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File: 03c91e018bd8055⋯.png (21.16 KB, 637x358, 637:358, Natsoc_American_flag.png)

32d795  No.127533[Last 50 Posts]

The hardest part is being able to find people when we're all so accustomed to hiding ourselves in public. I might be talking to NatSoc brothers and not even realize it. How do you break that barrier?

Also, I want to create an atmosphere that leaves room for the "left of the right" and the "right of the right" to communicate and collaborate. Not all NatSocs have exactly the same beliefs or agree on policy. There is a spectrum to National Socialism.

I really want to create a platform of main ideas that we all can agree on to unite us. Like a modern updated version of Adolf's 25 points. So if you have any ideas on a point for me to include in that, that would be helpful.

Lastly, I know having a NatSoc meetup is just asking for trolls and shills to show up and try to subvert. So there needs to be a policy in place to help identify those people or a style of organization that will make their tactics ineffective even if we can't identity them.

I feel like the timing is ripe. I want to do something in the real world outside of pol, using the relative freedom we still have in the USA to boost morale and comradery for my fellow NatSocs.

Hail Hitler.

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483635  No.127542

>I want to create a honeypot

lol, you don't need our help

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8ff598  No.127557


ask your rabbi to host it, o dubs of 33

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a7cc15  No.127559

Cant tell if fed or just a moron, listen dude, just focus on having a plan to head to the hills if the riots make it your town. Stock up on plenty of freeze dried poptarts and powder mountain dew. Youll need them to feed your fatass.

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dbda39  No.127602


Sure kid, let's do this. Just so I know you're legit though, would you be ok driving a van for us? We need to, ugh, move some supplies. Shoot me back at mike@notafed.gov RaHoWa, my fellow Aryan!

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765762  No.127603

Yes and I'm sure once everyone is there you'll unveil a plan to bomb a judge or some shit, get a few people on board, and suddenly the big reveal - FBI!

Eat shit and die.

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c01df0  No.127604

>asking a board full of paranoid schizophrenics to meet you anonymously

What did you honestly think was going to happen OP?

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8aad44  No.127606

its not safe to openly discuss the organized executions of bankers in a public setting. Just do these

>stockpile guns

>find like minded people

>start a white family

>evade taxation and jewish business

>buy land

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cdfdf9  No.127611

File: 87c32ca87a19d75⋯.jpg (18.94 KB, 239x207, 239:207, eddy_does_not_like_you_2.jpg)


The difference between a honeypot and an actual white nationalist or even a political extremist meetup is how members are obtained. Honeypots are made through places like /pol/. Open to the majority of passerbys to join. Groups that aren't honeypots are made by small group of people, and lay low as shit. If the original intent of open groups like this weren't honeypots, and were genuine, lord knows its infested with tapped feds.

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32d795  No.128003


>I'm sure once everyone is there you'll unveil a plan to bomb a judge or some shit.

No plan to do anything illegal. Baby steps. Just to build a collective of like minded thinkers to discuss things.

We're lucky compared to Europe, in the USA, were able to form a NatSoc group for discussion. Obviously can't break laws but discussion groups are fine. We need to take advantage of that. In Germany you can't do anything.


>asking a board full of paranoid schizophrenics to meet you anonymously

>What did you honestly think was going to happen OP?

Honestly thought I would get some decent tips or some brainstorming discussion that would give me some ideas. You know of a better board for this?

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408e43  No.128023

Swamp Shill would make a great comic book parody.

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61d154  No.128079

"There's only two kinds of people that go to Neo Nazi meetings; jew hecklers and FBI agents".

Lenny Bruce.

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d53ed0  No.128303


Ask them what they think about the riots, drop some facts about the riots, crime and police, try sticking to government statistics, remember that hispanics and whites within the same poverty bracket commit much less crime, then if they seem cool ask them if they shoot or own a gun. If they aren't freaking out over guns but don't own one, suggest they get one, either way invite them to go to the gun range. Next you talk to them talk about the fall of the US, parallels to Rome (decadence), and that great civilizations for some reason always seem to rise and fall within the same 250 year period, which we are not far from at all. >>>/pnd/128101 attached a screenshot of The Fate of Empires which said '250 years' comes from.

From there you keep it mellow for a while as he digests what you've been saying. If he starts pulling out full white nationalist stuff, just don't name the Jew - for some reason there are a lot of people that are full nazi salute but are good goys.

For the ((())) you must walk slow and solid steps. What are they doing to Palestine? What have they done? People that are suffering most tend to sexual deviant extremes - why are the Palestinians looking up beastiality? <, you'd have to get a solid foundation on this, research. Otherwise drop it it just suggests that Palestinians were always degenerate scum. Stick to the timing of their assaults on palestine (when US and Europe are busy), what Jews got out of World War 2 (the agreement made to Churchill I believe) and the Havarrah agreement, the infographic of palestine dwindling to nothing, just make it about Israel for a while and the Dual Citizenship issue.

Look at this disinfo site politifact , com shit; I search up dual citizenship and get this: "No, members of Congress don't have automatic dual citizenship [...]" I emboldened "automatic". The fucking manipulation. They just try and counter a strawman that every jew gets automatic israeli citizenship. That's a big one: Media disinformation, misrepresentation, excluded truths, manipulation, truth engineering.

Testing someone's capacity to resist brainwashing is big: posit thought experiments and see if the person can find the trick. If they can manage that they're probably red-pilled or red-pillable.

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fe75a5  No.128307


Hey dude. I used to be the leader of a specific group that is currently wrapped up in the Charlottesville lawsuit shit. I'm not going to name the group or anything, but in my past experience of the last several years, /pol/ is more of a place to come to for news, propaganda or advertising. Pol isn't a good source for recruitment or think tanks for organizational purposes. It's not secure in any sense, is another key issue. You would do much better creating a small Telegram group and networking on that program with all the channels they have there, but be careful. Many of the public channels on Telegram do have communist, antifa and federal spies in them, so don't say anything you may later regret and don't give out any personal information. If you have any other questions, I'll be around.

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370bc3  No.128347

File: 156d969bcbfa2db⋯.png (56.06 KB, 661x623, 661:623, 1592626235084.png)

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a0e91e  No.128362


>my fellow NatSocs

>Hail Hitler



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1615e7  No.129036

Judaism meter says this thread is MOSSAD bait

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66f265  No.129047

File: 5eb281eb81df4d8⋯.png (151.36 KB, 680x507, 680:507, heykid.png)

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4695e3  No.129724


>I'll be around

Any ideas on how to avoid this: >>128079

There needs to be a method of running a NatSoc meeting where it makes the standard tactics of these people ineffective. I'll come up with something.

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3d1674  No.129767

The only NS you will find there are wannabe African Jews, and guys in funny hats with hunchbacks.

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fe75a5  No.129781



Lol, it's honestly not THAT bad. You will, more than likely have an FBI informant in your midsts, but that's why you don't fucking talk about illegal shit. The FBI literally hates the first amendment b3cause it protects your ass from persecution based on political opinions. Just refuse to talk about anything illegal and if anyone tries to bring up or espouse or pursue anything illegal, no matter now small, trivial or insignificant then you know who the informant is. Jews are easy to spot and commies are easy to spot. Literally you can weed out the kikes and commies by having everyone in your group give the salute to an NSDAP flag, swear their allegiance to Hitler and devote themselves to Christ Jesus and then swear they hate niggers and faggots and anyone not white and straight. Anyone who doesn't do that for any reason is a kike, commie or both. It's really healthy to be able to talk to real people and engage with like minded individuals. It makes the world seem not so large and against you. You know you can fuck shit up with even just a small click of 5 to 10 dudes who are all mentally and politically aligned like a legion of ants bringing down a scorpion. The hardest part for you is just being in Jew Jersey. Fucking kikes over there are like a plague of rats.

But, like I said before, start on telegram and get your feet wet there. If you need to chat one on one I can give you an email address or something.

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fe75a5  No.129782


Also, don't EVER let ANYONE attempt to control the narrative and spread disinformation. If someone seems to be rocking the boat by saying shit like, "You know what if Hitler really did kill all those jews?" Or some silly shit then you know who the spy is, or if someone doesn't say anything at all. Always be on the look out for suspicious or out of place behavior.

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44ce3f  No.129799


>Lol, it's honestly not THAT bad. You will, more than likely have an FBI informant in your midsts, but that's why you don't fucking talk about illegal shit.

Do you think they'd stop at ONE? How are they going to expand their budget demands without hiring six (million) agents to all rabble-rouse and make an organic-looking plot to lure others into, and then hair themselves as great warriors for Israel when they "break up the gang of White Supremacist Neo Nazi evil blah blah blah that consisted of one normie and six FBI agents, who will all sing in harmony in court against the one patsy, even though the only thing he ever did was make a joke about Jewish noses one day over lunch.

When the FBI is devoted to something other than PROTECTING child-abducting sex traffickers, it will be a GREAT day, indeed.

Check out the progress of Mark Lamb in Arizona, who abducted his enemy's children under some made-up-on-the-fly charge when she started looking into his child sex ring. Years later, it is still dragging on, courtesy of the careful balance the FBI has to strike between appearing to actually CARE about justice while simultaneously gang-raping the children in a contest to see who can make them bleed the most, and thus earn their promotion within the FBI.

It must suck having to actually keep up the appearance of doing your job, because Trump is your mortal enemy, while still pleasing your true overlords, who demand a constant flow of shiksas and goyim boys for their dark ceremonies and perverse lusts.

Seriously, FBI, how IS the Mark Lamb case going? Are you making sure ALL the evidence is buried before you find absolutely nothing in your warned-two-years-in-advance lots-of-knocking warrant search.

In much of America's eyes, Scott Israel WAS the FBI, even though he was in Coward Brounty in Florida.

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36366f  No.129825


Here's my number one tip bro.

Fucking don't

aight peace out nigger.

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fe75a5  No.129830


That's why you don't do anything stupid and don't implicate yourself in anything stupid.

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565485  No.129839

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d21f47  No.129892

File: 9f13e12e32566ce⋯.png (12.32 KB, 300x250, 6:5, natsoc_monkey.png)



These are all good ideas. Saluting a swastika flag and saying hail Hitler at the start kinda acting like a first stage water filter that takes out the large sediment particles as a first order of business. But then the other stages of the filter must take care of the smaller particles until the water is completely clean.

I want to come up with some rules of order for the meetings that mathematically will make the meeting air tight against all the standard techniques of co-opting or otherwise subverting an innocent NatSoc collective exercising their freedom of speech.

Mathematically air tight… meaning a set of rules that if we stick to then we won't have to waste so much energy thinking about protecting ourselves, and can just relax and let the rules do the work for us. And it wouldn't even matter if enemy shills are reading this now because there wouldn't be any weaknesses for them to exploit.

… Mathematically, meaning cut out unnecessary bullshit rules and boil it down to the bare minimum needed to insure protection. Something like even as simple as going around and talking in turns by whoever has the "talking stick"… the group can't be left vulnerable to the simple tactic of shills interrupting each other and creating chaos of communication.

Help me fill in the list of standard techniques that would be used to subvert a neo Nazi discussion collective.


'''1. The Thesbian Threat:

Injecting a large number of undercovers to join the group, we'll call them agents, to gain trus temporarilyt, and then all at once they turn in the same direction to exert peer pressure and create a seeming schism in the group to reduce morale and draw away legit members from the core collective.

For example, any popular leader of the group can be taken down by briefly increasing morale by significantly increasing the group's population with agents, and then destroying morale by having those agents in unison create what appears to be a rapidly spread of descent against that leader ending finally in a huge argument and large exodus of people from the group based on exacerbating some flaw in that leader… when really it was just a bunch of skilled thesbian shills putting on a show. '''

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Having secretly chosen members of the group openly try to do this exact thing and make it a regular exercise drill game type thing for people to try to spot them. It'll keep the group constantly aware of this Threat and prevent anyone from getting hyped up too much every time this group performs some kind of dramatic exodus drama ("oh whatever 100 guys just stormed out of the meeting, probably just another drill… yawn)

'''2. Creating chaos of communication:

Having agents try to start arguments with others during open discussions. Or if nobody is taking the bait and they're just exposing themselves as douchebags, then they can have two agents like coordinated trolls fake an argument with each other and try to draw people into one or the other side like peacemakers or adders on, effectively draining the energy of the group and frustrating legit members waiting their turn to speak, and road blocking any productive discussions from taking place.'''

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: having a schedule for the meeting to segway from an open discussion in the beginning to a organized discussion section where only the person holding the talking stick is allowed to talk for 2 minutes before the stick gets passed around to the next person to give everyone a chance. They can't create communication chaos if you look like a total ass hole for interrupting the person with the talking stick. There can be modified forms of this for different sections of the schedule to segway to throughout the meeting, but really there should be no more than 10 minutes of open discussion in the beginning to give agents any chance to do this.


Continued in next post…

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d21f47  No.129896

File: 8c40c3be9f80989⋯.jpeg (24.09 KB, 1080x900, 6:5, Natsoc_monkey_2.jpeg)


…Continued from last post.


>Just refuse to talk about anything illegal

== 3. Moving group output toward illegal activity, ending finally with a raid that ends the group. This would be especially disastrous if agents could get into the leadership positions of the group, which we have to assume will happen if we want to make this protective bubble air tight.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: ban illegal activity from the group as a foundational rule. The group must operate under the presumption that if the government changed the laws to make our collective illegal, then our collective would end. The group should operate under the presumption that we are taking advantage of our good luck that the USA government gives us rights that allow us to form our collective in the first place. All suggestions toward illegal activity should be responded to by repeating the mantra of this rule.

''something like, "let's dress up as antifa and damage a black business to make em look like the real racists! And drive the blacks out of our community. Two birds one stone!"

Response: "fagot that is illegal. We don't do that. Rule 2 states that undercover agents will try to bait us into planning illegal shit so they can justify a raid to kill our group. Are you an undercover?" ''

Then that person should have to wear an arm band with some symbol at all future meetings to publicly label them as a high probability potential shill. Leaders of the group are not exempt from this rule.


I could keep going but maybe someone has access to some kind of field manual made by the FBI or cia that already did the work of laying out all the possible subversion techniques that are in use. That could be a better starting point.

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fb6da4  No.129911

Always have someone recording the entirety of every meetup from a far angle where the entire thing is captured.

Or set up a camera that can be left alone. This is essential to stop NPCs/agents from attacking you and then having the media paint a narrative about you attacking random people after you defend yourself.

Prepare what to do if (see: when) you're collided with opposition. If you are confronted by another group, have several different conducts prepared depending on what the opposing group is doing. For example if they're just shouting at you, take stance A; ignore them but debate those who are willing to debate peacefully (though note that this could be their tactic; derail every meeting into fruitless "debates"). If they start physically pushing people around, take stance B; the opposition is here to start shit, physically pushing them away/out of the way is allowed, group close together and support the people at the edge from behind. If they start getting violent, take stance C; the opposition is beyond reasoning with, call the police (multiple people should do this in case some agent is only pretending to call in order to delay actual police response) and take a defensive stance, beat down those who attack but don't launch counter-offensives or start running after them.

Those are just ideas I came up on a whim though so take them with a grain of salt, but the idea is that if everyone knows about these conducts and what triggers them, the entire group can respond to the situation quickly and effectively.



These are some good ideas. Another tactic that could be used against you is giving a bad image to the core ideas in the movement. Have some agents act like real douchebaggey shitheads, but also have them be the most vocal proponents of the important ideas while still playing by the rules of your organization to avoid being removed. It'll naturally make people not want to associate with those ideas, since that idea seems like something that mostly douchebaggey shitheads are into.

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fb6da4  No.129913


Actually this recording idea can also be used against you if you're not prepared: have an agent inside your group randomly attack some smart and peaceful looking actor.

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542b32  No.129940

File: a5c3bf23898ddee⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 768x960, 4:5, Manson1968.jpg)

These tactics are shit, you need to start using their puppets for your own advantage, as much as you hate it, you need to prevent yourself from being cast as a WS, cloak yourself in their dogma and terms. They won't talk about A Peaceful walk, fuck toss in Gay. A Gay Walk With Thoughts, dont use white shirts, too obvious. Black or red polo shorts , black shoes with White laces, Shorts of anytype. you need to look typical, so if the media does show unfavorable attention they show just normal Americans, "Those people are dressed just like me, those people look clean and honest and hardworking", The media would create division if they apply a label to you. if i was there i would actively seek out the media, ask them if they want to talk, and when they ask why you are here bring some light on democrat state that is subjugating X Y Z, something to make all people take interest in something unfair/immoral going on that you can use to drop Stealth Pills.

FAG FOOD FOR THOUGHT.. you see exactly how they paint their targets but you also see how they treat their golden goose…

use the goose

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720281  No.129956


> I want to come up with some rules of order for the meetings that mathematically will make the meeting air tight against all the standard techniques of co-opting or otherwise subverting an innocent NatSoc collective exercising their freedom of speech.

It's been done: it's called Roberts's Rules of Order. Unfortunately they stopped teaching it in school generations ago, so good luck getting anyone to learn it.

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496069  No.129980


>You know of a better board for this?


Republican party events

Dive bars in redneck areas

My advice: Instead of public invitations, reach out privately to individuals. Consider even the simple tactic of going door to door: Your chance of knocking on the door of a fed is practically zero. You will get to meet people in your community and exchange contact information. Whereas if you were to put up a public flier, anyone can see it, someone will report it, the feds will be in contact with you by the end of the week.

Likewise, cold emailing individuals or replying to arbitrary Craigslist ads (as opposed to creating one) is much safer.

There's already at least 2 threads on this topic btw:


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496069  No.129982


I want to clarify that you shouldn't be cold emailing people who are advocating white support groups. I'm assuming you know what a honeypot is. Be smart. Find likeminded people based on auxillary indicators and interests.

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5462c2  No.129987

File: 5d6dc697b204bab⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 478x418, 239:209, bullshit.gif)


>It's been done: it's called Roberts's Rules of Order.

Fuck Roberts rules of order. It is almost as long as the bible. Bloated energy sucking Weimar republic fagotry.


>Mathematically, meaning cut out unnecessary bullshit rules and boil it down to the bare minimum needed to insure protection.

Exactly this. Cut the bullshit of Roberts rules and simplify it with some nifty ideas like a talking stick that will only take up a single page of paper.

Fuck all if you think it's a good idea trying to get average people to study a giant collage of a thousand different band aids on a festering wound and memorize them all only to use them like lawyers against each other.

You ever been to a parliament proceeding? It's complete energy sucking bullshit and they sound like fagots. Hitler wrote about how much he hated it.

How did the NSDAP run their meetings?

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ad8f00  No.130043

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720281  No.130104


> Bloated energy sucking Weimar republic fagotry.

I see, so you're saying the rules first published in 1876 in the USA are somehow related to the post-WWI German republic? Is that the problem or are you just scared shitless about white men organizing?

> It is almost as long as the bible

I'll bet that book scares you even more, kike.

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720281  No.130105


I know of one guy who went and never got doxed:

the one in all the pictures waving the swastika flag

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5462c2  No.130109

File: e09fbd907f3fda9⋯.png (354.57 KB, 760x1490, 76:149, adl_screenshot.png)



Pic related. Apparently Richard Spencer is saying he is involved in lawsuit stemming from Charlottesville which is equivalent to organizers of anything can get in trouble one of the lower members does something illegal even though they had nothing to do with it. If that is true, then it is obviously only applied white right groups because no collective could survive that type of prosecution… There must be some other explanation, this can't be true. Spencer must of done something illegal.

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5462c2  No.130129


>Roberts rules is the solution to stopping subverters.

No fren. I see what you're saying, and Roberts rules might be fine for certain groups, but I personally feel the rules of order for a NatSoc meetup needs to be a page long, two at most.

Why are you on Roberts dick? You really think it would be that helpful? I personally don't like them, I've used them before.

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565485  No.130206


>the rules of order for a NatSoc meetup needs to be a page long, two at most.


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fe75a5  No.130208


Dude, you can sue anyone for anything these says in the US and it's A-OK. Children can sue their parents, niggers can sue whites and jews sue everyone. It's the American way.

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fe75a5  No.130209


Also, it's not a criminal suit, dummy. It's civil bullshit. Niggers are suing Spencer and his lot for literally upsetting them and causing "grief" and some other wild shit. The kike lawyers on the nigger's side have amassed literally tens of millions of dollars to pay for this nonsense which has been going on for nearly 3 years now.

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ab58fd  No.130215

File: 9028fbb23c5a7d8⋯.jpeg (8.7 KB, 200x150, 4:3, Daviswolfganghawke.jpeg)

Spam penis enlarger pills

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ffdb5c  No.130216

I always say that if Hitler was alive today, he wouldn't be a national socialist.

This is because Hitler the smartest man of his time and a master subversive.

You can see by his flags, his rhetoric, even the name socialist he took from his enemies because socialism was popular back then.

Hitler would look at people who wear the swastika and the national socialist name today and would consider you utterly retarded.

Why don't you make a White Lives Matter group instead?

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5462c2  No.130221

File: 06946a9a64c1ab9⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 399x350, 57:50, af6.jpg)


> if Hitler was alive today, he wouldn't be a national socialist

Well now you've done it. You are dumb. Maybe he would advocate not being an open National Socialist, but in private, gtfo

>even the name socialist he took from his enemies because socialism was popular back then.


Read that thread to learn why he called it national Socialism.

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927d82  No.130235


OP start local by chatting up guys at the gun range, gym, etc. or any other place you might find like minded individuals. Look for bars or venues that feature the kind of music that would attract the right guys, IE Folk Metal, WN/Aryan Black Metal, and White Power music in general.


Find this kind of shit and chat guys up.

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720281  No.130261


There are alternatives to Roberts: Atwood's Rules, Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, and some bodies such as the US Senate have their own rules. Which you choose is less important than you choose one. Otherwise at best people can easily do things like: rambling and consuming time without making a proposal, moving discussion off topic, changing topic before the immediate question is resolved. At worst you get the problems you always see in situations like CHAZ or Occupy where whoever has the microphone or the loudest voice has floor until they give it up.

With all the things a body interested in making action decisions has to do: making and modifying proposals, postponing decisions, hearing, accepting and acting on reports, appointing and referring to committees, electing officers, conducting an annual meeting of representatives from all chapters–it seems fanciful to expect that rules to address all possible situations could fit on only a few pages.

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d02076  No.130355


op are you new to this? listen you need to let people come to you not invite someone, by that i mean have a intelligent mind, a decent amount of muscles and get a hair style and clothes that complement you, that way you'll attract people and then throw in some red pills and then create your group. we need to get more normies is not already red pilled guys

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294ded  No.130872


The use of analogy and the plan is good. I suggest these rules of order be also performance criteria. It should be that even if an ally suggests something sub-par it gets shot down out of its lack of merit. It should also be that a complete internal conception of the group's values, behavior, attitudes, methods, knowledge, skills, orientation, discipline, spirit, and concepts or ideas be instilled in the functioning of the group in order to distill the "logic" that all follow. In the end this is a military sort of organization.

>Thesbian Threat

Hierarchy. Military style. Objective requirements for a certain tier or level and then trusted members promoted to council or inner circle drawn from those that have passed the levels of objective requirements to reach top rank. Outdo your own requirements then place them as the next milestone to reach an even higher rank. Or, set them out before you and reach the top before applying them to others, or start small with a few peers and go up the ranks of this hierarchy you'll be establishing together. Trusting the few founders, trusting few others.

>Creating Chaos of Communication

Multiple ways of handling this. For one, top brass can shut down discussion in their presence. Open discussion is for a group gestating something together, which isn't really necessary in a hierarchy except amongst the excellent or rather those on one level operating within parameters; they submit a proposal in PAPER up the chain meeting standards of submission, a template and rubric with a presentation to sell the idea if necessary. Just think military to clarify a lot of things.

Basically, don't let lower ranks say how things should be run. If higher equal ranks that aren't inner circle, or if you decide against inner circle as you don't trust your own judgement or it's contrary to your premise, you'll need to keep it amongst the higher ranks and have punishments for

blabbing and inciting dissent. Keep higher rank and file separate from lower rank in matters of how shit should be run. Think long-term timescale for issues amongst peers - thus creating plenty opportunity to resolve an issue and identify the emptiness of someone's claim/argument.

You have too much commune logic right now. I am trying to see the merit in it, but there really isn't any. Collaborate with individuals, lead the group.

>Moving toward illegal activity

Banning illegal activity is the way to go. You can discuss possible illegal moves online with some faceless thinktank like /pnd/ or even more secure and anonymous by secretive means (there's some threads on this, BBS one for instance). You should just figure shit out on your own though. Document and get full intel, surveillance on people you may want to use in some illegal activity. Go full CIA on them. Install a keylogger on their devices, get comp activity. Figure out who is clean and go from there. You could do that on everyone's devices even if you need a great "purge" as you change the nature of your organization. In the end you want to turn even a CIA operative to your side by the truth of your cause.

The psyop thread has an image on the Chinese Communist tactics to turn POWs. It's clever. Instead of just "letting people join" though you should convince people to join. If they want to join in the first place or too easily, start to argue the points made by your enemies and try to convince them that your group is wrong or how your oppositions arguments/cause could be wrong - if they can't figure it out, casually end the discussion and say you'll see them later, and that they should figure out some good counters before then.

This is until you train up some real critical thinkers and autodidacts to handle that shit for you. Red pill for days. Use public white papers, back up and archive online white papers.


Talking stick is retarded shit regurgitated from summer camp sixth grade. Shut the fuck up. Only a few need to know some well thought out thorough rules like a parliament's rules of order, and then it can be turned into something intuitive and more visceral like a stick, possibly reduced down by a lot, then with some interesting stuff aligning with one's purposes added in.


You got a passing grade for adding that last line.


A couple pages if particularly clever and creative with a great sense of purpose - perhaps different papers for different purposes though, you know what I mean? One pamphlet for casual stuff, then layers of formality and importance according to the level of purpose involved. Add visceral components, totemic even, to anchor the ritual. Give the formality a name and make it part of the vision.


You should be looking into other places if you want productivity. Think - whom is more productive than congress or parliament? Lot of answers here.


This is base-line good sense.

Found this site: https://fs.blog/mental-models/

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294ded  No.130873

>On Reflection

Thinking about what I've typed so far, I think introducing war literature will create a frame of mind that as at once combative and efficient. Thus Clausewitz On War, Sun Tzu Art of War, John Boyd's works and whatever else are all good ways of mental framing.

As well, go through the shill tactics and psyop tactics you can find in the psyop thread and discuss those as a group and figure out why they may work, why they may fail, and the costs endured whether they succeed totally or partially and whether in an attempt to stamp them out one incurs a cost and what that cost is.

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402a62  No.131168


That's not how National Socialism or any reactionary political platform works. You don't organize a 'meetup' like some fag convention. Spend all your time on building a platform with ideas that take direct action. summarize those points and keep the list to a maximum of ten. print it a thousand times with a date and a location to hear you talk about those ideas and distribute wherever you find your own kind, construction sites, dmv, anywhere. Distribute by discreetly handing out after a remark in a waiting room, a crossing look of recognition when both looking away from an ugly ape, you get my point. Try not to put them up on walls and poles etc. until you are established. All the while, work on speeches where you address these points, with clear ways on how to solve them. Don't leave it up for debate or like what you see here with all the non-committing bullshit hidden fags. Be precise and be determined and leave no room for argument.

Then hold your meeting. Include direct action for attendees to take part in, and focus on helping our own in need. National Socialism is a message of Love. Good luck faggot.

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402a62  No.131172


I meant a 'revolutionary political platform', not reactionary. English is not my native language. And no faggots, it's German.

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402a62  No.131173


Oh and for God's sake, leave your fake SS uniform and Reichs flag at home. Don't fetishize. Everyone here that pushes this onto your meeting is a closet faggot. The Ideas matter, the rest is for much later, given you start from below zero.

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c64f89  No.131190

File: c00166a1e843661⋯.jpg (66.33 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, 1592855927465m.jpg)

File: 8784eb4ca21e21d⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 900x432, 25:12, 1592856955272.jpg)



Don't use telegram for gods sake

We found all of antifa's telegram groups within days, and the glows have access

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c64f89  No.131192

File: 6d63064cdbe3aea⋯.png (32.08 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 1591839730962.png)


Being a fascist in America is like being a Communist in Japan.

You can exist, but you won't live a private life for the rest of your days

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fe75a5  No.131194


That's why you live in a state with Castle doctrine and stand your ground, in case anyone wants to get frisky.

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fe75a5  No.131195


It's still a better alternative to discord and it has private channels that you can set up for only select individuals. You can find all the public channels, but private channels are a different story. And even if the glows have access, just don't be fucking stupid enough to post incriminating shit on an app where screenshots can be taken easily. Like seriously, shut the fuck up if you plan on doing shit. You're on your one and you're a glow nigger if you even think about implicating another person.

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c64f89  No.131200

File: 35587d50ba769e5⋯.jpg (277.75 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 7828906_36f3422305_b.jpg)

File: cf553f22e2c5cdd⋯.jpg (329.42 KB, 1024x828, 256:207, gettyimages_1162766180_102….jpg)


Is the stick really necessary? It's just bad optics

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5ed09a  No.131324



The stick is not necessary at all. A podium will suffice. Or standing up when you speak. Or standing on one side of the room with something on the wall behind a person or by the natural lay of the room. If you're working in a small group there's no reason to overthink it, take command if necessary to push things forward when people are stuck. If you're in a large group then go with the podium, and take a VIP seat nearby in the audience but to the side a bit. If you have a #2, #3, whatever, they should sit/stand near you or stand somewhere else near the podium/platform/speaking side of the room as you are.

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4b4459  No.131383


Nigger, Hitler and the NSDAP passed a lot of socialist laws and projekts.

Like building the autobahn, awarding mother crosses for having lots of children

and reducing the zero interest government house loan to pay off for every child.

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13c31a  No.131390

Good place to ensure the Holocaust actually happens this time.

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8562bf  No.131501


lol why do you have a swastika, a classically fascist symbol in a SOCIALIST flag? Nazis killed socialists

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8562bf  No.131502

get smarter and learn what a swastika is fuckboy

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2be0d8  No.131605

File: a6ddbe6de743890⋯.jpg (38.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tmithc.jpg)



>why do you have a swastika, a classically fascist symbol in a SOCIALIST flag?

OP here. I got the flag picture from the show The Man in the High Castle. Honestly just wanted a decent picture for a thread, but I thought it was an interesting combination to think of a National Socialist styled United States of America.

I don't know much about flag symbology, but I did not know the USA flag was considered socialist.

Another point, it is called National Socialism… Meaning socialism within your race or Nationality….

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f7d3f2  No.132594

File: 6454e5fb41b485b⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 960x944, 60:59, Nazi_Smoking_pic.jpg)

HOW to VET out the RATS!

>A Nazi Meetup Guide.

Preface: lots of stupid replies, thought the Honeypot one raises a Valid Question.

So compiled this guide to help OP, based on a Group I tried to Start during the 2016 fiasco on *cringe alert* fagbook.

I also had the Concern of OP, so when I created the Group, I came up with something Genius…………*Drum Roll*…….

A Questionare!!

Yes, I created a multi-faceted questionare for those who request to join to fill out.

this included:

1. a Psychological Basis of Evaluating MINDSETs.

2. using Open ENDED questions that DO NOT GIVE AWAY the Nature of the Group or its Intent.

I focused on FIVE aspects to Trick People into outing themselves for who they really are.

1. Questions that are philosophical in nature.

Ex A: Name your top five favorite books on historical Philosophy & or Politics?

Ex B: of all the books you ever read, which one, if any, Profoundly changed your outlook and why?

Ex C: If you could go back in Time and change Any Event in History, what would it be?

1. Questions of a Psychological Nature

Ex A: In your own words, describe two Organizations, either past or present, one that you consider "Bad" or "Evil" and one that you Consider "Good" or "Blameless"

3. Questions of an Emotional Nature

Ex A: Name five historic or present Leaders, who you consider "Evil" and why

Ex B: How do you feel about WWII?

Ex C: How do you feel about the Aftermath?

4. Questions of a Primal Nature

Ex A: If you could Punch 3 people in the face, in front of all News agencies and the World, and get away with it scot free, who would you Hit and Why?

5. Questions of a Political Nature

Ex A: What do you think presently is the greatest threat to Freedom and Prosperity, Both to your Nation and the World, and why?


The Point of these kind of questions,

is to get people to write down what they think.

it serves a specific purpose, because the questions are worded in such a way,

that there is clearly NO CORRECT ANSWERs.

So for a Subverter or "Spy" trying to infiltrate the meetings, it will frustrate them with the extra "Chore" of filling out all these seemingly pointless questions,

It will also force them to "Show their Hand" as it were, because by nature subverters are liars, they will tell you what oyu WANT to HEAR, in order to bypass your mental guard. The Solution to this is that the questions in the questionare give them nothing to work with other than their own "Idea" of what they think will get them through the door.

the point isnt to stop them from getting in though, cause sure as there is clouds gathered there will be rain, and so Intelligence Agencies use the Hierarchal Need to Know in order to damage control and leaks.


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f7d3f2  No.132596

File: 39d807d723fc26e⋯.jpg (67.45 KB, 630x954, 35:53, SSbeer.jpg)


when you use open ended questions like this, some of which have nothing whatsoever to do with the reason or mission of the group, it instead gives you, the Reviewer, to see how much energy is put into their answers, prevents COPY PASTA or "Cheet Sheet"s from being made.

Because there is no "Right Answer"

The Goal is to get them to reveal what they have been reading.

The Goal is to get them to reveal what they FEEL.

The Goal is to Allow YOU, to MONITOR those you deem answered "Too Suspiciously"

either by "Force" (I love hitler fuck Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos)

or by Coercion.

this kind of questionare is only useful if you are good at reading past what people post… as an Autist with Aspergers, I have powerful visual information absorbtion, so I can tell, even in a chat room, if the poster is a Male or Female, Old(Traditionally Learned) or Young(brainlet posts)

I can also detect Sincerity in Posts, Emotions such as Enthusiasm, or Lack thereof. these emotions highly effect efforts made into writing.

And I can do just that from a computer screen, when I meet people in person, in conversation, in discussion or debate I can Literally "Sense" insincerity or "Lies" and also I can test the "Depth" of a persons mindset.

The goal isnt to "kick out" anyone that hits the "Marxist" Mark.

But to simply "keep them out of the inner circle"

Spies will be among the "Ambitious" of your membership.

They will want to participate, help organize and "wiggle" their way into a leadership position like a worm in an apple.

"THOSE" are the ones you will want to MONITOR CLOSELY, even to the point of violating their privacy in clandestine ways to find out who they communicate with online, at home, who they drink with at the BAR.

Recommended Reading would be the Camp X manual.

In Todays Technological world, all things are capable of being intercepted and Monitored… except ONE.///

The Handwritten Note,

The Burn After Reading.

Even the best sensors on drones, or electronic surveillance cannot READ the folded piece of paper you carry in your hand.

the only way to Know what it contains is "Old Fashioned Intelligence" IE MEN ON THE GROUND.

Yup thats right, with this method the only way the Feds, or Interpol, or any Alphabet agency to find out what your up to, is to get their Nerdy ass butts off the fucking computer chair, out of their surveillance Van, and come MUG YOU for it.

Once you Evaluate and have decided who to let into "the outermost layer of the inner circle" (thats right keep it onions) you will pass around "notes" to all members as they leave, and bring those whom passed initial inspection to meetings on Certain Days and Locations, and those still under review or deemed suspicious Different Days, and possible locations, to hold meetings controlled by "Specialists" who will monitor them and continue evaluation.

this process should begin after 8-12 meetings.

Evaluation, even for longtime members, must continue.

But eventually, you break these meetings down into "Cells" so that those on the "outer" have no Intel on inner layers or their members.

First Poster mentioned a Honeypot.

well honeypots cost a TON of Money, Manpower, and Resources, and they are only worth it if you are setting up a STING to grab people engaging, or attempting to engage in illegal activity.

there is nothing illegal, last I checked, about having a "Bookclub".

and a "BookClub" is what you should call it.

Notice on my questionarre I didnt put any areas for "Names and Address"

this will maintain anonymity for the first many meetings.

also all cellphones should be turned off or placed in an pre arranged "spot" to prevent use during meetings.

Wifi should be set up to monitor cell use during meetings without the knowledge of those meeting, in order to intercept any communications made during the meeting.

never "CALL OUT" a new member for any suspicious activity… it should be discussed and dealt with by the "Inner Circle" and methods above used to "Separate" them from the rest of the group while maintaining the illusion of "Obliviousness" towards suspected

new member.

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f7d3f2  No.132598


To Dear OP

I am in SW Florida… we aren't too far from eachother. I hope to meet you someday soon.

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2b7372  No.133229


>national socialist


Of course they killed socialists. Did you know that communists killed communists?

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331c2e  No.133231

I feel like "Nazi Meetup" is just going to attract more antifa types and cops to harass you than it is actual national socialists. You'd be better off advertising it as some kind of deep-ecologist meetup or a reading club for Ezra Pound, something that seems really boring and nerdy so it won't attract the attention of undesirables.

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44114c  No.133564

File: 1c7f5ae937ce0b7⋯.png (566.38 KB, 1583x2217, 1583:2217, vet.png)



Thank you. You took the words right out of my mouth. Splinter cells will have to be the way forward, and we NEED to know that if we ever want to eventually play in minecraft. Have a screenshot for your troubles.

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0f53f9  No.133744

File: 1c6010fff0db403⋯.png (760.22 KB, 651x800, 651:800, wehrmacht.PNG)


>filename: SSbeer.jpg

That is not the SS; that is a Wehrmacht officer, retard.

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279061  No.133754

File: dcec6933dbc85ec⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 480x360, 4:3, darktimes.jpg)

File: 44530981f5f0710⋯.jpg (888.61 KB, 2376x1584, 3:2, bb_5bc69f1fcc68c.jpg)


Start one for niggers. I'm not even being facetious.

Start telling the groids the truth. You'll have to dumb it down of course, but talk about how kikes ran the slave trade. How LBJ invented welfare to keep them down. How kikes try to trick them to hate whites instead of their real enemy and how to identify them.

Make it fashionable to wear windmills of friendship. Niggers are like women, they love fashion. No one can deny the NS aesthetic.

Obviously don't be the leader, let the niggers run their own group. You should be an outside consultant or a low level officer.

Now what they do with this information is up to them, but any way it goes it benefits white people. If they become successful then NS has accomplished what no amount of cuckery has. If they do something stupid, well, they're niggers. If they just strut around in NS themed gear, that's fine. The media will find it almost impossible to spin regardless.

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672322  No.133807


Know that almost everybody there will be glowing

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e6face  No.134554

We need to create as many of these groups as possible as a way of tying up investigation resources.

Just don't accept to participate in any illegal plot.

It's would be like a honeytrap for glowniggers.

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c70786  No.134642


>all that Third Reich paraphenalia disgracefully arranged around the very symbol and transmitter of Jewish propaganda, the television

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5462c2  No.135523

File: 5ed2797d6a3e416⋯.png (500.86 KB, 552x1324, 138:331, 25pts.png)

File: a41b2ecc0ab4e7b⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 400x270, 40:27, hitler.jpg)

We need a simple statement declaring the exact viewpoint on the JQ and interpreting the spectrum of our responses to it. People need that clarified from the start.

Something like…

National Socialism has become a protectorate of the freedom to be anti-jewish, as well as many other freedoms of personal choice, and because of this has become entangled in a war with a certain monolithic sect of organized Judaism. Together with our more tolerant members, these form the spectrum of the Jewish Question within national socialism.

National Socialism stands for the segregation of the races into national elements to practice their own versions of Socialism within their own race. Because of the focus put on the national socialist war with this sect of Jews, it has become erroneously believed that Jews cannot be national socialists. But any race, including Jews, may be national socialists, excepting the opinion of our anti-jewish members which form a Jew free segment of the national socialist community. Accordingly, there will be a separate Jew free national socialist meetup, but this meetup is inclusive of the whole spectrum of response to the Jewish Question; and for all national Socialists to dialogue with each other on our disagreements.

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2be0d8  No.139644

File: 2173c6797673445⋯.jpeg (100.04 KB, 1080x881, 1080:881, negro_natsoc.jpeg)


Can you provide any links to any info about negro NatSoc branches in history. I agree NatSoc is for all races, segregated.

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0f839e  No.140061


It is for one race and one race only, white European people of all stripes all others will be exterminated as the lessers they are for their resources and for their destruction of this planet. preach anything less and you will fall with them as a race traitor.

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b6fdeb  No.140068

File: 3fe5d45a3595829⋯.jpeg (12.74 KB, 249x202, 249:202, images_17_.jpeg)

What's the best reading club to join for NYC anons?

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a69bea  No.140077


Someone explain Chaim here what National stands for.


No. Just no. Stop insisting on living with niggers.

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9851d5  No.140114

File: a72ed85fc8c127f⋯.jpg (300.1 KB, 600x1103, 600:1103, hitler_salute2_web.jpg)

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0f839e  No.140251


I know what it stands for, I am an Ethnoglobalist.

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bdc469  No.140355

you sound like an incel loser, go fuck off and die you fucking faggot

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84f965  No.140874

File: d765e9635d167fd⋯.jpg (191.51 KB, 534x600, 89:100, boogaloo_shuffle.jpg)

Can I come too?

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5462c2  No.140901

File: 2c744ccce9d25f6⋯.png (5.32 KB, 235x215, 47:43, united_we_stand_divided_we….png)


>We need a simple statement declaring the exact viewpoint on the JQ and interpreting the spectrum of our responses to it.


There needs to be a framework for NatSocs to get along with each other according to their JQ response. This has how they've been dividing and conquering NatSoc ever since the end of the war.

Not everyone here thinks every Jew needs to be killed, nor does anyone agree on the definition of a Jew. Yet as it is now, the divisions between us on the JQ doesn't allow us to work together in a meetup.

At the minimum we all agree on segregation, at the maximum "kill every Jew" people will refuse to work with anyone that falls short of this view.

… End result is NatSoc civil war

How can we even be in the same room together?

This must be addressed by a few 25 point -type principals to set the scene for a NatSoc meetup.

Even Hitler only threatened extermination of the Jewish race "in europe" only in response to if Jews started another world war that would kill millions of Germans again. He didn't believe in complete exterminatino.

IMO there is a possibility of a segregated peace with jewry. Yeah, I'm a "not all Jews" NatSoc. Let the varied response to this post demonstrate the JQ division in our party. Until we heal this division we'll only ever be at half strength.

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b70f7f  No.140939



Careful with that "healing divisions" rhetoric, schlomo. You're speaking out the wrong end.

But yes it would make sense to consolidate our powers and come to some decision on the JQ.

It makes no sense to keep Jews in our country. But we have to define Jews. If you had a Jewish grandmother, are you now a Jew? Even if you're defined as just "dangerously jewish", the question really is whether we expel you or not. Do we expel these quarter Jews? I say yes. A quarter Jew can be a vengeful Jew, outraged by the expulsion of his grandmother and parents. Then say we permit the seniors to stay? Can the quarter Jews remain? I say a quarter is too much Jew. 12.5% Jewish or less is much more acceptable, but a Jew can always manage to get himself over-represented in anything, including a person. 4% Jewish and he'll wind up in 20% of his professional and high value faculties. Outrageous.

A 1/8th Jew is basically 5/8ths Jewish. Perhaps then 1/16th Jewish? 5/16ths Jewish in effect shouldn't be too bad. The limit being at 1/10th Jewish, as that would be in effect half Jewish.

I believe expelling the 100 - 11% Jewish individuals would be wise. This would prevent "Jew moments" and "Jewing out". This would prevent rat nests, but of course the micro-Jews would find each other and become buddy buddy, though it would be much more harmless. We would not expel those over 60 years of age, and we would give a scaling #amount of time for individuals to leave based on the amount of Jewish blood they have. 11 -25% Jewish individuals might get 9 months, 25 - 40% getting 6 months, 40 - 66% getting 3 months, 66 - 75% getting 1 month, 75 - 100% getting 2 weeks.

No more than 1 piece of land may be transferred or sold to any given Jew in this time.

This seems reasonable, no?

Now for the evil Jews of notoriety - hang them. For any evil fuckers at all - hang them. Actually, electric chair. Simple.

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99ce68  No.140949

File: 5b63462b4ee9ec5⋯.jpg (74.5 KB, 960x814, 480:407, irl_friends.jpg)

Keep us updated.

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b90ad3  No.159498


shoot me an email. I live close enough to NJ.

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b2302b  No.164516

File: 6884d1e98806522⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 480x360, 4:3, then2.jpg)

Alright we did it. Official in person natsoc meetup going in New Jersey/ Eastern Pennsylvania.

If anybody else is nearby, respond.

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a8292c  No.164517


Do note that this is a honeypot.

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90579c  No.164519

File: 6f4e7fb7a4818e8⋯.jpg (129.04 KB, 1024x638, 512:319, we_fought_the_nazis.jpg)


Where's the honey?

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4acbd8  No.164525

File: 7370db367e9e4de⋯.jpg (4.39 KB, 198x143, 18:13, honey.jpg)


> Everything good in this world is a honeypot.

You know, sometimes it's just honey.

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a8e541  No.164526

File: 5dee090479f3a4c⋯.jpg (136.74 KB, 660x791, 660:791, 5dee090479f3a4c951fd1ee500….jpg)

File: 0db46a18e858fa1⋯.jpg (105.54 KB, 780x398, 390:199, 0db46a18e858fa161b92759048….jpg)


Whatever you say, Mike

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4d139a  No.164535

File: e96942088393bfa⋯.gif (262.96 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 15f20a5949cdf772a5768fdede….gif)


>Call FBI

>Tell FBI where you want to meet

>Tell FBI that you are trying to get the media there also

>Call CNN tell them about your meet-up

>Get a bunch of signs and stuff for "fellow supporters" to use

>Call Antifa to tell them where you are meeting with the FBI bros

>Tell FBI that you have Antifa set up and CNN is coming also

>Look for crisis actors

>Set date and time for everything to kick off

>Have your National Socialist meetup in New Jersey

It's really easy anon, why do you even have to ask?

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b2302b  No.164548

File: 022260ce49cdaee⋯.jpg (116.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, defeatists.jpg)

File: 472cd55bf81c903⋯.jpg (95.2 KB, 660x405, 44:27, lackofbelief.jpg)



They have a word for people like you. Defeatists.

Let's just give up right? Because everyone might be an undercover.

Just don't get baited into doing anything illegal and then it won't matter.

Original natsoc had to deal with undercover communists all the time. That didn't stop them from meeting.

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4d139a  No.164553



I never said to stop and don't do it. I said go and do it and even told you how to. It's not my fault you are just to dumb to understand.

>anything illegal

Everything is illegal based on context that they make up.

>Original natsoc

No shit and did you read even how they did that? Ya i figured, you spout shit and don't even know history.

So go out and make your little Natsoc group that's just like all the others right? It's funny that a group is trying to be made and not joining the already sub natsoc groups out there and no, I'm not telling you how to get into one because if you are not already in one then you are not aryan.

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a8e541  No.164554

File: 59845dba6c23b37⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 1920x3500, 96:175, 1464281688041.jpg)


>Original natsoc had to deal with undercover communists all the time. That didn't stop them from meeting.

They didn't organize meetings on internet forums run by sketchy faggots like Jimbo and his halfbreed son.

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7fa1f9  No.164567

hey op, I am not sure if you are serious or not, but I live in a state close to you and I have been trying to contact other people in order to create a natsoc meet up group and organize. The city I live in has been attacked by jews before.

i know it is hard to be a redpill fag nowadays, but if you are serious about this, let me know somehow that you are serious and not a larper and I will give you my email.

I am willing to meet up with you and finally start organizing. Also, how old are you? I am twenty.

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a8292c  No.164568







Paid shill confirmed. Honeypot confirmed. DO NOT GO TO THIS MEETING. DO NOT JOIN ANYTHING.


>obvious entrapment is “good”

Kill self.


He’s a serious fed. Do not go to any physical meetings with people you don’t know.

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b2302b  No.164576

File: 324fd180c64c270⋯.jpeg (34.04 KB, 474x474, 1:1, flak.jpeg)



Beautiful. "you know you're over the target when you start hitting flak."


>let me know somehow that you are serious and not a larper

The only proof I have is to say something that a shill wouldn't tell you. And that is to play it safe by assuming me and anyone else you meet could be an undercover, and to act accordingly. Don't ever get baited into doing anything illegal and then you'll have nothing to worry about. But if undercovers want to pretend to be natsoc and help us build something then let them. That's their loss leader with a vain hope that somewhere down the road they can steer us toward illegal activity and make a mass arrest/destroy morale. But never fall for that trap, because in the USA there is still freedom to have natsoc meetups and we don't need to do anything illegal because natsoc makes sense and people are in a discontented weimar type state now perfect timing to win hearts and minds now that the other side is now more than ever obviously exposed as lies.

>how old are you?


Honestly we didn't even exchange names before we met up. If we talk outside the thread I can give you some more info.

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f71a28  No.164582

File: 1971329d91ed721⋯.gif (262.45 KB, 520x360, 13:9, looneytunes_daffy_bloodsho….gif)


>I want to create a local National Socialist meetup in New Jersey. Tips?


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4c5051  No.164619

Glow harder

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a8292c  No.164621





Honeypot confirmed.

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b2302b  No.164644

File: 00ed39e22e9b187⋯.png (281.41 KB, 491x491, 1:1, Gee_I_wonder_who_behind_th….png)

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a8292c  No.164648


>jews want to stop whites from going to jewish honeypots

You’re really pathetic.

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b2302b  No.164662

File: aaf991d0e8e5821⋯.gif (875.89 KB, 500x271, 500:271, wtf_a_jew.gif)

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b2302b  No.164706

File: 972deef15f96020⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, then_2.jpg)

Alright we did it. Official in person natsoc meetup going in New Jersey/ Eastern Pennsylvania.

If anybody else is nearby, respond

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a8292c  No.164711


Do note that this is a bot repeating posts about a honeypot.

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b2302b  No.164717


Do note that this is a JIDF trying to slide meetup success/details off the end of the thread.

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d9ac3d  No.164730

File: ef4e368cea552b1⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 400x549, 400:549, georgeoldtimer.jpg)


>Gee I wonder who.jpg

Someone who knows it's an incredibly bad idea for us to get together in one convenient location. Even if you leave the glowniggers out of it entirely, we have enemies, both as /pol/ and as white straight men. In CY+5, some fucknugget BLM/Antifa faggot could be waiting around the corner with molotovs. Use your fucking brain.

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b2302b  No.164741

File: 73aec6487666edb⋯.gif (859.37 KB, 600x422, 300:211, stop_posting_smack_smack.gif)


>it's an incredibly bad idea for us to get together in one convenient location

As if the entire pol board is coming to this one meetup to give antifa opportunity to take us all out in one shot.

…It sounds more like you're saying that it's a bad idea for any of us to get together in any location.

That's like some "stay at home 24/7 cuz the corona might get you" retarded type logic.

Who is gonna fall for that here.


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ad5984  No.164745

File: 570a17ac7a39534⋯.jpeg (16.01 KB, 300x200, 3:2, E84FF3F7_C0DD_4F12_BA5E_E….jpeg)


Just bring a gun and start blasting if you get attacked problem solved.

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b2302b  No.164769

File: 17fa59afbb96f75⋯.jpg (368.31 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, make_it_real.jpg)

OP here: Thread reminder, If you live in/near New Jersey and want in on this NatSoc meetup so you can finally stop hiding on the computer…

then put your junk email in this thread and we'll contact you.

What do you have to lose/risk, meeting us in a public place?

Make Uncle Adolf proud.

Sieg Heil

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a8292c  No.164770


>you’re a jew because you don’t want whites to fall for jewish tricks



>reductio ad absurdum fallacy because he can’t reply to what was actually said





lol, every fucking time

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7fa1f9  No.164825




lmaooo the same shills attacking this thread are attacking the other thread about the national justice party.

Goddamn these filthy kikes really think they're smart huh. We all know the kikes run the media and if you are not with us, you are by default siding with the other side.

You kikes are pathethic.

Also, here's my junk email.


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b07061  No.164826


>the entire pol board

>200 IPs

Imagine how awkward it will be when everyone in the meeting glows.

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a8292c  No.164843


>wow the same people who exposed my other honeypot are exposing this honeypot

>what are the odds


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06b141  No.164848

I live nowhere near there. But what is the danger in meeting glowniggers? You can just dox them once you background check them and expose who they are and who they work for.

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e645b0  No.164857

File: cf7f75df1bfabb2⋯.gif (495.5 KB, 500x246, 250:123, cf7f75df1bfabb24b9db334301….gif)


>lmaooo the same shills attacking this thread are attacking the other thread about the national justice party

Maybe they're not shills and they realize that both threads are inter-connected. Maybe you're just some redditor who listens to TDS all day and thinks Kike Enoch is your savior.

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f817e4  No.165017

Glownigger thread.


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b2302b  No.165035

File: bb1cc66d20db701⋯.png (49.85 KB, 806x300, 403:150, IRL_natsoc_vs_internet_nat….png)





OP here: Thread reminder, If you're near New Jersey then come to this NatSoc meetup, and experience your volk outside of a computer…

put your junk email in this thread and we'll contact you

Meeting in a public place, what do you have to lose?

What would Uncle Adolf do?

Sieg Heil

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a8292c  No.165038



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b2302b  No.165048

File: 578c7a336e3b0bb⋯.jpg (130.12 KB, 680x644, 170:161, natsoc_girl.jpg)



drop your junk email if you want a member card

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a8292c  No.165049


You jews are shit at memetics.

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79197d  No.165061

File: 5c9813eec983b5c⋯.gif (80.16 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 1537813352744.gif)

kys my man

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11bcd5  No.165420


Good news, anon. Your state is the j*wish capital of the U.S. Just pretend you’re hosting a fake NatSoc party to catch Nazi’s and you’ll be a-shoeing to have a big turn out. Have everyone bring their favorite dish and exchange contacts referencing articles everyone’s published on HuffPo or NYT

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a8292c  No.165446


Type the word or piss off. You don’t belong here.

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b90ad3  No.165792


This is me. I met up with OP. Can confirm it wasn't a trap and he's not a fag. We talked for a bit and had a beer, but he had to go.

Seriously, if you're in the area, either hit up my email natsocjersey@protonmail.com or post here. It's not a honeypot.

>in b4 that's what a honeypot would say

don't be a fucking cowardly faggot. Meet your volk.


glownigger fucking confirmed. Doesn't want us to meetup in real life and get organized.

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a8292c  No.165801


>clearly a honeypot

>clearly pretending to have met

>not even trying to hide the fact that this wasn't real


Do note that this is a honeypot.

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b2302b  No.165805


You sure keep a close eye on this thread for someone who is disinterested.

I know you're a troll, but in case not, then go ahead and tell me what's your solution if not to meetup?

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a8292c  No.165851

File: a8d94fe06707720⋯.jpg (174.07 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Criticism_Creates_Support.jpg)


>lol wow ha ha [copied and pasted things that only paid shills have ever said]

>join us goyim

>we’re not furious that you exposed us literally instantly lol


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b2302b  No.167339

File: bfdb2fa6793c92a⋯.jpg (85.73 KB, 768x432, 16:9, meeting.jpg)

New Jersey NatSoc meetup happening this weekend. Either tomorrow, 10/16 or 10/17. Send natsocjersey@protonmail.com a message of you want to come.

Make Uncle Adolf proud…

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a8292c  No.167341


Do note that this is a honeypot.

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b2302b  No.167343


Wow, do you check this thread every 15 minutes or something?

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ebdda7  No.167348

Natsoc IRL is a giant larp and will only attract fed spies.

We're nowhere close to the point of being able to do Natsoc IRL.

We have to continue to latch on to the conservative movement and adjust accordingly until enough people get red-pilled and it reaches a critical mass.

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b251e0  No.167350


You'll never get the same result that the radical left has because the right wing disavows identity politics entirely.

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6ede46  No.167351

American style fascism should be *relatively* void of German symbols/ideals and not a straight up copy paste job of German National Socialism. You have to appeal to the average white American. Use Gold Eagles instead of the swastika. A new movement needs to be created.

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a8292c  No.167352


Wow, do you think anyone’s going to fall for your honeypot?

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b90ad3  No.167354


>A new movement needs to be created.


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6a4309  No.167357


Instead of heiling hitler, try heiling George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and so on forth. These are the right wing American idols, not hitler. As far as most Americans are concerned hitler is basically their version of satan that their grandparents fought tooth and nail to defeat, so that was a rhetorical dead end to begin with.

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6ede46  No.167371


too bad it's just another jew controlled right wing political party and not a spiritual movement as well like natsoc


some of those guys may have been involved in jew/mason shenanigans. none of them are as great a man Hitler was either.

the founding fathers and an assortment of greek/roman symbols/philosophers seems to work with the well meaning less intelligent folk who fall into alt right and aren't ready for Hitler.

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b2302b  No.167399

File: 00b3caf501ecbbd⋯.jpeg (190.8 KB, 1080x900, 6:5, do_it.jpeg)


>Natsoc IRL will only attract fed spies.

It will attract both spies and legitimate volk.

Original natsocs had same problem except with communist spies.

It's part of the Game. Step up, don't give up.

Read the thread we talked about this already.

>We're nowhere close to the point of being able to do Natsoc IRL.

We already did it. And we're doing it again.

You're referring to muh optics.

We're nowhere close to gaining anything by openly declaring ourselves to a mind controlled american public, yes.

But a discrete meetup amongst ourselves? Yes.

>We have to wait until it reaches a critical mass.

We're there now.


>American fascism shouldn't copy German National Socialism.

German NatSoc is for Germans. NatSoc ideology is for everyone.

>average white American.

Almost half of white Americans are at least half German

>Gold Eagles instead of the swastika.

How about both.

Stop pandering to normies by worshipping uninspiring PC political tactics that they subconsciously recognize/hate after 70 years of American Weimar 2.0

The mob of normies are feminine in nature.

They respond to patronizing manliness that takes charge.

Weimar 2.0 has squeezed dry their responsiveness to PC tactics.

If you don't believe National Socialism is the answer to all the world's problems, then what are you doing here?


>A new movement needs to be created.

You're talking to a true believer.

The movement has been created.

You're referring to optics tactics, a seemingly new movement.

And I agree. But behind the "new movement" veil, it's NatSoc.


>Instead of heiling hitler, try heiling George Washington

No. We hail Hitler like they used to Hail Caesar.

Washington at best was good apple freemason among a rotten orchard.

NatSoc was an enemy of the rotting carcass of a freemasonry that had become corrupted by power.

>try heiling Andrew Jackson, not hitler.

These are regular heroes you're comparing a man who ushered in spiritual/political movement that is only one step below religion.

You're talking about a mixed race country and comparing it a segregationist NatSoc ideology.

America must be purified and take the next step toward the next level of greatness by carrying the pregnancy of the next NatSoc revival.

America was great, but that shouldn't prevent it from becoming greater. You want it to remain the same for sake of appealing to normies who can't hold a thought longer than it's propagandized to them.

Once the shit propaganda stops, they'll snap out of it soon after.

Until then, that's the name of the Game. Step up. Don't give up.

>Normy Americans think hitler is satan

That shit has backfired on them, as the "you know you're over the target when you start hitting flak" dawns on people and Adolf draws a gasping sense of awe struck which makes any book with a picture of Adolf or a swastika fly off the shelves.

Every mother that parentally alienates her son from his father tells him how bad daddy is. But they always realize it was bullshit eventually. So will go America.


Again. You're referring to optics tactics for the normy mob. I agree with you, but we're concerning ourselves with the leadership behind the tactics here; which should be pure NatSoc. I think we agree more than we disagree.

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b2302b  No.168744

File: 1f1330140e8805e⋯.jpg (122.92 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 8chan_meets_IRL.jpg)

New Jersey National Socialist meetup happening on Saturday 10/31.

Send natsocjersey@protonmail.com a message if you're interested.

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bef60e  No.168759


Do note that this is a jewish honeypot.

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bd6c28  No.168887

File: 7e4c8310182e338⋯.jpg (540.12 KB, 652x2255, 652:2255, Hail_victory_my_fellow_nig….jpg)


checked and keked

>dat monkey


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d1a02a  No.169236


Your first two points were good, but your third point needs clarification/an addendum: Illegal lulz is only to be discussed by the top members.

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22935f  No.169294

File: c40efb84ba46673⋯.jpg (8.69 KB, 242x219, 242:219, c40efb84ba4667364ce4dae006….jpg)


> >Instead of heiling hitler, try heiling George Washington

No. We hail Hitler like they used to Hail Caesar.

Washington at best was good apple freemason among a rotten orchard.

NatSoc was an enemy of the rotting carcass of a freemasonry that had become corrupted by power.

>try heiling Andrew Jackson, not hitler.

These are regular heroes you're comparing a man who ushered in spiritual/political movement that is only one step below religion.

You're talking about a mixed race country and comparing it a segregationist NatSoc ideology.

America must be purified and take the next step toward the next level of greatness by carrying the pregnancy of the next NatSoc revival.

America was great, but that shouldn't prevent it from becoming greater. You want it to remain the same for sake of appealing to normies who can't hold a thought longer than it's propagandized to them.

Once the shit propaganda stops, they'll snap out of it soon after.

Until then, that's the name of the Game. Step up. Don't give up

You are a moron. Continue worshipping your foreign idol and ignoring the founders of the very country you live in.

You will fail like your leader and all the other american hitler ideology worshippers have.

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499861  No.169415

File: 8eafd81b158b930⋯.webm (3.9 MB, 640x730, 64:73, Boys_are_back.webm)


You need recruiting media that will let the prospects know they're joining a large group of like-minded individuals who they feel comfortable being with.

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b4a859  No.169426

Fucking see-through glownigger or illuminating idiocy. You don't need to give and indication if you're a functional human being and have person-to-person-without-a-mask family sanctioned contact.

I wouldn't want to see you at an e conference. Explicity deleted.

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b2302b  No.169668

File: 3683361a6cf7d46⋯.jpg (521.07 KB, 864x1296, 2:3, adolf_stepping_stone.jpg)


>You will fail like your leader and all the other american hitler ideology worshippers have.

Just because Adolf didn't make it across the river, doesn't make him a failure. Pic related.

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9bfae8  No.169708

File: 5899be486d917cb⋯.jpg (75.05 KB, 1080x668, 270:167, image_2000.jpg)


Ki- I mean Mike Enoch used to have a really cool metropolitan book club in NYC. Check out therightstuff.biz. Mike has a lot of good ways to "connect", if you know what I mean ;) all of the meetings are completely anonymous hehehe

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b2302b  No.170291

File: 6df9a19ded5d914⋯.png (15.37 KB, 440x494, 220:247, Jewish_NatSoc_Star_Swastik….png)

Mixed race policy for natsoc falls on a spectrum.

Far right would be the "not one drop" crowd.

Far left would be extreme toleration, yet still keeping segregation and racial hygiene.

JQ is the same thing.

Far right would be the "final solution is the only solution" crowd.

Far left would be extreme toleration.

Can a full Jew be National Socialist? Personally, I think everyone should be a national socialist.

Socialist policies are naturally practiced among your own nationality/extended family. [Racial/Tribal Socialism]

Of course Jews should associate with each other just like any other race.

National Socialism as a cross race collective is simply the different National Socialisms of each race/nationality supporting each other in their segregations and the building of their own separate racial governments on their racial homelands.


>You don't have to be white to be NatSoc:

Good find

However, there is something to be said of there being a monolithic sect of powerful Jews that declared war on National Socialism, but they don't represent all Jews who I would enjoy seeing make their own segregated NatSoc(pic related) and topple that prevailing sect of judaism;

but our volks might not be ready for that until the propaganda war cools off for awhile.

Just thoughts.

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b2302b  No.170307


Meant as a reply to Mike Enoch: >>169708

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74de37  No.170310

File: 697e6e32cfb135e⋯.jpeg (8.22 KB, 308x163, 308:163, lataus_3_.jpeg)


Jesus christ my glower levels are at 100%.

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74de37  No.170311


Jews can be a natsoc when they enter the chamber.

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74de37  No.170316


That is good. But due to the glownigger shit. People wanna avoid being busted by feds or mossad.

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b7a95c  No.170684


Jews naturally evolved to be a parasitic race. They are high IQ gypsies. Even now Israel cannot sustain itself, it leeches off the assistance of other white countries. They cannot conceive of national socialism.


For a guy doing a podcast almost daily, you're going to find a lot of material to clip and take out of context. But in that quote, he was talking about "in terms of who's going to be part of this movement" and that in his case, whatever it may be, he thinks he's earned inclusion. He's not admitting he's a jew or a mixed jew; it's an example. And we know what his case in particular is, he was married to some mixed kikess after growing up in Jew York City. Again, that doesn't mean he's jewish at all. The English language when being spoken can have mixed meanings.

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b2302b  No.171116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Jews naturally evolved to be a parasitic race.

I'm not experienced with to what degree/ratio that is true, but if it is then it's all the more reason to support the few jews who can conceive of NatSoc.

Every race has their negative characteristics to come to terms with.

But even if Jewdom resists NatSoc, they'll be forced into it eventually if everyone else becomes NatSoc first.

>Israel cannot sustain itself, it leeches off the assistance of other white countries. They cannot conceive of national socialism.

As far as Israel, aren't they more preferable than the islamists/arabs/Turks who were there before them? I thought that's why the west supports Israel, it's a beachhead against middle east islamification, and also a flank maniver against the waning Turkish supremacy on that region during the last 500 years. See: https://youtu.be/KuwanQyGKHw

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b7a95c  No.171371


Jews have historically been a diaspora. They have migrated to, leeched off of, and were kicked out of 109 (maybe 110 now) countries. Israel is an extremely recent and unique phenomenon, and even still was *granted* to them through no power of their own. Jews cannot coexist with other peoples the same way a parasite doesn't coexist with other organisms. Again, they migrated to, leeched off of, and were kicked out of 109 countries - and they show no fucking remorse for it.

That's a false dichotomy. It's not Israel or mudslimes, the real answer is: neither. But you think those mudslimes really cared about the West before they suddenly had a new neighbor that's hostile to them forced into their region by the West? How is it a beachhead? The mudslimes were already busy killing themselves. Why did we care about the fucking Middle East before the existence of Israel?

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b2302b  No.171423

File: e4fed766b20f530⋯.jpg (73.96 KB, 550x427, 550:427, The_Trail_of_Napoleon.jpg)


>Jews cannot coexist with other peoples

Doesn't NatSoc imply coexisting with only your own people? Socializing within your nationality…

>the same way a parasite doesn't coexist with other organisms.

Doesn't that imply jews would die under a jewish NatSoc governance, since a parasite can't survive without a host?

Or maybe the less parasitic jews would survive and their race might evolve in a better direction?

>they migrated to, leeched off of, and were kicked out of 109 countries.

Again I'm not experienced on to what degree/ratio their parasitic racial characteristics manifest itself in their volk, and you may be right, but I always associated most of their expulsions due to their leadership's reputation for having orchestrated the killing of Jesus.

Still this would only be more reason to segregate them and force them into a NatSoc government by default, if they wouldn't do so voluntarily.

>It's not Israel or mudslimes, the real answer is: neither.

But isn't the enemy of your enemy your friend? Isn't it standard to prop up the weaker of two conflicting sides in a region you're trying to distablize, so that they weaken each other before you come in to take over?

>How is it a beachhead?

The Otroman empire was impenetrable for half a millenium until the world wars. The Turks want to return their old empire to it's former glory and Israel is a beachhead standing in the way of that.

Not to mention all the trouble we've had trying fighting Turks/Muslims in the Balkans; Israel is in the perfect position (beachhead) to force the Turks into a two front war. The Turks are the lifeline of the Albanian/Kosovo muslim powers in the Balkans that have been the bane of white civilization ever since the fall of Constantinople.

>Why did we care about the fucking Middle East before the existence of Israel?

Speaking returning empires to their former glory, many would say the Mediterranean coastlands are native white lands; but for myself I think the Romans over extended themselves when that territory is more rightly Egyptian, but still the Anatolian peninsula has always been white/european/greek/Trojan ever since ancient times until the Turks flooded in after fleeing the mongol advance and decided to stay.

Israel is in a perfect position to flank the Turks and pester them until whites can restablish themselves all the way up to the former glory of Antioch and send the Turks running back to central asia where they came from.

If whites shouldn't care about the middle east as you say, then what do you care if Jews want settle there, especially if they're going to hurass our long-term enemy in the Turks who just won't quit meddling in eastern Europe/Greece and from what I hear they have infested Germany with sleeper cells.

>How is it a beachhead?

How the hell isn't Israel a beachhead against all that? You can't let your feelings toward Jews distract you from the bigger picture and the retaking of Constantinople in particular.

Even Napoleon preached about the importance of Constantinople to Europeans and thought it wise to flank the Turks by invading through mamluke Egypt and north along the coast.

Constantinople was a major seat of white power and heritage and it's a fucking disgrace that Turks are still roasting their kebabs there.

To stop supporting Israel would be to hand it over to the Turks and strengthen their position over our precious ancestral homelands.

Heil Hitler

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b7a95c  No.171504


This is some serious jew brainwashing. First off, go look up what gypsies are, what they do, and their way of life. Then imagine a higher IQ version of them. That is jews. Or look up the story of the scorpion and the frog. From the time of Judas, they have always been traitors to white people. White people evolved to be more trusting and altruistic, possibly to get through long winters. Jews since their conception, for whatever reason, mythological or otherwise, evolved specifically to take advantage of the trust and altruism of white people. Jews constantly engage in wordplay, always try to subvert contracts, and always try to commit usury. You cannot form a national socialist state with a people who would be constantly trying to trick and con the other person. They were kicked out of those 109 countries because they couldn't help themselves from being jews.

Israel has spied on the US, orchestrated attacks on its' military for false flags, taken state secrets and sold them to China, have received a total of 142.3 billion in US foreign aid, and continues to receive ~3.8 billion every year. They use this to further their plans for Greater Israel - not to help white people retake Constantinople. This "beachhead" Israel is providing has not given us any benefits, we are no closer to retaking Constantinople, and it has instead sent Muslim "refugees" into western European countries and further incensed Muslims against the West, while Israel conveniently gets only few bottle rockets launched at them. I don't believe the US or other western nations, if they were serious, would have much trouble destabilizing the Middle East for the sake of retaking Constantinople. The Muslims were already busy inbreeding and killing each other. Even if a beachhead is supposedly necessary to retake Constantinople, Israel is the worst beachhead in the history of beachheads.

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c9e592  No.171545

File: 62dfd10808d7e64⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 224x225, 224:225, georgeledont.jpg)


>…It sounds more like you're saying that it's a bad idea for any of us to get together in any location.

>sounds more like

Yes. That's literally what I said. I have no idea what you think I originally said. Go back and read it again.

Officially gathering as /pol/ is a bad, bad idea. If you want to meet some acquaintances from the interwebstubes, that's one thing, but stating a meeting place and time, where anyone can see it, is asking for trouble from the fuzz, the alphabet agencies, or the faggots that think "punching a nazi" isn't completely psychopathic. However, you do you. I obviously can't stop you guys. I hope it goes well for you.

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b2302b  No.171594

File: 2059bc18670c2eb⋯.png (99.3 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ottoman_growth.png)


>You cannot form a national socialist state with a people (jews) who would be constantly trying to trick and con the other person.

National Socialism means making a state with only your own nationality. Therefore you wouldn't make a national socialist state with a jew unless you were a jew yourself.

They've corrupted/co-opted/disinfo'd NatSoc so bad that people can't even connect the dots that it was a worldwide ideology that people should govern their own races separately.

The NSDAP was different, being National Socialism for Germans only, and people get it confused to think NatSoc can be only white (see: >>168887 ).

Take the Japanese alliance with Germany, they were NatSoc even if they didn't use that term for it among their people.

Don't get baited into all that neonazi skin head "hate all nigger jewz uh hurrr" bullshit.

Nobody would be forming a NatSoc state with jews except for jews so I don't know what you're talking about.

>Israel has done horrible things to the US and continues to receive ~3.8 billion every year.

The persians funded both sides of the conflicts between Greek Athens and Sparta as a security measure. Im sure they were aware that they disliked Persia but still funded whoever was weaker until they were at a continuous destructive stalemate.

In this case, Israel is weaker and wouldn't survive for a second without US support.

>They use this to further their plans for Greater Israel - not to help white people retake Constantinople.

>This "beachhead" Israel is providing has not given us any benefits

THE TURKS ARE IN CONSTANTINOPLE. The middle east and North Africa are the Lebensraum of the Turks and Israel is DIRECTLY blocking their way. OF COURSE ISRAEL'S EXISTENCE IS HELPING WHITES RETAKE CONSTANTINOPLE.

>we are no closer to retaking Constantinople

ARE YOU NOT AWARE OF THE SHEER FUCKING SIZE OF the ottoman empire just 150 years ago compared to now. They were basically playing the successor of the Persian empire for the last 500 years controlling over half of the Mediterranean coastlands, and using all that wealth to protect their prized capital of Constantinople called Isatanbul.

See Turkey/Ottaman time map: >>171116

Compare that to now they're only in anatolia and you say we're no closer to Constantinople.

Arabian/Islamic civilization is the body of Turkish hegemony and Israel is like a decapitation blade.

Why do you think Yugoslav/Serbia/Kosovo war has been so viscious? Turks have been up the balkans ass as a buffer for Constantinople since their inception, and it's still going on today.

Who gives a fuck if the jews make a place for themselves in the middle east, if it keeps the Turks busy then it's great because we should be more concerned with securing anatolia and southern caucuses.

>Israel is the worst beachhead in the history of beachheads

I think we made due with what had been a shitty military situation for 700 years.

Make no mistake. Turks are on this board making sure to keep NatSoc focused against Jews and off of them

Even Hitler just wanted to deport them to Palestine before the war broke out.

Not staying halocaust+pushing jews aren't a big enemy of NatSoc, but I am saying that Turks are at least as big if not bigger and are currently openly sitting on the most important white lands, infesting Germany, and strategy points toward keeping Israel around being in our best strategic interest… Israel even plays the role of giving countries a place to expel them which had created a lot of problems in the past because they were passed around.

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b7a95c  No.171778


That's not what national socialism really means, but that's beside the point. You wouldn't be able to form a national socialist state with just jews because you wouldn't be able to form any state with just jews because it's impossible to form any cohesive organization if all parties within it are constantly trying to con everyone else. Jews cannot form any comprehensive, national-scale organization. It will self-destruct.

>what about Persia

>what about Turkey

>what about Yugoslav

>what about Serbia

>what about Kosovo


Israel is not playing for white people. You're appealing to consequences by starting from the current state of affairs and somehow linking it to the necessary existence of Israel. Israel is not necessary for anything except jews. Prove to me that it's somehow impossible to retake Constantinople unless Israel exists. Prove to me Israel isn't working with Turkey in the first place. Why do Turks invade all of the rest of western Europe instead of Israel who's smaller than them and is right there?

Hitler wanted to deport them to Madagascar. But a place to expel them to is their problem, not ours. What would be really great is if we expelled all the Middle Easterners into Israel.

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356de0  No.171922

New Jersey Nazis huh.? Give Chris Christie a called. He's looking for a new gig..

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543844  No.171976


>That's not what national socialism really means

Please, tell me what National Socialism really means according to you.

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b7a95c  No.172125


Thank you for your inquiry, I had to think about this. National Socialism is a system or set of policies to enable and exact the greatest good for your people.

Jews are incapable of this and creating a "national socialist" state and then dropping it down on jews is already by definition not a national socialist state. It's like casting pearls before swine. A national socialist state does not fall down on us like manna from heaven, it is borne from the hearts and minds of Man, or it by definition will not be able to be able to exact the greatest good for the very people it's supposed to govern.

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586e75  No.172139


>5 months later


Well … that was fun.

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5ce573  No.172143


It was a honeypot. Always was.

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0cc0ba  No.172159


OP here I am a thin tranny,. checkmate chud

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0cc0ba  No.172161




hi schizo we meet again, fighting the good fight as usual screeching kike at everyone I see. You are doing retards everywhere a great service

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5ce573  No.172208


>defending a honeypot


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7d8e3e  No.172223

File: b52e457ac8be4fe⋯.gif (383.42 KB, 498x340, 249:170, oh_really.gif)


<Explaining what National Socialism is:

>National Socialism is a system or set of policies to enable and exact the greatest good for your people

Good sir, can you opine on why it's called National Socialism to begin with?

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5ce573  No.172228


First, because Hitler was literally trolling (and infuriating) communists by “tricking” people into coming to his rallies because all they knew was “it has socialism in the name.” Second, because the nation (a homogenous genetic group) was being served in a social sense (regarding policies beneficial to its protection and production).

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b7a95c  No.172249


I believe according to The Greatest Story Never Told, Hitler wanted to troll communists by making up a name that sorta sounds like communism, you know, with socialism, but being better, and because it's literally socialism for your nation. "We do not ask the rich to give to the poor, or the poor to give to the rich; we say, Germans, help Germans!" I'm paraphrasing Hitler. But basically, what this guy said >>172228

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b7a95c  No.172273


Oh damn, I finally found it again https://www.bitchute.com/video/j9btyWUMpgOH/ Go to 2:56

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77af42  No.172348

File: fff8f789bd32b7a⋯.jpg (258.96 KB, 1193x566, 1193:566, original_natsoc_vs_neo_naz….jpg)



>Germans, help Germans!

Exactly. Germans help Germans.

Jews help Jews.

Slavs help Slavs.

National Socialism is an idea that can be applied to every race.

-Whether Jews can handle becoming National Socialist or not because of their racial characteristics is a different question; but in theory you leave every race to manage themselves. That's the idea.

-If racial jews are pushed out of every National Socialist government except their own, then that falls into line with what a lot of Jew-phobes want.

But for some, maybe you, they're against leaving Jews to their own collective to do what they will (that is national socialism), and that the only solution acceptable is to exterminate them; …then I do say that you've fallen victim to that mind control trap intended to make us look bad by subverting true national social philosophy into a "KILL ALL THE JEWS" association.


>because Hitler was literally trolling (and infuriating) communists by “tricking” people into coming to his rallies because all they knew was “it has socialism in the name.”

Yeah, that's mainstream narrative pushed post-war in an attempt to prevent NatSoc from making sense to anyone; since everyone knows by instinct segregated racial governments is the right path.

But many modern NatSocs can't see through the obvious post-war mind control game to build neo-nazi groups and trick them into having values completely alien to the original National Socialists via "skin head" type degeneracy.

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8f849a  No.172351


Tbh those guys on the right look like they're having a great time. Neonazism has some merits

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b7a95c  No.172354


National Socialism is an idea that was borne from white people, not something that can be applied to every race just because.

Jews left to their own devices never founded a country of their own. Get this through your fucking head. They still can't and will never form a National Socialist country because they've never formed ANY country. Israel was fucking GIVEN to them and even now survives at the expense of other white people, NOT jews. We've seen what happens when jews are "left to their own collective" - they self-destruct or try as hard as they can to find another host. Can you call self-destruction or leeching off of another peoples "national socialism"? Hardly.

If every white man is immunized to the jew, then exterminations are not necessary, but Norway once had it baked in their fucking constitution that jews were not allowed in their country, and ~40 years later they managed to get the removed. If you don't want jews to be exterminated, then you better work harder to get white men immunized to the jew.

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e80965  No.172371


>How do you break that barrier?

I spent some time in Atlanta with some guys in 2015/16 and I'll give you the "real world" experience of meeting people in real life. It started out as a small meetup where we went hiking on stone mountain, a nice outdoor activity where we could exercise and talk. There were only two guys with me when I met them, and they seemed okay… if not a little "memey" and a little forced… but I chalked it up to them (like me) having zero real-life friends that would laugh at such jokes and wanted to build connections so It was a good time.

We started meeting up at cigar shops and discussing literal /pol/ topics in public. No charismatic glowy "leaders" at that time so it didn't seem like a honeypot and we were still small… but growing. …but because it was a growing it became more and more difficult to screen and trust people. I was reclusive but outspoken when questioned.

We started meeting up at Sam Dickson's house (the lawyer) and had some excellent speakers who flew in from overseas just to speak to us. It was fantastic comeraderie and team building. There were aspiring lawyers and politicians around us with views very sympathetic to /pol/ so it was great.

I knew it took a turn as we grew when we shifted from an application called Dust (end to end encryption, privacy focused, messages delete after read etc…) to some other app I never installed. The "charismatic shithead" appeared at that time, and my small niche of original friends didn't have the clout to expel him.

Eventually there ended up being a mass doxing of my friends (Casey Cooper you can google) after I moved away. It was fucking terrible to watch the subversion and infiltration… and to warn them… and be powerless to stop it. I was focused on my career and moved to a different state, but I think about those guys often and I miss them.

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e80965  No.172376


Point being, I dodged a bullet… barely. I declined an invite to Charlottesville… and I wasn't one of the people who got dox'd because I'm an I.T. guy and saw all the redflags. It's very difficult not to let your desire for fraternity overwhelm your better judgment, but I was able to avoid it by pure luck (job promotion).

So my advice is this.

Don't exponentially expand your friend group. Take it very slow and be very deliberate about what you share and with whom. I'd still participate in a "pool party" type meetup, but I would be very guarded and cautious. Infiltration and subversion is a constant threat… and anons who have spent significant time on /pol/ will have a hard time not "over-trusting" before said trust is earned.

There are no organizations that can do this filtration and evaluation for you… but YOU can do it and you CAN make great long term friends this way.

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5a8475  No.179168

Make sure to press on every detail, stay focused, scout who shows intrest (talk with him more), dont give attention to morons, if possible bring someone old (for authority and fact check), make sure your voice cords stay strong during eventual speach (train the ability), reasamble competence (clothing, look), bring material sources as many as necessery, prepare hard, be strong, muscular poker face at all time, make sure you have listeners prepare strong speach, get pictures (matreial, printed), remind how many yids infiltrated US since 45, expose their shemes

And also make sure to bury every fed in the group including yourself OP

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d263c8  No.180479


fuck off fed

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b2302b  No.180923

File: 60309ddfa18a90b⋯.mp4 (14.34 MB, 320x180, 16:9, THREAD_SOUNDTRACK.mp4)


WHEN: Friday, November 27, 6pm.

WHERE: Morris County, NJ

EMAIL NatSocJersey@protonmail.com for more details. Prepare for some back and forth chat before we give you exact location.

Attached song is now the Thread Soundtrack. Deutschland by No Remorse. I don't know anything about No Remorse, but I like the song.

>>179168 >>180479

>make sure to bury every fed in the group including yourself OP

Not a fed, but the theory is to assume everyone is a Fed or otherwise misrepresenting themselves, and to behave accordingly so that it will not even matter.

This is a harmless DISCUSSION meetup of peace!

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9631bc  No.181689


Spiteful bump.

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a8292c  No.181712


Do note that this is a honeypot. Do not go to this place at this time. Never contact this federal employee.


Sage. This thread is and has always been a federal honeypot. Put a bullet in your head.

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b2302b  No.181762

File: 95f326f25b00d10⋯.jpeg (40.87 KB, 474x455, 474:455, 324fd180c64c2702eb2699a66….jpeg)





The flak gets heavy when you're over the target.

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a8292c  No.181764


>everyone hates me and knows I’m a shill


Do note that this entire thread has always been a honeypot.

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b2302b  No.181784

File: 78d880ec8f945ac⋯.jpg (234.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, duty.jpg)


Dear Honeypot accusing anon,

Really at this point, you should just come.

We've been back and forth on here so much I feel like we're starting to become friends.

What exactly are you afraid of?

Let's assume for the moment that you're right and I am a Fed and this is a honeypot, what then?

Are you gonna let me talk you into committing a crime?

If not, then what are you worried about?

In every struggle you must take calculated risks, and this is a very small risk since we're meeting in a public place.

You can't sit behind your computer all your life else nothing will change.

I actually make the assumption that half the people coming will be undercovers.

That's why it's just a discussion meetup.

For God's sake, do your duty.

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cea5bc  No.181786

File: d0bd4900af06e27⋯.jpeg (143.27 KB, 1080x900, 6:5, meetup.jpeg)






WHEN: Friday, November 27, 6pm.

WHERE: Morris County, NJ

EMAIL: NatSocJersey@protonmail.com

Prepare for some back and forth chat before we give you exact location.

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a8292c  No.181790


>do things jews want you to do



This is a honeypot. Do not go to this location. Do not meet up with anyone. This is literally a federal government entrapment operation.

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ff8338  No.182647

File: 790f7b00fff2488⋯.jpg (122.42 KB, 1024x837, 1024:837, glownigger_demoralizer.jpg)

File: 996a4a400dd589f⋯.png (92.09 KB, 1238x307, 1238:307, NatSoc_food_drive_idea.png)


Basically, what this anon here >>181784 said. It's only a discussion meetup, and they can't really arrest you for simply going somewhere to discuss politics, however fringe and anti-establishment those politics are, much to the glowniggers' dismay. We in America have the right of organization in the 1A, and unless we say something explicitly illegal, then they can't do shit except to put plants in our organizations, which should already be a given at this point.

If we have glowie plants showing up to the meets, we could just institute anti-glowie measures like they are described in these posts:








>do things jews want you to do

Jews do not want us to organize in person. Yes, glowies want to set up honeypots and arrest us for "illegal activity" (wrongthink), but they use honeypots in more ways than just that. See first pic related. They use the lingering fear and paranoia of potential honeypots to perpetually keep us at home and prevent us from in-person, boots on the ground organization. In Mein Kampf, Hitler himself spoke about how there were constantly "folkish pretenders" who only ever took up spiritual weapons and never met in person, and always ran at the sight of commies. He also spoke about how the SA should not be a "secret organization" that hides from the public view. does not conduct activity in the public scene, hides behind the scenes, and only holds "discussions", but rather, that the SA should be an organization that is not only masculine and ordered, but fully visible to the public eye, and actively participating in the public sphere.

Hitler was talking about us back then, and that we would never get anything done in the name of National Socialism if we did not get outside, meet up, and do it. The original National Socialists also had spies and infiltrations, albeit from communists and not from glowniggers, but not much has changed from then to now. We must get out there and person, make connections with like-minded individuals, and make our own organizations. They WILL be infiltrated by glowies at first; this is inevitable. However, we are still more than capable of weeding glowniggers out through many methods that were previously mentioned and alluded to. After we actually organize, we can carry out public demonstrations, and operations like the one in Second pic related, to improve public opinions of us and bring more white people to our cause. No NatSoc revolution will ever happen if we don't get outside, put our boots on the ground, and ORGANIZE to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

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f07faf  No.182675


>oy vey do what jews want

>oy vey entrap yourself

>oy vey put yourselves on lists

This is a honeypot. Do not go to this location. Do not meet up with anyone. This is literally a federal government entrapment operation.

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ff8338  No.182810

File: c3cf10304ca77cc⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1904x2532, 476:633, Naturalism_and_NatSoc.png)

File: 5232a617bb5da70⋯.jpg (682.77 KB, 2048x1438, 1024:719, pol_is_a_NatSoc_board.jpg)

File: db7fbd007fc3550⋯.png (219.8 KB, 1792x544, 56:17, NatSoc_philosophy1.png)

File: d70b00ef65bd442⋯.png (329.43 KB, 1900x794, 950:397, NatSoc_and_art.png)


>>oy vey do what jews want

>>oy vey entrap yourself

>>oy vey put yourselves on lists

>Completely ignoring what I said about how Jews do not want us to organize in person, and misrepresenting my entire argument.

Go play strawman somewhere else, shill faggot. It's a discussion meetup, they can't arrest you for talking, even if it's in-person. You can't entrap yourself if they can't do anything to you, as long as you don't say or do anything illegal.

And even if you do get put on a list, they still can't do anything to you unless you explicitly say or do something illegal. The only thing thye can do if they put you on a list is monitor you, and I guarantee that they're already doing that to everybody that has participated in this thread. Literally just use a VPN or an onion browser, and they can't even monitor you either, let alone try to "entrap" you, let alone try to actually arrest you; list or not. You and this anon >>181790 have been saying nothing this entire thread but

>muh "oy vey do what jews want you to do"

>muh "oy vey entrap yourself"

>muh "oy vey put yourself on a list"


>muh "This is a honeypot. Do not go to this location. Do not meet up with anyone. This is literally a federal government entrapment operation."

That's really the only things that you two have been posting for this entire thread. Whenever some anon like me or this anon >>181784 says that they can't really do anything if you're just talking, you just say the exact same thing, and then call US shills. It's a discussion meetup, and they can't arrest you for discussing something, as long as you say nothing illegal. If the conversation starts moving towards glowie bait topics, then you're free to just go home. Besides, if there are any undercover feds, and they try to bait us into saying something incriminating, it will be obvious to any genuine NS member, including the organizer, assuming he's not a fed himself, so the undercover glowie could just be asked to leave or to at least stop talking about illegal shit. It's that simple. We're not going to instantly get arrested for organizing. We have the freedom of speech and freedom of organization in America, much to (((Their))) dismay.

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ab022e  No.182811


>This is literally a federal government entrapment operation

Entrapment with what legal excuse?

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86e7cb  No.182812


>>Completely ignoring what I said about how Jews do not want us to organize in person

I ignored it because it’s not untrue. What they DO want us to do is attend meet ups organized over the fucking internet on a goddamn honeypot. They don’t want people who already know each other, in local settings and with trust between them, to meet up, plan, and execute action. They’re totally fine withentrapping strangers meeting up with one another,which is what this thread is.


White nationalism is illegal in the United States. It’s classified as domestic terrorism.

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ff8338  No.182822

File: 7fd2b222115bbf8⋯.png (662.94 KB, 1892x2904, 43:66, George_Lincoln_Rockwell.png)


>They don’t want people who already know each other, in local settings and with trust between them, to meet up, plan, and execute action.

While that's a great idea, you have to understand that our movement is incredibly atomized. I think you're underestimating that. I only have one or two fully NatSoc friends that share most of my ideals. Our beliefs are obviously not something that you can be vocal about so we're in the dark about who is and who is not on our side. We can't just start homegrown organizations within our friend groups, we have to advertise in some way or another, whether that be through:

>looking for like-minded individuals in public/in-person/local settings, connecting with them, talking with them, and inviting them to our organizations

>getting into contact with like-minded individuals who follow, like, and/or comment on the same WN/NatSoc social media pages on Instagram, for example

>setting up IRL discussion meetups from small, private, online groups of WN's and NatSoc's, (like Discord groups for example)

>advertising for IRL, public discussion meetups online, like this thread is trying to do

We cannot just make organizations out of our friend groups because our WN/NatSoc friend groups aren't large enough to do so, therefore we have to expand our connections in one way or another. The goal of this thread is just one of those ways of expanding connections.

>White nationalism is illegal in the United States. It’s classified as domestic terrorism.

It's a political ideology, and political ideologies are not considered illegal. I'm pretty sure it's only classified as domestic terrorism if the WN individuals say or do something illegal. Can you provide any legitimate gov't sources that say that the ideology, and thus, the political discussion and organization, of white nationalism is domestic terrorism?

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91ccc9  No.182833


>We can't just start homegrown organizations within our friend groups

That’s literally the only way it can be done. You can’t trust anonymous lunatics on the fucking Internet when every single line of communication is tracked and monitored by the feds. You can trust people you’ve known for your whole life and who actually live by you.

>because our WN/NatSoc friend groups aren't large enough to do so

So expand them. In person. With people you know and trust. Rather than anonymous lunatics on the Internet, clearly posting as a honeypot.

>It's a political ideology, and political ideologies are not considered illegal.

They are, though. White nationalism is illegal. You don’t seem to comprehend that laws do not matter to jews. It’s like you’ve never even read the Talmud. They don’t give a shit, and they haven’t, ever, for 5800 years. They do whatever the fuck they want.

>I'm pretty sure it's only classified as domestic terrorism if the WN individuals say or do something illegal.

Nope. The mere act of being a white nationalist I illegal.

>Can you provide any legitimate gov't sources that say that the ideology, and thus, the political discussion and organization, of white nationalism is domestic terrorism?

Yep, Trump’s DHS is responsible.



In before pilpul trying to claim these links say something they don’t.

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ff8338  No.182840

File: 869606264bd4883⋯.jpg (114.7 KB, 636x900, 53:75, i_want.jpg)


>That’s literally the only way it can be done. You can’t trust anonymous lunatics on the fucking Internet when every single line of communication is tracked and monitored by the feds. You can trust people you’ve known for your whole life and who actually live by you.

>So expand them. In-person. With people you know and trust. Rather than anonymous lunatics on the Internet, clearly posting as a honeypot.

Ok, fair enough. But what process should we follow in order to get into contact with individuals in my community? I'm not very active in my community, and I'm not friends with my neighbors. What should a WN do in order to get into contact with like-minded men and form a homegrown movement? Where should he look for his target demographic? What kind of relationship should he have with his neighbors? His community? How should he be involved in his community? What kind of community should he be living in? Does this whole homegrown movement thing only apply to smaller, rural, and suburban communities?

Besides, once we actually set up these homegrown organizations with WN community members, what are we supposed to do from that point on? What actions would we take in order to save our race? What actions would we take to help bring about NatSoc? The NatSoc Food Bank idea that I posted in this post >>182647 was a good idea, I think; but for that, we would have to have an organized symbol for our movement, or we would have to have swastika armbands and/or NatSoc uniforms.

What is the organizational solution to save the white race that you propose, and how do we go about achieving it?

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06d73b  No.182862

File: 92dff59f2acc2bc⋯.jpg (45.21 KB, 725x437, 725:437, rj.jpg)

No Nazis needed.

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b2302b  No.182974


What going on about? I see you made a thread about this happening in New Jersey. But you need to elaborate more on what point you're making.

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b2302b  No.182977

File: 9374531bb9729c0⋯.jpg (609.09 KB, 1415x1112, 1415:1112, natsoc_change_mind.jpg)



>Anti-NatSoc Jews DO want us to do is attend meet ups organized over the fucking internet on a honeypot.

You are right, in that organizing over the internet is not ideal.

But I'll repeat what this anon said: >>182822

<While that's a great idea, you have to understand that our movement is incredibly atomized. I think you're underestimating that.

I have zero natsoc leaning contacts. I've never come across anyone. I have trouble convincing people that Hilary Clinton and the democrats are bad. People are completely asleep where I'm from. My views have caused me to become progressively outcast.

Making this thread was my only option.

But maybe I should just go to a Trump rally and wear a Swastika hat hoping to find some allies even though I might get punched by some rando.

But maybe you're right, and that's what I should do. If not a Trump rally then just anywhere I might expect to find other "believers".

Maybe I will do that.

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e1297f  No.182980

File: 9d41149464845a0⋯.jpg (62.97 KB, 878x814, 439:407, balding_science_man.jpg)



That's literally not even a thing. The term "neo-nazi" and "nazism" are buzzwords created by kike media. They don't exist in reality.

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b2302b  No.183110


I think that was a play on the whole niggers vs black people. Niggers are the retarded ones while blacks are the intelligent ones.

Same with nazis vs national socialists where nazis are the dumb ones that fall for all the disinfo propaganda that makes the rest of us look bad, like having jew derangement syndrome or wanting enslave all blacks or get a million tattoos and be violent and vile all the time.

We need to bring back the classic national socialist wise philosopher types and ostracize the dumb pieces of shit, yeah I'll call them nazis.

If we want to claim a type of white supremacy, then the first thing we need to do is start acting supreme and not lower ourselves to the degeneracy of vile uncontrolled hate like they love to make us out to be.

One doesn't need to fight a violent animal head on but to use your human supremacy to outwit and care for wildlife which is part of the beauty of the ecosystem of the planet. Even Adolf made the first animal cruelty laws. What kind of national socialist would torture a dog because it's subhuman? We a kind, gentle, loving, warlike only when necessary… These are the qualities of true national socialists all the others are nazis.

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b9a60f  No.183129


fish can't see water

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a9d192  No.184337

File: bfd721d9a0fbed4⋯.jpeg (61.25 KB, 600x565, 120:113, 2E0073CE_B1FC_49E9_B9C7_0….jpeg)


Coulda just posted this and saved a paragraph.

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496069  No.184475


>Literally you can weed out the kikes and commies by having everyone in your group give the salute to an NSDAP flag, swear their allegiance to Hitler and devote themselves to Christ Jesus and then swear they hate niggers and faggots and anyone not white and straight. Anyone who doesn't do that for any reason is a kike, commie or both.

I don't like this idea. Personally, if I were trying to join a group and they did the above greentext, I probably would refuse because it seems like something only a fed honeypot would make people do. Otherwise, you have to vet people BEFORE you do that spergy shit. Otherwise the commie/fed/kike now knows who you are, regardless of whether you kick him out of the group for noncompliance.

>>132594 >>132596 had better ideas, but even those don't give a clear idea of when to break the 1488 ice with a member, other than "trust your nose" which is bound to fail occasionally.

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496069  No.184486


>Illegal lulz is only to be discussed by the top members.

Yes but this shouldn't be an explicit rule. As >>132596 described, if there are illegal lulz, they need to be completely isolated from lower tiers of the group. I imagine the group will be like a cover to sniff out like-minded people to do things with on the side.

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b2302b  No.184710

File: d80cbd9239797aa⋯.jpg (51.19 KB, 474x471, 158:157, natsoc.jpg)

Let's address strategies for finding like minded individuals in real life. Is it wise just to wear a swastika armband somewhere and hope for the best?

Also, I despise over-confident neo-nazi types like pic related: >>184337

Looking for respectable National Socialists.

I want to actively "search for pokemon" and collect enough for a decently uplifting meetup group in my area.

Don't want to get sucker punched by one of those nazi punch people TBH.

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abb6ff  No.184766


>Buff low IQ strongly sticking to values bad

Did you want these people to wear 1940 german trooper uniforms and go around with kar98s and LARP as german troopers?

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c9edb6  No.185369


no. But honestly, I'm sick of the jew derangment syndrome they have injected into NatSoc. It's so bad that people think the only thing NatSoc stands for is "all jews bad". There is sensible anti-jewish thought, and then there is jew derangment syndrome. These people are sick aka "someone took a shit in their brains". Sensible anti-jewish thought recognizes some bad racial characteristics within Ashkenazi jewish DNA, yet obviously there are exceptions to racial characteristics within all races and thus "good jews exist". Sensible anti-jewish thought will recognize an elite leadership of the jewish common people as a working enemy of natsoc, but then this doesn't apply to every common jew. Sensible anti-jewish thought recognizes an historic precedent of the leaders of these jews attacking whites with immigration and racemixing and so jews would be sensibly be held at a greater distance and segregated more, but this doesn't mean to try to ruin the lives of any jew you come across or put them into torturous "ghettos". sensible anti-jewish thought asks jews to value and return to the land which they believe the originate from if that happens to be israel or iraq whatever, but this jew derangment syndrome would have you believe to send all jews to a small island in the pacific or something.

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8c7d0d  No.189566

File: e2c9c6817500de3⋯.jpg (12.81 KB, 305x165, 61:33, affraid.jpg)



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8c7d0d  No.189567


Wow, I am zionist shill and even I want to join up. Well done NAZI scum!


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56033f  No.189581


>lol why do you have a swastika, a classically fascist symbol in a SOCIALIST flag? Nazis killed socialists

Fascism =/= national socialist movement.

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56033f  No.189582




You guys from 4chan? You ever notice how you have added nothing to the conversation and only whine and cry?

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847527  No.189801

so, basically you are a fed and you want us to tell you how we vett folks for girl meetings so you can use that to infiltrate a group

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f0300e  No.189885

File: 84f00c650163135⋯.png (586.21 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 1E724BCC_5757_44D3_B7C2_AA….png)


I strongly recommend that everybody read that second link and judge for themselves.

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193156  No.190000

Go to a restaurant or a bar idk

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