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File: f96b6dd27128704⋯.jpg (619.42 KB, 1706x768, 853:384, JewishDr.jpg)

922835  No.221581[Last 50 Posts]

Everyone knows about AZ.

\I know you guys are steeped in the most absurd anti vax propaganda. That being said there is indeed some credible concerns about these vaccines.

Here's a credible concern about these vaccines.


Keep your dumb shit, wifi, pLANDEMIC bILL gATES and all that.

But Moderna has some shady Jewish connections. Lets take a closer look.

*The Chief Medical Officer of Moderna is an Israeli Jew

* He went to school at Penn State's Perlman School. The home of anti white policies.

*He made about a million $ a week during the pandemic via selling shares. Talk about conflict of Interest.

*He announced his retirement in Feb.

Pfizer and Moderna got approved at the same time for use in Israel.

*Israel gave it's citizens the Pfizer vaccine and sat on the Moderna and the gave it to other countries

For some reason Israel is buying like 60 million doses of vaccine, strange huh. But that's another story.

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81dd91  No.221583


Fucking sick of you cunts shilling your (((bitchute))) and (((goyimtv))) shit channels.

If you have a video to post. Post a fucking webm.

What the fuck shit info is that in the OP too. Can't verify any of that.

The only good thing about this post is the art.

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922835  No.221585


No you're going to make the webm for me or click the link.

Me: Do I make myself clear?

YOU! : Yes sir, crystal clear i'll get right on that webm.

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81dd91  No.221586



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a930e8  No.221587

This board is dead. Whoever is paying you is wasting their money.

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5e50e2  No.221616


I see the pharmaceutical industry has its marketing division contributing to our Nepalese needlepoint BBS

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e53981  No.221620


>Only get the

Don't get any of them, you do not need it. Exercise, get some sun, and make sure you do not have any vitamin deficiencies. If for some strange reason you believe this "vaccine" (it's a gene therapy) is useful, at least wait until the animal trials (niggers) have completed before becoming a test-subject.

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922835  No.221629

File: 8369c39beac3736⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, COVID_19_VACCINE_PFIZER_V_….jpg)


No dude, get the Pfizer, we have to reach herd immunity. If you watched that video in the OP the respected Dr (not some kook) was concerned about the build of Lipid Nanoparticles causing blockages in the blood stream aka a blood clot.

He says there's about a billion Lipid packets in the vaccine that will end up in the blood stream. So what's the dif between the two vaccines? The media implies they are the same, they are not.

This infographic shows the insanely huge dif, anyhow i have no idea why i'm wasting my time trying to inform a bunch of conspiracy theorists about vaccines.

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0b1b64  No.221630


>Getting any (((vaccine))).

Ok, Moishe.

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f09ebb  No.221633

File: 279fff3ff8195f9⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 5730267372_2a5c4b52ab_o.jpg)


>No dude, get the Pfizer, we have to reach herd immunity

>i have no idea why i'm wasting my time trying to inform a bunch of conspiracy theorists about vaccines

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e5de89  No.221637


Explain why, and the content of the video before expecting people to give Alphabet clicks.

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8f3ae5  No.221641


As a Holocough suh-vive-uh I can attest those side effects are worse than the Bat Flu itself.

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8f3ae5  No.221643


>we have to reach herd immunity

The problem here, is that the Bat Flu ended May 2020. If you look at how they diagnose it, at first they'd test for flu, and if it came back negative then it was covid. But that changed, likely because they weren't getting the numbers needed to scare the lemmings. So, they started just diagnosing by symptom, and like magic the "regular flu" then suddenly vanished. We didn't have any flu this year, because they are diagnosing the "regular flu" as covid in effort to keep the fear alive.

Anyone will tell you, these pharmaceutical and medical people don't want healthy people, because there is no money in healthy people. They are making a gazzillion shekels off the tax payers because of this vaccine. Dementia Joe and Zion Don basically gave Pfizer, Moderna, and AZ a blank check to make and distribute this "vaccine", which isn't even a vaccine because it doesn't do what other real vaccine's like MMR do.

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f93a9f  No.221650

File: 821965ab376cee0⋯.jpg (6.41 KB, 250x239, 250:239, 1612147855750s.jpg)

I won't take any of these vaccines until there is more data available.

I've been looking mainly at some of the inoculation data from the UK because they have been the most effective int vaxxing their people by now they have roughly 65 % of people above 16 vaccinated. Incident ratio is rather minor in context i admit.

(roughly 180k yellow card incidents per 20 million inoculated)

However that said, the long term complications (if there are any) are still unclear. Also remember that both Pfizer and Moderna actively shield themselves from damage claims.These corporations enjoy full profit benefits with legal immunity.

So there is no telling if vaccination injuries will even receive any compensation for the damage at all.

If collective lawsuits get filed it could take a decade before victims are made whole.

Then there are lobbies to make vaccination (semi) mandatory by pushing for vax tracking apps or passports!

Thus creating some narrative of the "vaccinated good goys" vs "antivax biohazard chuds"

That will lead to some caste system where those unvaccinated I.E become 2nd class citizens that can/will be denied service, business, jobs and travel rights.

No No No this is wrong on so many levels, i don't like it one bit where this "coof it crisis" and erosion of freedom is heading.

And for what, really? A new hyped up nu-flu type?

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f775ac  No.221704

Global report white genocide threads.

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ab751c  No.221805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's why we get vaccinated.

Turns out all those mild cases aren't so mild. I want each and everyone of you right wing retards to com,e in here and apologize for the lives you ruined and all the deaths you caused.

You know because wearing a mask wasn't cool. Redeem yourselves, stay homne, double maSK, SD and get your dumb asses vaccinated ASAP.

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ab751c  No.221808


Breaking news, the US Army is developing their own vaccine. This is great news since it bypasses multinational corporations and their anterior motives.

Btw guess who empowered these corporations that now rule over us and even the POTUS like a dictatorship? You guys, the right wing dumb fucks.


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a63f2a  No.221818


>For some reason Israel is buying like 60 million doses of vaccine, strange huh. But that's another story.

>Israel is buying


Kek, Israel stiffed Pfizer for the money owed for those vaccines, so they have now been cut off. Pfizer's execs called the nation a banana republic in response.

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02ded8  No.221848

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88d5f5  No.221932

File: 6a037b967628485⋯.png (628.56 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 6a037b967628485103bbee60f6….png)

File: b5d39dcd6e01a95⋯.png (291.64 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, b5d39dcd6e01a95cc12abde2ff….png)

File: 4550cbc74438813⋯.png (609.95 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 4550cbc744388135cdbdfcb2c3….png)

File: 960642e3fcaf550⋯.png (410 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 960642e3fcaf550f585cdfe9dc….png)

File: f1a993fb4aac2ed⋯.jpg (304.25 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, f1a993fb4aac2edc97b5790721….jpg)


guys you dont need a vaccine just get this amazing new mask. It's pending approval with Biden's Administration.

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1063f5  No.221936


No. No. And HELL NO. Not taking that toxic mRNA gene-editing junk! I don't care if they force vaccine passports or not, won't do it and won't support any corporation that enforces it! I already support small ma&pa businesses and farmers markets and likely will be doing more-so from now on as they wage war against those who resist their planned genocide. BTW: 'mad cow' disease prions have been found in those mRNA shots, would not touch that shit with a ten foot pole!!! Anyone who does deserves whatever outcomes may come from it. Mad cow prions can cause brain damage and severe neurological disorders. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

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1063f5  No.221937


Who really empowers these corrupted corporations? It sure ain't a left or right cult I can tell you that with certainty. Just look who owns our career politicians and the revolving doors between government, politics and industry!! Why do you think the government subsidizes and bails out Big Banks, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Oil & offshore wars, TV 'news' propaganda, etc… That is the problem, not the average conservative or progressive civilian. Corruption is the root problem, from the top down: from industry to government to politics. At this point I wouldn't even trust the military, everything is corrupted to the core these days. If you want someone to trust and have faith in, put yourself and family first. Don't like where you live or the society around you? Time for a big change then and it starts with you, the individual.

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ae14ba  No.221949

Jesus, I have literally seen it all now a fucking poison shill thread.

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6020dc  No.221958

File: b539ede1ba90fec⋯.png (366.21 KB, 600x398, 300:199, 1608457294304.png)


lmao what a homo

this isn't your shitty little childfucking session, get the fuck out.

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57012f  No.222009


>Only get the Pfizer Vaccine


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875d5c  No.222168


>i have no idea why i'm wasting my time trying to inform a bunch of conspiracy theorists about vaccines.

Neither do we. Nobody here gives a fuck. We only come into your threads to call you a faggot. Leave.

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ab751c  No.222378

You guys need to get your head out of your ass. Quit worrying about avoiding the vaccine, worry about this deadly virus getting opportunities to mutate.

That being said, finally some good news.

"Pentagon microchip can detect Covid before symptoms show!"


Now you anti vaxxers have a choice, vax or chip.

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0dd744  No.222382


>Quit worrying about avoiding the vaccine

You have no power over us. We will never stop avoiding it.

>worry about this deadly virus getting opportunities to mutate.

No, we don’t give a shit about a virus that isn’t deadly mutating to some fantastical bullshit that no one can quantify.

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57012f  No.222386


you have a choice too, sterilization or euthanasia

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d8c27b  No.222388


I have ONE other choice, and that is the choice to shoot someone right in the face with a 12G shotgun if they try to so much as touch my body (feds included!). The reality is I don't care about toxic vaccines nor do I care about a virus, it is easy to avoid and mitigate if you use common sense precautions. I'll keep boosting my immune system naturally and keep avoiding goyim like yourself. Take care.

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ab751c  No.222397


People like you are the reason for dictatorships and re education camps.

A substantial portion of the population simply aren't capable of rational decisions in a time of great urgency. You and many itt need a swift kick to the bottom from a military boot in order to see the light.

That would be ok except for the fact history has shown that unscrupulous people are known to take power in such situations, next thing you know we'll all be living in a legit tyranny.

So not only are you and your ilk exposing us to a potential mass extinction event via pandemic. You're opening us up to a tyrannical dictatorship. Shame on all of you.

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ab751c  No.222401

File: cab66fe3f308a0b⋯.jpg (74.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DroneUSA.jpg)


Clear violation of Trump's red flag law. In a civilized world a drone would show up above your house and instruct you to come outside and get face down on the ground etc.


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ae14ba  No.222404


Don't forget to sun your balls…look it up if you want a super T boost. Just don't sun them too long.

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c7a461  No.222405


>You and many itt need a swift kick to the bottom from a military boot in order to see the light.

>You're opening us up to a tyrannical dictatorship. Shame on all of you.

What you just said is very contradictory. The fact you claim we need to be force re-educated and/or killed by militant force opens the door to hellish tyranny you worry so much about. Do unto others as you would like to be treated. That is the only way to prevent such a horrific future. BTW, stirring a civil war would kill a whole lot more citizens than a virus like covid ever could.


If I had to live a life as a slave I'd simply force them to drone me, I'd much rather be dead then subjugated under their boots. All I ever wanted is to be left alone, I don't think that's too much to ask for.

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ae14ba  No.222406


He literally linked a daily mail article. That faggot is nuts. Daily mail =/= to 'science'.

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ab751c  No.222408


Stop trying to think for yourself, clearly you're in desperate need of re-education.

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ad9587  No.222424

>ITT: Proof that (((the people pushing vaccines))) are way way way way way way way more afraid of death than I am.


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ca3ae3  No.222528


Actually the 'art' is shit as the figure is ancient. It's now 3x greater.

All the shots are the same. The difference is 2 or 1 jabs and that's if you're young or old. Look at who they say should take what. It's because oldies can't handle all that crap at once, hence two shots. The single shots they say are for the young and give blood clots as the reason why, as if old people don't get blood clots. Also, over 55 is ok but someone 54… ? See it's all bullshit. Just avoid the poison.

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0752c5  No.222534


>literal kike vaccine

kill yourself kike shill

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ed24f8  No.222547


cod liver oil, all you need

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ad9587  No.222560

So help me God -> read this, and understand it, demons:

I have willfully and gladly signed up for a ten-trillion-year tour of PURE FUCKING LOVEHATRED with the Bodhisattva Brigade and I will not rest, not in this life nor in the next, nor in the one after that, or the trillions after that, until every one of you KIKE WHORES is removed from the fabric of reality like the FECAL ABORTED STAINS you are.

That goes for

- agents of pharmaceutical death

- the poisoners of our children

- the rapers of our resources

- the mind-fucking propagandists

- the federal agents who support the above

- and any and all enemies of The One True God who pervert THE LAW

The ONLY THINGS you have at your disposal right now are the saddest accumulations of nigger brute power and the infrastructure to manifest that power in the most wicked ways imaginable.

But there is no gulf too broad, no pit too deep, no fire too hot, that I will not seek you out and DESTROY YOU AND YOUR MEMORY. We will upturn the Yugic cycle and remove you, your idols, your flaccid infrastructures, your genes, your history, and, ultimately, the threat of you EVER EXISTING AGAIN from THE RANGE OF POSSIBILITIES.

Kill everyone on the planet → I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK YOU KIKE DEMONS













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b3dfb5  No.222564



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7ffcaf  No.222570

>6 cases where blood clots form in women


What are you, a woman?

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ad9587  No.222572


Every ironic shitpost you make in obedience to The Whore is one more incarnation of pure torment.

However much they're paying you: it's not enough.

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b3dfb5  No.222578

File: e44f81ef5dd2780⋯.jpg (177.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, women_laughing.jpg)



He doesn't know…lol

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b3dfb5  No.222579

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7ffcaf  No.222580


Show bobs plz

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2194d2  No.222583


>tel aviv university

>only Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines

>oy vey buy my moderna and/or j&j vaccine for the real vaccine

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ad9587  No.222586

File: 97f33f8b27e68b0⋯.png (2.05 MB, 2106x1834, 1053:917, 1618324659625.png)

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1afe64  No.222655


>worry about this deadly virus getting opportunities to mutate.

The virus isn't deadly you kike fuck. Shove your "vaccine" up your ashkenazi ass!


>People like you are the reason for dictatorships and re education camps.

People like you are the reason for pogroms and a real holocaust.

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b3dfb5  No.222661


>People like you are the reason for pogroms and a real holocaust.

People like you are the reason there will be pogroms and a real holocaust.

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5e50e2  No.223313


> this deadly virus

and when you've killed the last virus, you can tackle more serious problems such and demons and evil spirits

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5e50e2  No.223314


> cod liver oil

fermented cod liver oil even better

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ad9587  No.223414

File: e8624f72586b60d⋯.jpg (154.04 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1618507915584.jpg)


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ad9587  No.223479

File: 4757b2e101a5d83⋯.png (829.81 KB, 961x805, 961:805, lmaowat.png)

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3c365c  No.223480



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ad9587  No.223485

File: dfe1553dba6790a⋯.png (30.88 KB, 1411x187, 83:11, lamamama.png)


i can't stop watching it bros

i dont even care if it's all just one big botfight

i literally cannot stop


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202dc7  No.223490

File: 05d9f1ce8706765⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 400x1034, 200:517, sanpaku_psychotic_eye_posi….jpg)


Well that one is actually true. There isn't any difference between syringe and cock once the DNA is modified. >>223479 This guy looks like he might start raping any second. sanpaku eyes.

>Hide yo kids, hide yo wife…

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08b037  No.223499

Pfizer, astra or whatever vaccine. It's not going to help. They have made this virus to wipe out the weak and poor so we have to fornicate with other races in order to survive.

The mRNA wil alter your DNA so you become dumb as niggers and remain their slaves.

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ad9587  No.223500



hahah checkmate globohomo

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c3ebec  No.223522

>oly get the….

Is this a real post? do they hire you as 2 year interns?

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548e46  No.224569

File: a6e3d90e62ea031⋯.jpg (170 KB, 414x813, 138:271, martin_luther_s_last_sermo….jpg)

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88d5f5  No.224570

File: 10ce3ddb5830575⋯.jpg (30.47 KB, 700x704, 175:176, average_iq.jpg)


I can't tell anymore tbh, I can only see the difference between fedposts jewing it up and chinese zurg rushers posting thier pro-commie chinc shit. I think they're competing for this space.

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605f5a  No.224578


>I think they're competing for this space.

If anything they are working together.

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88d5f5  No.224582


the world is more competitive than that.

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ab751c  No.224831

OP here, i'm upgrading my original advisory. The right is circulating a Bill Maher piece about covid.

To make a long story short the right is going to go full retard, THEY THINK THE PANDEMIC IS OFFICIALLY OVER. We will be like Brazil soon, that being said.

Get any vaccine available, CODE RED!

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174658  No.224896


White genocide thread remains up.

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fff94a  No.225217

File: 09b32fd6678bf61⋯.jpg (716.46 KB, 1748x2358, 874:1179, goetia_girls_hermione_gran….jpg)

7 report Change. 3 report No Change.



Have not noticed a difference in the people who I know who have taken.


Man, my wife is a manager at a Walgreens and the pharmacy there administers the jab. All the employees got the “opportunity “ to get the vaccine and most all of them did except my wife and one other girl. My wife has been talking about how out of it all the other employees are lately, saying she’s having to pick up the slack a lot more and the customers have been complaining about the service there. She’s never had issues like this before with any of them, and now I think it’s weird as fuck with this topic being brought up. Are these fuckers turning into zombies?


What ones they get? I know plenty of people that are acting the same as they were before shot and after 2nd shot? Also how long after?


i agree, my father is older, but he significantly has changed since getting it, i begged my parents not too, its got me pretty down because there may be a chance they're not here in a year


I just talk to an old friend who was always a compassionate person. He was vaccinated in January. He made a comment about to bad if the unvaccinated die because they are interfering with herd a unity. It was the sound in his voice and the finality of his belief. Very odd! I guess people are terrified.


Everyone at my job site BUT me took the experimental shot. You're not alone. They are different, and when anyone talks to them, its like they zone out, or do out of place social cue things like yawning loudly when it's a serious topic.



I've noticed something similar, in the way their eyes look. They seem in a fog, and this is many weeks after receiving the second vaccine. They seem… docile



I’ve noticed a lack presence within in some vaccinated ppl. Can’t get a “feel” for them. Like a nobody’s-home. Hard to explain beyond that.


Most of the Vaxxed I know are extremely groggy, and on edge… Even after a few weeks.


My 23 year old son got both shots a month ago. He is okay so far, thankfully! Also, my sister got the J&J shot about 2 weeks ago. She is still okay, thankfully! And yes, I tried to talk them both out of getting it. They are both acting the same. I'll let everyone know if they have a change in personality.


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fff94a  No.225228


Pfizer vaccine zoomed w/microscope. Are living cells/organisms mixed in‽


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4eaac5  No.226950

File: 7b8d0dee5875bdf⋯.jpg (37.98 KB, 463x519, 463:519, COVID_vaccine_shot_card_no….jpg)

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07865c  No.226963


>>226950 Added

Laminate it, because you dont want anyone touching it.


4chan webpage PDF + image files (Expires 2021-05-23):



Get a free donut at Krispy Kreme. Test the thing with a success, so it has a success in it.

Google Drive blocks access to document that compiled news coverage of COVID vaccine side effects. 2021-04-23



Frontline-Workers-Testimonies_News-Reports_VAERS-data_12APR2021.pdf + How to VAERS (Expires 2021-05-23):


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ee8821  No.226987


hehehehe, fake

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4eaac5  No.227175

File: 1e46ecb5335500d⋯.mp4 (477.14 KB, 464x624, 29:39, ticktock_euthanized.mp4)

"Vaccine makers are running out of people who want to be euthanized"

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fea4a7  No.227553

File: b2d44829c20c11a⋯.png (130.08 KB, 1198x604, 599:302, kek.png)

You can get the vaccine in Hamilton Ontario now, but it's literally only for niggers. What a clown world.

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faed4b  No.227556


i aint getting no vaccine

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0d8b5c  No.227631

Pfizer is designed to gas kikes. It's a German company which has already called Israel a banana republic.

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3a1990  No.227634


What the hell does "racialized" mean??

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e7470e  No.227638


The first thing shown in your video is a fat man with womanly boobs complaining it's hard for him to run after the Wu-flu as if he'd run further than to the fridge before. Then we move to a skinny-fat ginger dike who claims to be a mountain climber. She is also a member of the criminal medical industrial scam.

So I skipped forward to two old fat whores talking about how they literally died of Wu-flu.

C'mon man. Gimme a break.

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e7470e  No.227639



>What the hell does "racialized" mean??


This whole thing was orchestrated by China. China wants to kill all the niggers in Africa and seize the resources. A couple years ago, Americans would nuke China if they tried. Now after a year of lockdowns and massive chimpouts, nigger fatigue has become epidemic. So when when China starts killing the African niggers, no one will care. The Chinese have automation and plenty of Chinese so they don't need to enslave obsolete farm equipment and they already have enough hungry mouths.

The kikes think they're running an op to get rid of whitey but the Chinese are playing them too.

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4eaac5  No.227640


The world doesn't need anymore niggers but it sure as fuck doesn't need any more chinks either

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ae3669  No.227698


If the Chinese solve the nigger problem, I'll carry Mao's Red Book around with me… for like a week. Most likely the Canadian politicians think they are scoring woke points by spending the white man's tax dollars on niggers, but hopefully it backfires spectacularly and significant numbers are made infertile, or worse.

I'm not totally sold on the idea that the Chinese are after niggers though, the two groups that are typically anti-vax are the low IQ (which obviously includes niggers) and the high IQ. Reddit midwits are insufferably smug about their vaccine status, and cannot really stop evangelizing about it. The Chinese and Kikes probably won't want this group to die out. they're embarrassingly manipulatable, smart enough to work and too stupid or absorbed in group-think to challenge authority.

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2e466d  No.227710


>China wants to kill all the niggers in Africa and seize the resources

Dude, you don't need to kill them to take their shit. Just trade it for beads or whatever.

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7e2c35  No.227744

File: 1a519aad08c20f2⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 580x435, 4:3, niggers_eating_human_foot_….jpg)


>I'll carry Mao's Red Book around with me… for like a week

the translated or untranslated version. I mean technically both are a weapon…but without niggers you won't really need weapons anymore.


>Just trade it for beads or whatever.

China begins importing all their cadavers pronto.

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ab751c  No.228959

File: 9a7b8a19f72b446⋯.gif (33.28 KB, 867x512, 867:512, India.GIF)

File: 585697afb91a634⋯.gif (53.46 KB, 848x918, 424:459, Idni.GIF)

File: 089815a8e21bea3⋯.jpg (155.47 KB, 832x489, 832:489, Murder_Hornet_pacific_nort….jpg)

OP here, time for an update.

Here these tweets speak for themselves.

Read and weep motherfuckers.

I'll put it this way, life as you know is over.

Think you're going to get away from it all in the backwoods, think again.

Wait til people find out how many murder hornets we have already.

They'll be waiting to pounce on your ass damn near natio9nwide. You can't out run them and no protective clothes will save you. Stay indoors will be your future, enjoy.

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bbe22f  No.228965

Or none

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2f247f  No.228968


You're a fag and your mother is a whore.

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bbe22f  No.228971


So racist.

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b22eee  No.229089

File: fd21e8c776223db⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1502x1210, 751:605, FOMA.png)

File: 67d2b0fe64985a6⋯.png (81.12 KB, 1204x484, 301:121, confirmed.png)

The kikes are now attempting to use FOMA and the allure of "SO MUCH SEX" to push the vaccine. They're absolutely desperate. This article appeared in the Guardian. If it wasn't obvious the author was a jew, I have attached confirmation.

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0c2ef8  No.231408

Can you imagine if someday, all the vaccinated people suddenly drop dead? Right now the U.S. is averaging over 2.1 million vaccinations today, so in that event, do not count on anything actually functioning afterwards. All supply chains will fail, and half of South America will march north looking for supplies to loot. You can then expect Chinese ant armies to mop up the survivors and begin their new colony.

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e9e10f  No.231556

If I have a 1/500,000 chance of dying from Covid-19

and 1/45,000 chance of dying from the vaccine, Why?

These are CDC numbers, not mine. By default at least half of any population has a below average IQ. It's actually more but for brevity we can go with half for certainty. About half the population has been jabbed. So…

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