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File: becbfe217ee65d3⋯.jpg (72.75 KB, 530x530, 1:1, 1605387266010.jpg)

ef12b4  No.188083

dont bother debating leftist just gas light them any time they say something stupid like black lives matter just call them a liar

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24e42e  No.188085

Nobody cares less about black lives than other blacks

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f16b9d  No.188086

File: 4d2a188eda460cf⋯.jpg (106.29 KB, 583x727, 583:727, 4d2a188eda460cf8885d549032….jpg)

Racist lives matter

Male rights activism

Gender dysphoria

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ef80cf  No.188118


Truth, kikes just pretend to care so they can use them, like they used them to pick cotton and make them rich…

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