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File: f5e8983088a774e⋯.jpg (640.19 KB, 2040x1148, 510:287, a268b14a_5223_48cf_ba10_d7….jpg)

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cc8ee2  No.184246

I feel like, proud boys, are how soy boys/ fags perceive a masculine American man and their pitiful way of attempting to not be a cringy bitch. Its almost as if, a "Proud Boy" is the best version of a soy boy. Still fucking cringe.

How I see them personally, I could be wrong, but they over compensate for what ever they are lacking, and think being a man is about having a beard,and wearing particular clothing brands.

If any faggot proud boy is reading this, your beard is just a mask that real man can see through. You just as annoying and embarrassing as left wing tranny faggots. I don't advocate for certain groups or religions, but to show you what you think you are like but will never become. You will never be alpha like Chechen for example. Proud Boys are the juggalo versions of (still cringy as well) neo-nazis. You bearded faggots are the most Alpha of the Betas.

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156fc1  No.184248

Shill the proud goys somewhere else.

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b714f2  No.184312


imagine only reading the thread title like a fucking mong.

That being said, even talking about Proud Boys in 2020 is like talking about Anonymous. Let's leave insipid Aut-Right shit in the past and try to weather today's storm. But, that should be obvious.

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163fcf  No.184410

What a stupid fucking thread.

What's even the point?

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2f4413  No.184423

File: 1c7f5ae937ce0b7⋯.png (566.38 KB, 1583x2217, 1583:2217, group_filtering.png)


Thank you OP. I actually do want to talk about the PBs because I'm trying to join a local chapter. Yes, I know, gay as hell, but I'm curious to see if any of the members are /ourguys/. Seems like the closest thing to meeting /pol/acks in real life, and I guess I have just hit my limit in terms of loneliness. So here's my impression so far; an ethnography of the PBs, if you will:

They are all "good ol boys" and self-described /pol/acks. The club itself is mostly just a drinking club that likes to fight antifa. They seem rather inhomogeneous. One leader has personally pulled me aside, told me he is 1/8th Jewish, and described the national phenomenon of "fascists" in their ranks and how this needs to be weeded out, whereas another leader once mentioned in private the problem with the zionists (something I need to follow up on with him). What I really don't understand is what they have against fascists. It's hard to imagine being so familiar with /pol/ and not being redpilled on basic things like the holohoax and Frankfurt school. Is it fascism they have a problem with or just "fascists" who sieg heil and call to "gas the kikes" in public? I could understand why the latter sort of person would need to go. If the problem is with antisemitism in general, then I don't understand it, because the same people complaining about antisemitism refer to the large proportion of hispanics in the organization as "AIDS". Plus they flash the WP hand sign literally every time they greet each other. Maybe I will learn that this means "Western Prominence", but otherwise I'm not sure how this reconciles with the anti-fascist sentiment. So, I'm getting mixed signals. Nationally, their motto is "the West is the best", with no regard for race, but this particular group is more so pro-white, and there are at least particular individuals who are anti-zionist. I'm still exploring the relationship between these different tiers, but the impression I got was that individual chapters have a lot of autonomy and can vary drastically in their core principles.

I was hoping that the club would be more like pic related, more clandestine, but it's just the opposite. Instead of being cautious with how they portray themselves, they are completely open about what they are with new members who haven't been vetted at all. I suppose honesty and openness about "Western chauvinism" is one of their tenents, but they do it in a spergy way that seems purposefully inflammatory. PBs was an idea that some (gay?) guy had once, based on a gay song that he heard called "Proud of your boy", yet this is their slogan. Sometimes the club seems like a parody of itself, especially with all of its stupidly arbitrary hazings required for advancement.

>2nd degree requires getting beat up by 5 guys until you can name 5 breakfast cereals.

Why not 5 Western philosophers? Why not 5 Germanic Gods? I'll tell you why. Because PBs is a club consisting mainly of proles. They get very excited about beating up antifa. Otherwise they do little more than drink. This is not a club designed by intelligent people for intelligent people, and I suspect that the "fascists" that they want to avoid ARE the more intelligent people. I may be walking on thin ice by joining, but based on what I have seen so far, there are probably other people in the group like me. I will be cautiously trying to sniff them out.

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2f4413  No.184424



Fighting antifa seems to be their reason for living. That is really the end-all-be-all of their plan to save the West. I don't see the point of it to be honest. I think they would accomplish more by wrapping the same beliefs in a kinder face and doing door-to-door activism, but maybe the point is that this has already been tried. I have wondered why there is nothing between PBs, a group with what seems like deliberately bad optics, and the zero-point. Perhaps any group that popped up between those two points (e.g. the "book club" in pic related) would be attacked by MSM and would ultimately be perceived the same as PB's anyway. Still, the guys have shared videos of their encounters with antifa at protests, and I'm not sure they have any conception of "high moral ground". Even when they outnumber a guy 10-to-1, instead of taking that opportunity to explain their position, they heckle the guy with insults and threats. They like to say that "they don't start fights, they finish them", but it's rather clear that they want to start fights, and I'm beginning to wonder if left-wing media portrays them more accurately than I first thought. At the end of the day, PBs is mostly machismo, directed rather aimlessly toward street brawls. Perhaps this is the sport of the future: State-allowed gladiator fights in the streets. Maybe the think tanks have determined that having this outlet for the prole machismo is better than trying to bottle it. Plus the left gets an arch nemisis to villify.

IMO, the real problem with PBs is that leadership is arbitrary. The leaders are whoever goes through the arbitrary hazing rituals. The end result is that you essentially have a militia with no officers; All brute and no strategy. So I will disagree with OP on this point: The members of PBs are not inherently beta, they just lack intelligent leadership. Worse yet, they actively push out the "fascists" who see the big picture. They only need to be reprogrammed, although maybe this doesn't refute OP's point. In any case, it ends up being the blind leading the blind. Still they are all nice guys and I'm glad to have met them. Regardless of what you think of the organization, it does seem like a good vector for connecting with like-minded people who live in your area.

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a04f9f  No.184449


Link to the original thread in the screencap?

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156fc1  No.184451


Imagine giving a shit what you have to say.

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cc8ee2  No.184458


To make these faggots reanalyze themselves if they visit 8kunt

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a04f9f  No.184463

File: 40aaae5f47625d7⋯.gif (82.54 KB, 543x105, 181:35, 1602267920835.gif)


>To make these faggots reanalyze themselves if they visit 8kunt

Can the glowniggers get them to do gif related if they visit here?

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2f4413  No.184474


It's still in the catalog. Screencap isn't OP


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ad1323  No.184479

File: 15e1411eec3923c⋯.jpg (322.39 KB, 1280x1029, 1280:1029, 1602950156745.jpg)

When I think of what men are supposed to be, it doesn't include a bunch of tattooed degenerates walking around half naked

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7aa5b1  No.184481

File: eb08c7c9619367e⋯.jpg (358.28 KB, 1312x656, 2:1, 1586291661814.jpg)


This is exactly why it's the perfect organization to exist in the current political climate. It cannot survive, certainly not in it's current form, it will be subverted by kikes and/or collapse to lack of direction.

However everyone involved will learn the valuable lessons about jews and non-whites that we've already learned, but that most normies are blind to. They'll learn to fight jewish tricks and they'll learn just how evil our enemies really are. They'll be exposed to pro-white ideas and as the brain washing breaks they'll be able to hash things out in the relative safety of other guys who are dealing with the same awakening.

What's important is what organizations emerge from the ashes. Those who are lead by white men with a purpose towards the 14 words will have the potential to free us. Those who are led down the path of following shills and subversives like milo will become a laughing stock like the oathcucks.

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2f4413  No.184488


Apparently this is already happening:


>Proud Boys Infighting Sees Leading Member Form Breakaway Group to Fight 'White Genocide'

Wish I could find out more about these groups, assuming the "Proud Goys" isn't just an isolated regional incident…although I wouldn't be surprised if this is a fed/kike operation trying to draw out the more redpilled members of the PBs.


What proportion of those men are alcoholics? Probably half.

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7ac2bd  No.184750

OP washed out at Pleab

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be2465  No.184768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2f4413  No.184867


This is either a joke or a false flag.

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8eea75  No.184888

File: 48da7f1ce187af5⋯.gif (223.44 KB, 327x478, 327:478, ot7ly.gif)

I think MAGA is just another "beard" soyboys wear. Trump is clearly a failure and a manchild. Find another messiah or accept that society is spiraling down at an exponentiating rate.

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2f4413  No.184893


In the chapter I participate in, many don't like Trump. PBs is not a monolith apparently.

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297b70  No.184932



2 sides of the same coin just with a hint of an illusion of choice

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1fc83b  No.184940


the boomerwaffen will serve their purpose as warriors who rose up to fight the agitator communists and socialists. Their folk hero's will hang dong as they come over the hill with the sun at their back, and the skulls of faggots like you over their shoulders.

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789f6a  No.184950


>flexing on a cambodian quilting forum.

I'm not saying proud boys aren't cringy faggots but shit nigger are you really trying to call someone out on an anonymous image board. Go do something productive.

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71266f  No.185757


>They are all "good ol boys" and self-described /pol/acks. The club itself is mostly just a drinking club that likes to fight antifa. They seem rather inhomogeneous.

Isn't that how some anti-communist bands started out as?

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2f4413  No.185910


I have no idea, but there's potential here. If these are all anons who just haven't been redpilled yet, then it could be only a couple years before the PBs collectively shifts toward fascism/JQ…that is, if they don't splinter due to infighting at that point, but that's why I want to be in this group when the split happens.

btw they are all vehemently anti-communist, and that's probably enough. I can work with that. The only problem is that their ambitions are too small. By that I mean that most of them aren't blackpilled yet. They still think that fighting antifa in the streets will make a change. I'm not sure that they are conscious enough to be blackpilled, but they do seem to be very worked up about the election results. Many say that Trump leaving office is not an option. I don't know what that means yet.

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4a3c27  No.186134

That gavin mcinnes whatever his name is is a fucking jewisg caricature. Anybody supporting this cringewothy hollywood nazi jew operation should be raped and killed by niggers.

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