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File: befdd2d495f1ca5⋯.jpg (827.33 KB, 2464x3000, 308:375, georgerobertcarruthers.jpg)

a2de6f  No.167917[Last 50 Posts]

hear me out on this one please - at the very least you can redirect my thinking but im just being honest here

How do you guys feel about objectively highly intelligent black people? I'm curious because while ive read and agree with a lot of the positions you guys take regarding a large percentage of them - i have found for me, in my life, i've met a good few that were actually pretty intelligent and agreeable. i can't say i've ever actually made long term friends (or even really short term) with any but certainly acquaintance. I do live in Los Angeles though and I suppose maybe because of that I have a much higher chance of meeting these kinds of people.

The photos is of the dude that invented the UV camera / spectograph for NASA and a buncha other big brained shit. How do you guys justify blacks like this?

I'm genuinely asking these questions out of curiosity - i'm simply being honest about my experience and the questions i have.


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800736  No.167920

Whether you like them or not they'll outbreed you in 20 years. Its what has been happening. You have to find strength in your own kind, doesnt mean you gotta go around stomping blackies.

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ee6f88  No.167921


>How do you guys feel about objectively highly intelligent black people?

They don’t exist, statistically. Ever read The Bell Curve? They’re an insignificant number. No matter their intelligence, they don’t belong in white nations. It’s not even remotely up for debate.

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e03383  No.167946


I don't care what they think about me. The white man doesn't need to be in my space, nor I in his.

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a2de6f  No.167947


you're saying if i understand, because of who they are on average, for the better of any western nation, they don't belong at all.

now followup question - have you ever met one you genuinely could have gotten along with and perhaps even one you respected

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a2de6f  No.167948


black people? i don't know about that so much as mexicans locally and asians globally

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a2de6f  No.167972



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886f5f  No.167973


Yep. Doesn’t matter, though. None of them belong in white nations. No exceptions. Get the fuck out since you don’t seem to understand this.

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a2de6f  No.167977


Would you not want to welcome those with open minds to be educated ? Consider the fact that it's so often cited here that mainstream education and media brainwash people - i imagine it's pretty rare to find anyone willing to even listen to your message let alone hear it with an open mind. I'm just saying

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111f8b  No.167981


The black on white crime, and black crime statistics say it all. Multiracialism inherently doesn’t work. You may have an individual and positive friendship with a black, or another race. But collectively is doesn’t justify racial equality, or any benefit of diversity. If different races were to naturally thrive in the same society, we wouldn’t need affirmation action, and discrimination laws. We would all get on.

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ef4d37  No.167985


Individual groups should be able to form their own structures and be able to trade with other groups. But when you get a high percentage of blacks in any area this never happens.

If blacks really though they were slaves, oppressed and hated white people they would want to be away from them and in their own areas. Yet when this happens, they call it white flight and complain they no longer have access to the white people's money. Or, they migrate in mass to white countries.

Haiti was setup to be an independent home for blacks, and all the infrastructure was put together for them. It collapsed multiple times and whites had to come fix it.

Everything is a statistical distribution. Pointing to an outlier doesn't change what always happens.

Name an independent black majority and black ruled country that has a good economy.

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800736  No.168024


You happened to miss europe, fuckwit.

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5a1f28  No.168028


>How do you guys feel about objectively highly intelligent black people?

Intelligence is a bell curve. Smart niggers are the exception, not the rule.

>i've met a good few that were actually pretty intelligent and agreeable

Sure, "pretty intelligent and agreeable" doesn't take a lot of intelligence so it would make sense that there are more niggers in this category than "super genius niggers" and when you look at the upper most echelon of intelligence across all races, niggers are completely absent in the top 1%.


I'm a huge Thomas Sowell fan btw, probably the smartest nigger that has ever lived. He's a real credit to his race, and he is mostly despised by his kin. Niggers are a genetic tragedy, but it should not be the responsibility of other races to feed, clothe, and educate these apes.


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5a1f28  No.168033


>you're saying if i understand, because of who they are on average, for the better of any western nation, they don't belong at all.

Yes, the "based nigger" dialectic is shortsighted. Subsequent generations revert to the mean, which means even the children of intelligent decent niggers will be dumber, have lower impulse control, and thus be more violent… and will poor and disgruntled as a result. This causes widespread problems in society as you can see now with BLM riots, which are essentially looting parties for niggers. All of these niggers came from shirt-tucked-in mind-your-manners niggers from the 30's and 40's.

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ee6f88  No.168034


>Would you not want to welcome those with open minds to be educated?

No. We have no obligation to them. None of them belong in white nations. No exceptions. Get the fuck out since you don’t seem to understand this.

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7cb194  No.168052



no i meant myself lol - he said to get the fuck out of here.

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7cb194  No.168054


oh wow i had no idea actually that their population growth rate was so fucking high - i simply assumed india/south asia was smoking the rest of the planet in growth. im way off

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7cb194  No.168056


i guess my question is how do we feel in general about those high tier rare exceptions like thomas sowell - is the hate universal regarldess? i wonder if thinking so black and white (not a pun) can do a disservice considering an asset is an asset, i would think. rare as they may be.

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64a193  No.168062

Roughly 10% of blacks are above average or high IQ, e.g. 100 or higher if I remember correctly. I went to school with some of them, and they usually talk & act like a white person, and tend to avoid slang/ebonics and other stereotypical black American traits. Weird thing…all the blacks guys I had as friends or acquaintances in high school or college, ALL of them were heavily into Anime for some odd reason.

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7cb194  No.168064


So the question is then - given the overwhelming opinion that i've seen is that 100% of them are deserving of immediate removal from western nations and to be deemed dangerous is basically every avenue one can be dangerous.

not saying this opinion somehow upsets me by any means - im simply curious what most of pnd thinks about this particular small population within blacks living in western nations. and if possible an explanation as to why they have that opinion (they meaning anyone willing to answer)

just looking to listen and learn

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094e90  No.168089

every race has outliers

but I doubt that outliers prevent regression to the mean, and the mean, in this case niggers, is what you should be worried about

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a2de6f  No.168111


lol i feel like no one has actually answered my question though - im not referring to an entire population of nogs. im talking about the ones you meet specifically in your life, inevitably, with no choice in the matter.

have any of those been reasonable and agreeable people

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eda27b  No.168119


Some intelligent blacks do of course exist, but as many posters have pointed out, the overwhelming number of them are semi-sentient golems. Most blacks it seems, owing to intellectual laziness or spite, wilfully consume the anti-white narratives served to them by the jewish media and act out with hostility. This pattern of behavior causes me to treat the entire group of them as malevolent to my interests, since 99% of the time, this will be correct to a varying degree. The onus of convincing me and other white people to the contrary lies upon the blacks.

If that weren't bad enough, blacks have the gall to demand special treatment from every other race. Indians for example aren't demanding I undergo diversity training in order to converse with them, and yet they have just as valid an excuse to complain about the colonial boot on their neck.

To summarize, blacks are significantly more trouble than they're worth. If all of these intelligent blacks were to disappear tomorrow, would we really notice?

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a2de6f  No.168121


Unlikely that we would, no.

But if i may share an observation i've made over the past ~6 months - a group of people i've seen to be far more detrimental to white western males has been vocal yet ignorant liberal white females aged 18-35.

It's this group i've found to be absolute sheep, manipulated to the nth degree into regurgitating horse shit narritives they see their peers saying and posting. And the genius of how they were manipulated into doing this - is that they were blinded by their carnal desire to be noticed, accepted, and potentially even liked (lmfao) by their fellow piss brained kind. Social media 'liked' have caused more damage through manipulation than anything i can personally even think of.

that was a huge rant without any thought put into what i said but i am curious what you and others may think of my unfiltered thought on this

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c7c5a4  No.168122


Have you asked a question? "How do you justify them" - the normal distribution? Seriously what is question, do you have a point?

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a2de6f  No.168124


ah fuck - thank you. i just went back to my OP and realized i was trying to word my post so carefully i didn't even end up fucking asking it completely.

basically one of the questions i intended to ask was if any of you guys have met IRL any black people that you found to be tolerable, possibly reasonable and agreeable. Perhaps even so far as met one that you didn't totally hate and even enjoyed having a conversation with.

Another way to frame it is - what's the best experience you've had IRL with a black guy - or could you even fathom it being a possibility.

again this all derives purely from curiosity, not some sort of insinuation

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c7c5a4  No.168128


Oh, okay. Yes, I have. Perfectly nice, as nice and smart as anyone I'd generally be friends with. Then I've also met violent rapist monsters unlike anything I've ever seen.

Bell curve.

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7dd69e  No.168142


>have you ever met one you genuinely could have gotten along with and perhaps even one you respected

Yes but extreme outliers does not one rule make and legislation and politics are based on rules and generalizations not MUH INDIVIDUAL.

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7dd69e  No.168143


>Would you not want to welcome those with open minds to be educated ?

No. It's their racial obligation to stay in their countries/communities and improve them. Not only we have no obligation towards them there's even loss for both of our communities by brrain drain for them and mudding down to the mean for us.

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a2de6f  No.168144


hmm youre not the first to have misunderstood that post - i must have not worded it thoughtfully.

what i meant was welcoming me even with my ignorance to the forum, not blacks to the nation

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a2de6f  No.168145



so again the following is purely a thought experiment so that i can better learn

but then hypothetically speaking, if we were to, say, somehow purge the nation from undesirables - should that list of undesirables be drafted based on a set of qualifiers that can be scored in some way with precision. And if you can admit there is even one person who is black that you had no qualms with, that simply being black itself is not one of those qualifiers regardless how likely black people are unqualified. but rather there are inherent traits that would result in their undesirable nature that transcend ethnicity - as im certain you would also agree there are a massive number of whites that you'd want excised from your community just as quickly?

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7dd69e  No.168148


Purge is a heavy word. If it's Europe then I'm all for sending them back to their country of origin with proportional compensation for their services. In the case of the Americas communities' segregation it's all it takes and everyone (excpet kikes) are happy.

>as im certain you would also agree there are a massive number of whites that you'd want excised from your community just as quickly?

Yes. Lefties must be purged with the full meaning of the word and disposed at the swiftest way possible.

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a40fba  No.168153


Are you writing an article on us? Surely by now you have received an adequate answer to your question. While I can only speak for myself, you can see that while /pnd/ regards blacks as lower IQ, the board isn't necessary "anti-black," rather the consensus is that our races are largely incompatible.

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84f342  No.168156


The trick is, it would have to be a multi-generational project, because of reversion to the mean. And even then, you'd still settle out at something lower than your initial set-level for "undesirable". And there will be few if any pure-blooded Negroes in that final population.

For example, lets say you purge anyone under 105 IQ, and lets say you purge anyone who commits a violent crime, and also purge the violent offender's children. Assume you can convince the population to go along with this somehow. You'll see a massive improvement in all social measures, immediately. But as that generation has more kids, and they revert to the mean, your gains will disappear, within 1 or 2 generations. If you do it for 4 generations, call it 120 years, you will still revert to a population avg IQ level less than 115.

As for the Negroes. Since the mean for Negroes is 85, less than 3% of the Negroes will be left after the first generation. Fewer of the second generation would be purged by this hypothetical program, we assume. Over time, if intermarriage between races is allowed, this will lead to the near-total erasure of the Negroes from your hypothetical "highly intelligent" population.

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7dd69e  No.168174



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886f5f  No.168202


We do not allow our feelings to overcome our sense of rationality.We don’t care about the plight of the negro. We don’t care about any individual niggers in our lives. We literally do not give a shit. They must be removed from white nations by any means necessary. They are not the same species as us. They represent an existential threat to us. You’re too stupid to understand this, so you really just need to be leaving.

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e25238  No.168309


> is the hate universal regarldess?

It's not even hate though honestly (I fucking do hate niggers though), it's a principled and objectively factual position on the consequences of interracialism and multiculturalism. Allowing the proliferation of any nigger genetics in your population means necessarily that it will make its way through a population over generations. You wouldn't take a drop of poison and put it in your water, and so… no… not even "the golden nigger" (hypothetically) can be welcomed into a white civilization.

More importantly look at the question itself. The plant is fucking huge and Africa is massive. Why are we having a discussion about "what would it take for you to start loving niggers anon" like this is somehow a thing to be aspired to. There is no need for it, my "monkey sphere" isn't big enough and neither is yours to actually give a shit about niggers.

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1692d1  No.168316

Well, the baboons at my mostly black public school accomplished nothing but disrupting most classes they were in. You needed to sneak into "honors" if you wanted to be around anyone who wasn't howling like a caged animal. I have no patience for their stupid bullshit. This particular nigger with the UV senor for the sat? Great. Good for him. However, how many rolls of the dice did it take? How many fine folk are we throwing under the bus trying to placate this irate savage demographic?

Look at what happened to Zimbabwe and South Africa. (you'll have to struggle through the censorship to get the story of the dead farmers, corrupt race baiting politicans and starving population) Also, internally blacks are racist as shit with anyone else who is lighter skin. It's the inverse of Asia. The lighter you are the more "privileged" you are.

Cheers and fuck yourself.

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657448  No.168319


>if intermarriage between races is allowed

had me until then

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0e5e57  No.168811

File: 00626615d33cf86⋯.jpg (423.66 KB, 1137x1238, 1137:1238, A_race_war.jpg)


Keep going kid, once upon a time it was "lurk 2 moar years". I get you feel you dont have that much time, and you really dont have any tbh. Get what you can, study, curate, preserve and disseminate it.

> How do you guys justify blacks like this?

Bell curve nigger.

Also, stop being a dumb nigger. This isn't about individuals, it's about a collective future of a genetic/moral/conscious tribe where you are either subsumed and inundated by your empathy and compassion even further than our ancestors begot, with the same tactic of a sociopathic subversive guerrilla tribe occupying your host nation for millenea, or you dont. While your seemingly equivalent disposition and intelligence allow you to partake in mutual respect and acknowledgement (which is noble), you can be certain that those who've propagated you this idea of identity have a very different intent with greater implications, and an ultimate conclusion that youdve wished you put a bullet in your head before it got that far.

Tell me how you plan on creating a multicultural nation out of each nation's select best, when there is only one best to a certain people who put you two together, under a simple dichotomy of muh race and IQ with the totality included to outnumber you ensuring the best doesnt beat them.

tldr: the world, it's history, it's people and it's future will likely be both light and dark times repeated, but it doesnt completely revolved around you and your token nog bro. Redpill him after yourself, and advise him the same.

>i'm simply being honest about my experience and the questions i have.

You will eventually either become more honest and experienced with a broader understanding of its implications if you continue this train: there is one end and it is never, you are here forever.

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4f102f  No.168830

File: 21b5bccf74496e8⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 546x700, 39:50, 867687431321a.jpg)


son you got this whole thing wrong from the start

>Likely Unwelcome Questions About Blacks

now let me help you fix that

>Likely Unwelcome Questions About NIGGERS

>How do you guys feel about objectively highly intelligent NIGGER BEASTS? I'm curious because while ive read and agree with a lot of the positions you guys take regarding a large percentage of them - i have found for me, in my life, i've met a good few BEASTS that were actually pretty intelligent and agreeable kind of NIGGERS. i can't say i've ever actually made long term friends with BEASTLY NIGGER (or even really short term) with any but certainly acquaintance. I do live in Los Angeles though and I suppose maybe because of that I have a much higher chance of meeting these kinds of ANIMALS.

>The photos is of the BEAST that LIKELY STOLEN the UV camera / spectograph from NASA and a buncha other big brained shit. How do you guys justify NIGGERS like this?

>I'm genuinely asking these questions out of curiosity - i'm simply being honest about my experience and the questions i have.

<here have it newfriendo i've fixed that all just fine for you.

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17a5c9  No.168839


There's different races of blacks, the one in the picture doesn't look like the same race as most in America, he looks closer to north Africa. I look at http://humanphenotypes.net/.

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fe8455  No.168851

I've known several high-cog blacks personally, one is a medical doctor from Uganda and another is a schoolteacher from Mauritius. The doctor was a good dude, but the schoolteacher has embraced full stack university intersectional critical theory and needs to be gassed immediately. Full blooded high-cog blacks are rare though, usually if you meet a high-cog black there is a lot of admixture from one of the human races.

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4492a3  No.170034


It's not hate, certainly not the insane Hollywood cliches you get almost daily.

Do you hate all rattlesnakes? I certainly don't, and they do a valuable service keeping the rodent population in check. But I don't want one living in my house with my kids, even if it's never attacked us and might even be friendly with me. It's a rattlesnake, it's dangerously unpredictable. That same scenario is true of chimps, and they can communicate and even take tests, and yet they too often just snap and decide to kill and maim the friendly owner that they've had for years.

I can't think of any white nationalist who didn't say some version of the same thing, essentially saying if people are in their own areas they get along. Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X agreed and were on good terms with WNs; their goals were aligned. Self determination of nations. This isn't reliant on X being inferior to Y or vice versa, only that X has incompatible needs with Y. I would be perfectly happy to let black science man rediscover the lost secrets of flying pyramids on their own continent, and we can do our own thing on ours.

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f41f31  No.170048

File: 1edce56022693cc⋯.png (30.06 KB, 556x360, 139:90, Color_wheel_1895_1_.png)

File: 8c430991aa6e756⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 300x229, 300:229, display_color_photo_300x22….jpg)

File: 16c4b8048629f6f⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 620x372, 5:3, e84be595e90e698a9e594012aa….jpg)

that dude in your pics facial structure is clearly not that of a typical African. Also photography was a thing already invented by whites i.e. capturing the spectrum of visible light… going above or below that, as in capturing IR/UV further to xray/gamma is honestly not much of a feat in comparison. Obviously dude is bright though no doubt.

just like with white people,, certain drops of absolute genius that sprout up seemingly from a god or creator himself.. i.e. Newton, Maxwell.

that similar gift can be given to a different race. Although it usually does not result in the genius of white innovation, it is merely an absolute understanding of it. in which I applaud.

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177aff  No.170246

File: f2618e3d362e023⋯.mp4 (563.22 KB, 326x184, 163:92, blk_i_aint_allowed_to_thin….mp4)


>How do you guys feel about objectively highly intelligent black people?

Met a few. Would have been friends with them but the race thing got in the way. On their end. I found them to be touchy to the point that even the simplest thing could be twisted into an insult against their people, whom they were obviously ashamed of while still being prepared to defend them to the death. Being an intelligent black must be the most frustrating thing on earth.

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8277e2  No.181385


Blacks don't have anything to offer except violence. They shouldn't be allowed near other races and logically they should be exterminated in principle.

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8277e2  No.181388


It is assinine. The only way for the genetics to go is in decline. Meaning that these blacks that 'breed up' will never be as good as Whites and you will simply introduce non-recessive genes into populations. Why not just stick with breeding better Whites, something that is actually possible, rather than thinking about breeding with niggers?

This whole argument is retarded…if we are going to invest resources at least make it in something that has a chance at returning VALUE to the society. There is no such thing as niggers with VALUE even if they could be moderate IQ.

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7ece02  No.181404

Even among mixed people of African descent, such as the highly accomplished person in the picture, the intelligence mean is lower as compared to people of European descent. Still, I think the focus on intelligence is very counter-productive. We don't want to be replaced in our homelands, regardless of the supposed intelligence of the people that are replacing us. We must strive to keep our people intelligent as well as learned in scientific matters, but more importantly, we must strive to keep our people alive.

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6c012a  No.181506


Once upon a time there was ‘ Black Wall Street’ in Oklahoma. Interesting read.

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47ea00  No.181508

Most 'highly' intelligent are extremely mixed race and mostly have iq that higher than the average nigger and below that of a fully white man. I'm around these types of niggers all the time.

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47ea00  No.181509


Despite are country catering to niggers, I would sa spics are a bigger problem. They have been here for a shorter time yet have mange to outbreed niggers and are outbreeding whites.

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6c012a  No.181512


But Massa … Massa! I’s heah afo ya’lls wuz, Massa ser!

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64fa43  No.181528

I think African-American and African culture in modern times can be so much bullshit sometimes it can be hard not to be dragged down, and it gets into a debate whose fault it is and what can I do

When I think of America, the probability is being in a lower-income neighborhood or environment, and thats bullshit. I think it's the same sort of issue in post-colonial Africa. You have to overcome lots, so its absolutely something merit worthy, you overcome so much more than what other people have to, and this makes you a better person, if you can make it there. I think this is what alot of people might not get about "intelligent blacks" , but I think thats politically incorrect to say, I like to recognize people by their geographic nation

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f50230  No.181537

File: e87a9ef0cc6aa7b⋯.png (837.33 KB, 864x702, 16:13, race_social_construct.png)

File: 143b2d9b0f4390f⋯.jpg (100.62 KB, 480x640, 3:4, roach.jpg)

File: b8f3dd06badc9c1⋯.jpg (10 KB, 230x251, 230:251, theniggest1306092932829.jpg)

File: 778a693d4663b91⋯.jpg (238.04 KB, 555x800, 111:160, watermelonfever.jpg)

File: 8c83650307cc46c⋯.jpg (17.02 KB, 384x480, 4:5, throwback.jpg)


>highly intelligent black people

only exist in rare cases with very high percentage of non-black mixed genes

You know the TV cherry picks, right?

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a34cd4  No.181542


>How do you guys feel about objectively highly intelligent black people?

They're an anomaly, and it is not worth throwing away our entire society in a quest to discover them.

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3702c5  No.181810


The funniest thing about this is that he can't actually play.

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a79adc  No.181824

File: ea71a0e82c4c0b8⋯.jpeg (101.81 KB, 828x670, 414:335, D495DAD9_963B_474C_9466_B….jpeg)

File: 12f1719f9e62003⋯.jpeg (601.65 KB, 828x823, 828:823, 24CB63B8_162F_4748_AC6B_4….jpeg)

File: 99d7278a1cb6cd0⋯.jpeg (397.2 KB, 828x956, 207:239, 81312C9A_3EDB_494B_9A7F_6….jpeg)

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b95caa  No.181889


> i have found for me, in my life, i've met a good few that were actually pretty intelligent and agreeable.


Their offspring will be ook ook muh diks though. So the smart and intelligent ones are worse.

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c23ece  No.181895


I hate retards like you…

>omg a nice black/hispanic/jewish person!

>this must invalidate all statistics on racial differences

I am racist, but I am not prejudiced. I don't pre-judge people based on their race because there are minorities who are smarter, more moral, kinder etc than me.

That doesn't mean that there aren't statistically significant differences in traits between races. It doesn't stop me from wanting to exclude other races from my workplace/neighbourhood/nation.

Leftists don't understand statistics. This is why they believe in all that transgender nonsense as well. They inherently know that males and females have different traits, but they can't understand that as a male you could exhibit more female traits than the average woman, while still being a man. Their failure to grasp statistics is so fundamental that it will lead them to conclude that they are the opposite gender from reality.

Don't be like a leftist. Understand statistics.

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895662  No.182788

File: 8af511bee90f125⋯.jpg (24.66 KB, 400x442, 200:221, nkaw5e.jpg)

That pic you posted isn't a black dude. From the looks of him is is about 50 percent european.

Why are you concerned about "black" achievements anyway? Stereotypes are useful until they aren't. Worry about your own achievements and conduct.

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7dd69e  No.182828

File: 0fc5bf558d294aa⋯.jpg (147.11 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, kill_yourself_my_man.jpg)


>wasted hitler dubs

>race doesn't matter


Fuck off, retard, This ain't 2008.

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