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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b7e99b45c0096cb⋯.png (94.13 KB, 661x1405, 661:1405, Screenshot_2021_04_09_Micr….png)

835dc8  No.221938

Daily remainder if you are using anything other than mechanical typewriter you are fucked

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0f6555  No.221941


Maybe we need to make a white silicon valley based on open source architecture.

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104b28  No.221974

> Israel gets Microsoft technology

Did antisemites arrange this?

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97c62b  No.221979

File: ef7fefd5448f20a⋯.jpg (209.85 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Wherewearegoingwedontneeda….jpg)

How many industries and companies is that now, that israel have stolen from the US?

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e08c75  No.222001


True but there are better ways around the internet and many tactics to remain safe. Using proxy IPs, forward secrecy, departmentalization (aka separating activities to various isolated computers, operating systems and/or web browsers).

I have three computers: one of them is a laptop I am using now to shitpost online (I use this for posting on image boards, alt forums and reading news privately over a VPN). When I'm not on this one I'll unhook the internet from it. I have another isolated computer I only use for personal contacts (email & business/financial related). My third computer is an offline media-dedicated computer for storage of music, movies and other files I like to keep.

Simply by separating online activities to various operating systems helps maintain security and privacy. As for operating systems I use, I have an older de-bloated Windows 7 (auto-update, telemetry and other third party bloatware garbage removed), my other two computers have Linux operating systems, the one I set up for media entertainment being completely offline without any wifi card. Just one bad ass bose speaker system hooked up to it and it's all I need.

I may never be able to keep hidden from the NSA but none-the-less I've never been doxed before or ever had my bank account hacked because I take a lot of precaution to mitigate threats like that, such as using a VPN. Another good privacy tip would be to wipe the .sqlite caches from your web browsers routinely after use as they hold all the logs and history from your previous browsing sessions (that's how most hackers steal personal online credentials: sqlite injection). There are many programs out there that will help you remove previous browser session data and highly recommended.

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e08c75  No.222003


A LOT. And not only Israel lol. Governmental security these days is utter SHIT mostly due to incompetence, hubris and corruption (maybe a lack of care too, add negligence).


Would never happen today because no 'woke' government would ever subsidize such common sense programs that would actually benefit us and save us money. The only reason Silicon Valley still stands today is because of a few million idiots still use Big Tech platforms and because the US government subsidizes the shit out of them with taxpayer money every stinkin' year. Without the subsidy they'd be experiencing fiscal problems already.

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2aa502  No.222016


Yes, aunties are to blame. Haha…I wonder what the 84 IQ monkeys will do with that since they are and have only ever been good at destroying things and never making things.

Parasitic DNA and all that.

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2aa502  No.222018


All the (((US Government))) ever does anymore is subsidize the losses onto the 'American people' and PRIVATIZE the the profits.

But they are allowed to do this precisely because they own the printing press and murder entire nations who challenge that authority.

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574a08  No.222025


True but those days will soon be coming to an end as many nations like Russia and China are not putting up with it anymore and are moving away from the US Dollar. Others like Germany and France are flipping East as well due to the constant threats over support of Nordstream 2. As history proves all insolvent corrupted empires inevitably fall and lose power. Question is what will become the next corrupted empire, and how bad will that be for the West? Can we move on and recover from it inevitably? How many of us will die when most of the Western world financially collapses? I'd reckon the best chance anyone has is to strategically relocate rural and become self-sufficient as possible before the collapse. I have pretty much given up hope in our modern society, it won't change for the better until forced to under dire circumstances. Whether that be a massive debt default or another world war, who knows at this point.

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2aa502  No.222030


>I have pretty much given up hope in our modern society

Wait until you give up on 'civilization' in its entirety. That is a real bitch. The moment you realize that the only reason they can keep this totally shit system operating at all is due to European productivity, since no other race can manage anything of value or innovative. If White/Europeans just gave up on their ideas of supporting the parasitic faggots through our surplus we would never have to deal with them again.

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39acb3  No.222075



Don't be bound by any insane notions of duty. Abandon everything to collapse, as it deserves to. If a system doesn't serve the interests of White Men only, no White Man has any duty or obligation to keep it running.

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46ce43  No.231594

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