As Donald John Trump continues his all-out war on Child Sex Trafficking, patterns are starting to emerge:
Who the most prolific traffickers are.
What their sexual proclivities are.
With whom they identify.
Where they are from.
What languages they speak.
How many citizenships they have, and where.
Who is covering for them.
I can't report in detail, but, let me tell you, none of you are going to be surprised at who the leading perpetrators are NOT.
What is occurring already is that any details that may nail down patterns of just WHO is organizing and profiting from this are being suppressed, and suppressed mighty hard.
When 0.5 percent of your population is responsible for 99 percent of a certain type of crime, then, de facto, you are in a state of war with that part of the population.
We have gone to war with countries for a far smaller percentage.
The war this time is to prevent the information from getting out, because after that, it is going to be a bloodbath. Politicians are going to be doxxed by insiders. Videos of them raping babies are going to surface. The rage will take on a life of its own, like a forest fire starting in the middle of rainy season. Its spread will be slow, but inexorable.
When your primary defense is invisibility and claiming to be someone else, then information is your primary enemy.
Look for insane levels of rhetoric and media coverage of faked 'crises' to draw attention from it.
A new news network is coming, and, indeed, is already here.
But you ain't seen nothing yet.
A rifle behind every blade of grass?
A telephoto lens and dish microphone behind every corner.
A drone with a good camera behind every tree.
Welcome to the counter-insurgency that Japan never dreamed of.