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File: 910b8f4ea6f67e2⋯.jpg (90.73 KB, 750x703, 750:703, 1604832389982.jpg)

8285da  No.179650[Last 50 Posts]

Anyone got screencaps? Apparently, some on aus/pol anons leaked pics of a mods ex or something, then the whole site went down

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18b44c  No.179654

I want to see that holy shit. I saw someone say something about the mods being mad

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f31bfb  No.179655

its happening

> some on aus/pol anons leaked pics of a mods ex or something

fake news

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8f57ed  No.179660

>they stalled the board because someone leaked jennies ex

yeah sure

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ddd986  No.179662

testing testin, alright, what a shitty interface BTW. Yup, 4chan is gone…

>some on aus/pol anons leaked pics of a mods ex or something,

I hate australians so goddamned much

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18b44c  No.179664

File: 62c74525bfe50fb⋯.png (220.44 KB, 2380x913, 2380:913, Screenshot_2020_11_11_1053….png)

File: 3f2a8b4cd0fcd66⋯.png (371.53 KB, 1488x1231, 1488:1231, Screenshot_2020_11_11_1053….png)

Does anyone have any clue what board it was? The posts are still up, and the last post anon clearly knows what's up

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76df1c  No.179665


I was happily shit posting away when suddenly images could no longer be posted, this went on for around 30 minutes before any attempt to make a post responds with connection error.

Other than that the site loads fine and everything, sounds like a server glitch to me.

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3b9c1d  No.179667

>testing, testing

>is this thing on?!

for my first post here, i'd like to start off by saying fuck jannies.

aus/pol/ nuked all of 4chan with a goblino pic

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15a802  No.179669

Anyone have a link to the picture?

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5a9be0  No.179670

File: 27737e25b6c8ec7⋯.png (518.57 KB, 1101x1780, 1101:1780, Screenshot_2020_11_11_4sta….png)

In the middle of a talk about JFK it got nuked before some german anon posted some photo

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3b9c1d  No.179672

Heres the mod's gf goblino pic thread


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2b18ef  No.179673


Aussies can't make threads after the chistchurch shootings. Our threads instantly get archived unless a confirmed glowie makes it.

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4ff17e  No.179674

I haven't been able to post pics to 4 all week. What a going on?

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8f57ed  No.179677


what? there's nothing there

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5a9be0  No.179678

File: 4502b0bb45acc7f⋯.png (25.06 KB, 1320x291, 440:97, Screenshot_2020_11_11_pol_….png)

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3b9c1d  No.179679


not true, i used to be able to bake up until about 6 months ago. They got telstra ISP first. My Optus ISP was also rangebanned last week, but some anons reckon optus is now working again.

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291ab8  No.179680

Can confirm 4chan is dead

WTF is with the captcha at this place. Fucking can't read that

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b8471b  No.179681


someone post the pic at least, i need to know if it was worth it

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3b9c1d  No.179682


>WTF is with the captcha at this place. Fucking can't read that

yeah fuck this place, i cant read that shit 8moot you fucking retard

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3b9c1d  No.179683

File: 080d620bc1bf627⋯.png (40.53 KB, 825x621, 275:207, ClipboardImage.png)

oh no no no bros

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76df1c  No.179685


aus/pol dumbass.


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f31bfb  No.179686


are you niggers for real?

google captcha makes you literally waste more time training ai than it would take just to do a simple captcha usually, and 4chan makes you do it ON EVERY SINGLE FUCKING POST unlike other imageboards

fucking zoomers

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291ab8  No.179690


Something big is going to happen today. Of course they're going to try and take the meme machine down

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3b9c1d  No.179692


i prefer to waste as much as my time as i can, working for free for google's self driving cars

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be934c  No.179696

File: 5e93235ff44d0cd⋯.png (241.21 KB, 1815x757, 1815:757, ClipboardImage.png)



it was definitely this thread that got the site nuked

many of those names are city council members and pages for mayors all across the country

pretty funny that they pay for phone data so they always jew around for free wifi lol get scooped nerds

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3b9c1d  No.179698


was the cloudflare insider anon right?… is this the end?

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2b18ef  No.179699


You can still bake threads but it'll be archived within 10 minutes. Why do you think aus/pol/ threads are always, skynews, abc or Ian "Praise Him" bustanutguy?

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c41a86  No.179700


the site works fine though

you just cant post

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76df1c  No.179707

File: e34d5a853e58e44⋯.png (101.5 KB, 1081x250, 1081:250, we_do_it_for_free.png)


We do many things for free

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291ab8  No.179708

File: 7e949a9862f53e0⋯.jpg (198.26 KB, 1534x487, 1534:487, 347754774745.jpg)


You can't now all you get is connection error.

Top thread on pol at the moment is a tranny Antifa thread

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1a205f  No.179714


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3b9c1d  No.179715


>Why do you think aus/pol/ threads are always, skynews, abc or Ian "Praise Him" bustanutguy?

Yeah, i know theyre glowbaked, but im just saying i could bake other threads. I never baked aus/pol/s but would often bake other threads on /pol/ just fine.

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67629a  No.179720


That’s shitty man I had no idea

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2b18ef  No.179723


Captchas don't even work for me anymore, it was like that time when jewgle had the two words for their captcha system, as long as you spelt the first one correctly, the second word could always be input with nigger.

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67629a  No.179726


I actually bought the pass the other day because it was literally worth my money over time wasted

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be934c  No.179728


4hanx options force noscript captcha

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4afc7e  No.179733


>Image board

>Can't post

>>It works just fine

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18b44c  No.179734

File: ca2d26472b375f0⋯.png (143.3 KB, 1129x789, 1129:789, Screenshot_2020_11_11_1111….png)

Hopefully someone saved the pic


This thread seemed to have been made after the fact

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f31bfb  No.179736


all of your time spent posting on /pol/ in 2020 is wasted, no matter if you are training googles AI to enslave you or not

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c41a86  No.179737

when the alien pic was posted how long did it take for the site to get back up?

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fd1f53  No.179740

File: 63a72bab0bf329c⋯.png (143.3 KB, 1298x1031, 1298:1031, faggot.png)

I wanted to tell this faggot:

Commit rope in minecraft faggot

But then the website went down…

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67629a  No.179742


autists gotta autist. Can’t be helped

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291ab8  No.179743

File: a81b09a984cb57e⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 5152x3864, 4:3, 1605086893499.jpg)

Someone also started posting phone pictures taken from project Typhoon like 5 minutes before it stopped working

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15a802  No.179744


Sounds like he was right.

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3b9c1d  No.179747


>i just clicked that shit, nigga

welp, it was nice knowing you guys

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67629a  No.179749


Yeah but everyone had that pdf. Or are you posting something unrelated?

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dede53  No.179754

File: aefc1dd13b1c982⋯.jpg (19.42 KB, 720x167, 720:167, IMG_20201111_120850_288.JPG)


The last replies from the website are at this exact time.

You can still access the website and the catalog - or at least I can.

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fd1f53  No.179758

File: f2628fb382ef8ec⋯.png (169.72 KB, 1299x1029, 433:343, Mexifed.png)


Last image post on /pol/

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9daa3f  No.179760

this is also getting removed everywhere at the moment (even mega took it down), interesting timing https://8kun.top/pnd/res/179576.html

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291ab8  No.179761


I didn't know everyone had it i'm just saying the last thread I saw before the entire site started getting connection errors had that image posted last

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ddd986  No.179764


>already dead

please please be real this time

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67629a  No.179768

File: bce1b345d6e467e⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1030x2043, 1030:2043, 898AC22F_12EF_424B_84EC_6D….png)

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8239a5  No.179772

File: 8f85c09d19040a5⋯.png (405.95 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, B7B42C76_039F_4A24_B174_9C….png)

File: eefd8e8dbc14773⋯.png (439.91 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 30809B56_DD7A_49AE_AC35_EB….png)

Last post on /pol/

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cb885f  No.179773

From 4chan to 8chan to 4chan to 8chan to 4chan to 8kun. Fuck this shit. I should be NPC instead. This is tiresome.

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be934c  No.179774


4plebs will have it

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291ab8  No.179775


Yea that really hit a nerve with them. Their entire network was mapped out. That's not something some random person on pol did alone. Something like that would take a military grade terror operation to setup wouldn't it?

I mean who's going around setting up fake wifi everywhere?

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fd1f53  No.179776

Shame there are no flags here

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c41a86  No.179778

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be934c  No.179782


yuki.la will have it

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6fdb2b  No.179786


I have no doubt the ban was due to

>antifa dox

>anon buying wisconsin voter roll for 25k and posting it

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67629a  No.179788


Who has a link to the thread with the pictures of the USB keys labeled for each of six states saying something like the first token has been used? It said you won’t be able to post on 4chan after 4am. Only had like two replies.

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6935cb  No.179790


What if it was Antifa hackers that shut down the site?

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3b9c1d  No.179791


>Something like that would take a military grade terror operation to setup wouldn't it?

>I mean who's going around setting up fake wifi everywhere?

dedicated /k/ommando autists probably

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be934c  No.179793




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3b9c1d  No.179797


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fd1f53  No.179798

I think this is the gfof the mod


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67629a  No.179800

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5a9be0  No.179802

nigga feel happy, all the money, all the time, all the energy and man power aimed to maim you, feel special you sily snowflake>>179773


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>▶Anonymous 11/11/20 (Wed) 08:13:30 291a

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c41a86  No.179805


I think the pic was posted on another thread

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b3c153  No.179809


Nothing on there or archived.moe. Sounds like bullshit.

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8988e3  No.179812


some really good Boston bombing evidence dropped. The thread 404'd on me.

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e8dd0f  No.179813


>You can still bake threads but it'll be archived within 10 minutes.

All my threads go fine, sounds like a you problem. You just gotta make them before the glowies can and bump them.

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fd1f53  No.179822


Fuck you faggot

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591097  No.179826

File: f8380f4fbbfac8f⋯.png (399.72 KB, 783x641, 783:641, 1604889799677.png)


>follow the death

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0a5012  No.179846

File: 127c610f0451d86⋯.png (510.73 KB, 1842x898, 921:449, wtf.png)

And on this day the timeline shifted so hard i can't post on cuckchan.

well going in full spectator for now i guess

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2cd42d  No.179862


>Boku no Pico

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1de99c  No.180177


I got banned yesterday made comment about using Nvidia program to play a game. Have been banned 3 times in 2 months over nothing. Been >>179791

on 7 years.

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d2f87f  No.180380

File: 73e24755a20f7f0⋯.jpg (450.44 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20201111_101422….jpg)

This is a shill misdirection thread.

Hundreds of 4chan passes were nuked yesterday including mine permanently for reposting a antifa command and control system graph dump.

Jannie did not stop banning until no one was left but the side thread shills and bots, no survivors.

Here is the dump


Association graph #1


Dooooot          com/TcPaK1oepe/portland_antifa_k_1_png

Association graph #2

https://anonfiles     Doooot        com/70hfMdo5pe/bebe0d0e667f7fa786d0e25078301717704a2b82690b10a8ffdca690ca0fb8a2_png

Association graph #3

https://anonfiles        Doooooot       com/B3h4M6o7pd/dc17c18d716fd69dda24d3cce57dd310011dd6552770ab936cb724cb8b800a04_png

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e53013  No.180485


>train AIs

<on an autist board

Who else introduces false positives, and leaves out correct answers ALL THE TIME?

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e53013  No.180486


same for here in NZ.

Can bake, can't reply to own thread, archives in under 10 minutes

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4af964  No.180871


4chan was an antifa site all along? Why did TD and Voat worship it then? 8kun/8chan was the only conservative chan condemning it for gamergate. Are TD and Voat also honeypots like 4chan?

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e98549  No.180873


>Why did TD and Voat worship it then?

That was literally never the case. Cuckchan has been compromised since at least 2014, which is why this place exists at all.

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