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File: 6808619b6732ab4⋯.jpg (40.96 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vardar.jpg)

d2c279  No.219477

China says covid-19 is from USA,USA says covid-19 is from China.Who is lying?Where is covid-19 actually come from?

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3d1f69  No.219479

File: 959b2fe307d3985⋯.png (721.84 KB, 1448x1648, 181:206, The_Harvest_Approaching_1_.png)

File: da2010080106af6⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1366x5079, 1366:5079, 2021.png)

File: 95bb02469ee9609⋯.jpg (798.13 KB, 1080x2005, 216:401, 20210129_233910.jpg)

File: 1061f68c807cd6d⋯.jpg (859.03 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210129_233535….jpg)

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eba45a  No.219481


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a4ce0f  No.219484


>Golden Age on Earth


>Moscow time

Communist propaganda. Fuck off, kike.

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7e1982  No.219559

File: d61aaa1ddbcf10a⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2197x3407, 2197:3407, 1615538224888.jpg)

File: 13aa4069ac72d26⋯.png (100.34 KB, 500x411, 500:411, 13aa4069ac72d26c4f3c9f66b6….png)




Digital Currencies

Biometrics passport that'll become tied to social credit system and banking

Chinese openly known to be using PCR tests to sequence DNA. US CDC as well. mRNA drugs modify humans, PCR is there to detect the changes, ie a eugenics experiment.

Everyone and their mom is pushing bitcoin with all the usual adaption propaganda for digital currencies.

Biometrics is something the government has already. Its just no legal and they can't directly manipulate people with it which is what they want with digital currencies, banking system.

Most plebs don't even know XRP is a project of the Federal Reserve. Bitcoin is more than likely a glow in the dark operation.

The overall chaos is meant to make people want the system change. Its just more manipulation in the line of Edward Bernays.

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36f88c  No.219576


it came from a bat rat-a-tat-tat

it spread to a dog bog-a-wog-wog

which was swallowed a chink rink-a-dink-dink

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eba45a  No.219596


Seems like they are trying to make a big reset or something.



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38b690  No.219794

COVID is a globalist plan. There is no 'one nation to blame' because it was a plan of a group of trans-national parasites. Somewhere in the mess of files on my computer I have PO's from 2017 for the EU for COVID-19 tests. Governments move slow.

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dd151f  No.219852

File: 336cef3d3be966f⋯.jpg (2.93 KB, 125x105, 25:21, 1614477901043s.jpg)


That's what i believe too , and it accomplishes a few things.. It's a test to see which nations, and people are obedient.

Also in those nations slavish folks wear masks, obey curfews, lockdowns and take vax, phase out cash payment, phase out human contact, destroy currency vallue by making printer go brrrrr, erode middleclass while glbalist corporations make a killing…

All of this bringing us another step closer to that globalist authoritarian dystopia they wish to usher in.

"build back better' is not some empty slogan . the thing is before you can build you must destroy and this destruction is happening right now.

Thanks corona bs era and zionism.

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395414  No.219930

You dumb niggers, it was me. I did the Wuhan, I did the COVID, I gave your gma the wuhan willies. Call me Viper

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d2c279  No.219944


Sounds reasonable.For The Great Reset?I don't think China dare to start a germ warfare or something.Globalists are evil too.

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d2c279  No.219991

File: a9abcb817e4beb6⋯.png (680.67 KB, 720x816, 15:17, Covid.png)


You mean this test report?

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4cfdaf  No.219992


It is all an illusion.

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730e1b  No.220010

Covid-hoax was a Kike invention that made the Chinese government mobilized their entire society for (check-points everywhere, wouldn't let international students leave their universities, mass forced testing before returning to work, etc). A disinformation weapon that the gooks who trust Kike media picked up, and them spread likecrazy around to try to make the government look bad. Then the liberals picked it up as a political weapon, and have slowly been making it disappear now that their favorite demented pedophile is in office.

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cc051d  No.220022


IT WAS MAINLY HALF GYPSIES BEHIND IT. But maybe likes are into it also since it may fit the faschist surveilance society many of them want to be able to control the guy.

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db300f  No.220239

Wreck the economy, implement more laws for police enforcement, implement Covid "passports". Perhaps mandatory vaccination but it will be more like "mandatory" as without one you can't leave the country, go to places without wearing a mask and distancing.

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a9e254  No.220246


It was a non-wmd micro-bioweapon created in Wuhan with assistance from US "deep state" taxpayer money (by NIH run under Dr. Fauci, who also was a contributor to Bill Gates Foundation's "ID 2020" scheme to subjugate the populations by mandatory vaccinations to be used as future passports). The release had two goals: create a medical police state from public panic and to wreck havok on the real economy (as the poor are easier to subjugate and control), the two goals meeting the objective to roll out ID 2020.

The fact is anons caught them. The fact is it was covered up. And FAST. Yes these institutions were hacked and docs posted over several chans. It was removed with quickness. It was met with DDoS attacks, crackdowns and censorship. Those who followed the covid cult may remember this. I do. I'll never forget it. PS: the cult was being led by feds, as usual, as a honeypot, but there were a few good anons who were speaking the truth about it all.

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a9e254  No.220248


The Wuhan biowarfare lab was actually funded by US taxpayers (thank the NIH for investing in Chink bioweapons like Covid-19)

http://archive.md/gK4i4 = naturalnews.com

http://archive.md/olHCK = dailymail.co.uk

http://archive.md/Snz0N = newsweek.com

http://archive.md/dN38X = infowars.com





In fact, The US State Department was also tipped off back in 2018 and refused to do anything about it:

http://archive.md/oAN9A = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/FWaWH = washingtonpost.com



Funny how all the players involved, such as Dr. Fauci of the NIH, support ID 2020 ironically:

http://archive.md/JvD9g = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/Y13B7 = washingtontimes.com



And we all know Gates is behind it already:

http://archive.md/g0cXA = nationalfile.com

http://archive.md/nMtmy = vigilantcitizen.com

http://archive.md/bnmrh = infowars.com




Their official agenda website: https://id2020.org/alliance [http://archive.md/ZNRGI]

BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine:

http://archive.md/LdgQZ = nationalfile.com




Here are some of the documents that were stolen during the hack: https://archive.is/slBtQ


Note we can clearly see in a couple pics they KNEW this was bio-engineered, with HIV RNA transmission sequences.

Wuhan Bioweapon Lab Email Passwords:


WHO Email Passwords:


Gates Foundation Email Passwords:


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99a60d  No.220315


Possibly from Brazil originally, there were reports of positive PCRs in old sewage samples. I don't know how reliable the study was.

It appears to be a natural virus. While China and the US have the technology to produce it, China could not count on the US fucking up the response as hard as Trump did and the US leaks like a sieve.

Early in the outbreak, ZeroHedge attempted to sabotage the Chinese countermeasure program, apparently in an attempt to use the virus as a weapon against China. If you have read George R. R. Martin's story "The Plague Star", you will know what a theta stood for in his canon. ZeroHedge's admins are known to have an interest in literature - the "Tyler Durden" collective pseudonym ZH writers use is from Fight Club.

The rightist governments of the US, Brazil, and the United Kingdom intentionally spread the virus within their populations for unknown reasons. (Those official documents which have been uncovered in the US and UK suggest that the plan was to achieve herd immunity quickly for economic benefit; it is unclear how many of the people in the herd immunity plan were aware that it was expected to kill a few million Americans.)

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ad1d59  No.220318


Fox News unironically reported on all this. Kinda disappeared though after that broadcast. But I mean if Fox News is saying this shit. You know we’re fucked.

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6c6a4e  No.220338


No, if Fox is saying it, you know it's kosher. The "Chinese bioweapon" narrative originated with the jewish Neocon Bill Gertz in the thoroughly kosher neoconservative rag, the Washington Times. And who was Gertz source? Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer.

This isn't even a one-off thing either, Gertz's entire career is based around propagandizing to advance jewish foreign policy aims:

>During 1996 Gertz reported in The Washington Times on Chinese sales of nuclear technology to Pakistan.[8] In 1997 he reported on Russian aid to Iran's nuclear weapon program, based on information given him by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.[9] In 1998 he reported on United States sale of missile technology to China.[10] In 2004, Gertz wrote that Syria, possibly with the aid of Russian troops, transferred Iraqi weapons of mass destruction stockpiles to its own military installations.[11]

>Gertz's 2000 book, The China Threat: How the People's Republic Targets America, presented the case that China's military was more modern and powerful than was its reputation in the United States military and intelligence communities.[12] His 2002 book, Breakdown: How America's Intelligence Failures Led to Sept. 11, examined the activities of United States intelligence agencies prior to the 2001 terrorist attacks.[13] His 2004 book, Treachery: How America’s Friends and Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies, accused United States allies, including France and Germany of helping to arm terrorists.[14] His 2008 book, The Failure Factory: How Unelected Bureaucrats, Liberal Democrats, and Big Government Republicans Are Undermining America's Security and Leading Us to War, said that many federal bureaucrats hold liberal views on foreign policy.[15]

The only way the whole affair could be any more jewish is if he made the claims with a baby's freshly-circumcised penis in his mouth while demolishing the Twin Towers.

It's funny how in 2016, Trumpniggers pretended that the ZOG Emperor was going to be the death of the Neo-Cohens, yet now they eat up any of their semitic lies, so long as it's coming from the "good" Trotskyites, and not the "Never Trump" faction.

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6f1967  No.220347


Either way, no doubt covid was bio-engineered for the purpose of subjugating the masses and wrecking the real economy so giant corporations and monopolies get even richer from lack of competition. Blame the kikes, chinks, Fauci or Trump, US government, neo-cons, commie leftists, aliens…. whoever. The fact remains the same: bio-engineered and released to impoverish and subjugate the Western World. It is undeniable and foolish to come to any other conclusion.

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055f63  No.220349


They may not have had all the information but Fox straight up said Fauci is responsible. Not really sure how that is a kosher narrative. Personally I think him and his family should be lynched.

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6c6a4e  No.220359


Fauci isn't the mastermind of anything, he's just a shabbos goy who pushes the system line. Just like he did with GRIDS, pretending it had nothing to do with faggotry.

If he would have died from something he picked up during his bath house adventures, everything would have gone the exact same way, just with a different figurehead.

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eba45a  No.220360


>If he would have died from something he picked up during his bath house adventures

Please elaborate

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ad83aa  No.220362

it was manufactured by the Jews, just like the vaccines that are designed to fuck you up.

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6c6a4e  No.220365

File: 20676421eb335fe⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fauci_Talks_About_How_He_S….mp4)

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04b5bb  No.221073


i just made an account on this site and cant replicate this search query for life of me. i really wanted to verify this information myself but it seems impossible. any help arriving at these results?

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7901c7  No.221108

It was a hoax-ish. Probably made by kikes and chinks at the behest of the elites in order to kill more whites by justifying white genocide by locking the world down.

Nothing good has ever happened. Or ever will.

Ashes and Echoes

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04b5bb  No.221116


its deffinitely biowarfare but finding out motives and who is good/bad is basically impossible. its so muddy and messy. all i know is the world is changing forever right before our eyes and thats just that. fuck

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7901c7  No.221119


ZOG always wins, anon. That's why it's punishment. That's why we exist, only to suffer.

Ashes and Echoes

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748256  No.231599

Further Evidence Behind Covid Bioweapon Leaks As US Diplomatic Relations Explode Into Crisis

In another saga of earth-shattering national security threats facing the heavily Divided States of America, an unknown foreign intelligence agency has leaked a highly secret investigative 263 page report concluding both American NGOs as well as Chinese military scientists colluded and discussed how to weaponize SARS coronaviruses back in 2015 "to cause medical systems to collapse" in undesired nation states … which further evidence exposes - as mentioned in the recent report “American Media Covers Up War In The Streets Of America As Great Reset Turns Into Great Reject” - the US State Department knowing full well since 2018 the Gates Foundation and the National Institute of Health (NIH) were funding covid bioweapons in a lab in Wuhan, China using US taxpayer money! An NIH which (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) headed during those years, under the Obama presidency.


To back this evidence in the foreign intelligence report, a much undesired copypasta has been archived since the 2019 covid outbreak after investigative research blew this corruption wide open, resulting in hackers breaking into computers owned by the Wuhan bioweapons lab, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO), the latter organization (WHO) known covering up the connections with the American NGOs and Wuhan:


Directly in response to this leak, saw Russia immediately deploying the dreaded Project 885M Yasen-M subclass submarines into service facing the American East Coast, and whose most feared weapon is the Poseidon 2M39 “doomsday” nuclear torpedo that has the power to trigger massive radioactive tsunamis off the US coast, a strategic target if nuclear war were to ever break out….


Then saw - shockingly so - Mexico breaking off diplomatic relations with the US government, with their President Obrador warning the United States government that Mexico will no longer be involved in a coup de tat against their national interests, or a coup against the Western World - in which saw Biden's Border Security Czar Kamala Harris in an outraged uproar walking out of the first diplomatic meeting with Mexico, fuming.



Near the same exact time, saw a massive Israeli IDF military exercise to simulate another world war, a war on 'multiple fronts' amid flaring tensions.


And to which at near the same time, shockingly saw a landslide election for nationalism that rocked UK governmental (((special interests))) which saw Nicola Sturgeon's Scottish National Party (SNP) for the first time sweep to near victory with an unprecedented 64 seats, that could lead to another independence referendum headache for these demonic mass murdering despots trying to enslave planet Earth.


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748256  No.231601

The Wuhan biowarfare lab was actually funded by US taxpayers (thank the NIH for investing in Chink bioweapons like Covid-19)

http://archive.md/gK4i4 = naturalnews.com

http://archive.md/olHCK = dailymail.co.uk

http://archive.md/Snz0N = newsweek.com

http://archive.md/dN38X = infowars.com

https://archive.md/DgXWn = thegatewaypundit.com






In fact, The US State Department was also tipped off back in 2018 and refused to do anything about it:

http://archive.md/oAN9A = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/FWaWH = washingtonpost.com

https://archive.md/06BTD = thegatewaypundit.com




Funny how all the players involved, such as Dr. Fauci of the NIH, support ID 2020 ironically:

http://archive.md/JvD9g = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/Y13B7 = washingtontimes.com



And we all know Gates is behind it already:

http://archive.md/g0cXA = nationalfile.com

http://archive.md/nMtmy = vigilantcitizen.com

http://archive.md/bnmrh = infowars.com




Their official agenda website: https://id2020.org/alliance [http://archive.md/ZNRGI]

BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine:

http://archive.md/LdgQZ = nationalfile.com




Here are some of the documents that were stolen during the hack: https://archive.is/slBtQ


Note we can clearly see in a couple pics they KNEW this was bio-engineered, with HIV RNA transmission sequences.

Wuhan Bioweapon Lab Email Passwords:


WHO Email Passwords:


Gates Foundation Email Passwords:


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748256  No.231602

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