priority, first obstacle in the way of the advancement of National Socialist Ideals.

unlike most of the people here, I actually believe we can change the world. The belief in the possibility of having an effect is what's absent in most of the naysayers. They're bitter.

Obviously, the enemy has a vested interest in this board maintaining a reputation for national socialism as being retarded full of rage and hate, totally opposite of what a national socialist should and traditionally represented as a wise compassionate and understanding.


funny how the shills here who do the most same fagging to insure this place appears like a jew derangement syndrome crap hill, will then accuse others of same fagging.

i don't samefag.

while im here, im still looking for some fellow natSocs to come on a podcast for the secretagentwars.com website im maintaining. Particularly, I want to have a public discussion about jew derangement syndrome. somebody on this site must have the balls to make at least a vocal appearance.

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3b3c4d  No.229992

File: ff5f5385b6c5029⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 1063x403, 1063:403, purple_anon_advocates_whit….jpg)

>we must declare war on the "all jews are bad crowd"


You didn't realize that by backing a jew you would be declaring WAR on your own flesh and blood did you? You are nothing but a POS that is a kike puppet. How does his hand feel that high up your asshole anyway? I bet you like it.

You traitors will be the second to die after the jews.


You need to look no farther than this response to you to figure that out.


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d914f9  No.229998

File: 4e65d07701da870⋯.png (905.63 KB, 750x746, 375:373, natsoc_tough_SS_they_ve_ta….png)


it helps evil jews if they can convince the population that national socialists pre-judge people before meeting them, or would want to harm jewish children. or judge individuals before knowing them. this turns all society against national socialists. you play right into their hands. not me. your kind truly is the most immediate obstacle to national socialist return to greatness.

Well, it looks like it's civil war then. See you on the battlefield.

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d6823d  No.230000


>Communist dictatorship

>Revolutionary war

I don't think so. The opposition to Communist dictatorship are themselves Communists but under different titles, one Strasserite, another Nazbol, and even still, Maoist. I'd rather everyone just goes extinct.

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3b3c4d  No.230002


>Well, it looks like it's civil war then.


It can't be a civil war since you are not part of our nation. You are a foreign AGGRESSOR in our nation.

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759204  No.230016


Fuck your optics and fuck your good jews.

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cc3347  No.230028



>only good jews are jews who hate all or want to kill all jews.

ZOG-faggot moderators basically have deleted nearly everything I've written. All because I said I killed niggers, lmao.

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d6823d  No.230029


>All because I said I killed niggers, lmao.

You're either stupid or lying. Or maybe working the entrapment angle. A lot of Jews LARP as over the top cartoon Nazi villains to provoke anon into saying something stupid and then reporting anon to feds.

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cc3347  No.230041


>You're either stupid or lying.

I don't care if you think killing three niggers was stupid. I hate ZOG-niggers. I needed the cash, and frankly, I just wanted to prove to myself just how powerless the ZOG is to stop white men from doing such things.

Stupid niggers never even knew what was coming. I lured them into my car, they thought I wanted to buy drugs from them. I just drove them around the corner, and immediately plugged their asses, right in the car, and dumped their bodies in the woods. One nigger had over $1,000 on him.

The Turner Diaries starts with the robbery of a Jewish liquor store. That homosexual "America" is going to be overthrown by white men, who realize the power they have to fight the ZOG, from doing things like this. And I'm here to tell young white men, that even in a place like this, which is just a way for ZOG-faggots to try to de-radicalize people, that they still haven't found me, and almost certainly never will. A minimal amount of internet security is needed to tell the world about this things and get away with it. It's been a few weeks now since that one ZOG-faggot started reporting my posts to the FBI, and I'm still here. The ZOG is not all powerful, and they can be stopped, when young white men decided they've had enough of forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes. Our people can start a decentralized guerrilla war against the ZOG. The Leader will emerge from the Lone-Wolf struggle, and build the White Nation Liberation Army, that will destroy that walking corpse called "America" once and for all.

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d6823d  No.230042

File: 2ac1192d50df2b9⋯.jpg (265.6 KB, 692x1024, 173:256, cringelord.jpg)


yikes. pic related is you.

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cc3347  No.230063


>i cry for dead ZOG-niggers

We know you do, ZOG-faggot.

>retarded picture

ZOG-faggot chose a picture with Assad in it, to signal his masters what a massive, massive Kike cocksucker he is.

You can tell this ZOG-faggot doesn't do it for free, because the faggot almost never fails to post some retard-meme picture with his idiotic posts. This means his name is on a list somewhere of people the ZOG hired to push garbage on places like this.

We're going to find you, ZOG-faggot, and kill your entire family in front of you, before we melt your body parts with a blow torch.

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a44472  No.230070



that's a hoot !! you're one of THE most incompetent, ineffectual, EFFEMINATE LIFE FAILURES I've seen.

you're impotent and weak and soft

you don't "scare" anybody

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d6823d  No.230071

File: 1c54b40bc24f391⋯.png (92.08 KB, 1200x1125, 16:15, soyjak_2.png)


>We're going to find you, ZOG-faggot, and kill your entire family in front of you, before we melt your body parts with a blow torch.

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a44472  No.230072



powerless and continually overcompensating

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a44472  No.230073


you and your stupid little fantasies about "being intimidating"

you LITERALLY remind me of a 9 year old girl

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a44472  No.230074


so you 3 sissies do this every day?

you sit here and CONTINUALLY roleplay as "tough guys"?

none of youTHREEfailed effeminate sissies has ever been in a fist fight….


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a44472  No.230075

so THAT'S your singular fantasy, huh?

wanting to appear "masculine"?

hahahaha !!!

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a44472  No.230076

imagine feeling SO INFERIOR TO BLACKS

that you spend your entire existence

trying to pretend you're a toughguy

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cc3347  No.230077


>liberal bot spam

Look what comes to the ZOG-faggot's aid!

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a44472  No.230079


whatever you say, LITTLE MAN

lonely little man

who gets NO PUSSY



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a44472  No.230080


shouldn't you be writing PEN PAL LETTERS to OTHER MEN?

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a44472  No.230082


*spits in your mouth and punches your mother in the face*


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a44472  No.230083


you're the LIVING EPITOME of an unchecked inferiority complex

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a44472  No.230085



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a44472  No.230086

File: bf678cb9e4f9cdb⋯.png (1020.15 KB, 1080x1189, 1080:1189, PicsArt_04_19_01_20_25.png)



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a44472  No.230087

File: 86028c5bae8bcba⋯.jpg (357.1 KB, 1054x1280, 527:640, 20210507_090745.jpg)

Which One Are You?

are you :

-the one with blue wings?

-the one with a beak?

-the one with feathers?

which angry lonely impotent /pnd/ parrot are you?

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a44472  No.230088

File: 11cc46413e13d02⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1748, 270:437, PicsArt_04_15_05_50_40.png)


the intimidating, dangerous, scary, masculine BADASSES of 8kun

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a44472  No.230089

you pathetic faires are MY THREE PERSONAL PUNCHING BAGS

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a44472  No.230090


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a44472  No.230092

File: 3bfb410049770d5⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 678x381, 226:127, american_pen_pals_678x381.jpg)

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ce0f69  No.230098

File: e5de757fd47d470⋯.png (75.39 KB, 358x249, 358:249, Screen_Shot_2018_09_14_at_….png)

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a44472  No.230101

I'm guessing more than half of your effemininity was derived from your weak spineless father, and your neurotic incompetent pseudo-prostitute mother?

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a44472  No.230102


she had to attract a man SOMEHOW

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a44472  No.230106

the apple truly DOESN'T fall far from the tree

As young boys, we learn masculine behavior from our fathers (or the lack thereof)

Apparently your father's had no spines

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a44472  No.230108

No matter how much you deny it, you're not fooling anybody. It's clear as day :

Either your father abandoned you and your worthless mother, or your father was an insecure, effeminate, resentful and frightened spineless little coward

Those are the only two ways you three little boys grew up to be three little men

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a44472  No.230109

Either you had a inferiority complex male role model during your formative years…..

Or you didn't have any male role models during your formative years…..

Because you behave like women

You behave like your mothers,

Desperately LARPing as masculine badasses

But you have no real concept of how masculine badass Men actually behave

So you do this predictable song and dance

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a44472  No.230113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a44472  No.230115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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13b88d  No.230116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

thethree little inferior boysof /pnd/

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13b88d  No.230119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Effeminate insecure angry and inferior

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a44472  No.230121


your "podcasts" are so boring that youLITERALLY BEG PEOPLE TO PLEASE WATCH

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a44472  No.230125


when something is good, there's no need to BEG PPL TO PRETEND ITS GOOD

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a44472  No.230127


Allthreeof you are boring as fuck


You're definitely THE most boring one

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f57042  No.233928


Dude you aren't being smart. What do you think whitoid elites are doing RN? They are shitting all aver whites. So you are being loyal to people shitting on you just because they are white. Don't be stupid. Yes don't trust purpleanon but don't be ans stupid idiot.

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f57042  No.233932

The test of purpleanon if he's willing to kill white elites/enemies.

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fdf688  No.233934

File: 4ba767245f7ff0c⋯.jpeg (34.07 KB, 334x500, 167:250, view.jpeg)

Purge them from all administrative positions.

Send them to gross humid/freezing Birobidzhan in the middle of nowhere

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a30798  No.233941


Nope the test of purpleanon is if he is willing to kill his own flesh and blood…other jews.

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f57042  No.233943


Now answer the other comment about not being smart.

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c8cb41  No.233950

Oh look! This one nigger isn't robbing a liquor store or raping your granny at this particular moment in time therefore all niggers are awesome.

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a30798  No.233952


Still an anarcho-homicidalist anon. That hasn't changed in the last couple days and it won't. I found something ideological (making slavery a zero sum game for [humanity = Europeans]) that is worth my own life. I am tired of seeing our people enslaved by anyone. But turning to a jew to 'save us' is not the solution either.

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cb2dad  No.233953


I don't know if I'd fit the description of that, but I'm the person who believes if anyone tries to interfere with you or your property, or tries to take away anything you own, or tries to disarm you or kidnap you - then you have a right and duty to fight back in self-defense and kill them, no matter who they are (whether common street thugs or the feds). Everyone should be treated equally and judged by the way they treat others.

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a30798  No.233954


The God given Right to Self Defense (because all (((government))) is aggression against humanity; look up (((government))) democide against its own citizens if you don't believe me) is absolutely paramount to the ideology. (((Government))) is the largest murderer of humanity that has ever occurred on this planet. Not only that but it supports what is totally evil and worthless (brown people) and destroys what is good, productive and worthwhile (White civilization).

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f57042  No.234043


>whether common street thugs or the feds

You have a blind spot created by your state government. This is a very common affliction with conservatives. And there's no excuses for it.

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1028bb  No.234070

File: f30f0f3067e02f4⋯.jpg (77.93 KB, 750x862, 375:431, 1621523724023.jpg)


Reading through the thread it seems like this was poorly constructed bait to lure new people on this board into compromised/controlled opposition groups.

Suck my foreskin rabbi.

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ad55ee  No.234465

File: 743a83c0f23d872⋯.jpg (83.05 KB, 394x406, 197:203, just_your_opinion.jpg)


Or it is a genuine thread on the same line as holocaust denial; that original national socialism didn't have "all jews bad" as it's main theme.

At the very least, there should be an acceptance of each other's opinions and no need for an actual civil war. I'm fine if people don't want to associate with jews or don't want them in their town or county. But to go around saying that every jewish man woman and child must be exterminated, and to call any of us who disagree with you kikes, or threaten to kill my jewish cousin from an uncle who married a jew… I mean… at what point are you so uncompromising that you are the one responsible for the civil war, and responsible for national socialism becoming so unpalatable.

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33b634  No.248779

We hope you enjoyed having 24 pages, but soon /pnd/ will be 23 and me!

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9db974  No.253427

When did this board get infested with faggot kikes too?

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