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4972e3  No.224849

"Why would they offer up this 95-IQ Vietnamese journalist as a sacrifice?"

You're here. You're clever. You know what's going on, right? You're hip to all the PSYWAR tricks, right? You're immune, right?



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e419d7  No.224851


Fucking hell…you actually believe the shit you write, don't you?

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7437fd  No.224853


kike political drama to keep the masses entertained, distracted, and not talking about the relationship between Zionism and Communism.

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4972e3  No.224854




Pedestrian interpretation, and that is being generous.

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7437fd  No.224855


do you see the masses discussing the relationship between zionism and communism… or are they discussing whatever drama you're trying to get us to talk about?

that's what i thought.

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e419d7  No.224856


They shouldn't be talking about ANY of those things, they should be talking about Anarchy (freedom from these kike fucks) and our own future.


Also, who gives a shit if someone arrested some bug…is that somehow OUR business? No it isn't. That is bug business as well as kike business, not our business and why would we even care?

It could be a fake twitter feed, this fuckwad has posted TONS of fucking fake assed shit to /pnd/ like this here: >>223495

For all we know he broke immigration law and also 'donated' to Rittenhouse…WTF why would we correlate anything that has anything to do with this entire board from this 'so called story'.

Basically everything is says is bullshit of one sort or the other.

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cf2a6a  No.224857


>dont talk about the jews, goy!

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e419d7  No.224860


What is more productive? Talking about the jews or making plans for the future of our nation without them.

Don't be a basic fucking bitch.

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cf2a6a  No.224861


You can do nothing without majority support. Therefore, educating the mass majority on both Zionism and Communism, systems which the Jew slithers between as required for his survival, comes before anything else.

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e419d7  No.224866


Nope, I only need 10% (the number of general populace who have always fought in a civil war). I have that plus more at this point. Now it is time to talk about #1 What we don't want #2 Our own plans for the future.

It is only because we are the exact opposite of everything the jews claimed that things haven't happened sooner.

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827ea9  No.224893


No one cares.

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827ea9  No.224894


>You can do nothing without majority support.

Jewish shill confirmed.

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1601da  No.224978


There are more retarded boomers and migapedes than redpilled men willing to give up their comfy life for a shitty civil war. You're retarded and so is >>224894

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