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File: 935da416ab4bced⋯.png (593.96 KB, 828x1202, 414:601, ClipboardImage.png)

59ca6e  No.186593








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862121  No.186595

All the law-abiding states should secede.

Fuck the communist states, they should be left to rot on their own.

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d42724  No.186600

>boy i better hop to and secede cause nigger Allen West told me to

Reminder that Allen West is a war criminal who dutifully cooperated with the zionist regime's civilization-wrecking GWOT that destroyed our country and flooded our neighborhoods with all of ZOG's raghead collaborators who needed new digs when it got too hot in the sandbox.

He also was famous for proposing a "defense budget cap" tied to a % of GDP to try to ride the whole early Tea Party/peace dividend crowd [before it was hijacked by Dick Army and Glenn Beck] that was really just a thinly disguised method of locking in a massive floor for our parasitic defense industry.

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744a5e  No.186604

Secede, then what? Assume the impossible, that it actually happens. So after a grace period of let's say, 30 years, they will be flooded by spics but *legally*, have their white population bred out but *legally*, have every freedom taken away from honest and normal people while every privilege granted to degenerates *legally*? The US got in this position because its original values were extremely naive and vulnerable to subversion. The childish clinging to the same values by conservatives just sets them up for further subversion, endless retreats, and endless failures. Until you realize that you share your country not with people who merely "think differently" or are "political opposition" but outright, sworn enemies who want to destroy you, no secession will help. And if, by some freak chance you did realize it, you would not need secession.

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d42724  No.186613


Conservatives aren't very good at seeing the road ahead – at least the low-tier ranks of them, anyway. The only thing matters for them is that a nigger in a military uniform is barking at them and that gets them excited.

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9387f4  No.186637


Someone pulls this shit every election. It's not happening and it can't legally happen.

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2f3ff5  No.186645


1. Not a thread.

2. Not what is happening.

3. We already have a thread for this.

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2f3ff5  No.186646



Just fucking kill yourself, retard. No one believes you.

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781448  No.186647

File: 1278544d0d85e75⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 250x209, 250:209, 1607732989837s.jpg)

File: 877c77e953631c6⋯.gif (2.5 MB, 435x250, 87:50, DeepNegligibleCarpenterant….gif)

4chan at it again. Banning folks like mad while letting progressive cucks run rampant. Saw this today (pic related) I was NOT amused. Triggered is not even on the same planet as me. I am a fuck'n nuke of unimaginable power and I'm fucking DETONATED!

This is bittet /pol/ old fags thinking they can come out from under their rocks and flex on everyone. WELL FUCK THE EVER FUCKING FUCK OUT OF FUCKING THEM.

8kun should be the hotbed of all activity now. I got banned by 4chan just for being angry, can you believe this shit. 4chan is a shithole, a full on shithole! People need to shame others into coming back into the fold. 8kun NEEDS TO BRING BACK /pol/ and quit it with this /pnd/ bullshit! It's just a demonstration of fuck'n cowardice not to bring /pol/ back under the /pol/ banner no matter how bent out of shape the tyrannical left feels. FUCK! Does any fucking one realize how bad things are going!? Does anyone care!? Why hasn't 8kun become the center of the universe again already. 4chan is just twatters, faggitors, and the rest sucking eachothers cocks and giggling about it. Come on 8kun you have to be able to do better than this. If you're a fucking sellout faggot site you're doing a good job demonstrating that. Grow a fucking pair already. Bring REAL /pol/ back already. Don't be fucking pussies. There is pride then there is stupidity, you're being fuck'n stupid!

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2f3ff5  No.186649


Are you a toddler or something? Why do you type like that? We don’t support Trump here. It’s political theater. They’re all owned by jews. It’s all a hoax. Imagine using cuckchan at any time in the last 7 years. Why would you? The site is irredeemable.

No, no one gives a shit about the world. No, whites will never fight back. How the fuck is this still unclear to you after 75 years of proof? And here? Why would you shill for here? The moderators here literally get removed if someone CLAIMS they removed leftist speech. There is no /pol/ and there never will be again. Blame the website owner. This place is dead, and so are all white nations.

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1b4bfe  No.186651

It is pathetic to see what my old home has become. You make me sick.

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2f3ff5  No.186653


Nice selfie. Go fuck yourself. Why can’t you answer any of my questions? Why can’t you prove your own claims? Why can’t you prove me wrong? You have nothing. You’ve admitted I’m right.


Jim and Ron. That’s the only problem.

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d77da3  No.186668


We've never had this level of observed fraud by the populace.

>And it can't legally happen.

Honestly, what are they going to do besides a second Civil War?

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9387f4  No.186670


Stealing grapes from Kroger isn't the same as breaking an actual US law. You do not have an Army. The USA has an Army.


The law exists for the people with the biggest guns. You do not have the biggest guns. Accept it and move on, faggot.

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9387f4  No.186672


>We've never had this level of observed fraud by the populace.

Spoken like someone who was born in the 2000s.

Yes, we have. Welcome to America.

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2f3ff5  No.186682


>nothing to add


>replies to the wrong post

Feel free to leave, yid.


>We've never had this level of observed fraud by the populace.

So? No one cares. No one will do anything about it.

>Honestly, what are they going to do besides a second Civil War?

Literally nothing. They will do literally nothing and accept it, just like they've accepted everything that has happened to them for the last century. Do you not get how this works? Whites don't fight anymore. We lost, as a race, in 1945.


>still more retardation because he can't read

Just fucking kill yourself, retard. No one believes you.

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ff2008  No.186735


Both 4chan and 8kun are shitholes.

4chan is full of bots and teenagers who jump on the bandwagon of whoever is perceived as "winning."

/pol/ will be a full-on leftist board for the next 4 years, you can already see it happening.

8kun is full of defeatist, lay-down-and-rot crabs in a bucket who have no actionable political plans or goals besides calling every single public figure or initiative "zionist."

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ff2008  No.186739


>Accept your defeat

>jews have achieved complete control

>there is nothing you can do

If I was running leftist interference in nationalist spaces, this is the type of post I would make, and is in fact the exact type of posts leftist do make because they are so effective. It's laughably simple to fuck up any natsoc board, just claim everything is zionist and watch the organic posters twist themselves into pretzels from fighting each other.

I'm not necessarily claiming that you are a leftist, I just want you to appreciate the irony of your posting habits being identical to leftist interference. Maybe that's even where you learned it from originally.

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2f3ff5  No.186743


This isn’t reddit. It isn’t cuckchan. Posts with no content are clearly shilling.


>accept your defeat

No one said this but you.

>jews have achieved complete control

There is, however, a way to fight it.

>there is nothing you’d an do

No one said this but you. No one WILL do anything. We have options. No one will execute them. Anyone who lays out the options is called a fed. Anyone who says the options are even possible is called a fed. Hence no one will do anything.



Great job. Way to go. I’m sure people will believe you now. Go do something, then. Prove me wrong. Prove that whites haven’t already lost. You won’t. You’ll call me a fed for calling on whites to fight back. And then you’ll do nothing. And no one else will do anything, either. And you’ll try to talk your way around it and try to justify it to yourself, but everyone will know that I’m right.

Go on, you subhuman piece of shit. Prove me right again.

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2f3ff5  No.186776


>you act like

No, I don’t. It absolutely isn’t any better. The final cut was just made. It’s dead now.


You need to tell your cubicle mates to change IP before posting.

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890393  No.186783


>8kun is full of defeatist, lay-down-and-rot crabs in a bucket who have no actionable political plans or goals besides calling every single public figure or initiative "zionist."

It's funny when kikes come here and whine that this irrelevant dying board won't reflexively buy their bullshit.

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890393  No.186786


>It's laughably simple to fuck up any natsoc board, just claim everything is zionist and watch the organic posters twist themselves into pretzels from fighting each other.

It's very easy to spot the kiked up conservatives frustrated they can't fool people.

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2f3ff5  No.186794


>you’re a leftist shill because you don’t worship my jewish puppets or my leftist narrative

This isn’t reddit. It’s not cuckchan. It’s not the_donald. You’re clinically insane. No one is going to believe anything you say. We don’t support Trump here. Your proven jewish hoax has a containment board. Go back to your containment board.


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2f3ff5  No.186841


This isn’t reddit. It’s not cuckchan. It’s not the_donald. You’re clinically insane. No one is going to believe anything you say. We don’t support Trump here. Your proven jewish hoax has a containment board. Go back to your containment board.


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2f3ff5  No.186872


>wow i came here after five years of exposing the ZOG emperor as a jewish puppet and I did absolutely no work whatsoever and refuse to read anything so you have to prove what i say and not what is true oy vey trump totally isn’t controlled by jews because i say so

This isn’t reddit. It’s not cuckchan. It’s not the_donald. You’re clinically insane. No one is going to believe anything you say. We don’t support Trump here. Your proven jewish hoax has a containment board. Go back to your containment board.


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2f3ff5  No.186883


>I am here to spam


Yep, we know. If you want to suck off jews, go to your containment board. If you want to suck off the ZOG emperor, go to your containment board. No one here will ever believe a word you say.

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2f3ff5  No.186908


>I am here to spam

Yep. We know. If you want to suck off jews, go to your containment board. If you want to suck off the ZOG emperor, go to your containment board. No one here will ever believe a word you say.

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3357b8  No.186932

File: 1db836ac8099b2c⋯.png (20.42 KB, 550x550, 1:1, ask4ho.png)


If this place is so bad and everyone is a shill, redditor, or qfag, why bother posting at all? The only logical reason would be that you're paid to do it.

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fedde1  No.186950

File: 924bc3f94876500⋯.png (393.62 KB, 749x465, 749:465, yourselforgod.png)


>Perhaps law abiding states should…


Yeah, it's fucking nothing.

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2f3ff5  No.186951


Yep. We know. If you want to suck off jews, go to your containment board. If you want to suck off the ZOG emperor, go to your containment board. No one here will ever believe a word you say.


>if this place is so bad

You’re the only one who said that. Wonder why that might be.

>you’re paid to post here because you called out the shills who are paid to post here

Way to out yourself with the image, by the way.

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0498a1  No.186952


No he replied to the right post, you really don’t know how ID’s work and you’re larping as an oldfag.

Nice try glownigger.

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2f3ff5  No.186953


>zero effort spam

>incomprehensible bullshit, clearly because he replied to the wrong post

>entire thread spammed by ZOGbots

>claims that anyone who doesn’t worship jewish puppets are the real shills

Nah, piss off.

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174110  No.186960

File: ab4373f159b49e1⋯.png (680.58 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 1F6E7C35_9CA8_45FF_BAD2_06….png)




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174110  No.186965


>>zero effort spam

Look who’s at it again

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2f3ff5  No.186983


Nice selfie, leftist. Piss off.

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59ca6e  No.186987

File: 2175be4587838d9⋯.jpg (138.17 KB, 600x779, 600:779, 2175be4587838d944a1a4ad3a8….jpg)


>>We lost, as a race, in 1945.

This kind of demoralization tactic might work on halfcuck, shlomo, but not here. Take your pathetic 15 posts by this ID and scram, yid.

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2f3ff5  No.187014


>not even trying to have an argument

>you're a jew because everything you say is against the jews

What’s hilarious is that you’re utterly incapable of refuting the statement.



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50abf9  No.187052

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50abf9  No.187054


Will you please stop shitting up every single thread on this website you schizophrenic doomer fucktard?

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6740ce  No.187056

Good riddance

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2f3ff5  No.187059


Are you capable of refuting anything I’ve said? Do you have an explanation for your own claims? Or are you just an emotional toddler, incapable of accepting truth that hurts his feelings?



Neck yourself, yid.

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