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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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065d06  No.224492

Yes it's real.

Yes it's man made.

That being said…

Many people are wondering why Bill Gates is buying up all the farm land, I'll tell you why.

In the near future scientists project that crops won't grow south of the US border. Bill Gates is buying farm land to make sure the people in Mexico and Central America will be fed of our food supply.

Oh yea, the US west will soon face a unprecedented water shortage.


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df57df  No.224493


anyone who simps for any of

>muh issues

is a literal faggot

we are in end-game, dipshit

post this gay shit somewhere gay instead

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abbdeb  No.224495


Yeah, somewhere gay, like /freedomzine/

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c8a17a  No.224501


false. in fact, it is projected that crops won't be able to grow NORTH of the US/Mexico border. not sure where you get your misinformation from, but choose a better source.

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c8a17a  No.224502


just because the Board Operator of /freedomzine/ regularly loses control of his temper, and beats his girlfriend up, that doesn't mean that he's a bad person.

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c8a17a  No.224503

File: 2b6c0665563db78⋯.png (486.17 KB, 1080x1134, 20:21, PicsArt_12_16_10_12_04.png)

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c8a17a  No.224504

File: d8bdbef49ed8e61⋯.jpg (181.48 KB, 1280x865, 256:173, PicsArt_12_16_12_11_02.jpg)

he's just under a lot of pressure, what with FIAT and LIBERTY

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c8a17a  No.224505

File: 31b92fdef4b51cb⋯.png (259.73 KB, 1254x1080, 209:180, PicsArt_12_17_11_05_44.png)

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72d401  No.224508


so your the BO of /freedomzine/?

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932907  No.224509


Global report paid shilling threads.

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c8a17a  No.224521


no, dumbass. the BO of /freedomzine/ is busy handling all of the heavy traffic on his board. it's Saturday night, and his board always gets slammed on Saturday nights.

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82aaa6  No.224523


oh. I just wanted to ask him advice about how I can punch my girlfriend in the face without leaving any visible bruising.

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c8a17a  No.224525

File: d7798e9f4b77d94⋯.jpg (119.79 KB, 1647x1080, 61:40, PicsArt_12_17_10_06_32.jpg)


simple. just tell the police she fell and hit her face on THE STOLEN ELECTION !!!

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c8a17a  No.224526

File: 8b85640a852e059⋯.png (56.02 KB, 1272x1080, 53:45, PicsArt_12_17_12_30_54.png)


it's okay if she's got bruises, as long as it was BIDEN who caused the injuries, directly or indirectly

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1f77ac  No.224527


He is a faggot.

No gf…just ripping holes in other mens assholes whenever he can hold them down long enough to rape them and push it in.

What was on the Ever Green?

What was taken off the Ever Green?

Who has it now?


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b8babe  No.224528


if you're looking for rock-solid advice on physically assaulting women, /freedomzine/ is the place for you, good man!

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9cabcd  No.224592

File: 4cddc3bb6863419⋯.jpg (39.88 KB, 512x335, 512:335, islam_wahmen.jpg)


>Yes it's real.

you don't say?

>Yes it's man made.

nope. the current model of the solar system, including the sun's explains it perfectly. the millions of years worth of ice core samples prove it beyond the shadow of the doubt, but current year (((science))) is nothing more than a jewish freak show with diversity hires and trannies.

>Many people are wondering why Bill Gates is buying up all the farm land, I'll tell you why.

because he's a power hungry jew. look at microshaft, his vaccine genocide in the third world… he's probably planning to open a bug farm… haven't you noticed all the shilling for bug eating in the jewstream media?

>unprecedented water shortage

all you need is to build a few desalination plants and banning nestlé and problem solved.

pic unrelated

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6293ca  No.224697

File: ed867815feafdd5⋯.jpg (278.65 KB, 1792x1614, 896:807, extortion.jpg)

How much did you pay in extortion to the 'moderation' to post your OP?

/pnd/ is now a chinese extortion racket

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927d3e  No.235974

The Sun defines the climate, not man. Now kill yourself OP.

Climate Science Destroyed In 8 Minutes


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065d06  No.239204

File: 33c3fd5c01ccb0f⋯.jpg (797.85 KB, 2400x1600, 3:2, business_cargo_1230042459.jpg)


Definitive proof storms are getting stronger.


All told, at least 2,980 containers have fallen off cargo ships in the Pacific since November, in at least six separate incidents. That’s more than twice the number of containers lost annually between 2008 and 2019, according to the World Shipping Council.

Let that sink in, no pun intended.

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d9ebd4  No.239241


Those were the ugly children that nobody wanted to fuck.

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18150c  No.239529


"man-made" as in geo-engineered and it's already well documented and even admitted, not even going to bother with finding all the links proving it anymore.

>Bill Gates is buying farm land to make sure the people in Mexico and Central America will be fed of our food suppl

Bull fucking shit!!! He's doing it to save his own ass and you know it.

God damn it this site fucking GLOWS!!!!

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76bfd4  No.239631


>Yes it's man made.

Shill confirmed. Too easy

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a180fc  No.241391

Not only man did, let's not forget about the natural factors but there's definitely no doubt that man was extremely impactful. The impact is so serious that we can see these climate changes every year. But I believe it's not over yet and there's a chance to change the situation. Even little actions will help if many people will get involved and will want changes. Initiatives like https://myimpactpower.org/ for instance will be extremely helpful in this undertaking. Also, it's important to listen to green politicians.

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30bd9b  No.241479


Jesus Christ you GLOW so hard it makes my eyes water!

Bill Gates does NOT care about anyone and is NOT going to feed anyone but himself and family! Big Tech/Big Pharma oligarchs do not give a flying backwards fuck about plebs like you me or the Mexicans, they sell junk poison to idiots like you and openly call for culling idiots like you.

The only water shortages going on are what the complicit corrupted government has created by draining water reserves into the ocean! You fuckhead glowies won't even call that out, would you? So God damned predictable!




These criminals are TRYING to subjugate and impoverish America, you've been told this over and over and over and over, and total morons like you are still in total denial! Idiots like you will starve then, so be it. The smart ones have gotten prepped and are stocking guns/ammo to protect what they'll need to survive!

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8a58d1  No.241480

As for an update on this "Global Warming" SCAM…. all which really is "man-made" or should I say government-created, the world is onto this despotic Bolshevik tactic to subjugate, impoverish and starve the masses into submission….


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829dfc  No.241563


>Watches a few Vice videos and now believes that he has any understanding of anything.

This >>224493

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065d06  No.241580

Truth be known, right now they need to start cloud seeding and many other geoengineering projects in order to post pone or maybe even prevent our extinction.

They need to do it covertly because of all the retards. As far as debating climate change that's over., You'll know the truth when the grocery store is empty or has only items you can't afford.

Elon's Star Link has nothing to do with internet access. It's true purpose is to partially block sunlight. Don't tell anyone.

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a26dfa  No.241582


>right now they need to start cloud seeding and many other geoengineering projects

If it were only cloud seeding - by actual definition - that would be perfectly OK and make sense. However they've been geo-engineering with HARRP and chemtrails for a long, long time. Over three decades likely before you were even born. And don't give us bullshit like it's doing us any good, or it's for our own good. Exactly the opposite. You - like so many others - refused to read up on UN Agenda 21. You - like so many others - refused to listen to their own words about deliberately depopulating the Earth and using geo-engineering as a type of WARFARE to carry it out. You likely refused to look into the dirty details of the "Sustainable Development", "Green New Deal", "Build Back Better", "Great Reset" et al which is all really the same agenda. I know, I know already! You'll have a million excuses like everyone else why you did not pay attention, or flat out play dumb about it.

This has nothing to do with sunlight. The California State deliberately drained massive water reserves that is currently causing the drought. Farmers noticed and have warned about this, over and over and over. They're sick of it, they're onto them, many people are onto them over this blatant treason. People like you don't pay attention to this. You think government is the answer when government was clearly the problem all along.

Don't worry, I'm well prepared because I paid attention decades ago and am currently living rural and have a homestead with food security. Sorry for those who refused to listen. Corruption. Plain and simple.

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a26dfa  No.241583



Now they're playing dumb…. as if everything criminal they engaged in is somehow "our fault"… mother fucking Bolshevik to the commie core.

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3d9e27  No.242080


hot on the case shylock holmes?

enjoy being in a eco-communist death cult faggot.

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f2daea  No.242097

Wrong. Global warming is fake and gay.

Gates is doing it to feed blue cities once the civil war starts.

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9a1576  No.242163

File: 6a5b6b5326dc0f7⋯.jpg (116.66 KB, 1440x1715, 288:343, 8678b2da4ead39b752ac1928be….jpg)

>yahoo News

Fucking retard

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065d06  No.244845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Exxon caught using front groups to deny climate change

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8fb85a  No.245000


Why do anti-science retards never talk about Standard Oil or Rockefeller and Rothschild? Why do they always focus on irrelevant nonsense like climate change? Why don't they talk about Enron or the UN? Why are they all so helplessly braindead? Is it because they learned to be retarded by watching the talmudvision, going through the public fool system, and attending communist indoctrination camps posing as universities?

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9ea219  No.249054

File: e55750a5b3c9e61⋯.jpg (50.07 KB, 596x531, 596:531, EverySingleTime.jpg)

Circa 2012 a great speech about our current situation. You may of thought it was Trump's idea to build a wall, a serious wall to keep people out.

But it wasn't, it was being discussed in the Pentagon before 2008.

They know in the future central America and Mexico will be too hot to grow crops. This is the discussion they were having about what to do about the border and when to ban refugees from Britain. We failed to act and now we will be over ran

Truly great speech, ahead of it's time.


Cliffs: We needed to seal the border but we didn't. Get ready for the flood of refugees, before our lives are over we may be reminded that we are just animals competing for very limited resources ie food and habitat.

We let the elite subvert us and right now we are forfeiting our precious and dwindling

habitat. Letting foreigners out number us on our land, wow that's stupid.

Remember Bill gates is the biggest owner of farm lands.

pic related

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