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File: 1dbe5213b9489e6⋯.png (102.98 KB, 791x1057, 113:151, Threat_Of_Philosophy_2.png)

ebe80e  No.178282

If you're concerned about the world, here's the source, documented.

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ff2e06  No.178314

File: 01ecd689155a0d8⋯.jpg (39.9 KB, 500x708, 125:177, Avalokite_vara.jpg)

Philosophy is necessary, irremovable, wasn't even called philosophy when it was on its peak.

Key figures of society always create new kind of truth for people to follow like moth to the light. Like for example caring about white people at all is being head deep in philosophy, otherwise you would care only about yourself or fall for mainstream ideal of universal love.

People love certainty in their goals, other people who had existential crisis over uncertainty of truth create fake certainty. Its a mutual agreement between philosophical figure guiding society as a blind man leading flock of blind masses. Trusting the blind man not to be blind is the key point of society not killing itself, because they rely on their shepherds. Teaching may be downright stupid, and yet masses trust it out of filling hole in their fundamental intellectual ground.

Once a person awakens from this state he finds nothing, like a buddhist he only sees the voidness, if he's a bit better he sees God in that void. And either invents new philosophy or concludes uncertainty of everything. Nothing can be explained, yet "nothing" can be explained. Reasonable thinking is the only virtue in life. For some its impossible to live without believing in fiction, including utopian ideas of ideal society.

All shepherds do is give people sweet dreams.

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