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File: 94bfa21ec2d2968⋯.jpeg (51.66 KB, 1080x743, 1080:743, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orc….jpeg)

b377fe  No.116559

I've found that most people have no conception of why it's called national SOCIALISM, when Nazis despised communism and the ideas of socialists like Bernie Sanders.

Let me clarify the difference with Hitler's brand of socialism.

MSM internet searching will tell you the party was never socialist but that it was just politically expedient to use the word socialist in the beginning and then they never dropped it because it would be too confusing. WRONG.

The truth is that National Socialism can be interpreted as Nationality Socialism, or Racial Socialism, or Tribal Socialism. Being socialism among your own kin rather than international socialism or standard communism. Taking this idea to it's logical endpoint, your most specific nationality is the nation of your own family. Socialism is natural to a family, and to a lesser extent to your race or tribe, but it's unnatural to a mixed group of peoples. This is why I am a National Socialist, fundamentally different than a communist or a general socialist.

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0c9b22  No.116887

File: f4f194e9cc23379⋯.jpeg (328.83 KB, 1500x842, 750:421, Nikolai_Dmitriev_Orenburg….jpeg)


Cultured Thug recently had a good video on Nicola Bombacci, the Italian Communist leader who defected to fascism, it hits on many of your points.


National Socialism seeks to create an organic and healthy society built on race and culture, to reconcile the conflicts of class and religion, and to make the society resistant to parasitism both internal and external. Communism in its true form seeks to strip away all culture, racial cohesion, traditional social order and old ties to the land. Once the communist society is transformed into a deracinated cultureless mass, it can be transitioned to direct rule by international finance capital. Communism has always merely been a transitional stage on the path towards direct rule of finance, that is why finance capital has always supported the implementation of communism in traditional societies where finance capital could not find a path to entry.

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33c3ed  No.116888

> Difference between types of socialism

The only real difference is perception. With some forms of socialism, people perceive that kikes run everything and they are correct. Under other forms, people perceive that kikes are not running everything and they are incorrect.

All brands of socialism are in agreement with one another in all ways but one - who is to be put in charge of things? Some brands openly declare that kikes are to be in charge, while other brands pretend that kikes are not running things.

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b377fe  No.116901

File: 94dfa17ca7ea3a7⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 94d.gif)


Blasphemy. You're saying Hitler and the party were controlled by the Jews.

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33c3ed  No.117023


> How dare you imply that Unser Seliger Adolf had any associations with jews!

Let's get something out of the way first. The "Holocaust" never happened; at least, it didn't happen as we're taught in (((school))). The National Socialist government of Germany never had a policy of exterminating all jews. Yes, they did have a policy of holding hostile foreign nationals within detention centers; and yes, those detention facilities saw lots of death and suffering as a result of Allied bombing; but no, there was never a general policy to remove/exterminate all jews. The Reich was perfectly happy granting jews "Honorary Aryan" status, provided that those jews get onboard the NatSoc train, adopt Volkish really, Preußisch identities, and abandon the practice of cock-chopping. Likewise, die Dritte Reich was perfectly happy doing business with overseas finance kikes, as evidenced by the ongoing relationship between kike-controlled Wall Street and the Reich. In short, the NatSoc government was not a bunch of mindless jew-hating dogs, driven by nothing but an all-consuming fervor to "extirpate" the jews. Any jews willing to join the NatSoc movement, in totality, were permitted to do so. Sorry, but that's the reality.

As for (((socialism))), let's remember that a defining principle is centralized control of economic decision making, id est, central planning. As such, a nation's economy falls under control of the central planners, and not the Volk of the nation - power is stripped from the people, and given to the central planners. This creates a hierarchy, where das Volk are economically productive and the central planners subsist from that productivity. Is est, the central planners are parasites upon das Volk. And since kikes are culturally and genetically adapted to fill a parasitic ecological niche, it is inevitable that kikes will infiltrate and subvert the hierarchy, eventually reaching a position of dominance. This pattern has repeated, again-and-again, for millennia-upon-millennia.

> A society is created, via merit, by its more able/capable/productive/forceful members

> A hierarchy develops, supported by merit

> Nepotism, cronyism and favoritism grow within the hierarchy

> The hierarchy is now supported by coordinated force of violence instead of merit

> The controlling members of the hierarchy, no longer possessing their own capabilities, sustain themselves from the economic output of the hierarchy's lower-orders

> Parasitism ensues

> Kikes, adapted to parasitism, move-in and profit from the productivity of the hierarchy's lower-orders

> The controlling members of the hierarchy become kikes

> Degeneracy ensues

> The hierarchy's lower-orders are no longer able to support themselves

> Societal collapse

> The kikes scatter like cockroaches

> Coordinated force of violence is no longer levied against the more able/capable/productive/forceful individuals

> A new society is created through the merits of those individuals

> And so on…..

This process is accelerated via socialism, as merit is never a prerequisite within a socialist hierarchy - it goes straight to force of violence and parasitism, then kikery, degeneracy and collapse.

The Third Reich did not survive long enough for the process of kikery to come to complete fruition, but the process was underway. It is inevitable. So no, the NatSoc government was not "controlled" by the jews. But all forms of socialism inevitably serve (((their))) goals. And look at how things turned out! The nation of Germany has been smashed, repeatedly, and Volkish culture has been destroyed. The same situation is ubiquitous - all of the world's cultures have been kiked. The kikes are in complete control of the world's finances, communications, media, education, medicine, and armies. So it would have been wondrous if USA had been able to smash the kikes, forever, but the exact opposite is what occurred.

lt;dr - No, the NatSoc government was not "controlled" by kikes. But kikes are evolved to be parasites, so (((socialism))) inevitably benefits kikes, as evidenced by the outcome of the Second War for Kike Supremacy.

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0c9b22  No.117093

File: f3d455ad22a9f37⋯.jpeg (391.78 KB, 1125x1200, 15:16, 34cec662cec50e805be195ed3….jpeg)


>Bureaucratic meritocratic governments and central planning are the most powerful tools which have ever been devised by humanity.

>We could theoretically use these tools to create a post-scarcity Aryan Utopia.

>But we never should because Jews could theoretically take over any government at some indeterminate period in the future

>Sure, the final solution would have deported Jews to Madagascar and eventually degenerated them into harmless banana-picking mulattoes, but who knows, maybe some other type of Jew might evolve at some point in the future.

>Better to live by passive libertarian principles than to ever take collective action for your own interests, because in the end something bad will happen no matter what and we are all doomed anyway lol.

You sir, are a kike of the first order.

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ec5f9c  No.117372



There's a horde of these kike shills and antifa niggers on kiketube and social media spreading this hitler = jewpuppet bullshit narrative, especially on non-biased users and non-jew media reporters where the pozz is less influential but they are susceptible against the filthiest pilpul and disinfo you can possibly imagine.

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b2b59b  No.117465

Some differences to consider


Believes in radical wealth re-distribution and resulted in looting, murder, and redistribution until everyone became a peasant.

Believes in internationalism, which makes it a threat to foreign governments around the world forever.

Believes in collectivist democracy where there will be a one party state and no room for official recognition of factions- in almost every case this led to violent internal purges- especially of non-government figures of public authority in academia, the press and the church.

Pushes for the common good of the citizen- not the state.

Assimilated (((minorities))) and tried to destroy their culture

National socialism:

Promotes syndicatism or (herois capitalism) where wealthy and poor work together for the state- and avoids destroying functional parts of the economy and useful people fleeing.

Believes in nationalism, citizens never loose out in an attempt to assist non-citizens

Believes in democratic pluralism in theory- but in practice the state consumes administrative roles of government. There are a lot of similarities with communism in how the state conducted itself- but the Nazis didn't murder millions in internal purges and "became" the state instead of "overthrew" the state.

Demands citizens serve the state, whereby they get a lot more value out of high performers and cast asside "useless" people- one way this manifests is in pervasive and direct eugenics.

Cast out (((minorities))) who refuse to serve the state state they reside in

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ea6955  No.117561

File: b3f6fc9089655f4⋯.webm (267.9 KB, 360x202, 180:101, behind.webm)


>video GIF

>in current year

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33c3ed  No.117613


> A bureaucracy build on merit is powerful

Yes, but (((socialist))) institutions are not based on merit. Are you arguing that Ernst Röhm deserved to be leader of the Sturmabteilung?

> Post-scarcity

Ha, a commie pipe-dream. There will always be scarcity. Look at how we live today, and compare that to how people lived thousands of years ago. From the perspective of our forebears, we are infinitely wealthy and have no "scarcity" - food and shelter are effectively free for most people, most diseases have been conquered, no children are being eaten by lions, we can instantly communicate across the globe, etc. But instant and cheap access to all of life's essentials is not good enough for people - they always want MOAR! The more-productive people become, the more production they require. Anybody claiming they can usher in an era without scarcity is a liar, a fool, or a kike shill.

> It's only theoretical that kikes would take over

Fren, look around you. Every nation on the planet has embraced some form of socialism, and the kikes run all of it. It's not "theoretically" possible that kikes will infiltrate and subvert governments, it's observably true.

> Deporting the kikes would have worked!

Could be, but it didn't happen. And I don't think it ever would have actually happened in toto, because the kikes would not have stayed in Madagascar - (((they))) would have been given (((international aid))) and escaped.

> Misunderstands love for my people and their freedom with lolbertarianism.

AnCap and libertarian philosophy have a gigantic flaw within them - they don't acknowledge that race and culture are critically important. But for a race of people with the necessary culture and genetics, freedom is absolutely and unequivocally beneficial. The problem with Libtardians is that they wish to extend the responsibility of freedom to Untermenschen. This is an error - das Volk must be free, but the kikes and niggers need to GTFO.

> Unnecessary ad hominem attack

Fren, you can do better. I am not a kike, but I am one of (((their))) mongrelized slaves owing to an unknown mix of European ancestry. And that it not relevant to the facts at-hand.


> The NatSoc government didn't murder millions of their own people

Yes, this. This is the oft-ignored saving grace of the Nazis - they did not make any attempt to murder their own. It's why Unser Seliger Adolf should not be considered a villain, and why Mao/Stalin/Pol-Pot/etc. should rightfully be considered monsters. The NatSoc government of Germany made no attempt to purge Germany of Germans, whereas every other (((socialist))) government actively sought to murder their own native people. It's the biggest and perhaps only difference between the historical records of National Socialism and (((Communism))). The Nazis didn't kill their own people, and that's a big deal.

Yeah, ok, the Night of the Long Knives happened, but that's not quite the same thing - the party leadership executed the degenerates within their ranks, like that assphaggot Röhm. Normal people were not persecuted as part of Operation Hummingbird, it was only corrupt government officials who received justice.

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7960da  No.117630


>no sound

>in a webm

go back to 4cuck

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9d0e1e  No.117635


>Difference between National Socialism and Communism or general socialism

all have and will fail in a different way, that's the difference, government can't do shit

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b78ddb  No.118136

File: b43059b47c48da1⋯.jpg (149.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, b43059b47c48da1d9aa77dafc5….jpg)



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ec5f9c  No.118331

File: ff7461bf314631c⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 656x960, 41:60, leon_trotsky_the_inventor_….jpg)

File: e16bcf80ba5b547⋯.png (343.12 KB, 410x517, 410:517, konrad_heiden.png)


Nice, now all that's left is to weave this into a counter argument against those shills spreading disinfo all over the internet.

Another thing;

<nazbolnigger: hurr eva braun is the same as peng liyuan, the wife of comrade winnie the pooh, the commie witch who made commie songs after they finished massacring 10k students from tiananmen, shes literally the second coming of eva braun :^)

<haha take that you raycist nazi :^)

Daily reminder to never use -isms or -phobes of any kind, shape, or form no matter where or how old those -isms and -phobes are, and most certainly never use the word (((nazi))) to describe a right wing group or idea because the aforementioned talmudic magic words are nothing more than commie bolshevik shill memes.

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1ce8d4  No.118358


Both images are hoaxes. Don’t repeat them.

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e6f742  No.118368


My point on the basis that the nazis didn't target their own people, is that the Aryan peoples would have seen the benefits of development post-war.

On the other hand, the soviets suffered decades of dysfunction, state terror and mismanagement- and that's after winning.

Both nationalis-socalist and communist movements have always had trouble with internal division, but the communists have always turned this on their own people.

Soviets under Stalin, Pot Pot, Mao- communism always seems to fall into the same trap.

>forcing citizens into a purity spiral because they are integral in the leadership

>purity spiral internalizing within the state infrastructure

>red purge

Hitler's only crime was not winning.

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4a3ae9  No.118480

>Socialism for one race only

So America is national socialist, since only one race gets socialism (blacks). Free health care, free college and welfare checks

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0c9b22  No.118545

File: 4a8c8f3489ee668⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1825x1240, 365:248, Mural.png)


>Yes, but (((socialist))) institutions are not based on merit.

National Socialism is built on merit, that is a central tenet of the ideology.


>Ha, a commie pipe-dream. There will always be scarcity.

We are already post-scarcity, we could maintain our current standard of living by working less than 10 hours a week. We working only to pay our kike creditors and landlords, and to support the subhuman clients which our kike rulers have imported.

>From the perspective of our forebears, we are infinitely wealthy and have no "scarcity"

There is currently extreme artificial scarcity. There is a scarcity of safe places to raise a family, this is the most important form of wealth which even our poorest ancestors took for granted, this artificial scarcity is created by careful social and financial engineering by the kikes.

>Anybody claiming they can usher in an era without scarcity is a liar, a fool, or a kike shill.

I guess we will never know for sure until we remove from our societies the kike parasites and their parasitic subhuman clients. I'm sure you agree that this should be our primary goal, and that a strong centralized socialist state is the best weapon for achieving out this goal.

>Fren, look around you. Every nation on the planet has embraced some form of socialism, and the kikes run all of it.

Kikes don't run the socialist states of Iran, Syria and North Korea. Kikes have a much harder time buying out racial-socialist states than they do open market states.

>And I don't think it ever would have actually happened in toto, because the kikes would not have stayed in Madagascar - (((they))) would have been given (((international aid))) and escaped.

So I guess we shouldn't try to remove them from our nations, since they'll always just come back and take over. Stop being a defeatist faggot, once we have actual control over state power we will have no problem in managing the kike issue.

>But for a race of people with the necessary culture and genetics, freedom is absolutely and unequivocally beneficial.

You can have your freedom, up to the point where it interferes with the well-being of the racial community. Which specific freedom do you desire which will be denied to you by the National Socialist state?

>The NatSoc government of Germany made no attempt to purge Germany of Germans, whereas every other (((socialist))) government actively sought to murder their own native people.

Socialism is a system of communal economic and social regulation towards some ideological end. Socialism is a powerful tool which can be used for any number of ideological goals. Impugning National Socialism because some other manifestations of socialism where hostile to Aryans is like rejecting all firearms because the technology has previously been used to kill Aryans. By attributing negative characteristics of various anti-national socialisms to National Socialism you are making a profound logical error.

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8a5665  No.120890

It should also be worth noting that you don't have to be white in order to be a national socialist, since it would mean them being a socialist among their own nationality race. Which is why national socialism is so important because it provides a global organization for humanity. It just started in Germany with Germans, but it is the correct philosophy for every race. Hail hitler

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db2a73  No.120899


By that logic, not that it is wrong, any non jewed society with native population that has high group cohesion can be considered socialist to an extend

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c864d2  No.121024

File: 145e4849257db75⋯.png (909.01 KB, 1280x1233, 1280:1233, 58ebcad6520ccd626f63153483….png)

All true Socialism strains (there are many) recognize that any worker who produces $1,000,000/hr in value will never be compensated with > or = $1,000,000/hr in pay. No matter the bonuses, raises, days off, benefits, etc.

Pretend to be an employer, ask yourself if you would.

Plug in any arbitrarily value you want, the relation holds in all cases

Thus all workers are suckers/slaves by definition regardless of merit. Any company that pays its workers more than they extract in value will fail, any worker who fools his employer to pay him/her a fair wage, or lags in productivity to meet compensation's value precipitates the same failure of the company. This is 'capital production' and its fatal flaw of punishing excellence/dedication.

Literally, the harder/longer a worker works the worse the deal is for the worker as they are selling $100 worth of life for $50 worth of cash/credit.

All social programs, courts/laws, and tax cuts are inefficient attempts to plug this pay gap by returning value to the worker. It never works because the worker has no direct say in the redistribution and the general sense is that they are being robbed by some 'lazy other' in society, This is where some strains of the two programs agree. This realization or lack thereof is 'class consciousness'.

The liberal innovation of 20th century high finance seeks to build a lag time between the screw of the worker, and the effect of the screw on demand by borrowing. Financial crises and other societal tensions are caused principally by this system's inability to perfectly replace the missing value in the worker's pocket in time to satisfy demand, and the warping effect the lack of earned capital has on worker long term planning which must always be more conservative than the system needs to continue expansion. Else we must make the worker's planning less wise by driving an illogical enthusiasm to fill the gap. Again never perfect, and it creates a culture of weakness and insanity.

Natsoc co-ops this problem and proposes ownership of capital production by the state while denying public ownership of the state.

It vehemently insists the state is shared by all, in the person of the leader(leading party) while putting the burden of the screw on the state's enemies; external enemies, internal minorities/lazies not yet purged. Looting during the initial purge, then continuous war and final victory memes are the financial institutional analogue in this program.

The world does not cease to exist because we dump the remainder outside the scope of analysis however. Indulging in the logical fallacy requires both the continuous existence and enrichment of a growing "other" to dump the pain on >and< the complete destruction of that other. The program is not tenable in the long run, uses capitalistic methods (war, in group elevation, minority repression) to resolve the capitalistic problem. Natsoc >is< capitalism with one company, which is why the Socialists reject it. Not for the moralistic reasons of the liberals who propagandize the 'other', "Natsoc" to prop itself up; hypocritically using the same methods.

Communism attempts to solve this problem by dissolving the state democratically into a public good owned equally by all who work and intends to put to work all who will not or could not under the previous systems. "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

Problem: removal of the previous system requires a temporary regression to single party dictatorship. All attempts at distribution of state ownership to date have failed to complete the distribution before regression to still earlier systems sets in to safeguard the people from other nations not similarly ready for the change. This is why the program fails. This is why many reject "socialism in one country" as a meme. It seen as just another capitalism/fascism.

If and only if the production of capital is democratically owned by all concerned with it's production will the wage hole be filled. All other conditions are unjust, inefficient, imperialistic relations of slaves and masters. No one is immune to corruption, no one is perfect in their judgment and justice, no system can endure forever the unjust oppression of it's people. This makes liberal technocrats go, "Reeeee but I am a perfect planner"; in this the systems again resemble each other.

This is why socialists tend to say "communism is inevitable." They are really saying, "the present system is temporary" and cannot last forever while these flaws persist.

Please read before responding:


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8e0716  No.121029

File: 6473d4d9cd9de9f⋯.jpg (158.42 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, c6410b41fa7a55b58abf70a77f….jpg)

National socialism is based on Prussian Socialism, not marxism. In practice, it is more akin to a hybrid of capitalism and social democracy in the economic, and pure nationalism in the socio-political. Imagine a capitalist society, but with regulations that prevent monopolies (what social democracy was meant to achieve) and regulations that foment protectionism. The end result being a competitive, truly free market with sensible regulations that protect consumers and keep foreign nationals away from profits. In the socio-economical environment, the usual business of protecting the culture, the traditions, and the genotype of the people.

Only strictly nefarious and subversive ideas, such as pornography, homosexuality and marxism, would be censored. This is why National Socialism is based on a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT brand of socialism that is fundamentally distinct from marxism which is more concerned with class warfare and equality, while National Socialism looks to protect exactly what makes us unique and different from the other races, therefore EMBRACING INEQUALITY.

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8e0716  No.121036


>Socialism is a system of communal economic and social regulation towards some ideological end

You could say that about literally any government system. All economies are communal.

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0c9b22  No.121074

File: 63fa563fbe35319⋯.png (1.31 MB, 869x749, 869:749, the_role_of_the_state.png)

File: 96765804e61f8be⋯.jpg (270.04 KB, 782x1073, 782:1073, 1566866826238.jpg)

File: de2622ece5e2d80⋯.png (48.43 KB, 729x945, 27:35, 1567222840879.png)


>All true Socialism strains (there are many) recognize that any worker who produces $1,000,000/hr in value will never be compensated with > or = $1,000,000/hr in pay. No matter the bonuses, raises, days off, benefits, etc.

True socialism has nothing to do with this materialistic kike bullshit. True socialism seeks to move us away from the need for menial labor and towards voluntary improvement of the community and the self, towards leisure and the arts, towards adventure and transcendence.

>Any company that pays its workers more than they extract in value will fail, any worker who fools his employer to pay him/her a fair wage, or lags in productivity to meet compensation's value precipitates the same failure of the company.

More materialistic irrelevant ancap bullshit. If you engage in a voluntary economic association with a for-profit privately-owned economic corporate entity you should expect to be treated like a consumable resource. The real question is why we are legally and socially prevented from creating voluntary economic associations based not on profit-seeking but on kinship and community improvement.

>All social programs, courts/laws, and tax cuts are inefficient attempts to plug this pay gap by returning value to the worker.

The super rich and mega-corporations barely pay any taxes, it is only the workers who are taxed in order to support a parasitic alien underclass which the elites have inflicted on us.

>The liberal innovation of 20th century high finance seeks to build a lag time between the screw of the worker

No, usury is just a way for Jews to efficiently parasitize and enslave society, and it predates the 20th century.

>Financial crises and other societal tensions are caused principally by this system's inability to perfectly replace the missing value in the worker's pocket in time to satisfy demand

No, financial crises are caused by liquidity shortages deliberately generated by the private Jewish entities which print our money, which then use their insider knowledge of these artificial liquidity shortages to seize greater control of a nation's economy.

>It vehemently insists the state is shared by all, in the person of the leader(leading party) while putting the burden of the screw on the state's enemies; external enemies, internal minorities/lazies not yet purged. Looting during the initial purge, then continuous war and final victory memes are the financial institutional analogue in this program.

After removing the speculators and parasites, the National Socialist economy experienced a massive boom from 1933-39. The war was in no way profitable to the National Socialist state, the war was a profound burden on the German people who fought selflessly for the liberation of their Aryan brothers from enslavement by the kikes.

>The program is not tenable in the long run, uses capitalistic methods (war, in group elevation, minority repression) to resolve the capitalistic problem.

This is the standard kike talking point, yet National Socialist Germany experienced a massive increase in quality of life long before the war began.

>Natsoc >is< capitalism with one company

And it is a company in which ourselves, our racial kin and all of our descendants our stockholders. I don't even object to your characterization.

>Communism attempts to solve this problem by dissolving the state democratically into a public good owned equally by all who work and intends to put to work all who will not or could not under the previous systems.

Communism is a process used by Jewish finance capital to smash the social and economic structure of traditional societies which are resistant to the entry of finance capital. Once communism has completed the destruction of a traditional society and rendered the population into deracinated, decultured and de-landed economic helots, the society is then handed over to Jewish international finance capital.

>All attempts at distribution of state ownership to date have failed to complete the distribution

lol, I don't know what you are talking about, the distributions have been perfectly successful, Jewish international finance capital now has total ownership over formerly communist countries.

>If and only if the production of capital is democratically owned by all concerned with it's production will the wage hole be filled.

According to this formulation, the unified corporatist National Socialist state, which can be characterized as a single corporation in which all citizens are stakeholders, can be viewed as a final solution to the problem, as all value of labor is returned back into the volk.

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33c3ed  No.122317


> Merit is a central tenet of National Socialism

Of course, socialists make claims about what they will accomplish, but history doesn't bear it out. Appointments within the NatSoc government were heavily influenced by cronyism and favoritism. Are you going to ignore the track record of Röhm, Himmler and Göring? These men were not the most competent at their jobs, but had the necessary connections to obtain posts. Merit was not a factor.

> We are already post-scarcity

Did you even read my post? Yes, we are "post-scarcity" per certain definitions, but people still want more. Nothing will change that.

> Kikes have created artificial scarcity through socialist government policies.

Yes, this. Which is why I oppose (((socialism))) in all forms - it's nothing but a mechanism for kikes to obtain and maintain control and wealth.

> A strong socialist state is the best way to remove the kikes

No. As long as a niche exists for the kikes to inhabit, they will not be removed. Remember, (((George Soros))) was able to get false papers and "liquidate" assets for the Nazis. The jew cannot be removed via direct confrontation - that has been tried, and has failed. The kikes must be eliminated by removing their ecological niche - no more (((socialism))), no more (((regulation))), and no more (((taxation))).

> But kikes don't run Iran, Syria or Best Korea!

Really? Is that so? Because recent events would indicate that those governments have been wheeling-and-dealing behind the scenes for years. The Iranians, the Syrians and the Norks are controlled opposition, fren.

> The kike problem can be solved using the same techniques that have already been tried, if only we can regain control of the government.

It didn't work then, and it won't work now. A better way to go about it is to remove (((their))) ability to profit. Don't attack the kikes directly, attack (((their))) logistical base - the (((central bank))) should be your first target.

> European people can have their freedom, right up until the (((central government))) decides that they should not.

I want to keep all the money I earn, I want to maintain allodial title to the land I own, I want to create contracts with whomever I want, I want to own whatever physical items I can obtain, etc. No (((socialist))) government is going to allow any of these things, and neither did the NatSoc government under USA.

> Attributing the characteristics of (((socialism))) to National (((Socialism))) is a logical error.

How so? The only difference I can discern between (((Communism))) and Nat(((Soc))) is one of perception - the (((commies))) are openly run by kikes, whereas the fascists pretend that the kikes aren't exercising influence. Both systems wish to implement programs that primarily benefit kikes - central banking, population control, mandatory education, economic regulation, etc.

tl;dr - Yes, the different forms of (((socialism))) all want to pretend that (((they))) are different from one another, but the observed difference is only one of perception - the (((commies))), (((globalists))) and (((Fabians))) are openly kiked, whereas the kikery within NatSoc is concealed.

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09a3c8  No.122343

General socialism = money supply still owned by kikes and open borders

Communism = everything controlled by kikes

National Socialism = money owned by the government not the kikes and the borders are fucking closed!

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33c3ed  No.122361

File: efd023bf538f0c9⋯.jpg (884.91 KB, 800x4200, 4:21, Socialist_Regulatory_Captu….jpg)


> National Socialism is for the whole world, one-nation-at-a-time, until the whole world is (((socialist))).

Yeah, that's exactly what the kikes want to accomplish via (((Marxism))) and (((Globalism))). It's the same shit, but it comes from a different asshole.


> socialist preoccupation with calculating economic outcomes

In a society free of (((interference))), workers are paid what they are worth. If not, the workers go elsewhere. The whole, "These workers generated X dollars with their labor, so they should receive X compensation," is a canard. It also dismisses the value that investors and entrepreneurs add, which is considerable and always ignored by (((socialists))). The only way to truly know the value of labor is for it to compete on an open market, just as for any other good - it's only worth what people are willing to pay.


> National Socialism is only a hybrid between different forms of (((socialism))), which means that it's nothing like other forms of (((socialism))).

So National Socialism is still (((socialism))), but with an obfuscated pedigree?

And how is that different from an early implementation of (((capitalism))), in which "competitive, truly free market with sensible regulations that protect consumers and keep foreign nationals away from profits" were pursued?

> Sensible regulations

Yeah, I'm sure that the committee which decides on "sensible" regulations won't become infested with kikes.


> True socialism has nothing to do with this materialistic kike bullshit

Yeah, which is why all forms of (((socialism))) always end with people starving, 'cuz wanting food is "materialistic".

> The real question is why we are legally and socially prevented from creating voluntary economic associations based not on profit-seeking but on kinship and community improvement.

The answer to that question is "kikes" and "socialists". I'm not allowed to create "voluntary economic associations" based on "kinship and community" because the kikes and socialists *aka, useful idiots* teamed-up and conspired against me. And (((they))) did it "for the good of the nation".

> The super-rich and mega-corps don't pay taxes.

Yes, and that's because (((they))) captured the economic system via (((regulation))). The super-rich want socialism, so that (((they))) can exert control.

> Usury is how kikes parasitize civilization

Yes, true. But we should also delineate between "usury" and "lending", which are not necessarily the same thing.

> Financial crises are caused by liquidity shortages created by kikes

Yes, but also no. Some financial crises can and are created by mis-management by economic central planners.

> NatSoc is a corporate state, owned by das Volk

This would be great, if it were true. But real control inevitably falls into the hands of a select few, and the desires of das Volk are swept aside in pursuit of (((central planning))).

The only way to remove the kike menace is to eliminate (((their))) ecological niche - no government banks, no government schools, no regulation, no taxes, no standing armies, no administrative courts, no government interference in people's lives.


> Gets close

Here, fren, let my fix that for you:

Communism = everything is socialized, and kikes openly control it all

Capitalism = the money supply is socialized, and kikes slowly "buy" everything

National Socialism = things are socialized incrementally, and the kikes slowly "nationalize" everything

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0c9b22  No.122365

File: 56d284a0a9c9591⋯.jpg (212.42 KB, 630x858, 105:143, ns_women_botanical_garden.jpg)


>Are you going to ignore the track record of Röhm, Himmler and Göring?

Those men literally helped to found and build the movement, so it was Founder Effect, not cronyism. I don't even accept your frame that they were incompetent or unqualified, that is a highly debatable assertion, especially given National Socialist Germany's extraordinary performance in all military and economic endeavors despite their profound material constraints.

>Yes, we are "post-scarcity" per certain definitions, but people still want more. Nothing will change that.

People want what all of their ancestors had, the ability to safely raise a family, something which is now an extreme luxury.

>Yes, this. Which is why I oppose (((socialism))) in all forms - it's nothing but a mechanism for kikes to obtain and maintain control and wealth.

It is more that that. It is a system which Aryans can use to obtain, maintain and control wealth, just as was done under National Socialism.

>The jew cannot be removed via direct confrontation - that has been tried, and has failed.

It has worked at least 109 times. The Jew has been removed 0 times by anarcho-libertarianism.

>The kikes must be eliminated by removing their ecological niche - no more (((socialism))), no more (((regulation))), and no more (((taxation))).

The true niche of the Jew is commerce, are we to forbid all economic activity? The socialist state is actually not the preferred mode of Jewish rule, otherwise they would not have to constantly hide in the shadows when controlling an ostensibly national state. Through commerce they would just rule openly, buying and selling the goyim unimpeded, with no collective goy institution to resist their rule. The end goal outlined in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is just such a world, where goyim have no collective social institutions and where the kike collective operates freely on a global scale. Only the National Socialist state can elevate our tribal coordination to the level of international Jewry and allow us to face them on an equal footing.

>The Iranians, the Syrians and the Norks are controlled opposition, fren.

They are far less controlled than we are.

>A better way to go about it is to remove (((their))) ability to profit. Don't attack the kikes directly, attack (((their))) logistical base - the (((central bank))) should be your first target.

I don't see how you intend to attack the most powerful of Jewish institutions without directly attacking the Jews. The only historical example of a Jewish central bank being liquidated is by the German National Socialist revolution. Jews are actually an easier target than the central bank, since Jews are a concrete and visible enemy, while the central bank is merely an abstract contractual arrangement by which Jews are given the exclusive right to print a nation's currency.

>I want to keep all the money I earn

>I want to own whatever physical items I can obtain

This is just small-minded greed. You already keep almost nothing of the earned value of your labor. The Jews require you to subsidize an endless stream of racial aliens, they inflate away the stored value of your labor and they create innumerable artificial expenses just so you can live a normal life (i.e. private gated communities, private schools, private security, university education, medical care, long commutes, needing to move every few years to stay ahead of diversity, etc). Under a National Socialist state none of these artificial expenses will exist, to the degree that peace-time labor would almost be superfluous.

>I want to maintain allodial title to the land I own

This is once again small-minded greed. Alloidial title has never existed and never will exist, all land is held collectively by the tribe, as collective defense is the only means to maintain sovereignty over a piece of land against the claims of alien collectives. As such, all land titles are conditional on your good standing within the community and the availability of your land to serve the common good.

>I want to create contracts with whomever I want

This should be forbidden out of hand. Such a right would create infinite opportunities for anti-social and unscrupulous individuals to subordinate the well-being of the collective to hostile alien entities.

>The only difference I can discern between (((Communism))) and Nat(((Soc))) is one of perception - the (((commies))) are openly run by kikes, whereas the fascists pretend that the kikes aren't exercising influence.

So the essence of your argument is that there can never exist any collective institution founded by and for Aryans which will not eventually come to serve the kikes, therefore Aryans should never attempt to form any collective institutions of any sort, that we should exist as passive atomized individuals until we are put to a final end by virile alien collectives. Am I characterizing your position correctly?

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0c9b22  No.122385

File: 9f5150bd5d7521d⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 9840x6724, 60:41, Schaaf_German_mid_20th_cen….jpg)


>Yeah, which is why all forms of (((socialism))) always end with people starving, 'cuz wanting food is "materialistic".

Capitalism and Communism united to starve National Socialist Germany and you suggest that this is a result of some inadequacy in National Socialist ideology?

>I'm not allowed to create "voluntary economic associations" based on "kinship and community" because the kikes and socialists *aka, useful idiots* teamed-up and conspired against me. And (((they))) did it "for the good of the nation".

It was the dastardly socialists who put in place the civil rights acts which prohibit Aryan freedom of association? Are you just using "socialism" as a catch-all term for any action by the occupation regime that you don't like? You have been ruled by an enemy occupation regime for so long that you associate all government action with the malevolent enemy occupation, this is basically learned-helplessness. The state can be made to serve us.

>Yes, and that's because (((they))) captured the economic system via (((regulation))). The super-rich want socialism, so that (((they))) can exert control.

They already have total control, do you feel like we have socialism? What moves towards socialism has this regime taken in the last 50 years? A powerful state is the only means to combat the powerful transnational economic entities which rule our lives.

>Yes, true. But we should also delineate between "usury" and "lending", which are not necessarily the same thing.

I see no reason to make that delineation.

>Yes, but also no. Some financial crises can and are created by mis-management by economic central planners.

All economies are centrally planned, our current economies are centrally planned by the private central banks, which control who gets liquidity, when they get it and how much they get, a power which is essentially indistinguishable from that of state central planners. Therefore your distinction between crises caused by central bankers and central planners is superfluous.

>This would be great, if it were true. But real control inevitably falls into the hands of a select few, and the desires of das Volk are swept aside in pursuit of (((central planning))).

The state has a charter, a national character, a historical volk and an implicit or explicit obligation to further the well-being of its founding population. This is why the kikes must control states from the shadows, if it were known that kikes ruled our states, the people would be enraged that the institution founded by their forefathers in order to further the interests of their progeny is now ruled by alien interests. A private economic entity has no such allegiances and holds no such obligations, pointing out the kikes in charge of a corporation holds no meaning, which is why the kikes prefer libertarianism and direct corporate control, so they no longer have to expend energy on subversion and can just rule us openly. The stronger and more explicit the national character of a state, the more effort the kikes must exert to subvert it, therefore we must create hardened and highly legalistic National Socialist states which explicitly block off all avenues of kike subverion.

>The only way to remove the kike menace is to eliminate (((their))) ecological niche - no government banks, no government schools, no regulation, no taxes, no standing armies, no administrative courts, no government interference in people's lives.

In your libertarian stateless world, what is to stop the ruling kike corporations and tribal crime syndicates from just killing you and your family outright? How exactly do you intend to provide for the common defense of your family and community? And how would whatever arrangement you come to not be considered a socialist state?

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33c3ed  No.122478


> Nice pic

Saving into my wallpapers directory.

> Founder effect vs cronyism

I'm not sure I'm sufficiently qualified to debate this in detail, but I understand that there are numerous examples where NatSoc part politics were put ahead of the war effort. Men like Röhm, Himmler and Göring function as stunning examples of politics-over-productivity, but I suspect this is a point that proponents of NatSoc will continuously contest.

> People want the ability to safely raise a family

Some people do, yes. Other people, less-so. And even the people who do prioritize safely raising a family, they want moar. My family has all their physical and spiritual needs met, but they need more - another pair of pregnancy jeans, another nursing bra, a digital piano and lessons, a Ruger 10/22 setup for smaller-frames, unpasteurized sheep-milk cheese, space to grow a garden, endless toys, bi-lingual books with interlinear translations, Dirndln und Lederhosen für das Oktoberfest, et cetera ad nauseam. Human beings will never find themselves without a desire for more things.

> Socialism can be wonderful, provided that Aryans can use it for themselves.

To-date, all forms of socialism have only benefited the kikes. And Freiheit has been universally benefited Aryans. For Aryans to benefit from socialism would be an inversion of reality, and for kikes to suffer under socialism would also be an inversion of reality. Look around, fren, only kikes have ever benefited from socialism, ever; and das Volk benefit from Freiheit, always.

> Kicking out the kikes has worked one-hundred-nine times.

Has it? If something must be "fixed" one-hundred-nine times, was it ever really "fixed" correctly? Simply expelling the kikes won't work. (((Their))) ability to profit must be removed.

> True nice of kikes is commerce

No, actual commerce is a legitimate and productive activity. Kikes don't engage in that. No, they engage in (((commerce))), where the transactions are rigged through the use of force to favor the kikes.

> Aknowledges that the kikes are in-control everywhere, even in the supposed "ethnic" nations of Syria, Iran and Norkland

This supports my point - wherever socialism exists, kikes rule.

> Attacking the central bank can't be done, so just attack jews

So you admit that effectively attacking the central bank would harm the kikes? We simply disagree about how, or if, it can be done. I suspect that you, I, and our frens can figure something out. New thread?

> Small-minded greed

It may seem that way to you, but the ability to keep my money is a big deal. So is the ability to keep my other things. Secure and reliable access to private property is critical for people to live, and the lack of such access/security is another reason why socialism fails. It's not "greed" that drives me, but the desire to be fruitful and productive - I can't care for my family if kikes and Aryan niggers keep stealing my shit.

> People should not be allowed to openly contract or deal with one another.

So, you're arguing that (((somebody))) should be given the power to make all my decisions for me? How is some *nigger stranger better-able to manage my affairs than I am able?

> Finally understands what I've been arguing - Kikes will eventually come to control any (((socialist))) institutions

Yes, exactly. Kikes are always gonna kike, (((they))) can't be 100% "extirpated", and the best way to fight (((them))) is to cripple (((their))) power.

> Aryans should not attempt to form collective institutions.

No, I'm not arguing that. But I would argue that any such institution should leverage the power of voluntary cooperation - voluntary members have great value, whereas coerced members are detrimental and counterproductive. Such organizations were once common, but then the kikes (((regulated))) them, and now it is illegal for das Volk to advocate for themselves.

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33c3ed  No.122492


> A pic I already have in my wallpapers dir, still nice.

> The centrally-planned command-economy of NatSoc Germany was unable to correctly allocate internal resources, and das Volk starved.

Yeah, pretty much. At the risk of being filtered, I'm going to point out the obvious - the failure of NatSoc cannot be fully blamed upon external factors. Yes, multiple invasions on multiple fronts hastened the process, but the NatSoc government would have inevitably failed. Was it "wise" for the NatSoc gov to tax/regulate/control/fix goods, forcing das Volk to find ersatz workarounds for the shortages that the central planners created? Also, who made the decision to engage and over-extend the Wehrmacht on multiple fronts? Central political planners, driven by ideology, chosen via cronyism rather than merit? Asking for a friend, fren.

> Dastardly socialists run the world

Yes, unfortunately.

> Using the term "Socialism" as a catch-all for things I don't like

Not quite. But it is true that all governments wish for pliant slaves, and those slaves are taught that their slavery is necessary "for the common good".

> The state can be made to serve us

No. The state only serves the rulers. History demonstrates this reality. Yes, sometimes there is a "good" ruler who puts the people first, but that's the exception.

> Do you feel like we have socialism?

Yes, of course we do. I'm a slave, with no rights or property, and I'm required to believe that the slavery is for my own good. And (((their))) march of (((progress)) is continuous - more socialist (((laws))) are put on the books, every year.

> Doesn't see the difference between lending at interest, and just lending

They're different, fren.

> All economies are centrally planned

No, not even close. Read your Adam Smith, fren. There is no planning or guidance in a free market, and such markets have functioned in the past.

> Believes that a state will openly pursue its charter, if only the kikes were removed

I don't think so, fren. Even without kikes, human beings are fallible and sinful. Create the power to misbehave with impunity, and bad people will seek that power.

> National Socialism can create systems that explicitly block kike subversion

Yeah, that's been tried before, and it has failed every time. The people who run the government are calling the shots, and no "charter" is going to prevent them from abusing their power.

> Libertarian stateless world

I'm not arguing for that. I'm actually not making an argument for what would be "best", because I don't know. But I do know that socialism, in all its forms, is a failure.

> Criminal syndicates

Look in the news, fren. America's cities have had a crime problem for decades, and the (((government))) only seems to make it worse. But now, municipal governments are dropping funding for law enforcement, and local citizens are taking up the baton. Any by policing themselves, normal people are doing a much better job than the (((government))) ever did. Yes, the crime rates in nigger-town are getting worse because they're niggers - wrong genetics and wrong culture, but the crime rates in suburban Aryan neighborhoods is going down - they have the necessary genetics and culture.

> Common defense

If the (((government))) wasn't preventing it, I'd probably be a junior officer or NCO in the local volunteer militia. If we, the militia, saw that there was a threat to our welfare, we would be able to act against the threat. This is how it once worked, and it worked well.

> How can societal arrangement be something other than socialist?

The big difference is coercion - socialist institutions require your subservience, or else they will kill you. Yes, other forms of government do that too, so it's not a defining feature of (((socialism))). A healthy civilization will not depend upon, or utilize, coercion of its members.

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758b55  No.122782


>I'm a slave, with no rights or property

If you have to pay tax on something you already "own," that is EXTORTION.

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8a5665  No.122796

File: f56e726e16c307f⋯.jpeg (99.73 KB, 1080x985, 216:197, nations_of_national_socia….jpeg)

OP here.

The anti-socialists on this thread are missing the point.

In National Socialism, the most specific nationality gets the preference to regulate themselves with their own form of socialism that works for them. The nuclear Family IS the most specific sub group of your race.

It could also accurately be called Family Socialism.


>socialist institutions require your subservience, or else they will kill you.

All nuclear families are naturally socialist institutions on the smallest scale. Do you suggest parents kill their children when they don't listen?


Even in a mixed race state National Socialism would take care of everything by dividing the government by race/nationality. Whites with the whites would overrule policies of the blacks with the blacks. Then the Germans within the whites would pinch off and be separate from the British whites and the Irish and the Italians…etc. but there might be overlapping policies that apply to whites as a while, but national socialism gives preference to the most specific nationality, German or British or Italian being more specific than white.

Take it a step further, the Rhineland West Germans would pinch off and form their own socialist policies within the framework of the pan German policies. North east Germans and south east Germans would form their own national socialism under the same frame work of pan German Socialism. Each sub layer having the greater loyalty to the one above it because the people are more closely related.

Then within the Rhineland West Germans might develop a slight racial septation between the north, middle, and southern Swiss (these are the more specific nationalities). Then within those divisions might recognize some long term direct descendent divisions over generations, and thus they would pinch off and form their own national socialist style to fit their specific needs. Until finally within the smallest divisions is the family unit that can directly trace their blood relationship and form an extended family with its own socialist policies for their own family coming to the table of the next level up and so on to form the national Socialism of the pan white national socialism.


>calling Natsoc capitalism with one company

>And it is a company in which ourselves, our racial kin and all of our descendants our stockholders. I don't even object to your characterization

This man has the right idea.

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97ee61  No.122812


Extremely interesting post and discussions. I will look forward for more of those. Any other reading material I should go for?

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ddb52b  No.122815


There's no difference. Both for fag, edgelord, pseudo intellectuals.

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33c3ed  No.122836


> Paying taxes on things you already own is extortion, not slavery

But do I even own my things? At any time, the (((legislators))) could decide that something I "own" should not be in my possession, or that I need to pay more to keep it, or that I should only be allowed to use it under certain conditions. I don't actually control the things that I "own", and therefore I do not truly own those things.


> Nuclear families are socialist institutions

That gave me a chuckle. I love my wife and children. Does the (((government))) love anyone? My wife WANTS to be with me. Does anybody WANT to be "with" the (((government)))?

Voluntarily giving to your family is not the same as being robbed by kikes and niggers.

> NatSoc is just capitalism with one company

And you don't see the problems inherent in that position? One company. Unaccountable to anyone. Unrestrained by anything. Unbound by obligation. Untrusted by all. That's precisely what we have right now, but with the claim that "it won't fall into the hands of the kikes."

The kikes cannot be destroyed by imitation. (((They))) can only be purged by removing (((their))) ecological niche.

The North American Aborigines the Injuns and Redskins could not be eliminated through force of arms. The solution to the Indian problem was to eliminate their food supplies - kill all the buffalo. The same method can be used to bring the kikes to heel - eliminate (((economic planning))).

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0c9b22  No.122878

File: 3ddc201d375d633⋯.jpg (143.1 KB, 968x1600, 121:200, 1585060581941.jpg)


>My family has all their physical and spiritual needs met, but they need more - another pair of pregnancy jeans, another nursing bra, a digital piano and lessons, a Ruger 10/22 setup for smaller-frames, unpasteurized sheep-milk cheese, space to grow a garden, endless toys, bi-lingual books with interlinear translations, Dirndln und Lederhosen für das Oktoberfest, et cetera ad nauseam.

These are all cheap consumer trinkets, the desire for which is inculcated by media propaganda. The only real commodity of value is a safe space in which to raise children, it is what normal people spend most of their lives paying for.

>To-date, all forms of socialism have only benefited the kikes. And Freiheit has been universally benefited Aryans. For Aryans to benefit from socialism would be an inversion of reality, and for kikes to suffer under socialism would also be an inversion of reality. Look around, fren, only kikes have ever benefited from socialism, ever; and das Volk benefit from Freiheit, always.

You keep mindlessly repeating this mantra. We have lived under tribal socialism for all of our evolutionary existence, our property rights have always been contingent on our good standing within our local tribal hierarchy. Your conception of contractual Freiheit was invented by libertarian kikes in the 1950. If kikes truly viewed libertarianism as a threat, it would be suppressed as all forms of Aryan communal socialism are.

>Simply expelling the kikes won't work. (((Their))) ability to profit must be removed.

The best way to remove their ability to profit is to implement a system where the kike syndicate can simply buy you out?

>No, actual commerce is a legitimate and productive activity. Kikes don't engage in that. No, they engage in (((commerce))), where the transactions are rigged through the use of force to favor the kikes.

Coercion and subterfuge have always been a part of successful commerce. Your goy honest commerce will always lose out to coercive Semitic mafia commerce, the open market rewards dishonesty and coercion. Aryans are a race of warriors, adventurers and homesteaders, while Semites have been haggling over the price of carpets in near-eastern bazaars for 8,000 years. If you think that Aryans can out compete Semites on the open market then you are delusional, the kikes have swindled and exploited us at every turn, and they will continue to do so until we put in place a system of draconian economic regulation. We must create an environment where Aryan traits such as honestly, loyalty, bravery and self-sacrifice are rewarded, the open market does not value these traits, as evidenced by the devious haggling Semites which have evolved in the ancient urbanized mercantile societies of the near east.

>This supports my point - wherever socialism exists, kikes rule.

Where are the libertarian societies where kikes don't rule? America is the most libertarian society which has ever been conceived and it is the kike's most cherished base of operations and the seat of their global power.

>So you admit that effectively attacking the central bank would harm the kikes?

What does it mean to attack the central bank? Once we create a National Socialist state we will nationalize the central bank and print the money ourselves. The problem is not the concept of printing currency but the fact that it is in the private control of the kike syndicate and is openly operated for their private benefit.

>It may seem that way to you, but the ability to keep my money is a big deal.

You fail to address any of my points on this topic. Money is a representation of the stored value of labor, the actual value of your money or property is dependent on the condition of your society and the costs which your society imposes on you. Only through careful social and economic regulation can the value of your labor and property be maintained.

>So, you're arguing that (((somebody))) should be given the power to make all my decisions for me? How is some *nigger stranger better-able to manage my affairs than I am able?

This is not about your affairs, it is about protecting your neighbors from your anti-social economic activities.

>Yes, exactly. Kikes are always gonna kike, (((they))) can't be 100% "extirpated", and the best way to fight (((them))) is to cripple (((their))) power.

And the best way to fight them is by abolishing all the tools for fighting them and creating a mercenary mercantile social system where Semitic swindlers most thrive?

>But I would argue that any such institution should leverage the power of voluntary cooperation - voluntary members have great value, whereas coerced members are detrimental and counterproductive.

Aryans will not be given the choice to voluntarily serve the kikes, traitors to the tribe have no right to exist. All Aryans must obey the tribal hierarchy which we establish for our common defense, as is the rule in every functional tribe.

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0c9b22  No.122881

File: b4cab648daea854⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 2370x1813, 2370:1813, deutsch.jpg)


>the failure of NatSoc cannot be fully blamed upon external factors. Yes, multiple invasions on multiple fronts hastened the process, but the NatSoc government would have inevitably failed.

Germany was a tiny independent nation battling against 3 Jewish continental empires. The fact that Germany resisted as long as it did speaks to the incredible effectiveness of National Socialism.

>Was it "wise" for the NatSoc gov to tax/regulate/control/fix goods, forcing das Volk to find ersatz workarounds for the shortages that the central planners created?

Clearly it was, as famines did not begin until after the National Socialist economic system was dismantled. National Socialism managed to provide food for the volk even the entire nation was engulfed in Semitic fire.

>Also, who made the decision to engage and over-extend the Wehrmacht on multiple fronts?

The Jews made that decision. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icebreaker_(Suvorov)

> I'm a slave, with no rights or property, and I'm required to believe that the slavery is for my own good.

>Even without kikes, human beings are fallible and sinful. Create the power to misbehave with impunity, and bad people will seek that power.

>Yeah, that's been tried before, and it has failed every time. The people who run the government are calling the shots, and no "charter" is going to prevent them from abusing their power.

>I'm actually not making an argument for what would be "best", because I don't know. But I do know that socialism, in all its forms, is a failure.

More learned helplessness and irrational Jew-conditioned fear of state power.

>America's cities have had a crime problem for decades, and the (((government))) only seems to make it worse.

You clearly aren't American. We are a Judeo-liberatarian society, kikes and subhumans have been free to run wild here since the kikes finalized their takeover in the 1960's. Only Aryans are ruthlessly prosecuted by the law for every minor infraction.

>If the (((government))) wasn't preventing it, I'd probably be a junior officer or NCO in the local volunteer militia. If we, the militia, saw that there was a threat to our welfare, we would be able to act against the threat.

>The big difference is coercion - socialist institutions require your subservience, or else they will kill you. Yes, other forms of government do that too, so it's not a defining feature of (((socialism))). A healthy civilization will not depend upon, or utilize, coercion of its members.

Let's suppose that ZOG collapses and you create a voluntary libertarian militia to defend the local community. What do you do when one of your locals decides to make a voluntary contract and rent his house out for use as a base by negroid-antifa militia? You will execute him as a traitor and expropriate his property. What happens when your voluntary militia starts to run low on food and ammo? You will forcibly search everyone's property for hoarded stockpiles. What happens when unforeseen circumstances create great hardship in one section of your community? You will redistribute the confiscated resources to those in most need. What happens when your militia runs low on manpower? You will forcibly draft the locals. Within a few days of operation your libertarian militia will revert to our natural state of a socialist tribal hierarchy, all of your libertarian principles are fake and gay sophistry.

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8a5665  No.122982

File: 37833fb84d21f81⋯.jpeg (177.43 KB, 1080x707, 1080:707, national_Socialism_struct….jpeg)


>you saying Nuclear families are socialist institutions gives me a chuckle. I love my wife and children. Does the (((government))) love anyone? My wife WANTS to be with me. Does anybody WANT to be "with" the (((government)))?

>Voluntarily giving to your family is not the same as being robbed by kikes and niggers.

Maybe in your own family you might feel comfortable forcing certain things on your own children or uncles, whereas not with strangers outside your family. But even if not for you, you get to decide your own version of Socialism that works for your family or your clan, if that means everything is completely voluntary, then that's for you and your people to decide. National Socialism is bout freedom for nationalities to decide for themselves how they want to socialize, while at the same time not interfering with the inner workings of families and clans to do as they wish with their own people. If your extended uncle wants to smack you, national socialists don't interfere in your family (nationality) squabbles.

I don't know about you, but if my son is hording supplies and not sharing with the family, I feel fine I having a family died, but with a stranger I don't feel a right to tell him to share with me.

Think outside the box fren. National Socialism is a babushka doll of socialism that leaves freedom to families to whatever the fuck they want with their own kin, not some USA libertarian version of freedom which will enforce the freedom of children over their parents. Wake up.

> NatSoc is just capitalism with one company?

>And you don't see the problems inherent in that position? One company. Unaccountable to anyone. Unrestrained by anything. Unbound by obligation. Untrusted by all. That's precisely what we have right now, but with the claim that "it won't fall into the hands of the kikes."

See above. Families (nationalities) should not be accountable to anybody but themselves.

National Socialism is the saving grace of the human family. No other political system makes sense.

What's better, all these things derive naturally from the name national socialism. The name is a perfection of expression.

Hail Hitler.

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71e693  No.123087

I view it this way:

In society you have the State, you have Labor, and you have Private Capital. State is the government and its agencies. Labor are the masses of workers. Private Capital are those who own and control the wealth.

Capitalism is when the State is influenced by, or controlled by, Private Capital. In this system, Labor is (supposedly) disadvantaged as wealth flows to P.C.

Communism is when the State is controlled by Labor. In this system, Private Capital is disadvantaged as wealth flows to Labor and the State.

Socialism is when the State, reduces the wealth of P.C. and flows the wealth to Labor. You still have the wealthy, but they are less wealthy. Labor is still poor, but not as poor. Some people think taxing the rich and giving to the poor is fair, others think it immoral to give that which they didn't work for.

National Socialism is supposedly when the State, Labor, and Private Capital collaborate to advance the national interest. You can still have divisions of class and wealth, but (supposedly) everyone works together to advance the nation, and everyone benefits. PC makes profits. Workers have jobs, rights, benefits, and health care. The State has an orderly, strong country. That is the 'socialism' aspect: the State ensures that Private Capital does not dominate Labor, but also makes sure that Labor does not prosper at the expense of Private Capital.

At least this is all in theory.

I would argue that right now, mainland China is National Socialist and not Communist. It cannot be Communist if you can be rich in China. You can start a business and grow it and become successful. The Chinese State likes this.

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8a5665  No.123468


>I would argue that right now, mainland China is National Socialist and not Communist.

China is National Socialist to one degree, being that they maintain a Chinese racial identity and ethnic characteristics within which to practice their socialism. But other than that, they are international socialist in that they don't give autonomy to the differ Chinese sub races within China… they just have one big inter racial pan Chinese socialism, which is communism. Real national socialism takes it to the infinite degree so that each sub race has its own Socialism according to their nationality.

North Korea is the same thing, they don't divide themselves into their sub races and give independence to the differ branches of long term extended families.

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8a5665  No.123486

File: 396edb4cc2978be⋯.jpeg (109.98 KB, 1080x756, 10:7, natsoc_not_socnat.jpeg)

Socialism according to your Nationality

not Nationality according to your socialism.

National Socialism, not Social Nationalism.

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a5a865  No.126387

File: 15e89b44bf75c01⋯.jpg (744.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 22without_jews_there_would….jpg)


<I'm a faggot nigger shill who sucks dick. Don't hurr durr them.

Nobody believes your bullshit anymore, give it up.

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a5a865  No.126392


>thread is full of shareblue hobos who can't code

<hurr everything is socialism goy just give up already :^)

So this is the newest shill fad huh? By spamming any and everything that is remotely Right Wing and call it 'socialism' because reasons. Even the knowledge of agartha, hollow earth, and other esoteric stuff are being defiled with shill spam power creep on twatter

<hurr (((eisenhower))) and the antarctic nazis are allied with the based (((greys))) instead of those fantasy nordics and fictional pleiadians you 'shills' love, therefore; the nazis are evil satan socialist demons in space :^)

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