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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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869c42 (6)  No.221666[Last 50 Posts]>>221667 >>221696 >>221742 >>224945 >>225008 >>226808 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Observing the collapse of the West into Clown World, six sociological trends stand out above all others. Each of these trends has been deliberately engineered by the ruling class to make their subject populations weaker and easier to control. All of them involve promoting one set of behaviours and attitudes over another, to the detriment of the subject population.

The first trend is infantilisation.

Infantilisation involves keeping people in a state of helpless dependency even into adulthood. In particular, this involves inducing them to think and behave like adult children. Emblematic of this trend is the 40-year old collector of Star Wars figurines. Infantilised people are encouraged not to solve their own problems, but instead to tug the skirt of the local authority. This is also true of scientific disputes. Independent thought is strongly discouraged.

It’s essential here that people be kept ignorant about the true nature of reality. Instead of being informed accurately about the scientific nature of humankind and of the world, people are presented with a Disneyfied, Tellytubby version of affairs. It is never admitted that life is suffering and that the good guys die in the end just like the bad guys.

The second trend is feminisation.

This involves forcing women and feminine energy into male spaces. Anything traditionally masculine has to give way to feminine involvement. This trend is why one sees so much mainstream media decrying “not enough women in X” or praising “first woman in X”. All male spaces have to be broken open.

Today this can be seen most obviously in sport. The obsessive promotion of women’s sport has had the effect of removing an avenue for masculinity. Now there are even female referees and commentators in male games. The forcing of women into the military is a more extreme, if less obvious, example. The end result is a generation of feminised males unable to inspire any physical resistance.

The third trend is negrification.

It’s rare to see a white family in the mass media nowadays. A long-running series like Friends, without token diversity, would be impossible today. Much as children have been forced into adult spaces and females have been forced into male spaces, so too have non-whites been forced into white spaces. This is also accompanied by propaganda about “not enough non-whites in X” or “first non-white in X”.

Following from the increasing proportion of non-whites in traditionally white spaces is a lowering of general standards. As a result, r-selected behaviours and attitudes are driving out K-selected ones. The growing cultural obsession with analingus is perhaps the most telling example -- arse fetishism is almost non-existent in fully white countries.

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869c42 (6)  No.221667 >>221696 >>221714 >>226808

File (hide): 5f0f4685a95680c⋯.jpg (182.65 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, lizzovogue.jpg) (h) (u)

>>221666 (OP)

The fourth trend is uglification.

This can be seen most clearly in music and architecture. Today’s popular music is almost antithetical to the high culture of Beethoven and Vivaldi. Orchestral music has been replaced with crude jungle beats that appeal to the brain stem. A similar phenomenon has taken place with architecture. Brutalism is a name given to the architectural style that emphasises minimalism and concrete, but it’s so common today that most people think it’s normal.

Uglification can also be seen in fashion. The most notable example today is the promotion of Lizzo, a monstrously obese woman, as a model of beauty. Genuinely beautiful women are starting to become rare in mainstream media. The combined effect of the uglification of music, architecture and fashion is that people have lost their conception of what beauty is. This has had severe moral consequences.

The fifth trend is stupefaction.

In the early days of the Internet, it was possible to easily find information about any subject. These times were known as the Golden Age of the Internet. But as the information superhighway became more commercialised, hobbyist and enthusiast sites were pushed to the bottom of search results in favour of big advertisers. As the ruling class put more and more advertising between the people and the information, the masses became dumber and dumber.

Part of stupefaction involves the promotion of unqualified people as authorities. Bill Nye, “The Science Guy”, only has a Bachelor’s degree, and is therefore less of a scientific authority than the author of this article. Unqualified people are promoted as experts everywhere in the mass media, lowering the quality of public discourse and popularising misconceptions and falsehoods.

The sixth trend is pacification.

Aldous Huxley warned that the ruling class would one day train the masses to love their servitude, and that’s exactly what has happened. We have been pacified by having just enough of our material needs met to prevent any real discontent. No-one really has to go without food or entertainment nowadays, and this has led to an oversatisfied population that is willing to accept all kinds of human rights abuses.

Pacification is the end result of the infantilisation, the feminisation, the negrification, the uglification and the stupefaction of the masses. All of these trends have created a population that is utterly incapable of resisting the abuses of the ruling class -- this being, of course, the ultimate reason why they were all pushed.

In the tyranny to come, no adult spaces will be allowed to exist, no male spaces will be allowed to exist, no white spaces will be allowed to exist, no beautiful spaces will be allowed to exist, no intelligent spaces will be allowed to exist and no space for courage will be allowed to exist. In short, no place of order will be allowed to exist, because any order among the masses provides the basis for resistance.

Much of the logic behind Clown World is about forcing chaos into orderly spaces for the sake of destruction. The more the ruling class can sow chaos among their lower-class enemies, the less the lower classes are able to resist the depredations of the rulers. And so, the more infantilised, feminised, negrified, uglified, stupified and pacified society becomes, the harder it becomes to own a home and to raise a family on one wage.

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c5c4ca (6)  No.221696 >>221697 >>222258

File (hide): 271816cdd31cfed⋯.png (295.61 KB, 1360x1080, 34:27, Sociological_Trends_of_Clo….png) (h) (u)

>>221666 (OP)



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869c42 (6)  No.221697


Good move, fren

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324e8f (1)  No.221710 >>221737

Fantastic post, OP. You really covered the multi-pronged attack that the elites are waging. This is some high-quality shit.

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a1ed8b (1)  No.221714

File (hide): 1ba478060a635cd⋯.png (2 MB, 1000x1249, 1000:1249, jessica.png) (h) (u)

Good post OP.


>Unqualified people are promoted as experts everywhere in the mass media, lowering the quality of public discourse and popularising misconceptions and falsehoods.

Very true, and this is also what one finds visiting the 'Science & Math' section of a local book store. Titles promoting nigger contributions to science like "Hidden Figures" [lies], books titled "Space is cool as f*ck! [who is the target audience, reddit man-children?], some biographies on 'muh Einstein,' books on racism and of course the absolute authorities of current year, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and the aforementioned Bill Nye. While a book store will always learn towards pop-science, it was never this bad when I was young. The history section might even be worse.

I'm in Canada where our largest bookstore "Chapters" is operated by an anti-white jewish woman, who very proudly banned even the watered down versions of Mein Kampf from her stores. When you walk in the store, you're presented with large displays for LGBTQ+2 books, and an entire section on how to be an anti-racist. It's all so tiresome. Unless you shop online for specific titles, you need to visited antique and second hand books stores to find anything worth reading.

Also, holy hell is that Lizzo ape revolting. Countered.

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869c42 (6)  No.221737


The most important thing, imo, is to keep in mind that the elites want to introduce chaos into any orderly space the people possess. It doesn't matter what area of life it is, if the people have order, the elites want them to have chaos.

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5c12c0 (1)  No.221742 >>221743

>>221666 (OP)

You are correct. But:

If you tell people to choose between "solve your own problems" and "seek someone to solve your problems for you", people will ALWAYS choose to seek someone to solve their problems for them.

You won't win any allies among the masses if your reasoning is "man up and solve your problems".

The whole "man up" approach was already proven to be a complete fiasco. Most men will actively fight AGAINST the need to man up, and against anyone that want to put them in a situation (or system) where they must man up. You should have already learned that simply by observing how the majority of men, indoctrinated OR NOT, never choose to man up, under any circumstances, and even worse, straight up choose to die or to be enslaved instead of manning up.

In order to win against the jew, the few among us must become the "nanny" of those men. There is no other way. If you cover all corners and let no option aside from "man up", the men among the masses will still choose death and collapse of civilization over it.

In short: most men don't want to man up, and never will. When pressured to man up, they will actively join their own enemies and fight against their own allies, family and friends, to avoid the need to man up.

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869c42 (6)  No.221743 >>221772


>In order to win against the jew, the few among us must become the "nanny" of those men.

I suspect you are right, what you say here accords with what Plato said, about the man who is unwilling to take charge - he gets ruled by his lessers.

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55f41d (1)  No.221772 >>222260


It is ironic that, in a sense, manchildren will "man up" and fight only against anything trying to make them man up, while remaining manchildren for everything else in life.

I sincerely desire that manchildren be weaponized against the jew, because we need the numbers, but after we win our decisive victory against the jews, those manchildren get all killed. Every single one of them.

Their very nature is one of refusal of responsibilities, and that alone makes them a cancer in our world.

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a32cb0 (2)  No.222258


Danke, Anon

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a32cb0 (2)  No.222260 >>222261


Harsh. Many can be salvaged from the pit they've fallen into; I was, and so have many others - anon or not. Not to underestimate the circumstances we're in or the problems they face and cause/embody…

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869c42 (6)  No.222261


Agree, we can't judge people harshly for refusing responsibilities in a failed system like the modern West. No reasonable person can be expected to engage with this shit.

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c725ae (9)  No.222268

File (hide): 3287a113891d0c2⋯.jpg (90.11 KB, 1024x982, 512:491, 1618203977677.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 234bece59157695⋯.jpg (35.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e3cd04229ef0c89⋯.jpg (112.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, proxy_image.jpg) (h) (u)

Good thread, OP. Hard to unsee it, once seen.

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c725ae (9)  No.222270 >>222296

File (hide): 9bbd1a72933f44a⋯.jpg (221.47 KB, 1820x1580, 91:79, 1618227465532.jpg) (h) (u)

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c5c4ca (6)  No.222296 >>222303 >>234443

File (hide): 9518e7321ffe905⋯.jpg (113.68 KB, 725x618, 725:618, 951.jpg) (h) (u)


>tfw Operator-chan is about to become real.

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24e4ec (7)  No.222303 >>222306

File (hide): 2d56babe7d2cf97⋯.jpg (160.15 KB, 855x590, 171:118, battlefield_of_men.jpg) (h) (u)

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c5c4ca (6)  No.222306 >>222308


Nature is not what it used to be. Perhaps a nation shouldn't send their women to fight against enemy men. But in the present world where people are detached from reality that's what we get.

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24e4ec (7)  No.222308 >>222309


I hope men will have the backbone to leave them behind or abandon them when they need to.

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c5c4ca (6)  No.222309 >>222312


Yeah that seems like the plausible thing to do.

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24e4ec (7)  No.222312 >>222316


I was listening to someone I have known for a long time (video) anyway, he was asking men if they would have the fortitude, lets say that they arrived home to late when the jews got there to take away their family, to shoot their wives and children in the head from hiding before the jew took them away, (because we all know what that means)…IDK that might be a better solution because then at least you wouldn't have to hear their screams while they were being tortured on the battlefield. I suppose you could get a marksmen to put a bullet in them if you were that close.

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c5c4ca (6)  No.222316 >>222330 >>222340


>euthanize your family by killing them as painlessly as possible

>or jews take them away and torture them to death

That's a hard call.

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24e4ec (7)  No.222330 >>222339


Yep. I put it to my SO and they said they would but they were lying (I can tell). So they would turn me over to demons…I will have to make preparations on my own. Sad really but I don't blame them since they have no understanding of demons at all or the things they do. It is something that people should probably think about for themselves or for their loved ones.

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c5c4ca (6)  No.222339 >>222344

File (hide): 8f1e8c884f8d57d⋯.jpg (245.99 KB, 1000x1038, 500:519, Gulag.jpg) (h) (u)

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I guess most normies just put up with whatever the establishment wants because they think it'll keep them safe. If they only knew what awaits them.


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c725ae (9)  No.222340 >>222344


>jews take them away

Found the noguns.

Many such cases.


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24e4ec (7)  No.222344 >>222346 >>222347

File (hide): 299d1aaa285073f⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 689x694, 689:694, torture_of_the_inquisition.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 245ee7cae2af5c6⋯.jpg (61.82 KB, 624x476, 156:119, inquisition_torture_women.jpg) (h) (u)


Mhhh I don't blame them at this point they are thoroughly domesticated and think that the demons are what keep them safe, just like cattle. It is in their DNA/data/instruction now to side with their own destroyers. The jews have selectively weeded out all who would resist them and genetically purged all survival instinct out of humanity. Humanity is 'friend' to evil and hater of what is good or free. I wish your drawings were all they did…but they have murdered 100 million Europeans selectively destroying the race over the last 2,000 years by purging those with will or spirit. They used these same methods to isolate and discover who had will or spirit and violently purged them from the planet.

I am the most willful person I know, but I bet I am nothing compared to the beauty, majesty and splendor of our ancestors.


Not a problem here…here the problem is hope and love. The hope that when demons lay their hands on what you love that it will survive. In reality, even if it did survive, it will not be anything other than a husk of what it was…so from that moment forward, when the demons can put their hands on your loved ones, they are dead. You are simply sparing them the agonizing death of days, weeks or months of horror.

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24e4ec (7)  No.222346 >>222347 >>222793


This was a planetary takeover by an alien race, the 'vaccines' are just one facet of the destruction of the world. I mean, how better to destroy the remains of humanity than to get them to volunteer for an injection that will kill them and leave the planet empty so that you can have it all to yourself. It has been interesting to see that even though people can read and understand that the jew demons SAY VERY OPENLY that they are from another place, not the earth in all their literature, people do not understand that this is the tail end of the Alien invasion and the total destruction of the intelligent lifeforms that were here before the globohomo demons.

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c725ae (9)  No.222347

File (hide): 26666a862421b53⋯.png (76.82 KB, 1567x238, 1567:238, lel.png) (h) (u)



Watching it unfold is truly fucking remarkable. Breathtaking. Truly. I used to fancy myself one with an imagination. I could have tried to write this fiction out for a trillion years and would never ever ever come up with something this fucking insane. Majestic, really.

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c725ae (9)  No.222348 >>222409

File (hide): 6bcbff73b44a89a⋯.png (99.91 KB, 592x396, 148:99, 1618244642312.png) (h) (u)

You have to almost admire it, no?!

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24e4ec (7)  No.222409


No…I do seem to be able to ignore it better than your average normie though.

>when was the last time you hugged or kissed someone?

Last night…I was out at dinner and had had a few (not enough to make me burst out in, "Deutschland über alles", my race, the only people who stood up to globalization and against the kikes) but enough to make me imitate the japanese waitress inside when I bid everyone goodnight with a hug and a kiss, "Bye, bye (best jap accent)"…one of my family members had to 'explain' me away but everyone was laughing too so…no harm, no foul.

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7983b0 (2)  No.222793 >>222797


> they are from another place

Where do they say this?

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6972ff (6)  No.222797 >>222806

File (hide): d1295822460374f⋯.mp4 (11.98 MB, 512x288, 16:9, Jews_Are_From_Another_Gala….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


I have a lot of different examples, lets see if this one will upload.

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7983b0 (2)  No.222806 >>222807 >>222819


Crazy stuff. At first I thought he was just talking in metaphors about the Exodus story "out of Egypt," and that this had been blown out of proportion. No, he goes full sci-fi after 6 mins in.

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6972ff (6)  No.222807


Yep…I don't think they are from our dimension. I think based on their 2 dimensional characteristics they are probably from something closer to 2D or as someone else put it…demons. Their inability to reconcile anything other than 'this[good]' or 'that[evil]' as a dialectic, shows a real lack of ability in complex thinking and the ability to process a 3D (4D technically) world. The idea of having one of the demons running things in the 3D world is really chilling.

They should have never been let in through, [his words] The Shattering of the Collective Soul of Humanity…I am imagining this was a very bad thing in all of the 'catalog' of bad things that have happened in the Universes.

At any rate it explains their penchant for alien behavior and gross misunderstanding of all things related to humanity.

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6972ff (6)  No.222819 >>222843



It is also why I jokingly call them "The Blight unto Humanity". They always refer to themselves as a 'light unto the nations' when they are simply a blight on the entire planet and every living thing on it. lol

That "Shattering of the Collective Soul of Humanity" is referenced in things like Blavatsky as well. There used to be this fantastic Samurai, Haku Zynkyoku on YT who recounted the Japanese legends of where both blacks and jews originated elsewhere (as well as the war of many galaxies his channel has been taken down) but if you can find his videos they are certainly worth a watch…he is privileged to old school Ainu/Eastern esoteric knowledge (if you have any interest in the occult or the esoteric; it really explains a lot). Jews/semites are the racial product of humans mixing with blacks; this holds true and is easily verified even when looking at modern genetic science.

I found one on the "9 Gods and the Origin of the Jews" on Bitchute…the name of the video host is funny given this context…a sync that made me laugh. Really it is better if you can find all his videos since Ainu history and esoteric belief is so different than Western esoteric tradition. Well worth an evening if you can find them (he has FB but I don't do FB).


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f81df7 (1)  No.222843 >>222855


Thanks for the link, I'll give it a watch later. I also plan to dig up information on who the guy in the video is, and whether or not he's taken seriously, and where exactly he gets his stories of jewish lore from.

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6972ff (6)  No.222855 >>222984


Well it is like everything else in the world. Once you start talking 'woo' everyone has an opinion and it is easy to say, "Oh they are a crank," and dismiss something you are not familiar or comfortable with without really considering the implications or things that are happening in our world that actually verify the information. I think it has to do with information bias in terms of being conditioned to a specific set of stimuli to the extent that you think of it in terms of normalcy. Expect to see a lot of kike freak outs when his name is mentioned. It think the information speaks for itself though…also, it would have helped if you had an esoteric background and could correlate Western and Eastern esoteric thought. Hopefully you do or are working on it. It doesn't matter what you think of the information now, as long as you are capable of considering it later as you notice things or grown in knowledge.

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aa85a6 (2)  No.222984 >>222987


>Once you start talking 'woo' everyone has an opinion

This is understandable. Most Western thought is underpinned by logic and reason, wild claims require proof, and modern life casts our attention to material matters. That may not be helpful in understanding anything spiritual where things are harder to quantify, but it is the reason why westerners can build hypersonic aircraft, whereas the more "spiritual" shamans around the world sit on the dirt.

>it would have helped if you had an esoteric background and could correlate Western and Eastern esoteric thought.

I will say that I'm interested in esoteric thought, but it's a hard subject to research due to the proliferation of misinformation out there, mostly due to ignorance by the authors but often by intent. With the case of the jews it's also not so important to me whether their claims are true, rather I want to know how many subscribe to such beliefs, since even devotion to the nonsensical can be dangerous. For example, imagine a maniac who believes he has to fire a shotgun from his back door at 7pm to thwart an alien abduction. You know the man is insane, but you also know well enough not to be anywhere near his home at 7pm.

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6972ff (6)  No.222987 >>222990


You are the alien in that story, right?

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aa85a6 (2)  No.222990 >>222992


100%. I'm gonna get that bastard at 8pm when he thinks he's safe.

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e08840 (1)  No.222991 >>225010

This is partly the result of decadence and lack of hardship, and partly the result of deliberate population control. Living and growing up in decadence, playing games your whole childhood and not having to fight physically and mentally for resources and status has made an entire generation weak. In turn, they turn to frivolous pursuits like transgenderism and that stuff. Any country that is poor ultimately operates on the normal, traditionalist point of view. Only the countries with money have these problems really. If you notice in todays society, the only people that are openly homophobic are black men. This is because they grow up in poverty and don't hold the same decadent views that middle class white girls on twitter hold.

On the other hand, there is government propaganda. I believe it is likely that the whole LGBTQXYZ movements are further spread and encouraged by the government as a means of population control. That, in combination with feminism and pushing women into the workplace, it changes the traditional dynamic of women rearing children while men provide. Birth control is used in a similar manner. This is done to prevent overpopulation. Every major revolution in history including the French revolution was preceded by increased population growth. When you have a huge population and then you get lack of food, new movements start forming, seeking change. This the idea behind population control. By spreading movements and ideas that limit people from having children, there is less of a chance of unchecked population growth and economic collapse. They aren't just doing this to white people. It is being pushed on minorities too, who have lots of children, they're just less likely to care.

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6972ff (6)  No.222992

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2289f3 (3)  No.224702

File (hide): ed867815feafdd5⋯.jpg (278.65 KB, 1792x1614, 896:807, extortion.jpg) (h) (u)

/pnd/ is now a chinese extortion racket.

How much did you pay to post your OP?

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cc5802 (1)  No.224945

>>221666 (OP)


<heil Satan

you should re-order the title words because IFNUSPA won't spread among normies.

good thread btw

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76621e (1)  No.224998 >>224999

File (hide): c0aa52f28370c55⋯.mp4 (6.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, How_Dare_You.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

I'll just leave this here…

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c725ae (9)  No.224999

File (hide): 29592fcbabb5229⋯.png (554.99 KB, 838x397, 838:397, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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b30453 (2)  No.225008 >>225009 >>225066

>>221666 (OP)

You post a lot of truth and that is why many of us preppers have bugged out and live as far as we can from populated areas. Now that you know the truth, consider doing whatever it is you can to prepare and become self-sufficient as possible. Many from /k/ and /pol/ over the last decade are likely are doing the same. Yes, it is time to get out of dodge if you can manage doing so, and even if you cannot, arm yourself any way possible (whether or not it's legal, whether or not it's with a gun or bear spray or nail-driven bats)…. learn to garden, learn to fish, learn to hunt, learn to raise livestock, learn to butcher, learn to preserve foods long-term, learn to cook your own meals from scratch, look up bulk rice recipes (rice is very cheap, you can buy it in bulk much like oatmeal, grits, pasta, etc and it will fill you up and keep you alive so do collect basic used cookbooks and print & save online recipes). Learn some basic skills like taking down trees and chopping wood, grinding up dead wood for mulch, cooking over a fire pit, learn how to decontaminate and filter outdoor water to make it safe to drink etc etc. Do whatever you can to survive the impending economic and societal collapse BECAUSE IT IS COMING AND WITHIN THE NEXT DECADE (if not much sooner!)

A survival tip of the day:for much of my long-term food storage (such as pasta, grits, nuts, oatmeal, rice, sugar, spice, powdered stocks, etc) I use a lot of clear totes to put them in. Why? Because it keeps the rodents and bugs away from them, plus protects them from humidity!

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c725ae (9)  No.225009 >>225011


>boomer hands typed this

The amount of pure fucking cope in this post is both gay and homosexual.

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d88e0a (3)  No.225010


I also think a lack of morals and subversion of the youth by the media over many decades had a big play in this demise. Debt insolvency also breeds corruption too, never forget central banking corrupts whole economies and makes them dependent upon those who hijacked and consolidated the monetary system. The Western world has been kept in the dark about stuff like this for a reason.

The reason I am confident we can still be first world but have ethics and morals is because it has been done before and has worked. I know people who have money who are good hard working people, who are not subverted Marxists, who actually have families and take care of them well. It's not so much a 'money problem', it always goes back to the (((Bolsheviks))) and their network of debt slavery and communist subversion. It took them a long time to fully bring down the West, but it looks like it's inevitable these days. All we can do is plan our own future from here on.

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d88e0a (3)  No.225011 >>225012


If you don't plan ahead and refuse to defect from this system it is going to swallow you whole and spit out your bones. It is your choice what to do from here on, I for one will not accept their new great reset bullshit. I'm out, for good.

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c725ae (9)  No.225012 >>225013 >>225015


niqqa u dumb if u thank this be optional

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2289f3 (3)  No.225013 >>225017


Amazing watching the bot move through the threads. It was over in /random/ until someone commented on /pnd/…/pnd/ is its main priority

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0ac604 (1)  No.225015 >>225028 >>225033


Actually it is very optional. I already made up my mind and took action to become self-sufficient and only support local if need be. I already made up my mind and have some lines in the sand I will not be willing to surrender without a fight to the death if need be. Have you?

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b30453 (2)  No.225017 >>225035


I don't think that is a bot, I think there are defeatists (or maybe fed psyops?) here again, spreading fear porn in hopes we just sit around sulking and give up on everything in life. NOT ME. I'm not giving up on my life or family, the only thing I'm giving up is trust in this society for my own survival sake. I'm not going to fight ZOG wars, or give up my guns or property or take their toxic poison vaccines or any of it. I've defected from their third world shitholes, and as far as I'm concerned let it all collapse already. Those who were smart got prepared and have already bailed.

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c725ae (9)  No.225028 >>225066


"Self-sufficiency" shows a total lack of any principle worth understanding. Libertarians deserve a wood-chipper and nothing else.

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dd5d05 (2)  No.225033 >>225035 >>225066


>took action to become self-sufficient

self-sufficient microprocessor fabrication so you can come one here and tell other people abouut how self-sufficient you are?


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2289f3 (3)  No.225035


>I don't think that is a bot

hmmm. disagree.


<microprocessor = survival


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d88e0a (3)  No.225066 >>225412


If you don't know what that term means by now that is your own fault. I think it was pretty well defined here: >>225008 (OY VEY!)


"Self-sufficiency:" the quality or state of being able to provide everything you need, especially food. A state of being in which a person or organization needs little or no help from - or interaction with - other third parties. Being independent from others or society as a whole. Also: the quality of being able to take care of yourself, to be happy, or to deal with problems without help from other people.

ON THAT NOTE: I am not here to brag, but rather to encourage other anons to think about doing the same, as your way of life could very well depend on this in the near future. If you don't want to be a slave, stop acting like one and consider taking action to better yourselves in any way possible.

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dd5d05 (2)  No.225412


>A state of being in which a person or organization needs little or no help from - or interaction with - other third parties

And yet you are here interacting with people


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583c76 (1)  No.226808

File (hide): e82795ad3521d24⋯.webm (5.75 MB, 856x482, 428:241, edom_amalek.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

>>221666 (OP)


Well, thats how. There is more to it but it willl do. Why is equally or even more important

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b0c303 (1)  No.232702

anti spam bump

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0ac8c5 (1)  No.234443


And she's gonna get raped.

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9856f3 (1)  No.234470

>The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

-ISAIF, Kaczysnki

Do not mistakenly think that the author of this quote is a leftist as he spends a substantial part of the first few sections attacking leftism.

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95a05c (1)  No.248778

Only someone with a tiny penis hates page 24.

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