>There are some things you should respectfully dismiss. …whittle down what *your* vision is.
> I've kept my head down and focused on necessities. Good job, humble home, healthy food.
>Keep your eye open for a moment you can make a difference, otherwise focus on survival and keeping yourself sane.
This, so much. Good advice here.
Just try your best, and do not forget we humans make a mistake - we think life will stay the way we got used to. But things, in the long run, are on the move, are floating away. Maybe do over the centuries, so we cannot comprehend that easily. Panta rhei (all is flowing) is among what Plato afaik delivered about the thinking of Heraclit. Quite a bummer bc you first need to accept it. I guess the stream of life is usually slow, more viscous. Only when shtf events speed up and life can change tremendously, becoming challenging, and really threatening.
You need to find strength out of yourself, from your inner core. ppl who can, and therefore are mentally stronger, can endure hard times way better. The weak and cowardly in the past suffered, lots perished, bc nb supported them. Those who found together to withstand always had a better chance. Trust your guts, you do not need sb else to pull you, sb you could idolise. You keep pushing yourself. Do what you can to improve and advance in life. Do not tell yourself you know it all, there's nth you can do.
Don't forget: the term 'selection' means having been chosen, having to prove your worth, it is survival of the fittest, but not only physically. Some do not get it, it's not us the world is revolving around, we're guests to the party, not the main attraction in that short period we are to stay. There are a ton of useful skills to learn, also to teach others which will keep you busy. If you do have expertise with sth, if you can share experience - good, pls do that, if not - screw it. But for you it may be paying back to gain a range of skills and offer to others, in the long run that's what counts. Perhaps you'll become sb others will look up to. Godspeed.