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9d31cb  No.178488

Its literally Israeli Jews (Trump) vs American Jews (Biden)

Either way both candidates are Jewish puppets

Think about it logically, why would the Jewish elite decide the outcome of this countries government on a coinflip.

Presidents are just scapegoat's for public outrage. Why revolt when you can switch parties next election?

It really doesn't matter who wins because regardless of who gets elected Americans lose and Jews win.

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871e73  No.178490

we know

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43e7b6  No.178496

At this point the leftards are more "anti-semitic" than the Q believing, Trumps dickriding so called right. Jews got what they wanted. I voted for Trump only out of peer pressure. Now I think Biden might be the actual conservative and not a total kike whore traitor like trump. He was a false prophet and people larped too soon.

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43e7b6  No.178497

Is 8kun really a honeypot? Where do real natsocs go? Can we get back the old 8chan now that trumpberg is dead?

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492606  No.178500


We can 'get back' to advocating for ourselves as Western Europeans. Fuck everyone else and fuck all those kiked forms of (((government))).

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09ed11  No.178605


>Where do real natsocs go?


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e8ce1a  No.178610


We already have a thread.

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