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9e72a4  No.206405

I just wanted to ask, what are you people's thoughts on salivary tests for cockvid ?Especially in front of other tests like the nose or a blood one

In case, the thread that got killed for this was a shitty spam (pic rel), and didnt wanted to disrupt a more interesting one since shills would start a debate with it

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cb4dad  No.206488

1. The virus exists.

2. It was created in a lab in china using stolen virus samples from Canada and a grant for “gain of functionality” research from the King Nigger administration.

3. It was accidentally released before weaponization because chinks are incapable of maintaining white standards of quality assurance and security.

4. 99.5% of people will not contract it or get any symptoms whatsoever.

5. 95% of people who get it will not die from it.

6. Even the highest risk age group only has a 5% death rate.

7. All tests are PURPOSELY worthless due to their cycle threshold being too high; this was done to inflate “case” numbers to justify global totalitarianism.

8. We have plenty of chinkflu threads already; you didn’t need a new one for your QTDDTOT.

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0f3c2d  No.206498


> believing the gypsy reading tea leaves means anything more than you're a gullible rube

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0f3c2d  No.206500


> The virus exists.

You can tell from the way they keep repeating this that everyoneincluding themknows it's fake.

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