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File: 31180f1b7acdf30⋯.png (434.69 KB, 359x525, 359:525, paddock.png)

2476cf  No.166848

Three Years Later Of The Las Vegas Massacre and I am forgotten


Vegas Shooting Thread

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af0efa  No.166866


Of course it’s forgotten. What was anyone going to do about it? That’s a real question: what did you expect anyone, anywhere, to do anything about it? Whites refuse to fight back to save their own fucking race from genocide–why would we do anything whatsoever about a single guy in a single incident only tangentially related to just one aspect of ZOG oligarchical control? It’s forgotten just like 9/11. And the USS Liberty. And Pearl Harbor. And the Christmas Eve vote to install the Federal Reserve.

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461662  No.166868

File: 3db3e702d34c05c⋯.jpg (158.38 KB, 800x556, 200:139, hooded_man_pointng_gun.jpg)


>Whites refuse to fight back to save their own fucking race from genocide

Oh look, it's the blackpilled faggot who spams every thread with "whites won't do shit". Get the fuck outta here, kike.

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af0efa  No.166870


>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword

If I was wrong about what I said, you’d prove it. You refuse to do so–and so does everyone else–so you lash out impotently about truth that hurts your feelings. You’re so terrified of objective reality that you can’t even accept it when presented. You’re literally the reason that whites won’t do anything. Not just because you’re too afraid to prove me wrong lol, here’s where you call me a fed because you’re too fucking retarded to understand that I don’t mean physical action, I mean posting a single fucking news article about whites magically fighting their own genocide, anywhere, but also because you’re too afraid to even take stock of the current situation. It’s literally race war–has been for decades–and you deny that it’s even happening in the first place. No wonder what I said remains true.

Now reply, bitch. Post your stock photos and make yourself feel better about your own worthlessness.

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b66d0c  No.166871

File: 3aa40d52bb1deee⋯.png (152.45 KB, 1108x896, 277:224, mwnj08a25hpz.png)

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461662  No.166873

File: 6caef591d7ebfdc⋯.png (229.73 KB, 580x377, 20:13, You_Keep_Using_That_Word.png)


There's no buzzword in my comment, you dumb kike

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2476cf  No.166883

File: e35900d6e45cac1⋯.png (353.42 KB, 486x619, 486:619, fucktrannies.png)


stfu cuck

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2476cf  No.166884

File: 6accbc9ed255af1⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 540x786, 90:131, bitch.jpg)


holy shit this is cringey, sucks being you cuck

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d15c02  No.166888


You forgot the bit about paper tigers …

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af0efa  No.166892


>lol no buzzword cuz i say so

>YOU’RE the jew, not me!

>posts exactly how he was told to post

It kills you that you were outed instantly, doesn’t it.


>no argument at all

lol cry more


>double posts

>screams like a toddler

>has no argument



No, he’s banned on sight. How about you disprove the statements I made instead of whining about them?

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2476cf  No.166902

File: a65e7f62da8eab8⋯.png (260.32 KB, 637x449, 637:449, yodaclown.png)


I dont think you are even a kike shill I think you are a legit schizo. WTF you mean prove you wrong? Nothing you mentioned is relevant unless you are a retard. Most people have no clue about any of the things you mentioned and if they did obviously they would have acted long ago to do something about it. It isnt that most white people are cucks it is the fact that they have no idea it is happening. The fact that they are waking up to the fact that is happening is why you see everything going ape shit atm. The Zionists are shitting their pants trying to create a race war to stop the armed white people who know wtf is happening and are about to drop bombs on motherfuckers

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af0efa  No.166903


>you’re insane because I can’t understand your posts

That sounds like your problem, not anyone else’s.

>WTF you mean prove you wrong?

I guess they don’t teach context clues in elementary school anymore, huh: >>166866

> Most people have no clue about any of the things you mentioned


>and if they did obviously they would have acted long ago to do something about it.

And again.

>It isnt that most white people are cucks

It is, though. We clearly are. You think people aren’t informed about even the most cursory things going on? Even if all they know is lies, they willingly support it all. We do, too. What do we do? Nothing.

>The fact that they are waking up to the fact that is happening is why you see everything going ape shit atm.

Uh… no. Nothing is going apeshit. Jews paid people to riot, just like in the ‘80s, ‘60s, ‘30s, ‘10s, etc. So they rioted. And then laws got passed for more communism. Every single time. And no one did anything about it. No one is fucking “waking up” to this. They’re just letting it happen.

>The Zionists are shitting their pants

Zero evidence of this, anywhere. They control literally everything, everywhere. There’s zero fear. In before retarded faggot posts articles about how jews SAY they’re scared of the goyim, because he has no goddamn knowledge of history and doesn’t understand that jews ALWAYS SAY THESE THINGS, NO MATTER HOW MUCH POWER THEY HAVE, because it’s just how they behave. It’s not white psychology, so it’s difficult for us to contextualize. If we say we’re scared, we actually are. Since you believe jews are exactly the same as whites, you can only assume that because jews say they’re scared, they are. THEY’RE NOT.

>trying to create a race war

Yeah, they definitely want the thing they’ve been desperately trying to prevent for a century and a half…

>to stop the armed white people who know wtf is happening

What armed white people? What are we doing about this? What are we doing about anything, anywhere? Where are these armed white people? See, these are the questions that were already contained in the post you’re pretending doesn’t exist. If you had any evidence at all for your statements, you’d just prove them.

>and are about to drop bombs on motherfuckers

What bombs? Where? In what form?

>in before no argument

>in before no answer at all


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d15c02  No.166922


>he’s banned on sight

<pretending you're not him

Don't be afraid, paperanon. This is a safe space.

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4a7195  No.166934


>you’re the person you ban

Whatever you say. Paper tiger spammer is banned on sight. Please report its posts when you see them. It’s spam and doesn’t belong here. I invite you to actually hold a discussion regarding MY posts, which you’ve yet to refute.

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d15c02  No.166940


There's nothing to refute. All you do is sage and scream "oy vey muh white genocide" until everyone filters you, then you hop IPs and do it again. You're actually a worse spammer than the paper tiger guy only when you get banned, you unban yourself. Nice little setup you have.

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4a7195  No.166943


>There's nothing to refute.

Great; you’ve confirmed everything I said is true. Conversation’s over.

>oy fucking vey truth hurts my feelings oy VEY

Everything I said is true. If that bothers you, feel free to return to any leftist hugbox you so choose. Virtually every other website on the internet bans truth, so you’ve plenty of options for your ensconcing in retardation.

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d15c02  No.166949


You literally say nothing, though. You just scream spam constantly. You're all sound and fury significant of nothing. A true spammer by every definition of the word, but you can dismiss all reports against you and unban yourself if you're caught by another vol. We all see the log and can easily see how you act. Sad.

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af0efa  No.166968


>I don’t like what you say

>therefore you say nothing

Absolutely pathetic.

>you’re a spammer because… uh…

>you get banned because… uh…

>you unban yourself because… uh…

You’re right; we literally can all see the logs. Nothing you’re claiming happens actually happens. Now, since you can’t actually answer the questions or prove anything I said is wrong, are you going to scream impotently and attack the messenger some more? Come on, we all want to see it, shill.

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2476cf  No.167095


no you

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a79b6e  No.170433

File: 60912bb8cdbef62⋯.png (663.08 KB, 1074x705, 358:235, Photo_1600668163950.png)

¹al waleed tried to whack MbS and the op went to shit.

²wite nigger that thought he was going to make a bundle on his latest "collectible firearm" sell gets offed and lee harvey'd.

³MbS started his ultimo power grab move.

q op ensues.

now… peace in the middle east.

<guess no one can into math.


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c82be6  No.176640


Still don't understand what the fuck happened on that day and what its true purpose was.

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5c0840  No.176659

File: 7c323d245778db3⋯.webm (1.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Pure_Coincidence.webm)


>and what its true purpose was

regardless of what actually happened, the point was to restrict gun laws.

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cc82cc  No.176819


based truth post

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639a60  No.176876


>every word is a proven lie

>it was proven decades ago, and again 25 days ago when this thread was first replied to



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2476cf  No.178503


hahahah it the schizo from the adam green thread

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