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d57111  No.182326

I don't understand the "Cancel student debt" idea.

>Punishes those who were responsible and/or worked through college or picked less expensive unis

>Doesn't solve the underlying issue. College is still prohibitively expensive for many this is just passing the problem on without a real solution

>Many people paid off their student debt already

Is this "cancel student debt" just a big meme?

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361c64  No.182492


Destroy all toilets. It's unfair to the generations before us who lived without indoor plumbing.

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bd3eff  No.182494


>free shit vote for me

Lay a snare with bait and wait for your prey to take it to spring the trap. What is hard to understand about it? Even "cavemen" knew how to make snares

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5a3987  No.182516


>I don't understand the "Cancel student debt" idea.

Are you retarded? Genuine question.

>Punishes those who were responsible and/or worked through college or picked less expensive unis

Yes, that’s the point.

>Doesn't solve the underlying issue.

Yes, that’s the point.

>Many people paid off their student debt already

Only whites.

>Is this "cancel student debt" just a big meme?

No, it’s literally what communism does.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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