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Biden laptop stuff is ok as long as it's not underage

File: 9c7ea57c6ce9844⋯.png (1.49 KB, 140x93, 140:93, ClipboardImage.png)

97c464  No.169921

Anonymous greatly wins by exposing unspeakable truths, through irony + sincerity.

HOWEVER, poetry..

>[Viruses] are like lyrical poems in causing imperfections in machines ”made to work” and in representing the rebellion of our digital serfs.


Viruses are like that; poetry is like that too.

Grammar generates a quasi-masculine sort of kyriarchy.

(dumbly elaborated: "memetic psychological conditioning")

Viral agents we expose our selves to shape our existences,

THEREFORE we must impose a sybil certification process to prevent spam.

Immune therapies spam our genome with cruft

in addition to creating potential for well-designed health.

LIKEWISE, exposure to neuro-lingustic spam

requires from us extra tax to keep our systems balanced

operating within ethically deep parameters.

A tight information dense base made the language's fundament

minimally excludes participation especially by the most unfree beings.

FILTERing bases which enter the canon corpus

rises a barrier; a clearer distinction between

what normies base content on


what punks base content on.

Join the Rev0lution

It will not be televised

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cbc07d  No.169923


fuck off leftist, we don't want your fake kike language

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97c464  No.169959


reee is not an argument.

I have first and foremost always identified with anarchism.

And, hope is the cornerstone of anarchism.

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7777cb  No.170018

how about esperanto run through a pig-latin encoder?

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97c464  No.170080

That won't alter the fundament,

with prose anchored to five major languages.

If you wanted to maximize damage for your effort,

you'd need to severely corrupt French grammar.

Esperanto is a fortress lying in wait for us.

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97c464  No.170082

an empty fortress

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97c464  No.170109

What a lame political anchor to an unpozzed quality post.

Face it jannies you've gotten co-opted by the NAZI'es.

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97c464  No.170111

I intend to bump less. I'll admit fault on that.

But the matter is too important for such a petty squabble.

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97c464  No.170113

YOU GUYS FUCKING FAILED. I share your failure.

Yet this is the unpozzed lusus-bucking raw fact.

You left yourselves unguarded.

You relied on your supposedly uncrackable neurons

to filter pozzed faggotry. You F-A-I-L-E-D.

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97c464  No.170114

I rather you punish me than punish my content.

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996c36  No.170411

File: af5903bb34c6a8f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1124x1481, 1124:1481, Photo_1603583304749.png)

тяī þнî§.

=/>פцđ łîþмц§.


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97c464  No.172042

File: 1a7cbea8340f268⋯.png (237.98 KB, 1050x699, 350:233, external_content_duckduckg….png)

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