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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 471e205cc069ab9⋯.png (854.84 KB, 1080x1546, 540:773, 1614403371383.png)

File: 120c407ec692a5c⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1021x838, 1021:838, c9187ebw7r221.png)

File: 903b12f43cb4424⋯.jpg (24.73 KB, 474x266, 237:133, Abnormal_Tranny_2.jpg)

File: 65d77f3cecf60d5⋯.jpg (299.84 KB, 800x699, 800:699, transition06.jpg)

File: ad77e710ab24135⋯.jpg (994.63 KB, 3005x1840, 601:368, transgender_athletes_high_….jpg)

bdaebd  No.218386

Collecting shit on this page. Post funnies if you find them.

As someone who used to sprint, there is no way a female could ever match our shock-speed-muscles, our savagery nor our vileness to win in competitive sports. Hormonal development and brain chemistry over the critical, earliest years set that in stone.

As fundamentally known, the shameless leftists have zero empathy to the sheer, gut-crushing effort actual XX-chromosome females put into their side of sports. Leftofaggots get off with how many social tweets they score elevating this mental illness for it's "'fairness and ekwality"'.

Yuri Bezmenov is currently powering Texas's powergrid.

What a fucking massive distraction from the Syrian bombing, looming inflation, Covid disaster, black crime and jewish fucking war criminals in the Whitehouse.

Dear Russia, pleases bomb.

Fagchan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/309918595

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bdaebd  No.218388

Extra:The Olympic Games is allowing transfaggots in to shake up the womens' section.

Expecting to see categories: Men and 'Other'

Start of the slow death of the popularity of the games? Will females have to compete in the Special Olympics instead??

Will Synchronized Swimming trannies make us fill the pool with vomit?

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3f2493  No.218405

File: c693faf4eecd0cf⋯.png (314.47 KB, 604x722, 302:361, yuri_in_the_jungle.png)


>Yuri Bezmenov

Was a nigger fucker, wrote about it in his little booklet "Black is Beautiful, Communism is Not."

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32cc08  No.218410


Good. Women voted for that.

All women are evil and it is good to see the tranny abominations cracking women's skulls for their stupidity in voting for the rights of said abominations.

Never help women under any circumstances.

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e7fb0d  No.218412

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e6edbf  No.218414



Both of you are homosexuals.

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e7fb0d  No.218419


You will always be a woman

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1a64d2  No.218421

File: 73d698a8d73f7f2⋯.jpg (134.14 KB, 1484x1109, 1484:1109, 73d698a8d73f7f2cbb7db3a431….jpg)

File: 149dac0b4d24fc4⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 513x740, 513:740, 1545956717208.jpg)

File: c37e7df96262348⋯.jpg (580.04 KB, 2500x1828, 625:457, gettyimages_3425746.jpg)


>All women are evil

Oh it's you again.

I'm starting to think you are a journalist who came here expecting to find a bunch of misogynists. and when you didn't find them decided to create it yourself.

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e7fb0d  No.218437


This faggot just goes to threads about women and spams the same pastas about enslaving women and killing other men who won't share his views. These are other posts by him:











A thin line between based and edgy.

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1a64d2  No.218441


>A thin line between based and edgy.

I honestly don't understand why people like this are here.

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e7fb0d  No.218445

File: dd5df2f269017c9⋯.png (151.62 KB, 765x643, 765:643, 465767.png)

File: 2c79a63debbaad4⋯.png (807.66 KB, 1135x759, 1135:759, 5479547.png)


Who knows? Maybe it is a journalist as you said. He is just here posting these so that he can screencap and those in his article about "misogyny in alt-right online forums".

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1a64d2  No.218447


>in his article about "misogyny in alt-right online forums".

Yeah it seems like a beat-up to me. Misogyny is not really a defining characteristic here. I used to think that they interpreted "Isn't it a shame that moden society prostituted all the women" as misogyny - but now I think it's more likely a smear created by tards like this.

After all there are plenty of mainstream political voices which criticise over-sexualisation and exploitation of women and girls. It's not exclusive to places like this.

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2b17b7  No.218520

File: dd2f731c902dd3c⋯.jpg (325.81 KB, 500x350, 10:7, s7mnOhs.jpg)


this but unironically. wimminz were cheering for feminazism and cultural marxism up until it started hurting them directly. they get to eat what they cooked!




you won't lose your virginity by white knighting, especially if you do it here

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616957  No.218523


And, yet, in all the years trannies have competed in women's sports, not one single tranny has outshined or outperformed the women they're competing against. So what's the big deal? Let them compete so they can prove they suck at everything.

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e6edbf  No.218532


Those are rare photos anon. Saved.


Not worried about my sexuality anon.


Well you will never be a woman anon. Sorry to ruin your dreams.

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e7fb0d  No.218565


But I don't want to be a woman.

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e6edbf  No.218573


No one is fooled anon.

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e7fb0d  No.218585


Keep projecting.

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