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Hotwheels is trapped in a prison of his own decaying flesh

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dda635  No.154895

This is a shit-your-pants scary future that awaits us all if we can't wake everyone up in time.

And I always thought he was a nut-job. But he's hit the nail right on the head in this interview.

>covid19 is a hoax.

>calls out Musk and Gates and elites as psychopaths

>5g is a weapon that can/will stop the blood getting oxygen. Then suffocation.

>what the vaccine and chipping will be like in the Orwellian future that WILL take place if we sit on our asses.

>calls for police and armed forces to take off uniform and stand with the public against the evil few.

And loads more.

Fear is their currency of control. Take away the fear and they lose control.

It's 0.01% against 99.9% but we will

I watched at x1.5 speed to save time since he talks quite slowly anyway.

If you can't watch now then please consider bookmarking and watch later.

We can help save the world from unironic megalomaniac James Bond-style villains hell-bent on world domination and mega, mass genocide

Please share this among as many people possible as it involves all nearly 8 billion residents of earth.

Obviously it's been outlawed on YouTube.


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84b09f  No.154914

based video, thanks anon. Real crazy shit in here, will need some time to digest.

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4868ab  No.154917

File: c27efc9fb7fab0a⋯.jpg (196.29 KB, 920x1099, 920:1099, jilrmyslsviwzqepofte.jpg)

Funny, I was thinking about Starlink this afternoon and then I remembered when I drove across Canada a few years ago; I was playing around in my google account and there was this map tracking me with my phone. There was this street next to a school in northern Ontario south of Kenora where I stopped for a late night nap. I had to drive around a bit trying various spots so the street lamps wouldn't shin in my face. When I looked at that google account map there was the track of my wandering in my car right down to the meter, right down to the second. Actually GPS is down to the 1/3 meter now. when Musk (an obvious front for Israeli money and stolen tech) gets his 65,000 Starlink sats up there you won't be able to escape the jew surveillance.

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e9f085  No.154921


I hate David Icke. I hate Alex Jones. Have fun following and watchin these 2 clowns for 40-50 hours per week.

>5g is a weapon that can/will stop the blood getting oxygen. Then suffocation.

Yes, the usual retardation I expect from him.

> Please share this among as many people possible

> share

And so, after you have shared David Icke's insanity after watching him alone for 20 hours a single week you're spending the rest of your free time 'sharing links'. Wouldn't the elite love for their resistance to sit on its ass and sharing links about inane nonsensical conspiracy theories?

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e9f085  No.154922


At least you know this site has IDs samefag

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c63c90  No.154927


Icke isn't without his problems, but as far as the kosher conspiracy crowd goes, he's the best.

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dda635  No.154932

>Nevertheless, they showed a modest increase in the intracellular level of IL-1b, a major pro inflammatory cytokine produced and release by keratinocytes in response to various stimuli [62]. This result suggests that 61.2-GHz exposure could activate keratinocytes. Moreover, the in vivo study of Makar et al. [63, 64] on mice irradiated at 61.3 GHz and 31 mW/cm2 also showed a pro-inflammatory effect initiated by activation of free nerve endings in the skin.



>Dr. Pall confirmed that the current 2G/3G/4G radiation the population is exposed to has been scientifically linked to: lowered fertility, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, major changes in brain structure in animals, cellular DNA damage, oxidative stress, hormonal disruption, cancer, and much more. Dr. Pall briefly explained the mechanisms of how the electro-smog emitted by our cell phones, wifi routers, cell phone antennas, and other wireless technologies affect human cells.


>Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.


>enhanced stress hormone levels found in the blood of rats exposed to long term high repetition radio frequencies


>Clear evidence of tumors in the hearts of male rats. The tumors were malignant schwannomas. etc.


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dda635  No.154933

>In addition, three large-scale carcinogenicity studies in rodents exposed to levels of RFR that mimic lifetime human exposures have shown significantly increased rates of Schwannomas and malignant gliomas, as well as chromosomal DNA damage. Of particular concern are the effects of RFR exposure on the developing brain in children. Compared with an adult male, a cell phone held against the head of a child exposes deeper brain structures to greater radiation doses per unit volume, and the young, thin skull's bone marrow absorbs a roughly 10-fold higher local dose. Experimental and observational studies also suggest that men who keep cell phones in their trouser pockets have significantly lower sperm counts and significantly impaired sperm motility and morphology, including mitochondrial DNA damage. etc.


>The applied levels of MMW power are three orders of magnitude below the existing safe limit for human exposure of 1 mW cm(-2). Surprisingly, even at these low power levels, MMWs were able to produce considerable changes in neuronal firing rate and plasma membrane properties


Reported Health Effects From Non-Ionizing RF Radiation


Scientific Research On 5G, 4G Small Cells, Wireless Radiation And Health


5G and how they plan on monitoring you DEVICE-FREE.

>Imaging using millimeter waves (mmWs) has many advantages including ability to penetrate obscurants such as clothes and polymers. Although conceal weapon detection has been the predominant mmW imaging application


>For this reason, there has been an increasing interest in device-free or tagless localization. These techniques do not require entities to wear any kind of device whatsoever and instead make use of the influence the physical presence of an entity has on its environment to determine its location.


>RF-based DFL systems exploit some handy wireless measurements from ubiquitous wireless devices to localize targets without being equipped with any electronic devices or tags.


>a highly-directional, millimeter-wave sensing network, that aims to improve indoor localization by utilizing the LOS-dominant nature of millimeter-wave signal propagation.


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dda635  No.154937

Some positives to avoid cherry picking

>On the other hand, low-intensity 42-GHz exposure were described as displaying anti-inflammatory actions [65, 66]. Using a model of local acute inflammation in mice, Gapeyev et al. [42] have shown that millimeter waves reduces both the footpad edema and local hyperthermia induced by zymosan.

>These findings suggest that LDMWH can be safely applied, even repeatedly, without morphologic evidence of damage to any normal mesenchymal tissue. Moreover, it reduces the inflammatory process in experimentally induced synovitis.


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dda635  No.154938

Some places have torn down their 5g towers

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dda635  No.154945


Thanks anon


Then he needs exposing and jailing before he completes the project

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dda635  No.155437

David icke is speaking at the mass freedom rally in london today

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4868ab  No.155515


>ailing before he completes the project

Musk isn't doing anything. He's walzing around playing Tony Stark the miracle man. It's all a fraud, an imposture. Musk/Tesla/Starlink/SpaceX is the portal that dark hidden Israeli criminal fraud money and stolen tech is using to go public and respectable.

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7dee96  No.155523


What places?

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dda635  No.155546


Some places in the UK.

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60cc47  No.176680


>5G stop blood from getting oxygen

Are you stupid son?

5G is a weapon against white reproductive health.

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5f37d0  No.176686

File: fb70affb3f90c82⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 577x600, 577:600, Screenshot_7.jpg)

Isn't flying or waving the UK flag illegal in the UK anymore? I've seen videos of cops telling vets to take their flags down.

Absolutely based video though, part of me thinks it's full manufactured opposition though.

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e26f30  No.177186


he give 95% truth then goes BLAH BLAH QUEEN IS A REPTILE to discredit it all

he's controlled opposition yes.

but, the obvious crazy shit aside you get the good stuff from him

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77136a  No.178877


If you're listening to an arthritic, former soccer goalie for information about the future, you were probably raised by a single mom and didn't go further than high school.

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