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File: fb7c185a32c69de⋯.png (105.69 KB, 330x450, 11:15, calexitwhen.png)

7b6e86  No.166154

Reminder that the rest of the U.S. hates California!






Also, California is a complete hell-hole!






And its Silicon Valley/Hollywood/exodus is poisoning the rest of the U.S.






If you're a Californian, I just want to let you know how much I fucking hate your state!

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64b894  No.166155

File: 51c789f01f8efb4⋯.jpg (103.31 KB, 500x876, 125:219, 4i1dyy_1_.jpg)

File: f5ff6bfdbda053f⋯.jpg (105.75 KB, 500x876, 125:219, 4i1e7a_1_.jpg)

stay and fight

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e9294d  No.166156


>oy vey goyim balkanize

>give up even MORE white land

Commit suicide.

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1c1c08  No.166163


>I hate California!

Well then don't live there, faggot. /problem

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75c65d  No.166174


Balkanization is the best thing for the united states. There are huge ethnic and ideological disparities among the states and it's pants on the head retarded that they must all follow each others' laws as part of the full faith and credit section of the constitution. California produces nothing of value, only spyware and interracial porn, and yet has overwhelming representation not only in electoral votes but congressional seats as well. It is also the biggest fucking money sink in the US economy as taxpayers from every other state have to send their income to California to pay for all their public services to spics and homeless niggers in their sanctuary cities. The US would be better off if each state became an independent nation and engaged in mutual trade with each other but not foreign aid or mutual lawmaking. Also it would allow states to close their borders to Cali and New York so their residents couldnt come over and vote and enact all the retarded laws that made their home states such shitholes

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f2cb09  No.166176


>what jews want is best

Kill yourself.

>it’s pants on the head retarded that they must all follow each others' laws as part of the full faith and credit section of the constitution.

They don’t, you dipshit. You don’t get it at all. >California produces nothing of value


>The US would be better off if each state became an independent nation and engaged in mutual trade with each other but not foreign aid or mutual lawmaking.

Guess what the Constitution says, retard. You don’t get it at all.

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75c65d  No.166178


They food they produce is consumed where it's made. The heartland produces actual food exports. I want to keep the good parts of the constitution and ditch the part where these dipshits get free movement to other states, where other states have to acknowledge their educational institutions, where theyre allowed to vote in our national elections, and where they get our fucking government money. The jews love having such consolidation of power and the only reason you're against balkanization is you do too.

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f2cb09  No.166184


>They food they produce is consumed where it's made.

Something tells me that’s totally wrong. That something being import/export and interstate commerce records.

>I want to keep the good parts of the constitution and ditch the part where these dipshits get free movement to other states

Or, you know, actually solve the problem and make their ideology illegal.

>The jews love having such consolidation of power

Which is why you want to destroy white power by destroying white nations.

>and the only reason you're against balkanization is you do too.

Okay, kill yourself. We won’t be balkanizing. We won’t be doing what jews want.

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9615e7  No.166185

File: 874c0561b77a40b⋯.jpg (351.13 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 874c0561b77a40b7374798cc29….jpg)


>Guess what the Constitution says, retard. You don’t get it at all.

Name one why care about the Constitution and one reason why anyone should stay in America . This shithole is most antiwhite country every second we stay here is second less for whites, we are running borrowed time, Staying here is suicidal, we need break free and start a new nation

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f2cb09  No.166186







And just like that, the shills expose themselves.

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9615e7  No.166188


What do want us to then something need to change have you seen the demographics it's getting worse and worse.We need to do something but everytime someone says we do something someone always calls you a jew but never gives any solution to problem.

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62ba2b  No.166189


I'm from So-Cal, lived in a mountain town near LA. We had farms and livestock and parades every year until city people started moving in. It became more and more liberal and every time I had to shoot the shotgun to kill a rattler some neighbor would call the sheriff on me. He would come out and I'd show him the rattler and he would drive on off. Over time more and more people moved in and drilled wells that sucked the water table dry. They would fill their pools and water their grass then bitch and complain about the environment and how no one has water. They would come in and build big homes then pave the roads and flatten their land without understanding how water runoff works. Sections of the road would get washed out and they would not care and blame the old locals who lived here forever. It's just getting worse and worse and we cant fight it alone anymore. I've tried to vote the liberals out but it's useless. They have turned this once nice town into a urban town.

My family and I will be moving to Wyoming. We miss the snow days and miss the animals. We miss the farms and the simple life. We don't want city moving in around us. We don't mind seeing a farmer butcher their livestock or sheep holding up traffic to cross the road.

The town used to have a diner where you could tie up your horse outside and go in for a bite to eat.. they had to remove the railing and water for the horses because city people though it was a health hazard….

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7b6e86  No.166202



Isn't that what states rights are all about?

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1c1c08  No.166203


>they must all follow each others' laws

No, not really. All states must follow federal law, not each other's laws.

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1c1c08  No.166204


>California produces nothing of value

Aircraft including engines, parts: US$7.2 billion (4.2% of California’s total exports)

Electric vehicles: $7.1 billion (4.1%)

Diamonds (unmounted): $4.6 billion (2.6%)

Modems, similar reception/transmission devices: $4.3 billion (2.5%)

Shelled almonds: $3.6 billion (2.1%)

Machinery for making semi-conductors: $3.6 billion (2.1%)

Miscellaneous petroleum oils: $2.98 billion (1.7%)

Integrated circuits (excluding processors/controllers): $2.95 billion (1.7%)

Other composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents: $2.6 billion (1.5%)

Medical/surgical instruments, appliances: $2.5 billion (1.4%)

>inb4 hurrrrrr dose dings dont matter to me cuz i teh niggest

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abbff1  No.166209


Absolutely. You’ve hit upon the crux of the problem with the white race.


No, by the definition of the word.

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b07f91  No.166212


And the worst thing of all, that thing is probably a biological woman! A walking abomination.

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52c39f  No.166214


>the Industrial Revolution

<comes with consequences

Yeah, good riddance

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0a907f  No.166238


Then why do I see packages of strawberries from California farms whenever I go traveling?

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46c9a5  No.166242

File: 12955b25fc86bc4⋯.jpg (482.57 KB, 1280x1411, 1280:1411, 568uj.jpg)

Man, if I here there is a CaliExit mandate I will go there to vote fake to get them the fuck out. They make so much money but ok, they're faggots and bring filth to the rest of this nation. Also they're the ones dragging in all the Mexicans, and don't admit Reconquista is official doctrine of the Mexican government and going down right now!

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6ae69b  No.166250


I think more state freedom and the end of things like the irs and the federal reserve

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dfb29c  No.166253

This place is totally 100% fake. There are zero real people here.Where's the story on the Patriot killed by antifa in Denver? This aint' real, and fuck all you fake shitters!!!

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62ba2b  No.166254


I've read it, still waiting for more information. But the guy who shot at the mace guy looks like a little shit that wanted to prove he's a big guy.

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abbff1  No.166304


>There are zero real people here

Okay, you can leave, then.

>the patriot


>killed by antifa

Fake. Killed by private security. See, you’re too fucking stupid to contextualize reality outside of the jewish false dichotomy presented to you by jewish media. You don’t belong here and never have. We reject your ZOG emperor. We reject your communism. We reject Jew Party A and Jew Party B. You can’t even comprehend reality itself.

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f09a43  No.170321

I hate seeing Californian license plates in Texas D:

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abbff1  No.170336


I hate seeing Texan license plates in the Midwest. For those unaware of the connection, they’re universally owned by illegal nonwhites who act as “migrants” for farm labor, et. al.

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869951  No.170344

File: b8a7255daea55d7⋯.jpg (105.26 KB, 640x637, 640:637, Sage_Whine.jpg)


DearSAGE-boy, (You) always seem too blackpilled to enjoy the delicious salty tears all around.

Besides, what are (You) gonna do, really?

Sit in your mommy's basement and shitpost the word "ZOG" repeatedly, ad nauseum, on some obscure Tibetan Deep Sea Basket-Weaving Website?

There is still fun to be had.

(You)'ve got the button-pushing down, and your arrogance levels are high. (You)'re obviously not stupid, (You) just like to express how irritated (You) are with the whole shitshow. I do too, and I get it. Nobody seems very happy right now. At least (You) are not alone in that.

>inb4 "autist" because (You)s.

No one is more "autist" than (You).

with the possible exception of me.

An Example:


>fucking lefties are too easy…

Anyway, try to have more fun.

And lay off theSAGEWine.

We've all drunk enough whine for a lifetime.

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869951  No.170347

File: 1c9da2ce5028d53⋯.webm (14.88 MB, 1368x768, 57:32, JN_Ban.webm)


I forgot to add… I think (You),SAGE-boy, are the most likely government plant on this entire site; and there are a few. Not all are on the same side though. And some, like me, are just here to have fun.

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8c19a6  No.170350


Yeah he thinks we dont notice his "no one cant do anything everything is jew" bullshit, he doesnt even care discussing anything, he most definitely is only here to shill. I can only imagine the ugly kike behind his screen.

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1c1c08  No.170360


And you people were so pissed off about Antifa starting fires. Well, guess what … California is STILL burning! Antifa did you a fucking favor.

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