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73cda4  No.168256

So I told a recruiter who pitched the world defense force to me, I come from the great nation of Kekistan. Long end of the short end of that, that escalated to me joining, and despite me committing to that story the entire way. Multiple chiefs enjoyed playing along, even before officiating me when we could still turn back. Before shipping, we made an "informal verbal contract" that I would serve as the Kekistan laison to the United States navy. People here love anonymous and continually accept me as representative of internet culture, no matter how informed my representation accords with prior knowledge. I made my way two weeks until graduating my final school when a civilian in behavioral health took concern to the fact socialization by internet culture might create conflict with purebred 'merican culture. The psychiatrist explained that growing up on the internet "is like coming from a different country" regurgitating what I said to everyone else lol then I took the opportunity to school them on the difference between a nation, a state, and a country explaining what a diaspora meant etc. Ultimately they "diagnosed me" "developmental speech and language disorder, unspecified" then recommended separation for failing to disclose a prior hospitalization a few years ago.

Overall a silly game. Thinking about going to Hong Kong afterwards.

If anyone thinks I should fight to stay in, tell me.

Also, happy to answer any questions.

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f60389  No.168261

>I’m a clinically brain damaged redditor

>le funny may may alt-right is good

>lol I join ZOG golem

>I defraud ZOG golem

>wow they kick me out how dare they

>also should I STAY in the ZOG golem?

Reminder that I’m forced to leave shit like this up.

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73cda4  No.168265

Was the idea really that bad?

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ec0d30  No.168267

File: 8dba4d838df4d69⋯.jpg (32.36 KB, 403x394, 403:394, 123.jpg)

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73cda4  No.168268

Thanks anon ;-; >>168267

I thought I acted too early.

Then Corona-virus happened.

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f60389  No.168269


Sup, W. Defending reddit spam now too, huh.

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ec0d30  No.168272


I'm not defending reddit spam. I'm making fun of someone who bothers to respond to an OP, but can't do it in any coherent manner. With a bad OP, you have a choice:

1] Don't reply. This is the most difficult choice for autists because they have to reply to EVERYTHING.

2] Reply, but make it witty.

3] Reply, but reeeeee like an autist whose mom just deleted his Minecraft world.

>>168261 chose 3

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73cda4  No.168275

I succeeded at (if nothing else) people liking me.

My instructor almost fell to tears at the news.

45 people signed a petition for me to remain.

Atm any level of resistance equivalent to insubordination

might trigger a mutiny scare tease..

I wrote my appeal, as you can read.

I'll let them rush me out, no stalling.

Where should I go b4 Hong Kong?

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f60389  No.168277


Sure thing, W. Whatever you want to believe.

>keeps bumping the reddit spam

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73cda4  No.168280


I wouldn't exactly consider this content appropriate for reddit..

We don't need to risk an ill-informed journalist doxxing me.

I don't care about the attention or correcting them,

but this information could turn out marginally embarrassing for the U.S.

and slightly damage the relationship with internet culture.

Besides I've met enough anons here

some of you will want to know how

the unironic Kekistan route ends.

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73cda4  No.168283

All in all, I played my cards as poorly as possible,

then still almost got a happy ending.

Even then, I got a very satisfying playthrough.

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de47ec  No.168335

Wants to fuck gooks

Mentally retarded

Navy is gay

Likes Jewish memes

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786e43  No.168336


We hardly get actively so what I'm supposed to do when I see a new thread

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986b6d  No.180659

Age-ism has toxicity to the early internet's zeitgeist,

not for pure conservatism, but negating identity agnosis

in vain attempts to grow identity fluidity.

Still haven't received a judgement.

Honesty about a cough at the pre-screening

to go to my separation physical

got me stuck in quarantine

which I went kicking and screaming

at the idiocy of protocol's implementation

such as how the screener proceeded

to not ask me if I had other symptoms

ignored diminished the cough as "mild"

then ran from the situation when

I tried to list the symptoms I don't have.

An opinion supported by

a negative test result now.

I have popular opinion at the galley

counter-intuitive to our tense playful relationship

from my firm but furtive vegan posture.

I made a strong recommendation

they make green peas, tomato juice, as well as coconut

mandatory menu items for cultural reasons.

You might as well add

crackers and seasoning packets

to the bunch but I'll let another figure that.

I want to really emphasize

we want to unpack the semitism meme

in context with the mental health establishment.

We want to expose the biases

evidenced by absorption and accountability

involving Wikipedia.

People who receive training for

legal, moralizing, and psycho-analytic roles

make more sensible less destructive

psycho-analytic decisions.

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22564e  No.180768


This. OP was maximum cringe.

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986b6d  No.181078

Life's embarrassment creates cringe.

Jim Watkin's seizing 2channel's domain cringes.

8kun's ironic racism cringes.

Proto-cyberpunk doomers cringe.

Without embracing justified cringe,

one never makes any genuine friends.

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