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File: a287eea14a85978⋯.png (6.01 KB, 612x30, 102:5, Untitled_1.png)

d42329  No.186176

I told you he wouldn't change BO, glad you finally found your balls. I think we deserve a celebratory thread for finally being rid of this unrepentant faggot.

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357314  No.186178

>it’s good to get rid of a white nationalist mod

Are you sure you belong here? Or is it that white nationalists don’t belong here anymore and should all leave?

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d42329  No.186181


Good luck trying to take any of them with you when its their discussions you've been stifling and their threads you've been deleting this whole time. You think they have an allegiance to you in spite of all that simply because you have the correct opinions?

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357314  No.186182


>their discussions you’ve been stifling

List them. List a single stifled discussion. One. A single one. At any time, on any subject. You can’t. Mods aren’t allowed to delete posts or threads based on ideology, and so I didn’t.

>their threads you’ve been deleting

List a single deleted thread on any subject. You can’t. Mods aren’t allowed to delete posts or threads based on ideology, and so I didn’t.

>more retarded bullshit based on nothing

Just one. Ever.

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d42329  No.186183


I'm not playing this retarded game with you again, you frame these arguments in such a way that it requires the person you're arguing with to be clairvoyant and be cataloging the things you ask of them before you even ask them for it. The proof is in the pudding in that what little power you did have has been taken away due to misuse and theres no amount of weaselly argumentation you can concoct to change that.

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357314  No.186186


>oh no i can’t substantiate my own claims or prove anything I said

>lol i win because I’m not playing your game

You’ve confirmed I did nothing you said.

>you did things because I say so

>no i don’t have any proof of it

>but you did it

>i said you did it

>I don’t have to prove it

>You did it

>i said the words

>you’re bad now

You’ve confirmed I did nothing you said. Why would anyone believe you when all you have to go on is “I said so”? Any time I deleted a thread THAT WAS NOT A VIOLATION OF THE RULES, it was REPOSTED in the appropriate existing thread. Every single time. One liner questions? They all went to QTDDTOT. Virus shit? Reposted in the virus thread. Election shit? Reposted in the election thread. On and on it went. And the site shits the bed a lot. A LOT. People double post a lot; they don’t mean it. People submit identical threads a lot; they don’t mean it. Yes, I deleted those threads. What, you WANTED the board filled up with literal glitch threads that were duplicates?

You don’t have an argument. You can’t point to a SINGLE instance of me stifling discussion, LEAST OF ALL OF WHITE NATIONALIST ideologies in any form. You have NOTHING, you subhuman piece of shit.

Look at what this place has become thanks to Ron and Jim. What exactly do you think is going to “improve” now? Can you answer a single question you’re asked?

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d42329  No.186187


You're whining at me like I was the one to make the decision and that I have to justify that decision to you. The BO gave you a warning and another chance despite the complaints and you blew that chance because you didn't know your place, deal with it faggot.

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357314  No.186189


>you’re whining at me like

No, you made a claim. You’re expected to provide proof of the claim. You can’t do it. At all. You’re physically incapable. You’re simply LYING. That’s all. You lied. Your entire premise and understanding of the board’s moderation is based on a lie. Either admit it or provide evidence for your claim.

I don’t know who you complained to; I also don’t care. We have a meta thread FOR A REASON. That reason is that imkikey did whatever he wanted, for three years, and Jim and Ron allowed it. And the entire fucking board hated it and him. The meta thread is designed to facilitate communication between moderation and the users. You use the thread like “Hey, why was [x] thread deleted?” And then a mod explains. “Hey, why is [y] post allowed?” And then a mod explains.

Do you see any of those questions in the thread? Do you see it used like that? Did you ever even think about using that thread before screaming like an infant directly to the BO about something you maybe didn’t understand? Can you answer a single question you’re asked?

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357314  No.186191


Fun fact: know why I’m saging here? It’s because this is a meta discussion and belongs IN the meta thread. That’s the only reason.

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d42329  No.186192


I don't owe you shit, as I said the proof is in the pudding and theres nothing you can say to change that. The discussion I had with you in the meta thread where you did nothing but feign ignorance just like you are now is still there for you to read if you'd like, I gave you plenty of opportunity to be repentant for your bad moderation and so did the BO.

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357314  No.186193


>I don’t

You’ve confirmed I did nothing you said. Why would anyone believe you when all you have to go on is “I said so”? Literally burden of proof is on you. You’re celebrating. Why? You have no reason to celebrate unless you have proof of a claim to your ideology. You don’t. You’re squirming like a fucking rat now that you’re caught having no proof. You have no reason to celebrate. You’re either personally lying, on purpose, or you’re now caught having based a worldview on lies you believed which others told. Which is it? Can you answer a single question you’re asked?

>something something something no argument no evidence nothing whatsoever

Still waiting. One instance of discussion being stifled. Just one.

>I gave you

Aww, you think you have any power here. So now you’re ADMITTING that you’re the one who whined to the BO rather than using the meta thread or… you know, proving anything you said. When you went to the BO and screamed like a toddler, what evidence did you present him? Clearly you had to present some evidence to prove your claim, right? So post your evidence. Provide that evidence of your claim that discussion was stifled. Why can’t you do this?

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d42329  No.186194


Do you think you can act as if the world revolves around you and everyone is cataloging every one of your missteps to rub in your face at the right moment and the fact that nobody has done that means your innocence is proven? You think acting in this way is going to get the BO to allow you to run roughshod over this board once again?

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357314  No.186195


Post proof that discussion on any topic was stifled due to moderation action.

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357314  No.186196


Fun fact: The board log shows EVERY ACTION TAKEN BY MODERATION. Show, in the log, A SINGLE INSTANCE of discussion being stifled by moderation. At any time. On any topic.

Why can’t you do this.

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d42329  No.186199


How about you find someone on this board that wants you here? Want to know how I immediately knew it was you playing defense for yourself in the first reply to this thread? Because all I ever hear from other people here about you is hatred, the only person on this board that would ever come to your defense is you.


The log says when you deleted posts or banned users, it doesn't show the post itself so theres no way to verify its legitimacy. The equally insufferable mods on /b/ when it existed would label any ban they made as spam in order to hide their true intentions and in my discussions with you in the meta thread months ago you admitted to the very same thing in so many words by calling people spammers for posting talking points you disagreed with.

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357314  No.186201


>tries to turn it around because he’s backed into a corner

The board log is public. You claim there is evidence. If there is, it will be in the log. Point to the log. Show the evidence.

>how I immediately knew

Probably because I’m not trying to hide and never have. That’d be why. Just like now, where I’m publicly exposing you for hiding behind unsubstantiated claims.

>oy vey goy everyone hates you

>i said so


>i said words

>and therefore the words are true

>no I don’t have any evidence

>no I won’t prove it

>I said the words

>I, being a jew, believe that I am god itself

>you have to believe me simply because I said it

Does that shit work on other websites? You wouldn’t even try it if you hadn’t had success on places staffed with your fellow subhumans. But does it actually work to convince non-jews? You just say shit and they magically believe it because you said it, without evidence?

>it doesn’t show the post itself

Provide. A. Single. CONTEXTUAL. example. Squirm all you like; you’re not getting out of this one. You overstepped and now you get tripped. A single CONTEXTUAL example of discussion being stifled. On any topic. List a single TOPIC that was deleted. Can you do that? Fun fact: no

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d42329  No.186208


On the very first page of the board log you've banned people for saying the holocaust is real and for "yellow fever" and thats purely based on your own ban reasons without the actual posts themselves as context. You've stifled discussions on the holocaust and race mixing purely because you only want one side of the debate to be represented on this board. As for the 160 posts deleted by you on the front page theres no way at all to see the context or verify their legitimacy. And keep in mind theres 44 more pages after this one.

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357314  No.186211


>you’ve banned people for saying the holocaust is real

Yes, that’s the aforementioned one liner spam from a previous post. That, plus the yellow fever ban, are sanctioned by cupcake himself. He has also banned users for doing the same things. You can check the log for those, too.

Thank you, genuinely, for finally pretending to look up some evidence, though. It’s pretend because you’re frantically searching for something–ignoring that I’ve even expanded the criteria by asking for even a TOPIC of discussion–rather than already having evidence to back up your claims. Claims on which you (claim to have) acted, and which resulted in a change to the board, see. That’s the thing: if you complained, and your complaints were taken seriously, either you had evidence or you didn’t. And you won’t post that evidence. That’s what I have a problem with. Because either you have it and refuse to post it, or you never had it and action was taken based SOLELY on a complete lie, that you’re now publicly admitting. I just want the truth.

>you’ve stifled discussions on the holocaust

Right here: >>4348 >>158614 >>163357 >>160459

>and race mixing

Right here: >>20966 >>170646 >>169424 >>163313 >>167464

Specifically, the yellow fever shit was banned because yes, it was repeated spam, and also because we already have a thread on the matter. That isn’t deleted. Here. >>158760

Nothing stifled. Many beliefs represented. SPAM is banned. That’s it.

Keep looking. You have nothing and are grasping at straws, but please keep looking. You could have simply brought up any given complaint you had at the time it “happened” in the Meta Thread (which has been here since the board was created), but you didn’t. And that’s just fucking pathetic.

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357314  No.186212


That’s weird. Why don’t post links work when they’re one right after the other? Ah well. Can’t fix it now.

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d42329  No.186214


Nothing stifled he says as he links threads with an OP making talking points he agrees with and is full of people he agrees with responding to deleted posts. And for the third time I did bring it up on meta months ago and you feigned ignorance then just like you are now, you've learned nothing and changed nothing and thats why the BO demodded you. I warned him that I know your type and that you would never change but he gave you the benefit of the doubt and look what you did with it.

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357314  No.186215


You still keep saying things without any evidence. Do you not know what evidence is? At all? Point to a single fucking thing.

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d42329  No.186219


Did you not even look at the "holohoax bread" you linked because I did and as I was scrolling up from the latest posts all I could see were people responding to deleted posts. That discussion is stifled not only because half the discussion is gone but because anyone in disagreement with the posts with the right opinion that remained will be reticent to reply in disagreement to them because by the looks of it they'll just be wasting their time writing up a rebuttal that will vanish as soon as you saw it.

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357314  No.186221


Did you not even look at the holohoax bread where there are posts which say the holocaust happened… and they remain up? Of course you didn’t. Look harder. They’re there. Why weren’t those deleted if I’m so tyrannical? You also didn’t read the post. Read it again.

>half the discussion

Interesting, you’ve made a specific claim now. Provide evidence that half of the posts which were once in the thread are now gone. Note that it’s NOT “half the discussion,” because posts which say the holocaust happened remain in the thread and you don’t actually have an argument, but rather “half the thread,” since that’s the only thing you CAN mean, given that you didn’t actually pay attention to what you were told earlier.

Oh by the way, prove the holocaust happened. This is a sticking point for you, so go ahead and prove that it happened, right here, right now, and therefore prove my absolute tyranny in censoring “the truth.”

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d42329  No.186223


You think I don't see how you've moved the goalposts from "give one example of a stifled discussion" to "prove I've stifled half the discussions in this thread"? A claim which I never made, by half the discussion I meant the discussion that you stifled by deleting all the posts you disagreed with only leaving half of it remaining, the half that contained the posts you agreed with.

I do give you props for getting me to play your stupid little game one last time but I guarantee you its not one you can win, in fact if we're going by your original point of my inability to show a single instance of you stifling discussion then you've already lost.

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357314  No.186224


I asked an additional question based on your newly made claim. You can answer it, you can not answer it. That’s fine. We’ve already discussed the initial point, which is that you still think, without evidence, that discussion is being stifled. The link proves that multiple positions are presented in the thread. Your additional claim came after you went “oh shit” when you realized that, hence the extra question.

>blah blah blah game blah blah blah you lose

You’ve confirmed I did nothing you said. The holocaust did not happen. This is objective fact, and it’s also my personal belief. Posts saying the holocaust happened remain in the thread. They were not removed. The discussion was not stifled. You failed. If you want to continue your claim, find another topic to discuss. You’re ignoring the MOST obvious ones because of just how much you can be blown the fuck out on them, and that’s fine. So pick something else obscure.

Totally unrelated, but are you, then, admitting that you think the holocaust happened?

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d42329  No.186225


You provided the evidence of you stifling discussion yourself by linking that thread. A thread thats had no further discussion in the last 6 months because in the last one that was had you erased all the posts of the side you disagreed with ensuring that nobody else would waste their time arguing a point that will just be deleted. In doing so you've killed that thread and now theres nothing left to do in it but give it a pity bump every month.

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357314  No.186227


There is no stifled discussion in the thread. Holocaust support and holocaust truth are both in the thread. You’re literally just inventing arguments out of thin air, saying anything you please, and providing no information whatsoever. Nothing you have said is true. You have no evidence for your claims–on any topic, not just this one.

Totally unrelated, but are you, then, admitting that you think the holocaust happened?

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d42329  No.186229


All I see is a thread that had a healthy amount of activity over the course of a few months right up until you started meddling in it and deleting every post someone made because they dared to argue that the holocaust happened. Then the thread completely dies as it takes two to tango and thats hard to accomplish when you've shot your dance partner in the head and then expect someone else to step up. That thread is the perfect illustration of the plague you were to this board and why you being stripped of your power is a cause for celebration.

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105f98  No.186231

File: 383ad7c69c1ba94⋯.png (3.98 KB, 256x256, 1:1, f9c170a2d4b85499bdf7fag.png)


>iT dOeSn'T cOuNt CaUsE rEaSoNs

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357314  No.186232


Do you think that if you keep repeating the claim it magically becomes true? None of this happened. You still can’t provide any evidence for your claim of censorship.

Totally unrelated, but are you, then, admitting that you think the holocaust happened?


>not even pretending to have an argument

I respect the other guy far more than you, but at least you provide further evidence that he’s lying.

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d42329  No.186234


I guess I should just believe you rather than my lying eyes. Tell me this, if you hadn't deleted all that guys posts for disagreeing with you and instead just let the conversation flow on do you think that thread would have still died 6 months ago or do you think people would have still been arguing whether or not the holocaust happened over the last 6 months in that thread over hundreds of posts just like they were doing up until you showed up?

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357314  No.186238


What eyes? Where is your evidence for anything? Ever? I’m literally begging you to post proof of your claims. You can’t do it.

>if you hadn't deleted all that guys posts for disagreeing with you and instead just let the conversation flow on do you think that thread would have still died 6 months ago

None of this happened. You’re clinically insane. You don’t get to just say words and not be called out on them. There’s nothing else to BE said anymore.

Totally unrelated, but are you, then, admitting that you think the holocaust happened?

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a92008  No.186239


Are you saying it was the BO that deleted those posts and not you? Because he was the one that told you off for deleting posts so I find it hard to believe he'd be the censorious mod on this occasion.

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357314  No.186242


You just aren’t reading. This is an exercise in futility. You’ve admitted you have nothing to substantiate a single claim you’ve made. You just can’t fucking do it, and you’re not reading posts before replying, nor are you lurking before posting, nor do you seem to comprehend how this place works at all.

>If you don't get what /pnd/ is about, lurk more. That includes newfags.

There’s a natsoc thread stickied here for a reason. You have literally every single other website on the entire Internet to spam proven lies.

Totally related now. Are you admitting that you think the holocaust happened? Answer the question.

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a92008  No.186248


If you want me to answer your irrelevant question then why evade mine? Is it because you know me giving you an out at this stage of blaming the BO for your behavior would be too obvious since I've already been grilling you on deleting someones posts in that particular thread for hours now without you mentioning that it wasn't you?

I just want one cogent explanation for what happened to the other half of the discussion in these posts. One. A single one. You can't do it, can you? Are you physically incapable, or simply lying? Can you answer a single question you're asked?









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357314  No.186336


>you’re evading my questions because you directly responded to all of my questions, repeatedly, and I don’t like your answers so I’m pretending you didn’t answer

Absolutely fucking pathetic.

>oy vey I can’t read posts before replying

Your question was already answered multiple times. You don’t have an argument. This is not a board for you. The holocaust did not happen. This is scientifically proven fact. Period. End of story. If you believe the holocaust happened, you need to go to a different website.

Your posts are spam. No rules were violated. No moderator rules were violated. You have now publicly admitted you have no evidence for any of your claims and nothing whatsoever to explain why you wanted mods removed EXCEPT insofar as you would be a shill and spam the board. Why, I don’t know. There are 15 people left here after Jim and Ron let imkikey destroy it for three years and then destroyed /pol/ themselves when that didn’t work. No one fucking posts here except for a literal handful of real users, obvious paid shills spamming every thread, and… oh, they were never banned or their posts removed, because I was explicitly told not to do that (and didn’t do it, as you’ve admitted), and so the site KEPT STAYING DEAD, because who would ever want to post on somewhere that effort is universally drowned in shit, which remains up all the time?

Answer the question. Do you believe the holocaust happened?

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c0d68a  No.186537


Real cute waiting 2 days to respond in a desperate attempt to get the last word while talking mad shit about a board in which you spent almost every waking minute doing it for free for months on end. I'm sure it has nothing to do with you being salty about having your power taken away.

I don't really care if you answer me or not just like I don't care about you trying to pivot into a debate about the holocaust, you dug your own grave by handing me examples of you stifling discussion on a silver platter and whether or not you choose to acknowledge them doesn't change the fact that they're there.

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357314  No.186660


>site shits the bed, yet again

>no one can post in any thread on any board



Not even fucking TRYING anymore. Holy fucking shit, you (literally) god damned jew. Your narrative is laid bare for all to see. Your posts are spam. No rules were violated. No moderator rules were violated. You have now publicly admitted you have no evidence for any of your claims and nothing whatsoever to explain why you wanted mods removed EXCEPT insofar as you would be a shill and spam the board. Why, I don’t know. There are 15 people left here after Jim and Ron let imkikey destroy it for three years and then destroyed /pol/ themselves when that didn’t work. No one fucking posts here except for a literal handful of real users, obvious paid shills spamming every thread, and… oh, they were never banned or their posts removed, because I was explicitly told not to do that (and didn’t do it, as you’ve admitted), and so the site KEPT STAYING DEAD, because who would ever want to post on somewhere that effort is universally drowned in shit, which remains up all the time?

Answer the question. Do you believe the holocaust happened?

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467d9a  No.186980


The irony of you accusing me of spam while you copy and paste the same things over and over again. Its over for you regardless of how hard you cope.

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357314  No.187016


Cry harder about being exposed as a shill and a liar. Your narrative is laid bare for all to see. Your posts are spam. No rules were violated. No moderator rules were violated. You have now publicly admitted you have no evidence for any of your claims and nothing whatsoever to explain why you wanted mods removed EXCEPT insofar as you would be a shill and spam the board. Why, I don’t know. There are 15 people left here after Jim and Ron let imkikey destroy it for three years and then destroyed /pol/ themselves when that didn’t work. No one fucking posts here except for a literal handful of real users, obvious paid shills spamming every thread, and… oh, they were never banned or their posts removed, because I was explicitly told not to do that (and didn’t do it, as you’ve admitted), and so the site KEPT STAYING DEAD, because who would ever want to post on somewhere that effort is universally drowned in shit, which remains up all the time?

Answer the question. Do you believe the holocaust happened?

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852406  No.187069

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357314  No.188103


Cry harder about being exposed as a shill and a liar. Your narrative is laid bare for all to see. Your posts are spam. No rules were violated. No moderator rules were violated. You have now publicly admitted you have no evidence for any of your claims and nothing whatsoever to explain why you wanted mods removed EXCEPT insofar as you would be a shill and spam the board. Why, I don’t know. There are 15 people left here after Jim and Ron let imkikey destroy it for three years and then destroyed /pol/ themselves when that didn’t work. No one fucking posts here except for a literal handful of real users, obvious paid shills spamming every thread, and… oh, they were never banned or their posts removed, because I was explicitly told not to do that (and didn’t do it, as you’ve admitted), and so the site KEPT STAYING DEAD, because who would ever want to post on somewhere that effort is universally drowned in shit, which remains up all the time?

Answer the question. Do you believe the holocaust happened?

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357314  No.188104


Oh by the way, the current contents of the website are what you wanted. This is what was “missing” from this place. You couldn’t rest until the guy deleting this spam was removed. This is what you wanted. I want others to know that.

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